
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes. Thanks.



Baekhyun stands in front of the steps of the Queen Dowager’s quarters, waiting for the arrival of the Crown Princess. He hasn’t seen his consort since the day before when she had abruptly run away from his chamber in a bout of hiccups. 

Baekhyun has regrets. He’s ashamed for allowing his selfish desires to cloud his better judgment. How could he attempt to kiss the Crown Princess when he hasn’t finished courting her yet? When he is yet to profess his love to her? 

As a prince and future king, Baekhyun is expected to practice self-restraint. Even when tested, he must not give in to impulses. And he is inclined to believe that for years he has successfully maintained to do so. However, none has tested Baekhyun and continues to test him as his utterly mesmerizing consort. Oh, how even the mere presence of her next to him taunts him— spurs him— to reach out and pull her in so he could enrapture her in the most primal way a man could to a woman he burns for. 

It is beyond laughable how Baekhyun had once mistakenly thought he was incapable of experiencing such sensual desires; an anomaly amongst those of his . However, in recent months, he has come to learn that he is just as hot-blooded as the next man. That this facet of his was not absent, but rather was laying dormant until Park Mura came along and roused it. 

Still, no matter how enticing— how maddeningly seductive— it was simply not the right time for Baekhyun to act on his compulsion. His recklessness may as well have scared off his poor consort and impeded the progress he has made with her thus far. 

Baekhyun lets out an exasperated sigh and shakes his head.

Choha, what troubles you?” Samnom asks upon noticing his master’s distress.

“They’re just thoughts. Nothing of great importance.”

It’s then the Crown Princess finally arrives. She goes to her husband and with an impassive expression bows to him before turning to face the edifice before them.

“How are you this morning?” Baekhyun asks his consort.

“Quite well, thank you. And yourself?”

“Perfectly fine. No complaints.”

The exchange is terse and lacks the usual warm propinquity that they share. A dagger of uneasiness looms over the both of them.

Baekhyun clears his throat. “Let us enter.”

He and the Crown Princess proceed to walk up the few stairs that lead up to the entrance of the Queen Dowager’s residence when the latter takes a misstep that causes her to stumble forward. Fortunately, Baekhyun’s quick reflex manages to prevent the other from coming in contact with the concrete below.

“Careful!” Baekhyun exclaims. “Are you all right?” His arm hooked around the other’s shoulder.

“Yes.” Once the feeling of safety settles in, Mura becomes aware of her proximity to her savior. 

She gawks at the Crown Prince’s face, which is not too far from her own before her eyes find themselves moving down to his lips. She is instantly transported to the moment from yesterday when the other’s oval-shaped mouth had nearly come to meet with her own. In a knee-jerk reaction, Mura squeaks and jerks out of the other’s hold at the reminder of yesterday’s happening.

Everyone, including the Crown Prince, regard her with puzzlement.

Sejabin?” Baekhyun's voice threaded with concern and confusion.

Mura clears . “Insect,” she utters softly before taking a confidant stance. “There’s an insect on your shoulder!” Mura falsely claims, pointing. 

Baekhyun whips his head to inspect his shoulder for a pest. Of course, he finds none. He, with now the help of Samnom, look all over his robe to no luck.

“Oh, it must have crawled off,” Mura laughs nervously. “Apologies for alarming you unnecessarily.”

Baekhyun knits his brows softly. “No, it is quite all right.”

Mura gives another tense laugh. “We should go in. Let us not keep Daebi-mama waiting.” 

Leaving behind the odd exchange, the two finally enter the residence to pay their daily morning respect to the eldest member of the family. 



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Mura’s ears follow the sharp sound of palms slapping together followed by a flurry of giggles. 

“I’ll get you!” Mura warns before blindly walking in the direction of where the sound came from.


Another one. This time from behind her. Mura swiftly turns around, groping the air before her.

Mama, right here,” one of the maids says, laughing. 

The Crown Princess and her attendants are playing a game of blind man’s buff in the East Palace courtyard. A game they often engage in whenever the Crown Princess is fraught with boredom. 

Currently, Mura is made to chase after the others blindfolded as the designated catcher. She hears another clap and quickly chases after the sound. She circles around fruitless as she fails to catch someone. 

Suddenly, she hears a few sharp gasps before the claps stop coming and the peals of laughter also cease. 

Yah, why is it so eerily silent, all of a sudden?” Mura inquires, a little frustrated. “How am I to catch one of you?”


Mura hears the voice of Madam Choi suddenly behind her. She seizes this opportunity to quickly spin around and grab her lady-in-waiting’s wrist. “Caught you!” Mura laughs victoriously.

The next thing she knows, her blindfold is being tugged off in haste. She sees a frightened expression on her lady-in-waiting's face as soon as her vision returns.

With her eyes, Madam Choi signals her mistress to look behind her. 

Mura twists her neck to look behind, before letting out a gasp of her own and changing her posture into a more formal one, folding her hands behind her dangui. “Daebi-mama.” She bows to the Queen Dowager. 

Since Crown Princess’ gaze stays fixed on the ground, she misses the disapproving expression on the elderly woman’s face.

“What is happening here? Why so much ruckus?” Queen Dowager questions.

“We were simply playing blind man’s buff. Forgive me, had I known you were gracing the East Palace with your presence I would’ve received you properly.”

“It matters not whether you are expecting a guest or otherwise, a Crown Princess is ought to conduct herself with demure dignity at all times. Not run amock like some misbehaved child. And you are to become the queen someday? How embarrassing for the royal family!” Queen Dowager rebukes. 

Mura wilts under the disapprobation. She does not understand the elder’s ire. She was merely engaging in a harmless game in the privacy of her own residence. She does not believe it should garner such contempt. In spite of it, she deepens her bow to a ninety-degree. “My sincerest apologies, Daebi-mama. From henceforth, I shall be mindful of my bearing,” she says with a small voice.

The Queen Dowager sneers and without another word turns and walks away. “Ko Sanggung,” she addresses her lady-in-waiting. “I have a task for you.”



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Two days later.


Mura has been summoned by the Queen Dowager. For what, she isn’t certain. Probably to lecture her further for having the audacity to have a little bit of fun in this dreary place. Heaven forbid someone should dare to commit the high crime of playing the blind man’s buff. 

Mura rolls her eyes as she makes her way to the Queen Dowager’s quarters. When she reaches the courtyard of the elder’s residence, two court ladies ambush her; each of them taking an arm of her in a stronghold.

The Crown Princess, justifiably baffled, probes them. “What are you doing?”

Instead of replying, the two court ladies aggressively push her down to her knees. Mura’s puzzlement grows tenfolds. 

“What is the meaning of this?” Madam Choi demands. “How dare you disrespect the Crown Princess like so?”

“We’re simply following the order given to us,” one of the two court ladies replies without any remorse.

“Order? At whose behest?” Madam Choi inquires. 


All eyes immediately dart in the direction from whence came the confident voice of the Queen Dowager, whose imposing figure stands on the high porch of her own quarters, looking down at everyone in her courtyard.

Both Mura and Madam Choi stare at the dowager, bemused. 

“Guards, detain all courtiers who serve the Crown Princess. Every one of them is to be treated with fifty lashes to each of their calves.”

All of Mura’s attendants present in the courtyard, including Madam Choi, clamor in panic as they are captured and harshly escorted out of the premises. 

And all Mura can do is watch with confusion and fear for her attendants. She turns to look at the Queen Dowager. “Daebi-mama, forgive me, but on what grounds are they being punished?”

“For failing to impart you with proper royal etiquette and for enabling your unseemly tendencies for far too long. You see, I have come to learn of them all.”

Mura is close to tears. “Mama, my attendants were merely following my orders. I beg of you to show mercy upon them. I am solely to be blamed for my misconduct. It is I who deserves punishment, not my blameless attendants.”

“Oh, how naive of you to think that the consequences of your misdeeds won’t cast a shadow on those who serve you closely. You have much to learn, my child. Let today be a day of enlightenment. Of course, you, too, shall be made to pay the dues of your reckless bearings.” The Queen Dowager looks at the two court ladies who are holding down the Crown Princess in place. “Remove her ornaments.”



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Baekhyun flounces in the direction of his grandmother’s residence. 

Choha, it is best if you do not intervene in the matters of the Queen’s court.” Samnom tries to discourage his master from confronting the Queen Dowager. 

“I cannot sit idly while my consort is being subjected to such treatment. I must speak with halmamama.” Baekhyun pays no heed to his eunuch’s words and marches on. 

Chanyeol, too, follows the Crown Prince with the rest of the retinue, equally worried for his cousin.

When Baekhyun reaches his grandmother’s courtyard, he finds the Crown Princess kneeling on the ground, her gaze hanging low. She has been stripped of her ornaments. Her hairpin has been removed, leaving her neatly braided hair that is tied in a loop laying over her shoulder. Even her dangui has been removed, leaving her upper body only in her jeogori. It is a move often done to humble the one being disciplined; to further humiliate them.

Every bone in Baekhyun’s body screams to run to his consort and comfort her; drag her away from here. But Baekhyun still retains his rationality and he knows the only way to put an end to this is to calmly talk his grandmother out of this ridiculous display of power. 

Chanyeol, too, despises the sight of his cousin being humiliated like this, but he is in no position to speak against the matter. He hopes the Crown Prince may be able to bring a stop to this.

On his way inside the dowager’s quarters, Baekhyun finds his mother standing on the porch. “How could you let this happen?” He demands from his mother. 

The Queen sports a pained expression. “I know you’re not so foolish as to think I have any sort of influence over her. Besides, she did not consult with me before carrying out these antics.”

Baekhyun huffs a sigh before entering the residence. Upon entering the Queen Dowager’s chamber, Baekhyun offers his bow. 

Seja, I hope your sudden appearance in my chamber isn’t for the purpose of making a case on behalf of your consort because if it is, I suggest you leave with quiet dignity. Whatever it is, it is of no concern to you.”

“She is my consort, how is it of no concern to me, halmamama?”

Seja, I understand this may not be ideal and surely you must know it brings me no joy to do this.” The Queen Dowager explains with an empathy that isn’t all too genuine. “But the Crown Princess must be disciplined for her deliberate disobedience of my command.”

Baekhyun frowns. “What has she disobeyed?”

“I had specifically ordered her to not play with a weapon as dangerous as a sword. But it seems she has been secretly frolicking with it.”

“Swordfighting is a hobby of hers. What’s wrong with keeping a hobby?”

“Such a hobby does not suit a woman. Especially a woman of royalty. She is to represent the softness of Yin. And as the future mother of the nation, she should be the paradigm of nurture and serenity, not aggression and violence.”

“Wielding a sword is not indicative of a violent nature. Trust me, halmamama, the Crown Princess is the most soft-hearted and nurturing soul there is.”

“Maybe so, but I still do not approve. And it still does not change the fact that she has disobeyed me and for that she must endure the punishment placed upon her.”

“I believe a warning should’ve sufficed for a first-time offense.”

“But this isn’t her only offense. I have come to learn that the Crown Princess has been displaying a lack of propriety. Her childish conduct has been a topic of much gossip inside the palace. Hence I have imposed such a punishment on her so she may reflect on her behavior and repent. It is for her own betterment, as well.”

“And for how long do you wish to keep her kneeling in your courtyard?”

“That I have not decided yet.”

Halmamama!” Baekhyun pleads.

Seja, you will do good as to not aggravate me further with your futile pleas. I assure you, you will only prolong the punishment.”

After being handed defeat by his grandmother, Baekhyun takes his pleas to his father. 

“I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do,” the King expresses. 

Abamama, I must beseech you.”

Seja, the Queen Dowager is well within her rights to discipline a woman of the palace as she sees fit. As King, I am not to meddle with such small matters.”

“It isn’t that small of a matter.”

“The Crown Princess is only made to kneel for a few hours. She will be fine.”

“Without a morsel of food. Not even a drop of water!”

“I know you are familiar with the Queen Dowager’s stubbornness. She will listen to no one until she sees this through. Unless she’s putting the Crown Princess’ life in peril, I simply cannot intervene. And neither can you. Nor should you. You will only make matters worse. Simply remain silent and be patient, this shall pass quickly.”



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Daebi-mama, how long will you keep the Crown Princess there?” asks the dowager’s lady-in-waiting.

“For as long as my anger smolders. How dare she disobey me? Simply because she has the King’s favor, she thinks she may treat the royal palace as her natal home? This lesson must stand as a testament to the power I wield over her and that she may never dare to cross me in the future.” The Queen Dowager is resolute in her voice.  



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Baekhyun and Chanyeol stand under the colonnade by the Queen Dowager’s courtyard, silently watching the Crown Princess. She’s been kneeling for hours now with no food, no water, and no shade from the sun. Baekhyun’s heart breaks. 

Choha, it is nearly dinner time. We should return to your quarters for your meal,” Samnom reminds.

“How should you expect me to fill my belly when she’s made to starve like so? I will not eat a nibble until she eats.”

Choha, nourishing yourself is part of your duty. At least take a light supper.”

“To hell with duty!” Baekhyun exclaims. “I will not eat until she eats.”

Samnom cowers and backs away.

Baekhyun hears footsteps approaching. He turns to find the Left State Councilor, his father-in-law, nearing. 

Chanyeol bows to his uncle.

Lord Park acknowledges his nephew with a nod before standing next to the Crown Prince. He looks at his kneeling daughter with a heavy heart. His chest constricts to watch his most cherished gift be in this unfortunate situation. 

“I apologize for failing to prevent this.” Baekhyun sports a shameful expression. 

“My daughter has done wrong, thus she must endure the consequences of her misdoings.”

“A soul as innocent as hers does not deserve such a treatment.”

Lord Park swallows the lump in his throat. “It is the way of the royal court, Choha. It is time she learns this; even if the hard way.”



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Mura feels fatigued beyond words. Simply sitting for long hours shouldn’t tire someone. But it is a different story when one is kneeling on concrete with all of one’s weight pressed on the lower half of one’s legs. Mura can’t feel much of her legs. The muscles of her lower back are beginning to cramp, a stiffening pain coils around her spine. The hunger isn’t helping either, and the thirst is making her plight that much worse. She would be thankful for even a droplet of water; the lack of moisture pricking unbearably at the inside of . 

Mura was summoned here at high noon. It is now well past nightfall with no sign to indicate when this tribulation will come to an end.

Mura turns her head to the side and sees the Crown Prince and her cousin still standing under the colonnade; looking at her with pity. During the day they’ve been coming in intervals to check on her. They returned again during dusk and haven’t left since.

Choha,” Mura calls, barely audible. 

Baekhyun cautiously walks up to her.

Choha.” Mura swallows the dryness of . “You should retire to your quarters. Do not worry about me. I’m fine.” She musters a fatigued smile. 

Baekhyun silently stares at the Crown Princess for a few moments before turning and heading toward the Queen Dowager’s quarters. 

“Announce my presence,” Baekhyun orders his grandmother’s lady-in-waiting upon standing in front of her chamber. 

The lady-in-waiting bows. “Choha, forgive me, but the Queen Dowager isn’t taking any more audience. She’s preparing for bed, you see.”

Baekhyun frowns. “Preparing for bed? What of the Crown Princess?”

The court lady blinks in scruple. “The Queen Dowager will decide on it once she awakens in the morning.”

“What? Surely she isn’t expecting the Crown Princess to remain in her courtyard all night.”

“I believe that is precisely what she wishes.”

Baekhyun stares at the court lady incredulously. “This is madness! Utterly unacceptable! I must speak with my grandmother at once!” 

The court lady bars the door, preventing Baekhyun from entering. “Choha, the Queen Dowager has given me strict orders to allow entrance to no one. I must respectfully ask you to leave.” She bows in apology. 

Baekhyun seethes, boring holes into the court lady with his raging glare. In spite of it, he spins around and walks away. But he is far from being done. He will not relent without a proper fight.



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The Queen Dowager only manages to close her eyes for a mere moment when the sonorous sound of a gong cuts through the quietness of the night. Her eyes toss open and she hears the resonant sound of the gong echoing again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

She sits up angrily. “What is happening?” She shouts. “Who dares beat a gong at such an hour?”

A court lady frantically enters the dowager’s chamber. “Apologies, Daebi-mama. It is the Crown Prince’s doing.”

Another beating sound of the gong echoes. 

“That impudent child! How dare he?” The Queen Dowager grits out before getting up from her bed. 

She stalks out of her quarters with the sound of the gong repeating over and over again. Once on her porch, she finds her disruptive grandson standing at the foot of her steps about to strike the small gong in his possession with a mallet again.

“Enough!” The Queen Dowager shouts. “What is the meaning of this, Seja!”

Baekhyun sets the mallet and the gong on the ground before kneeling down. “Forgive me, but you have left me with very few options, Daebi-mama. It is what I could think of to gain your attention.”


Daebi-mama,” Baekhyun gruffs. “Please, I beseech you to pardon the Crown Princess and release her. You have punished her long enough.”

“I will punish her for as long as I deem it to be appropriate. You are in no place to make such a demand, boy!”

Make way for the King,” comes a thunderous announcement.

The King marches in through the gate before stopping to survey the sight before him. He strides toward his son and stops. “What is all this ruckus?” He bellows.

Even the Queen has now arrived to witness the commotion for herself. 

Chusang1, the Crown Prince is overstepping his bounds. He is being audaciously disrespectful toward me,” the dowager informs her son.

Abamama, the Queen Dowager is being exceedingly unreasonable. She intends to keep the Crown Princess here all night. This is beyond cruelty that someone of the Crown Princess’ small offenses does not deserve. She is being treated as though she had committed a high crime.”

The King sighs before turning to his mother. “Is this true, omamama?”

The dowager squares her shoulders. “It is and I have appraised it to be a perfectly reasonable disciplinary action. The Crown Princess will be free to leave at sunrise.”

“This is tyranny, halmamama!” Baekhyun shouts. 

“It is perfectly justified in my eyes," the dowager replies.

Omamama,” the King addresses his mother calmly. “I agree with the Crown Prince, this is a bit too harsh.”

Chusang, you should be admonishing your unruly son, instead of questioning my methods. The Crown Prince has never dared to disrespect me before. It would seem that the Crown Princess’ adverse influence has managed to slither its way into his own decorum. Perhaps it wouldn’t have come to this if you and the Queen hadn’t insisted upon voting to have that errant girl as the Crown Princess.”

“Does this mean you will not withdraw your decision to have the Crown Princess here until morning?” Baekhyun asks his grandmother, seething. 

“No, I will not.” 

“Very well, you leave me with no other choice then. I will take her away with me whether you permit or not.”

Mura who has been anxiously witnessing the stir in front of her, sees the Crown Prince stomp his way toward her. He then takes her hand. 

“We’re leaving,” he says. 

“Choha?” Mura shakes her head, frightened of what will befall her husband for the defiance. 

“Guards!” The Queen Dowager yells. “Do not simply stand there. the Crown Prince to the East Palace at once!”

Two guards proceed to advance toward Baekhyun. 

Chanyeol, who's been standing in the courtyard all along, is tempted to ward off those guards from his master, but that would be regarded as direct retaliation against the Queen Dowager’s orders, thus he begrudgingly stays rooted in his post.

But before the guards can get their hands on Baekhyun, he turns around and unsheaths a sword in one of their possession in a swift motion before holding the blade near the neck of the guard whose sword he’s stolen. 

“I will not leave without my wife!” Baekhyun declares. “And I will slay every single guard here if they get in my way.”

The Queen Dowager watches with a stunned expression. “You insolent child!” She then directs her gaze at her son. “Chusang, will you simply watch in silence?”

Omamama, please, I urge you to end this ordeal. I’m sure the Crown Princess has learned her lesson. Let us not escalate the situation any further. I beg of you,” the King pleads with her mother. 

“I expect you to discipline the Crown Prince accordingly for his impudence tonight,” the Queen Dowager says. 

The King gives his mother a small bow. “As you wish, omamama.”

The Queen Dowager regards her grandson and his wife with disdain once more and scoffs before turning to retreat inside her quarters. 

The King looks at the two guards and motions them to yield. The guards abide and back away. 

Baekhyun drops the sword and turns to his consort. “Come, let us go.” He then pulls her to her feet.

Mura cries with pain before nearly collapsing back on the ground, but the Crown Prince keeps her steady. Her legs have cramped and gone nearly numb, thus rendering her unable to walk. 

Baekhyun tries to pick her up but she stops him. “Don’t, Choha.” She pauses briefly. “I… I’m afraid I had to relieve myself earlier. My chima is stained with… u-urine,” she utters the last word with a small, shame-ridden voice.

Baekhyun’s heart shatters for his consort upon hearing the confession.

Mura lowers her gaze in deep shame. “I… I tried to hold it in, but…” She chokes on a sob. 

Of course, she did what she had to. What other choice did she have?

Despite the Crown Princess’ forbiddance, Baekhyun picks her up without hesitation. He could not care less about the urine stain. It is so insignificant to him. He proceeds to carry her to the East Palace, closely followed by a relieved Chanyeol and the rest of the prince’s retinue.

With everything she has been put through all day, along with this act of kindness from the Crown Prince, Mura is unable to remain composed and she breaks down. She buries her face into her husband's shoulder and weeps.

“It’s all right, my dear. You’re all right. It’s over now.” Mura cries harder and Baekhyun begins to shed a few tears of his own. “You’re all right.” He continues to comfort the other. 



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Mura witnesses the first light of the morning sun pour into her chamber through the rice paper coverings of her windows. It isn’t that she didn’t sleep. She did, but very little. When she roused, it still had been dark outside. 

Some hours later, Madam Choi enters the chamber with Janshil holding a wash basin, along with another court maid.

Mura does not miss the limp in their walks. 

“Gather all my attendants in the courtyard,” Mura orders Madam Choi once she is dressed for the day. 

Madam Choi does as told and when Mura steps out onto her porch, she finds all her courtiers lined up in the courtyard into neat columns. They were all subjected to lashes to their calves, yet they are expected to resume work as though they are not in excruciating pain.

Mama, may I ask what this is for?” Madam Choi inquires. 

“You have all been unfairly punished due to my irresponsible behavior. Words cannot describe the guilt I feel as a result.” Mura then kneels down and bows to her attendants.

Mama!” Madam Choi exclaims with surprise before she and all the other attendants drop to their knees as well. “Mama, please, rise. You cannot bow before your inferiors.”

Mura sniffles. “I apologize to you all earnestly. I pray that you may find it in your hearts to forgive this foolish mistress of yours.” Tears begin to trickle down her cheeks. 

Madam Choi, too, tears up. She limps toward her mistress. “Please, rise, Mama.” She then pulls up the other to her feet before giving the other a gentle smile. “There is nothing to forgive. We couldn’t possibly dare to resent you, for you are the kindest and gentlest mistress a servant could hope for. Whatever happened it hadn’t been your fault, hence we urge you to not carry any guilt over it.”

Mamanim is right, Mama,” Janshil chimes in. “Besides, we, your loyal servants and also your allies, hence, by extension, your hardships are also our hardships that we will gladly share and endure  with you.”

Mura’s crying amplifies, touched by the kind words of her two close attendants. “Th-thank you,” she conveys her gratitude even though she doesn’t believe she deserves such selfless devotion from them. 

“Oh, Mama, you need not shed tears over this any longer.” Madam Choi consoles her mistress. “Come, let us go inside.” She then escorts the other back inside the quarters. 



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For causing disruption in the royal court and disrespecting the Queen Dowager, the King imposes solitary confinement on the Crown Prince as punishment. The Crown Prince is to be confined in his bedchamber from where he will not be allowed to step out, at all, for five days. He is to be deprived of any and all forms of entertainment and social interaction. This means he isn’t permitted to read, play his lute, speak with anyone or have visitors— anything one may engage in to pass the time, is strictly forbidden. He will only be provided with a wash basin every morning for self-hygiene that he must carry out himself without the usual assistance from his servants, a chamber pot when needed for excreting waste, and two meals a day— breakfast and dinner. 

Thus for five days straight all that the Crown Prince will be able to do during his waking hours is sit in his chamber alone with only his thoughts keeping him company.

Upon hearing this, Mura’s guilt burrows even deeper into her conscience. After all, it is because of her the Crown Prince acted the way he did and is now receiving punishment as a result. 



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Five days come to pass. Baekhyun returns to his typical morning routine where his maids help him wash and dress him in his court attire, which he hadn’t donned for the past five days. When he steps out onto his porch he is greeted by all his attendants, who stand in the courtyard, to give their congratulations on completing his punishment and returning to his duties. Even the attendants of the Crown Princess have gathered to give their best wishes.

Chanyeol bows. “It is good to see you, Choha.”

Baekhyun smiles and claps his guard’s shoulder. However, he does not see one prominent face in the crowd. The one face he’s been yearning to see the most.

Baekhyun walks to the small yard behind the Crown Princess’ quarters where he was told he should find his consort. 

Mura sits on the swing, barely rocking back and forth. She swiftly stands up upon noticing the Crown Prince. “Choha?” She offers a bow. 

“I must say, I’m disappointed you hadn’t joined the others to congratulate me. I suppose my absence wasn’t felt by you.”

Mura stares at the ground. “Forgive me. In all honestly, I didn’t know how to face you after causing your punishment.”

Baekhyun nears the other and encourages her to sit back down on the swing before crouching in front of her. 

Mura sniffles. “Words cannot express how deeply sorry I feel, Choha.”

“You did not cause my punishment, Buin. It was my own doing.”

Tears glide down Mura’s cheeks. “But I had been the reason. Because of me, not only my courtiers were penalized but even you were made to suffer. I am nothing but a source of burdensome trouble for all who surround me.” She weeps.

“Shh, hey, don’t cry. Don’t cry, dear.” Baekhyun proceeds to wipe the wetness from the other’s cheeks. “Look at me. Please, look at me, Buin.”

Mura lifts her gaze to meet with the Crown Prince’s.

Baekhyun gently shakes his head as he murmurs, “please, do not torment yourself like so because I cannot bear to see you in distress. It pains me immensely to see you like this. I simply can’t bear it.”

As if out of obedience, Mura’s tears immediately stop flowing.

Baekhyun smiles softly. "Good girl."

Mura can’t help but melt into goo under the tender gaze and the earnest voice of the Crown Prince. The pace of her heart quickens.

Badum. Badum. Badum.

Why? Why would the Crown Prince be so affected by her distress? Why would he rebel against the Queen Dowager for her and at the cost of his own welfare like the way he did a few days ago?

Has he done so out of obligation for the friendship that they share? Or is it because of something else?

Something that goes beyond just friendship?


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1. Chusang: King. Only those superior to the king, like the king's parents and grandparents can address him as chusang. The inferiors are to address him as chonha (your/his majesty) or chusang-chonha.



A/N: Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you all had a lovely holiday season and here's wishing you a fantastic 2023! Hope you enjoyed this update. Share your thoughts in the comments.


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.