
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, kindly excuse any mistakes. Thanks.



The thirteenth Jeolgi1 season has come knocking. The last remnants of the summer heat have been gradually egressing, making way for the mild air of the early autumn to take its place. This transition period between these two seasons can be considered Mura's favorite time.

The said woman inhales a deep breath of the, ever so slightly, cool air. "Ahh..." She exhales. "How lovely," she remarks, as she relishes the weather on a leisurely stroll.

"Lovely, indeed."Jongdae agrees as he walks beside her. 

The young lord has come to pay a visit to his royal cousin and requested for her to give him a tour of the royal palace; hence why the two are ambling about the palace grounds. 

Jongdae peers behind over his shoulder at the rows of courtiers that follow them. "Do they always accompany you wherever you go?" He asks quietly. 

"At all times," Mura grits out quietly.

Jongdae takes another quick peek behind him. "Why is your lady-in-waiting eyeing me warily?" 

"You may ignore Choi Sanggung. It is simply her hobby to scrutinize everything." 

"You know, I'll admit I had been jesting about your circumstances and poking fun at the idea of your newfound status as a royal; however, at a closer look, I can see you've been, practically, handed a curse. I sympathize with you, cousin. This is rather a tragic way of spending your days, constantly being supervised, as though you were a child. I shall never understand what compelled gomobunim2 to you into this mire." Jongdae says.

"It isn't aboji's fault, Jongdae-ah. This was beyond his faculty." Mura shares sadly. "At any rate, you should rather worry for yourself. You have failed the entrance exam to the royal academy. How has osukbunimtaken the news?" She refers to Jongdae's father. 

"He has chosen to cease any and all dialogue with me. Although, I must admit, I shall happily take this over any form of physical punishment."

"What will you do now?"

"If I am fortunate enough to elude disownment, which, at this rate, seems frighteningly plausible," Jongdae says with a sense of dread. "then I shall make do with my small inheritance. Otherwise, I could, perhaps, become a merchant."

"A young lord of the gentry demoting himself to become a mere merchant...can you manage, cousin? "

"If your crowning as the Royal Princess Successor Consort has taught me anything it's that much is possible."

Mura breaks into a chuckle. She and Jongdae continue on their stroll, as she guides him around various parts of the palace. 

"What do you wish to see next?" Mura asks her cousin.

"I am yet to see the inner court."

"Very well, let us proceed there."

"Mama," Madam Choi speaks. "Doryeonnim4 isn't authorized to step inside the inner court."

The inner court refers to the portion of the royal palace where the King, Queen, Queen Dowager, and the Royal Princess reside.


"He possesses no relationship with the royal family, nor is he a member of the royal court. He has no business in the inner court."

Mura furrows her brows. "He is related to me, the Crown Princess. And, it isn't as though he is unaccompanied. I shall merely show him the royal quarters from a good distance." She proceeds to advance in the direction of the inner court.

"But, Mama..." Madam Choi tries to protest.

"You fret too much, Choi Sanggung." Mura dismisses her. 

She brings Jongdae inside the inner court. She first shows him the central palace where the quarters of the King and the Queen are located. Then she leads him near the quarters of the Royal Princess.

Now, this was Jongdae's true motive for wishing to see the inner court--- to catch a glimpse of the Royal Princess. Once they stand near the Princess' residence, he cranes his neck, in order to gain a better view. If he's fortunate, he may get to catch a sight of the pretty princess, whose beautiful image has been tormenting his conscience ever since he had witnessed it in person.

"Mama, we should move on. A strange young lord loitering around the quarters of a young unmarried princess would be regarded as grossly inappropriate." Madam Choi says.

Mura heeds her lady's-in-waiting words, much to Jongdae's disappointment.


They stop in their tracks at the deep-toned female voice calling the Crown Princess. Both Mura and Jongdae turn to find the Royal Princess, herself, approaching them with her retinue in tow.

"Gongju." Mura acknowledges her sister-in-law.

The said young woman offers her bow to the Crown Princess. "Mama, are you here to pay me a visit?"

"Not particularly. I had been showing my cousin around the inner court and we were simply passing by." Mura gestures at her cousin.

Hwa-In takes notice of the aforementioned man. 

Jongdae stiffens under her gaze, despite it being soft and amiable. She remains just as exquisite as Jongdae remembers. 

"Gongju-mama." Jongdae bows to the Princess. "You likely do not remember me, but we have been acquainted before. My name is---"

"Jongdae!" Hwa-In abruptly says before fluttering her eyelids with the realization that she had interrupted the man mid-speech. "....Doryeonnim." She adds the honorific bashfully, correcting her impoliteness. "I remember."

Jongdae's spirits soar beyond the clouds above. She remembers him. This wonderous beauty belonging to royalty remembers not only his humble countenance but his name too. He offers another---this time a smaller---bow. "It is an honor to be in your presence again, Gongju-mama." 

"Are you enjoying the tour of the inner court?" Hwa-In asks him.

"Very much so. The inner court, as well as the royal palace itself, holds much beauty."

Meanwhile, Mura eyes her cousin with bemused fascination. She understands Jongdae is in the presence of royalty, however, the genteel conduct that he is currently displaying to the Royal Princess is the antithesis to his usually brazen disposition; and witnessing it is quite an odd experience for her.

The three of them continue to make small talk when a female bellow resounds suddenly. 

"What is happening here?" The Queen Dowager strides towards them, followed closely by her courtiers.

Jongdae, the two princesses, and their respective retinues all bow to the former queen.

"Who are you?" Queen Dowager surveys Jongdae with scrutinizing eyes.

"Th-this is my cousin, Daebi-mama. I had been giving him a tour of the palace," Mura answers in her cousin's stead. 

The Queen Dowager shifts her gaze to her granddaughter. "Gongju, you may retreat to your quarters."

"Yes, halmamama." Hwa-In bows to her grandmother before scurrying away. 

Jongdae dejectedly watches the Royal Princess disappear into her quarters.

"Sejabin," The Queen Dowager gruffs. "No outside men are encouraged to enter the inner court without permission, with the exception of the court officials." She shoots a sharp glare at the Crown Princess' lady-in-waiting. "Were you not informed?"

Madam Choi drops to her knees. "Forgive me, Mama. Please, punish this incompetent servant." 

Mura promptly bows ninety degrees. "Forgive me, Daebi-mama. Choi Sanggung had, indeed, informed me, but I chose to ignore it. It is I who is at fault, and thus I must beseech you to not condemn her." 

"You have some nerve. Not only do you dare disregard the rules of the court but you also allow an outside man to freely fraternize with the young princess. This is such an indecent display of conduct. You must be punished for your transgression." 

Dread spreads across Jongdae's chest, while his throat turns dry. Punish? He can't help but blame himself for this prickly situation. He stands there dumbly, unable to say or do anything. As a kindred, it is part of Jongdae's instinct to wish to protect his cousin. However, how could someone of his status possibly object to the wishes of the senior-most member of the royal family?

Mura is even more frightened. She mentally chides herself for being so foolish. As much as she detests admitting to it, she should have listened to Choi Sanggung. 

"Daebi-mama." The Queen appears from nowhere and approaches them. "What seems to be the matter?"

Everyone, with the exception of the Queen Dowager, bows to the Queen.

"Chungjon, it is good that you're here." The former queen briefs her daughter-in-law about the matter at hand.

The Queen looks disappointedly at her own daughter-in-law. "Sejabin, care to elaborate?"

Mura who remains in bowing position says, "Forgive me, Chungjon-mama. I had carelessly assumed since my cousin was in my company, entering the inner court would not be an issue. As for the Royal Princess, we had simply run into her by chance and were only briefly exchanging pleasantries."

"She must be punished!" The Queen Dowager insists.

"Daebi-mama, the Crown Princess is still somewhat new to the royal court. Although, she should have heeded her lady-in-waiting, for a first-time offense I believe a tough warning shall suffice." The Queen reasons with her mother-in-law.

"You wish to completely overlook the matter?" The Queen Dowager asks, disgruntled.

"Not overlook, rather set it aside for it shall be taken into consideration if she fails to uphold the customs of the court again in the future. Please, Mama, I implore you to forgive the Crown Princess, presently."

The Queen Dowager casts a contemptuous glare at the Crown Princess and scoffs before walking away without another word. 

"My sincerest apologies for inconveniencing you, Chungjon-mama." Mura expresses. "Also, my deepest gratitude for granting me your benevolent grace."

The Queen looks at Madam Choi. " the Crown Princess and her guest out of the inner court."

The lady-in-waiting bows. "Yes, Chungjon-mama. Sejabin-mama, Doryeonnim..." She motions for the two to proceed.

"Wah, that was rather intense." Jongdae remarks once they are out of the inner court. 

Mura sighs in relief. "Had it not been for the Queen, who knows what sort of punishment the Queen Dowager would have inflicted upon me?"

"The ways of the royal palace seem to be much stricter. Such a pity." Jongdae mutters the last part, mentally lamenting over the likely prospect that he may never see the Royal Princess again.


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Mura is preoccupied with playing the board game, umul konu, with Janshil when one of her other maids enters her chamber. 

"Mama, there is someone who wishes for an audience with you."

"Who is it?"

The maid's eyes flicker from side to side as though contemplating her words. "Forgive me, Mama, but I've been told to not disclose it."

Mura frowns. 

"The individual is waiting outside in the courtyard." The maid adds. 

Mura shares a glance with Janshil, who simply shrugs, just as perplexed as her mistress. Mura stands and makes her way to the courtyard. On her very short walk there, she tries to deduce the identity of this mysterious individual. Of all the possible faces she has expected to see, she could not have guessed it to be that of Chanyeol, who is found pacing back and forth with his hands joined behind his back.

"Chanyeol oraboni?" Mura questions, not fully certain if it indeed is her beloved cousin that she has spent many days missing dearly, or if she is just seeing things.

Alerted by the Crown Princess' presence, Chanyeol stills and straightens himself. "Sejabin-mama." He bows. 

"Oraboni!" Mura bolts at her cousin and flings her arms around him. "Chanyeol oraboni, it truly is you. This isn't a dream, is it?"

Chanyeol, whose eyes grow wide, keeps his own hands strictly by his sides. "Mama, this isn't proper. You must release me, at once." He requests. 

"Mama, nauri5 is correct," says Janshil, who came rushing behind her distressing upon witnessing her embracing the unknown man. "If Choi Mamanim6 were to find out, you may never hear the end of it."

Thankfully, the said lady-in-waiting is not currently on duty.

"Mama, please." Chanyeol pleads, immediately after which he notices his cousin's shoulders quivering and can hear muffled sounds of snivel. "Mama, are you crying?" 

Mura does not answer, instead, her sniveling intensifies. 

Chanyeol has the urge to affectionately pet the other's head, but he does not act on it as it will be considered highly inappropriate. "Mama, why do you cry?"

"I've missed you." Mura sobs.

Chanyeol's lips stretch slightly into a small smile. "I've missed you too...immensely. However, you must release me before someone decides to report this and I am penalized for such conduct." He hoped if he painted himself as the receiver of any possible punishment, his cousin would let him go. And, it worked, as Mura detaches herself from him. Fat tears can be seen dripping down from her eyes. "This isn't the face I had hoped to see. I had hoped I would be greeted with a big smile." Chanyeol tries to lighten the mood.

"My apologies." Mura proceeds to wipe her eyes. "I couldn't contain myself. I had been longing to see oraboni for so long."

Chanyeol gives a toothy smile this time. "So have I."

"I do not recall you mentioning  your intent on visiting me in our most recent correspondence."

"I wished to surprise you."

"And, what a marvelous surprise it is!" Mura smiles as the last bits of tears dry out.

"Also, I'm not quite visiting. I'm also here for the purpose of work."

"In the palace?"

Chanyeol nods.

"What sort of work?"

"Well..." There is a pregnant pause. "I've been appointed as a palace guard."

"This palace?"

Chanyeol chuckles. "Yes."

"Oraboni!" Mura tries to take the other into another embrace but is stopped promptly by a warning stare from the other. Hence, she resorts to jumping up and down with sheer joy. "I cannot believe this, you will be working right here in the palace. Oh, this is the best news I've received, ever!"

Chanyeol can't help but grin at his cousin's glee.

"Choha." One of Mura's maids utters.

Both Chanyeol and Mura turn and see the Crown Prince approaching them having returned from the morning assembly. The former two bow to the prince. 

Baekhyun gives them a friendly smile. "You must be Park Chanyeol."

Chanyeol bows again. "At your service, Choha." He effortlessly transforms into his professional self. 

"Hm, you're quite the towering figure. It seems tall stature runs plenty in the Park clan," Baekhyun remarks, flickering his eyes between the Crown Princess and her cousin. This earns him a giggle from his consort. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Park Chanyeol. Sejabin speaks highly of you."

"It is my absolute honor, Choha. I also wish to take this opportunity to relay to you my ardent gratitude for personally appointing me for my new position in the palace. I swear to fervently serve the royal family and honor the goodwill Your Highness has bestowed upon me."

Mura looks at the Crown Prince with a stunned expression. "It had been you who appointed oraboni?"

Baekhyun smiles sheepishly. "You had mentioned on several occasions how much you missed him. I assumed you may appreciate having him work at the palace."

"Choha..." Mura turns loss for words. She is beyond touched by this thoughtful gesture by the Crown Prince.

"However," Baekhyun turns to Chanyeol. "do not assume this to simply be a case of nepotism. Although, the idea of having you transfer to the palace had been based on the sentiments of the Crown Princess, the decision to appoint you with certainty had been made solely based on your merits and rave recommendations provided by your colleagues and former superior. Consider it a duly deserved promotion."

"I shall do everything within my power to live up to your expectation," Chanyeol promises. 

"I shall expect nothing less," Baekhyun says. "Anyhow, I will leave you two be. I'm sure there is much you have to catch up on." He proceeds to walk towards his quarters.

"Choha!" Mura runs up to the Crown Prince. "Choha, I can't seem to gather the appropriate words to express my gratitude in a proper manner."

Baekhyun offers a smile. "Do not fret, Sejabin. If anything, the palace has just gained a competent member in its personnel. Now go, spend some much anticipated time with your cousin."

"Thank you, Choha! Thank you!" Mura bows before running back to her cousin. "Let us go inside, oraboni. You are expected to eat the afternoon meal with me. Oh, oraboni, we have much to share with each other, don't we?"

"We do, indeed," Chanyeol agrees.


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1. Jeolgi: Refers to the 24 sub-seasons in the lunar calendar.

2. Gomobunim: Father's sister's husband.

3. Osukbunim: Mother's brother.

4. Doryeonnim: Young Lord/young master.

5. Nauri: Sir.

6. Mamanim: Madam.



A/N: Yay, Chanyeol is going to work in the palace now! Mura can now see him regularly :) Also, the queen dowager is annoying and how will Jongdae and Hwa-In's love story get off the ground if they can't even talk to each other?


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.