
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes.




After paying his visit to his royal cousin, Jongdae walks in the direction of the east palace gates to make his exit out of the premise. However, on his way, something—or rather, someone, catches his notice that makes his steps draw to a halt.  

Only some distance away, the young lord sees the Royal Princess, who appears to be circling along a small area, her eyes glued to the ground, in pursuit of something. 

Jongdae’s eyes feast on the beauty. He had wondered many a time if he would be blessed with the fortune of laying his eyes on the princess ever again. Thus, he is delighted he’s been granted the occasion. He is tempted to approach her, however, he is immediately reminded of the fuss made by the Queen Dowager about the young princess fraternizing with an outsider, and how his cousin almost suffered a punishment because of it. In the end, Jongdae decides it is best to leave the Royal Princess alone. At the same time, he finds it quite difficult to displace his eyes away from the beauty and walk off. 

In the midst of this internal struggle, the young lord’s eyes meet with those of the princess. Jongdae panics and quickly withdraws his gaze before resuming on his path.  


Jongdae stops and turns to find the princess advancing towards him. He bows to the royal as soon as she stands before him. “Gongju-mama.” 

Hwa-In returns the bow. “Are you coming out of visiting the Crown Princess?” 

“Yes, Mama.” Jongdae surveys their surroundings, expecting to find the sharp glances of the princess’ courtiers being sent their way. However, to his surprise, he sees not a single member of the princess’ retinue in sight. How strange. Their apparent absence makes Jongdae a little less anxious. But, sooner or later, they’re ought to make their appearance. “Well, I do not wish to keep you unnecessarily. I shall take my leave.” Jongdae is about to bow in farewell. 

“Actually, it seems one of my hairpins has fallen out of my hair.” Hwa-In touches the part of her hair where the pin should sit. “I had been searching for it with no success. Could you help me retrieve it? It shall be the most kind of you.” 

Jongdae hesitates. He takes another glimpse of their surroundings. What if the courtiers were to show up at any moment? However, it would be extremely discourteous to decline a lady’s request, let alone a princess’. “It would be my honor to be of any assistance to you, Mama.” 

The princess presents Jongdae with an earnest smile, which causes the young lord’s heart to flutter. Whatever reservations he had gets diminished instantly by that smile. 

“Do you have a clue as to where the hairpin may have fallen?” 

“Somewhere in this vicinity.” 

Jongdae nods and begins his search. Their surroundings chiefly consist of uninhabited residences, a lawn, some bushes. His eyes scour through the grass underneath his feet. “Can you describe its appearance?” 

“Uh... it is made of jade with pearl and gem embellishments.” 

Jongdae’s eyes hone in to pick out the item according to its description. 

“Did you have a pleasant time with the Crown Princess?” Hwa-In inquires, walking alongside the young lord.  

“Not quite. I only visit her out of pity since she constantly begs me for my company. Otherwise, my cousin is awfully intolerable to be around. But do not tell her I said so.” Jongdae chuckles.  

He is only being sarcastic. His humor generally involves the deprecation of others; especially his cousin’s. But more often than not it is only Jongdae, himself, who finds such quips at other’s expense to be humorous.  

But in Hwa-In's case, she misses the sarcasm entirely, regarding the young lord’s words to be true. “Is that so? The Crown Princess seems quite agreeable to me.” 

Jongdae realizes the princess misconstrued his intention. “Oh, no, I wasn’t serious. I merely said it in jest.” He says sheepishly.  

Hwa-In's expression transforms. “Oh.” She guffaws. “I understand now. How silly of me.” She continues to laugh. “You are so mischievously humorous, Jongdae Doryeonnim.” 

Jongdae’s chest puffs with pride. The Royal Princess regards him as humorous--- this is the greatest flattery he could ever live to experience. With a gentle smile tugging at his lips, Jongdae resumes the search. As the two seek out the hairpin, they speak some more and Jongdae finds himself focusing more on their conversation than on the search. 

Gongju-mama!” A palace maid comes running towards the two with urgency.  

“Yeonhee?” Hwa-In addresses her maid.  

The maid straightens herself and bows. “Mama, you have been summoned.” Even though, the maid tries to present herself composed, there’s still a hint of urgency in her voice.  

Hwa-In blinks nervously before facing the young lord. “Apologies, but I must take my leave.”  

“What about the hairpin?” Jongdae reminds her.  

“Nevermind it. It seems it is lost forever. I apologize for wasting your precious time. Farewell, Doryeonnim.”  

Jongdae bows and before he could get one last word in, the princess is already running off in a hurry with her maid running behind her. All Jongdae can do is shrug before turning and walking on his originally intended path prior to it getting derailed by the young princess; and what a lovely derailment it had been.  


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Two weeks later, Jongdae returns to the royal palace for another visit to his cousin. After the conclusion of his visit, he takes the path leading to the east palace gates; same as always.  

Doryeonnim!” Hwa-In approaches him. Again, all alone. 

Jongdae greets the Royal Princess, not expecting to see her. 

They chat for a bit, and just as their last meeting, at one point, the princess’ maid comes running and interrupts them, citing her mistress has been summoned. And, just as the last time, the princess runs off in a hurry.  

Jongdae decides not to dwell in the strangeness of it all.  

But then it happens, again. And, again.  

In both instances, after visiting his cousin, Jongdae happens upon the Royal Princess. And, in both instances, her maid, eventually, comes running to fetch her and the princess subsequently runs off.  

Jongdae finds the situation quite strange, but it isn’t unwelcomed by any measure. He is very much grateful for these small moments he has gotten with the princess. He cherishes them greatly. So much so, he begins to frequent the palace more often in the hopes of running into the princess. And, aside from one exception, he’s gotten his wish, as he would get the chance to come across the princess. 


We keep meeting like this. How strange,” Hwa-In had once said. 


It is truly intriguing how our paths keep crossing in such a way,” she had said another time. 


At this point, I am inclined to believe this is fate,” she had joked this one time. 


Stop visiting! I am truly growing tired of your visage,” this was expressed by Mura. 


It isn’t as though Jongdae had been relishing seeing his cousin’s face two three times a week, however he must keep up with the illusion that the main purpose of his visits to the palace is to see the Crown Princess. 

Jongdae is beginning to wonder if these chance meetings between him and the princess are actually by chance, at all? It couldn’t possibly be the case in every single instance. But the otherwise would imply the princess is deliberately orchestrating these meetings in the guise of happy accidents. Not having her retinue present when they meet and then urgency with which she leaves every time, certainly implies something suspicious is at play here. As though she is doing it surreptitiously. But that would also imply this is all a ruse carried out by the princess with the sole intention of spending time with Jongdae, and that notion is utterly outlandish. 

Why would the Royal Princess sneak out and make excuses to speak with Jongdae? Even though he does believe his charms are utterly irresistible to women, he cannot fathom Princess Hwa-In being enticed by them. 

The prospect sends a swarm of butterflies in Jongdae’s stomach, as he muses over it in his bed, in the darkness of his bed-chamber, instead of sleeping.  

No, that can’t possibly be the case. He shouldn’t even dream of such preposterous things.  


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“There is a beautiful pond in the east palace garden, have you seen it?” Hwa-In asks Jongdae. 

As always, the young lord had happened upon the princess, and as always, they struck up a conversation.  

“No, I have not, Mama.” Jongdae answers. 

“Oh, you must see it! It is one of my favorite places in the palace. Now that autumn has arrived, the views surrounding the pond is even more spectacular.” 

“If Your Highness regards it so highly then I have no doubt about its allure. Perhaps---” Jongdae stops in the middle of his sentence. He worries it might be totally inappropriate to ask the princess what he intends to ask her. But, after few moments of contemplation, he decides to take the plunge. “Perhaps, Your Highness can show me, if it isn’t a trouble?” 

Hwa-In smiles bashfully. “Ah, yes, no trouble, at all. It would be my pleasure.” 

Jongdae’s spirits soar. “Shall we go now?” He cautiously suggests.  

Gongju-mama!” Beckons the princess’ maid. 

“I suppose not.” Jongdae says in a disappointed voice.  

Hwa-In looks equally disappointed. “When will you come again?”  

“I should return in three days.” 

“I shall show you then. Now, I must go.” Hwan-In turns and runs towards her maid.  

For Jongdae, these three days may prove to be the longest three days of his life. He should have told her about returning tomorrow, instead. 


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With excitement bubbling in her chest, Hwa-In patiently waits for Lord Jongdae to appear. She touches her hair to make sure that everything is in its proper place--- something she had made a habit of doing before meeting with the young lord. She must present only her best self before him.  

Paying close attention to her appearance isn’t the only task the princess has been taken upon herself. In order to meet with the bachelor, Hwa-In has also been sneaking out of her quarters since her court ladies would never allow her to meet with an outside man. Only two of her handmaids are privy to her verboten actions, and help her carry them out. 

Not only this but the princess also has been bribing one of the maids in the Crown Princess’ personnel to inform her every time the young lord visits his cousin. This is how she has been gaining prior knowledge of his presence in the palace, thus making it possible for her to meet him at the right time. Indeed, a lot of effort being is expended and many risks are being taken by the Royal Princess for the sole purpose of spending time with the young lord.  

From their very first meeting, Lord Jongdae had captured the Royal Princess’ intrigue. His handsome countenance instantly garnered her attention, for he appeared precisely like her ideal man. She has always been a romantic, and thus had created an ideal image of her future husband, which Lord Jongdae fits seamlessly. Then his endearingly odd sense of humor and gleeful disposition has further advanced her interest in him. Moments spent with him have been the most exhilarating moments of the young princess’ life. 

These days all Hwa-In does is reminiscent her very brief encounters with the young lord and patiently wait for his visits to the palace.  

Jongdae appears out of his usual path and offers his bow of respect before offering a smile. It is a smile that makes Hwa-In weak in the knees and is what she misses the most about the young lord when they are apart. There is just something satisfying about the way his smile causes the corners of his eyes to crinkle and accentuate the natural curls of the end of his lips. 

“I had all the faith in your judgement. This is indeed a sight to behold.” Jongdae remarks as he and the princess approach the pond.  

The leaves have started to transform from their lush green pigment to reddish orange hue, which reflects on the pond beautifully.  

“Uh... Mama.” 


“Earlier, on my way to the palace, I came upon a vendor who had been selling various trinkets.” Jongdae reaches into his sleeve pocket and retrieves a women’s hairpin. “I noticed this hairpin and it reminded me of the one you were searching all those days ago.” 

Hwa-In stares at the pin. The truth is, she did not lose a hairpin that day. It was a lie made up by her as an excuse to initiate a conversation with Lord Jongdae.  

“Jade with pearl and gem embellishments. Isn’t that correct?” 

Frankly, Hwa-In had fabricated the description on a whim when asked about it, and she hadn’t remembered what she had said. She nods, nonetheless. 

“I had thought that perhaps this could be a replacement for the lost one. This may not be as exquisite as the one Your Highness once owned, and it is likely very improper of me to present you with a gift of any sort, but if Your Highness deems it worthy, it shall bring me great joy to see you accept this.” 

Hwa-In silently continues to stare at the pin, beyond touched by the gesture. She can’t believe Lord Jongdae remembered the details of the pin she had so frivolously described.  

The other’s seemingly lack of interest in accepting the gift makes Jongdae flustered. “Uh, it seems I may have offended you. This had been a mistake. Please, accept my sincerest apologies, for I have stepped out of bounds.” Jongdae who had been holding out the pin withdraws his hand.  

“No!” Hwa-In exclaims. She takes the pin from the young lord’s grasp. “This is lovely and far more exquisite than the one I owned. How can I be offended when Doryeonnim has presented me with such a thoughtful gift? I am thrilled to accept it and relay to you my utmost appreciation and gratitude.” She expresses shyly. Hwa-In then goes to remove one of the pins that already sat in her hair and places the one given by the young lord in its place. “Does it suit me?” 

Jongdae’s chest is bursts with pure bliss. “There is not a thing of beauty in this world that may fail to suit Your Highness.” 

Hwan-In looks down and smiles bashfully.  

They parted after spending some time by the pond. As Jongdae walks to leave the palace grounds, his heart and mind buzzes with great excitement and all he can do is recall his earlier interactions with the princess. The beautiful image of her wearing the hairpin that he had gifted her will remain ingrained in his mind for a long time. 

Jongdae is so preoccupied with these thoughts, that he fails to sense a figure approaching him from behind. Suddenly, he feels a cold hand wrap around the back of his neck, making him jump. “What in the--- Chanyeol hyung?” He sees his older cousin upon twisting his neck. “You gave me such a fright. And, can you please remove your hand? It is cold as ice.” 

Chanyeol keeps his hand there. “What business did you have with the Royal Princess?” He asks, eyes serious and cold. 

“What do you mean?” 

“Do not play dumb, Jongdae. I had been patrolling the area around the pond and I discovered the two of you mingling. Why were you speaking with Gongju-mama?” 

“I happened upon her after my visit with Mura.” 

Sejabin-mama.” Chanyeol sternly corrects his cousin. 

Jongdae wants to roll his eyes. “Yes, Sejabin-mama.”  

“How did you happen upon the princess by the pond? It is well out of the way to the gates?” 

“I had decided to take a stroll. Autumn in the palace looks rather lovely.” 

“Were you not informed of the ways of the royal palace? As a young bachelor, you are not to fraternize with a young unwedded princess. Especially, not in private without the presence of her retinue. It is extremely frowned upon.”  

Jongdae feigns surprise. “Is that so? I had not a clue.” A lie, of course. 

“If it had been someone else in my stead, they could have easily misconstrued. Or worse, reported the incident.” 

“What would you have expected me to do? Not greet her?” 

“The interaction seemed to have gone beyond just greeting.” 

“So we exchanged a few words. Stop overreacting.” 

“Jongdae, this isn’t your playground. This is the royal palace, a place of significant consequences. Your negligent conduct could reflect badly upon Sejabin-mama. Hence, from hereon, think about her before doing something foolish. I shall not sit idly and watch you sully our cousin’s good name. Do you comprehend?” 

“I should sully our cousin’s good name?” Jongade chuckles derisively. “I think she can achieve that all on her own merit.” 

Chanyeol’s grasp on Jongdae’s neck grows tighter. 

Jongade’s face twists. “Ow, hyung!”  

“I said, do you comprehend?” 

“Yes, yes. Now, please, release me.” 

Chanyeol lets go of his cousin’s neck. “Behave when you’re within the palace walls.” 

“What are you saying, hyung? I always behave.” Jongdae argues.  

Chanyeol utters not another word and walks away, leaving Jongdae to mutter a few curses under his breath while massaging the back of his neck. He had been in such great spirits earlier but his unpleasantly pedantic cousin sought it necessary to spoil his temper. Jongdae begins to recall the image of the Royal Princess wearing the hairpin in order to remedy his dour mood.  

It seems his cousin hadn’t witnessed the earlier interaction between him and the Royal Princess in its entirety. He reckons he would’ve received much more than a harsh grab on the neck if that were the case. 


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A/N: Decided to explore the Hwa-Dae relationship with this update. Hope you liked it. I have an extreme love affair with Jongdae's smile--- my favorite smile in EXO or in anything really. If you missed Baek-Mura, need not worry, they shall make their return in the next chapter! :)

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.