
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Kindly excuse any mistakes.


As soon as Baekhyun steps foot on the grounds of his residence, he hears the vivacious giggles of the Crown Princess roll through the air. Curious at what could possibly be so amusing, he follows the sound of the tittering all the way to the small backyard of the Crown Princess' quarters. There he finds his consort taking great enjoyment in watching a small dog, of all things, gently sway back and forth on the swing. 

“What do we have here?”

“Oh, Choha?” Mura says upon realizing the said man’s presence. “Come, have a look.” 

Baekhyun walks up to his consort and with wary eyes he looks at the panting dog on the swing. “Is that my brother’s dog?”

“Indeed. Little Yuo has come to keep me company for a short while,” Mura replies cheerfully. “Look, what a darling she is on the swing. She seems to be enjoying it very much!”

Baekhyun eyes his surrounding. “And, where is the owner, himself?”

Gun-mama has left for the residence to the royal consorts to visit his mother. He is due to return to retrieve Yuo,” Mura answers before picking up the dog from the swing. “Aren’t you the most precious little thing? My precious Yuo,” she speaks in motherese before raining kisses on the dog’s crown. 

Baekhyun watches the interaction with distaste, which the Crown Princess notices. 

“Do you wish to hold him, Choha?”

“Absolutely not– wait, no!” 

Before Baekhyun knows it, the Crown Princess is already pushing the dog onto his chest before letting go of it completely. He has no choice but to immediately wrap his arms around the furry little beast so it wouldn’t unceremoniously fall down and hurt itself. Heaven knows the sort of wrath his brother would subject to them if something were to happen to his beloved pet. 

Baekhyun is about to put the dog down, gently of course, when the Crown Princess steps closer to pet the animal. Baekhyun holds his breath, equally surprised and delighted by the proximity. He remembers to breathe again and brings the dog even closer to his chest.

“I do not understand the fascination for such…” He gives the dog a quick revolting glance. “Hideous creatures.”

Mura gasps and covers the dog’s ears causing the animal to tilt its head in confusion. “How rude of you!” She shouts quietly. 

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “The dog does not understand human language, Sejabin, lest you did not know.”

“But I do and it is insulting, all the same,” Mura argues. “And I’ll have you know, you, yourself, quite resemble a child dog. Thereby, you are insulting your own appearance.”

It is now Baekhyun’s turn to gasp. “Oho, did you just say I look like a dog?”

“A child of a dog, to be specific.”

“How dare you, Sejabin? I must stress, I do not take kindly to such malicious comparisons.”

“Yes, yes, have me tried and then locked away at a prison somewhere far far away, that still would not negate the fact that you resemble a child dog.”

“You– I swear–” Baekhyun falls silent, sulking.

“Alas, have I offended Your Highness that gravely?” Mura coos.

“Indeed you have.” Baekhyun averts his eyes sullenly. 

Aigoo, aigoo, what to do now? Will Your Highness feel any better if I mention that you look not just like any child dog but an extremely adorable one? Especially when you sulk like so.”

Baekhyun frowns at his consort.

“I guess not,” Mura mutters. “There, there, no need to be so cross with me.” She pets the Crown Prince’s ikseongwan1 as she cajoles him. 

Baekhyun’s eyes travel to his consort’s hand that’s petting him before focusing them on the said woman. “Are you trying to pet me as if I were a dog?”

Mura makes a guilty expression before slowly retreating her hand. “No.” She gently shakes her head.

Baekhyun simply glares at her. 

Oho, Choha!” Mura whines and gently pulls at the other’s sleeve. “Why do you stare at me like so, it frightens me.” She looks at the other wide-eyed in an attempt to act innocently. “Please, don’t be cross with me. I offer you my sincerest apologies. I shall never dare to compare you to a dog again in my life. I swear by it.” 

Baekhyun’s eyebrows remain narrowed. 

“Please? I said I was sorry.” Mura pouts. 

Baekhyun finds his indignation slowly melting.

Mura’s lips stretch into a charming smile. “Forgive me? Hm?”

Baekhyun clears his throat as he tries his best to keep a solemn expression and not swoon over the endearing way the Crown Princess is behaving. The dog in his embrace then proceeds to his chin. 

Mura giggles as she watches the Crown Prince try to evade the dog’s eager tongue. “See? Even little Yuo is trying to cheer you.”

Baekhyun gently shakes his head and tuts at his consort before giving her head a playful nudge. “Aigoo, whatever shall I do with you?” 

“I shall consider myself forgiven then.” Mura declares before turning her attention to the dog.

The Crown Princess continues to pet and coo at the dog while the Crown Prince keeps it within his hold. 

Some distance away Jongin witnesses their playful and happy exchange with a stoic expression and fists formed so tightly that the nails dig deep into his skin.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝



Baekhyun steps out of his quarters and proceeds to make his way to the throne hall when the Crown Princess comes running his way. 

Choha, wait!” She approaches the Crown Prince and offers a quick bow. “Choha, may I accompany you to the spar?”

“Uh, I–”

“Please? Choi Sanggung says that I am not permitted, however, I was hoping you may allow it.”

“Forgive me, Sejabin, if it were up to me I should gladly have you accompany me but I’m afraid as per the palace laws, women are not permitted to attend the spar, apart from the female court attendants,” Baekhyun informs regretfully. “I’m sorry.”

Mura’s expression falls. “I had hopes of watching Chanyeol oraboni.”

Baekhyun looks at the other with sympathetic eyes. “I truly am sorry. Perhaps, you may have him tell you all about it in great detail another day?”

Mura simply nods sadly. 

“I must go now.”

Mura nods again and offers a farewell bow. 

Baekhyun gives her a small smile before turning around to leave. 

Baekhyun takes his seat, just below the King’s, under the canopy that has been set on the gallery of the throne hall, looking upon the courtyard where the spar is to take place.

Every winter, the palace hosts a friendly spar which is participated by the royal guards. They are divided into teams of two— Team Naegeumwi, which consists of the sentry who guard the palace gates and patrol the palace grounds; while the other team, Team Gyeomsabok, consists of the personal guards to the King and the Crown Prince and the sentries who guard the residences of the senior royal members. The team with the most victories wins the spar and is rewarded with silver by the King himself. 

Hundreds of years ago, the spar was initially conceived as a way to test the combat skills of the guards and for the guards, themselves, to prove their worth in front of the King. Then over the many years, it has also morphed into a form of entertainment for the Kings, princes, and the court officials.

“All rise for His Majesty, the King.” A eunuch announces.

Baekhyun, along with the officials, rises from his seat and bows as the King appears and sits down. 

“As you were.” The King commands and everyone reclaims their seat.

The event starts with some music performed by the court musicians as they usher in the participating guards to the courtyard, which is to be their battlefield for the next hour or so. The guards begin to march in to the beat of the loud drums.

Chanyeol marches in with his Naegeumwi comrades who all don red robes with black hats and bear spears and shields. The Gyeomsabok guards come wearing blue garbs and bearing their own spears and shields. Chanyeol is thrilled for being a part of this event and his ever-present competitive spirit is very much ready for this fray. 

Before the spar begins, each team performs a choreographed martial arts number that looks almost like a dance with acrobatic moves. Once that concludes, the spar finally begins.

After almost an hour of sparring, it comes to a tie between the two teams. One final duel will decide the victors. 

Chanyeol steps onto the floor along with a guard from the other team. The two guards offer their bows to the King before bowing to each other and soon they begin their fight. 

Baekhyun watches his brother-in-law fight with keen eyes. Chanyeol is impressive. Very impressive, in fact. The man is excellent in martial arts, very intuitive and good at predicting his opponent's next moves, and extremely agile. This is the first time Baekhyun is seeing the other’s skills for he has only heard great things about the man’s abilities, and it is evident those praises weren’t some empty words. 

Chanyeol manages to break the tie; his opponent did not stand a chance. This decidedly makes Team Naegeumwi the victor. 

The event ends with the King handing each member of the winning team some silver. 

“Excellent performance.” Baekhyun compliments his brother-in-law after the other collects his share of the prize. “Truly impressive.”

Chanyeol offers a small bow. “I am grateful you think so, Choha.”

“Well, go on now. Do not let me keep you. Go and celebrate with your comrades.”

“Ah.” Chanyeol peers over his shoulder to see his teammates waiting for him. “Very well then. Thank you.” Chanyeol bows before he is off to celebrate with his teammates. 


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝

Two Days Later.


“So, have you decided what to do with your winning?” A fellow guard asks Chanyeol while they stand guard at the main gate to the palace. 

Chanyeol chuckles. “Not quite.” 

“As if he needed a winning in the first place.” Another guard chimes in. “Our Chanyeol-ah is expected to inherit all of his uncle's estate. The silver won in the spar is chicken feed in comparison.”

Chanyeol rolls his eyes. 

“Ya, Chanyeol-ah, why not gift the silver to me? I assure you I’m in much more need of it than you should ever be.”

“So you may spend it all at the courtesan house?” Chanyeol clicks his tongue. “My answer is no.”

The other guard shakes his head. “Greed truly is a disease.”

Chanyeol shakes his head, chuckling.

“Who here is Park Chanyeol?” A maid asks upon approaching the guards.

Chanyeol steps forward. “It is I.” 

“Oh, I have been sent by the Crown Prince. He requires your presence in his chamber promptly.” The maid informs.

Chanyeol exchanges perplexed glances with his colleagues. He wonders what’s this about? “Lead the way,” He tells the maid. 

Choha, Park Naegeumwi has been summoned.” A eunuch announces once Chanyeol arrives.

Let him in.”

Chanyeol enters the chamber with his gaze lowered. “Seja-choha.” He offers his bow and keeps his gaze on the floor. 


Chanyeol hears the cheerful voice of his royal cousin. He dares to look up and sees the smiling face of the said woman sitting by the Crown Prince. Chanyeol quickly lowers his gaze again and bows. “Sejabin-mama.”

“Come oraboni, have a seat.”

Chanyeol moves forward a bit before getting down to his knees, as is custom for someone of his rank to sit when inside a royal chamber. 

Mura tsks. “Oho, come sit on the cushion, oraboni.”

“Uh,” Chanyeol hesitates and gives a wary glance at the Crown Prince.

The Prince smiles, noting his brother’s-in-law reluctance. “Come now, you do not wish to disobey the Crown Princess, do you?”

“Yes, Choha.” Chanyeol gets up and walks up to the floor cushion across from the Crown Prince and takes his seat. 

Immediately after the tea maids enter the chamber.

“I have asked them to serve citron tea, your favorite.” Mura supplies to Chanyeol with a smile. 

Chanyeol half bows. “How very kind of you, Mama.”

Oraboni, why so stiff? Please, relax.”

Chanyeol simply lowers his head. He is a mere palace guard sitting in front of the Crown Prince of this nation, how could he relax?

“Is it because of the Crown Prince that you feel at unease?”

It seems his cousin has read his mind, Chanyeol thinks. 

Choha, might you tell him to relax, please?” Mura requests.

“Please, Chanyeol, you have my permission to relax. If you do not, I fear the Crown Princess will keep pestering both of us.”

Choha…” Mura whines before slapping the Crown Prince’s arm. 

Chanyeol is taken by surprise. Dear lord, how dare his cousin slap the Crown Prince like so? He braces for retaliation from the prince. He would hate to see his cousin get admonished in front of him, and not be able to defend her honor.

However, to Chanyeol’s great surprise, all that comes his cousin’s way is a chuckle.

“Do you wish to refute my claims, Sejabin?” Baekhyun teases.

Mura purses her lips before forcibly pushing a piece of morsel into the Crown Prince’s mouth. “No further chatter from you!”

Again, Chanyeol is deeply alarmed by his cousin’s conduct. 

“Chanyeol, do you see the sort of treatment I must endure every day at the hands of your cousin?” Baekhyun complains once he finishes chewing and swallowing the morsel, but smiles endearingly at the Crown Princess immediately after. 

Chanyeol breaks into a small smile of his own. Until now, he hasn’t had the chance of witnessing the two interact. When he first received word of his cousin being chosen as the Crown Princess, Chanyeol was racked with worries for his cousin. He worried if she would be able to adhere to the customs of the Royal Palace, or if the Crown Prince would be able to accept her as she is. Today, he is relieved to find that he no longer needs to worry about the latter issue. It seems the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince get on perfectly fine. And, it appears that the Crown Prince allows his cousin plenty of room to be herself, and it is all Chanyeol can wish and hope for from his royal brother-in-law.

Baekhyun takes a sip of tea. “So, Chanyeol, I had shared with Sejabin of how impressed I had been with your performance during the spar.”

“He had sung your praises upon his return from it,” Mura adds. 

“That is extremely gracious of you, Choha. I am humbled.” Chanyeol expresses.

“Of course, it was of no surprise to me. I know all too well of your abilities. I only wished I had been there to witness your victory as a proud younger sister.”

“Your presence indeed would have elevated the atmosphere, Mama.”

“At any rate, I’m glad Choha got the opportunity to see your skills.” Mura then turns to the Crown Prince. “Go on, Choha, ask him.”

Chanyeol narrows his eyes slightly. Ask what? 

“Yes, yes,” Baekhyun speaks. “Chanyeol, you may have heard I had recently lost my…” Baekhyun swallows a lump. “My previous personal guard during the assassination attempt.”

Chanyeol offers a small bow. “Indeed I have.”

Baekhyun nods. “A new guard has been assigned to me. He is an honorable man, and I have no misgivings about him. Truly. However, I was quite inspired by your abilities and after speaking with Sejabin and obtaining her blessings, I have decided I should very much like to have you as a member of my retinue.”

It seems as though Chanyeol’s mind is playing catch up with what the Crown Prince is suggesting.

“Chanyeol, I wish to employ you as my personal guard.”

The said man is rendered speechless.

“When Choha had shared his desire to have you as his personal guard I had promptly agreed to it. I knew with you by his side he should be well taken care of. I also had a feeling you should very much appreciate the opportunity,” Mura shares. 

Chanyeol remains silent. 

The soft smile on Mura’s lips vanishes. “Had I been wrong, perchance?”

Baekhyun, too, notices Chanyeol’s lack of… anything. He shoots a quick glance at the Crown Princess. “You are not obligated to accept the position, Chanyeol. You may decline and continue your position as the palace guard.”

Suddenly, Chanyeol snaps out of whatever daze he got lost in momentarily and realizes he’s been making the Crown Prince wait for a response. “Forgive me.” He quickly goes on his hands and knees and bows to the Crown Prince. “Forgive me, Choha, I was too stunned to speak for I am overjoyed that Your Highness regards me as worthy enough to protect your precious life.”

Mura sighs in relief. “Dear me, I thought we had offended you.”

Mama, Choha, please, punish this impudent servant of yours for his unacceptable conduct.”

Mura giggles. It isn’t every day she gets to see her cousin be this flustered.

“At ease.” Baekhyun orders his brother-in-law.

Chanyeol promptly straightens himself.

“I have no desire to punish you, Chanyeol. However, I do require a decision from you regarding my offer. You may take a couple of days for consideration.”

“Although it is gracious of Your Highness to allow this humble servant time for consideration, I can decidedly say I do not require it for I am certain of my decision.”

Both Baekhyun and Mura wait with bated breath.

“It would be my utmost honor to serve Your Highness by your side.”

Baekhyun and Mura share a happy glance. 

“It is settled then. You are to become my personal guard.” Baekhyun declares.

A soft smile creeps up to Chanyeol’s lips. What he expressed were not some hollow words, merely said to please a royal. Chanyeol is indeed honored to gain such a position. A personal guard to the Crown Prince— the future King— is truly an esteemed position that Chanyeol may or may not have coveted in his daydreams. 

“Your grace is truly immeasurable, Choha. This loyal servant of yours vows to protect you with both his might and life.” Chanyeol promises.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝

Baekhyun takes a stroll by one of the few lakes located inside the palace. This particular one happens to be the largest of them all. As always he is followed by his retinue with its recent addition, Chanyeol. 

“You know, Sejabin had suggested that you and I would get on perfectly,” Baekhyun tells his new personal guard. 

“Has she?”

“She claims we are quite alike.”

“Being held in comparison with an honorable man such as yourself is the finest compliment one could ever receive.”

“Tell me, Chanyeol, have you always been such a sycophant?”

Chanyeol is stunned by the question. “P-pardon?”

“I do not expect you to constantly my boots, Chanyeol. Frankly, I find it quite annoying.

“I– I…” Chanyeol lowers his head. “My apologies, Choha.”

“This isn’t the sort of rapport I seek from our exchange. You do not need to be so… on edge every time you’re in my presence. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes, Choha, as you wish. And again, I apologi—”

“You must also stop with your incessant apologies. It is also quite annoying.”

“My apo—” Chanyeol stops himself from finishing the sentence. “Yes, Choha.”

“Splendid! I am glad we are on the same page.” Baekhyun flashes a smile. “By the way, I do agree with Sejabin.”


“The two of us being alike, of course. Although, you may just be a man of even fewer words than I am.”

“If you wish I could be more talkative.”

Baekhyun tuts. “What did I just say about being a bootlicker?”

“Right, apologies.”

“I see, old habits die hard. No matter, I’m a patient man. I am married to your cousin, after all.” 

That coaxes a chuckle out of Chanyeol. 

“You do not have to change your personality to please me, Chanyeol. Besides, I quite like being the more talkative one between the two of us.” He gives a mischievous smile. 

Chanyeol gives his own smile, albeit a more restrained one. 


Baekhyun looks around, seeking the owner of the voice. 

Choha! Oraboni, this way!”

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol follow the voice and look ahead to find the Crown Princess waving at them from the pavilion situated across the lake from them.

“Good day, Choha. Good day oraboni!” Mura wishes, jumping up and down. 

Baekhyun simply smiles fondly at his consort. 

“Look at us, it seems as though we’ve been separated by a flood which later had turned into this lake,” Mura shouts.

Baekhyun furrows her eyebrows. What is the Crown Princess even saying?

“How dare this wretched body of water keep us apart?” 

“What is she talking about?” Baekhyun mutters.

Chanyeol face palms himself in his imagination. “I believe she is playing pretend, Choha, as one does in a play.”

“Huh,” is all Baekhyun says to that.

“This lake shall bear witness to my will. I shall jump in and swim across to reunite with those I have long lost.” Mura shouts.

“She won’t truly jump, will she?” Baekhyun asks, legitimately concerned.

“Uh, I’m afraid I’m not certain, Choha. Sejabin-mama can be quite… unpredictable.”

Mura slightly lifts her skirt, as though she was getting ready to jump into the lake. 

“No, no! Sejabin, do not jump! Choi Sanggung, restrain her, at once!” Baekhyun shouts.

Mura then abruptly explodes into a fit of laughter. “Did you truly think I was going to jump? You are so easily fooled, Choha.” She continues to laugh. 

Baekhyun sighs in relief. He looks at his personal guard. “She is so exhausting.”

All Chanyeol can do is lower his head in apology on behalf of his troublesome cousin.

Baekhyun returns his gaze at his consort, who still can be found laughing her lungs off. Baekhyun can’t even stay mad at her. Her vivacious laugh is enough to melt away all the exhaustion and vexation. What can he do? He is functioned by his love for his impish consort. As Baekhyun watches the animated Crown Princess, he is even more determined to make good on the promise he made to himself after narrowly escaping the clutches of death. 

See, he had come to realize that life is fickle— today you may have it but tomorrow it could vanish with a blink of an eye. Hence, if he lives, he will live to the fullest; and in order to do so, he must acquire what he covets the most--- the Crown Princess’ affections. Not that of a friend, but that of a lover. Well, Baekhyun also realized he is a greedy man, something his tutor would frown upon because such a characteristic goes against the teachings of Confucius. But Baekhyun thinks he’s allowed to be greedy with this one thing. Just this one thing. 

So he made a promise— a vow, rather— that he will woo her, with resolute, until she is compelled to give him a piece of her heart. She already has his in its entirety and she may have everything else Baekhyun is made of— mind, body, and soul. In return, he merely wants a small piece of her heart and he will not waiver until he achieves that. 


She came to me like a robust storm but remained a pleasant breeze.

But when we share the very air;

my wretched heart cannot be at ease.

Her amber eyes which smile upon me like the morning sun;

awakens and rattles my senses

She calls herself my friend and that she is;

and my beloved Crown Princess

My consort.

My love.

My Mura.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


A/N: Sorry if there were too many mistakes. I wrote this chapter in a zombified state instead of sleeping because I had a bad day and writing for this fic always cheers me up!

So, Chanyeol is now Baekhyun's bodyguard. What do you guys think about that?

And, who's excited for Baekhyun to woo Mura? Get ready for a full-on romantic Choha! 

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.