Sad Tofu

Time Lapse

It was cold, especially when you spent time outside on the pouring rain. Mina decided to head to the nearest convenience store—where she bought Dahyun's medicine a few days ago, to buy herself an umbrella since it seems like the rain has no plans on stopping. She walked through the noodles isle to grab a cup of instant noodles for her to eat when she gets home; the coldness of the night made her want to eat steaming hot noodles.


As she was walking to the cashier to pay for her instant noodles and umbrella, she saw Dahyun with her girlfriend from her peripheral view by the window right across the street. She smiled with the sight of Dahyun holding the taller girl's arms, not having a single idea of what was actually happening at that time. She dug through her black bag to get her purse and take money to pay the things that she was currently buying. As the cashier scan the items, she looked outside to watch Dahyun and her girlfriend. Mina's eyes widened when she saw the girl walk away, leaving Dahyun under the pouring rain. Mina also saw the girl look back, mina thought that Dahyun probably called her, but she continued on walking away.


After the cashier put the instant noodles on a small plastic bag, Mina grabbed the umbrella that she purchased and hurriedly left the store. She can see Dahyun sitting on the floor while hugging her legs close to her chest with her head down. Mina's heart broke with the view.


She opened the umbrella and ran through the rain to cross the road. Mina decided to walk quietly to Dahyun's direction. She gripped the plastic bag on her left hand, feeling a little mad towards the girl who left Dahyun alone in the rain knowing that she got sick a few days ago.


A few walks later, she's finally beside the tiny girl who was sitting on the cold stode pavements alone. She saw Dahyun look forward, then to her own shoes. Mina sat down with the umbrella, and they were enclosed into the small space of the umbrella. 


Dahyun finally started to wipe her tears with the back of her hand. "I thought you didn't bring an umbrella" she said. Mina felt her heart race due to the fact that Dahyun didn't even have to look at her face to know who she was.


Mina took a pink handkerchief from her pocket and offered it to Dahyun. "I bought one on the convenience store. Just take this and let's bring you home before you get sick again." she said with her beautiful smile. Dahyun smiled back a little before grabbing the handkerchief and used it to wipe her tears. Mina stood up and offered her hand this time to help Dahyun up as well. Dahyun took her hand and lifted her body which feels heavier than usual.


The two girls walked together under the umbrella that Mina bought from the store. It was a very quiet walk to Dahyun's home. Even if Mina was very curious of what happened and a little enraged because Dahyun was left alone, she decided to stay quiet and respect Dahyun's silence.


With the quiet walk, they arrived at Dahyun's place quicker than they expected. 


The house was dark, not a single light was on. Dahyun sighed when she realized that Sana didn't even came home. She was alone again.


Dahyun turned to her side and attempted to return Mina's handkerchief. "Keep it for now" Mina said. Dahyun shook her head with the handkerchief still on her hand infront of Mina.


"I have a few inside, I wouldn't need this" she answered truthfully.


Mina used her own vacant hand that wasn't holding the umbrella to close Dahyun's hand. "It seems like you're alone tonight, think of this handkerchief as me to keep you company" she said sweetly with her usual beautiful smile.


Dahyun felt touched of Mina's consideration. She folded the handkerchief neatly before putting it on her own pocket. "I think I'll be alone for a few nights" she said sadly, Mina frowned.


"Keep it as long as you want" Mina said while patting Dahyun's head, who finally showed a small smile. 


"Thanks" she answered shortly. 


The silence came back. The noise of the rain hitting the umbrella and the roof of the houses are the only sounds that can be heard by now. Both girls felt weird in all of a sudden, it's like they're waiting for someone to say something. Or maybe they wanted to say something.


Mina wanted to hug the sad Dahyun, but something was stopping her.


"You better go, it's pretty late and you might have a hard time on your way home" Dahyun said, breaking the silence.


"If you need anything, just message me. Okay?" Mina said before patting Dahyun's head again and watched Dahyun get inside.


"Thanks" Dahyun said again.


Mina didn't answer. Instead, she smiled and waved before walking away to head home.




Tomorrow came, and it's another busy day at work. Dahyun arrived late and was scolded by their boss.


Dahyun sat on her chair and started working, as if everything is on the right place. But in reality, she stayed up late last night, trying her best to contact Sana as much as she can. She texted and called her non-stop, she sent her emails, messaged her through different social media platforms—but Sana still hasn't contacted her back. She didn't even had the chance to eat breakfast this morning because she woke up late. She had a quick bath and headed straight to work.


Her eyes were very puffy from crying and for staying up late. Her body wasn't cooperating, it's like she just wanted to lay down and do nothing. She doesn't even know if she feels sick again or she was just physically tired from last night.


Mina secretly took a glance at Dahyun on her desk, to check her if she's okay. And to how Dahyun looks now, she looks far from okay.


She watched as Nayeon talk to the smaller girl with her usual energy. But Dahyun didn't even say a single word or even shifted her gaze to Nayeon. On the other hand, Nayeon realized that something is definitely wrong, so she rolled her chair back to her desk and continued working.


Mina sat up, walked to Dahyun's desk and leaned her arms on the divider. "Hey" she said. Dahyun looked up and shown a small forced smile. Mina felt pity towards Dahyun when their eyes met, she can feel Dahyun's pain and tiredness from that quick contact. "I'm going to get coffee, want some?" she asked.


Dahyun, who was typing on her keyboard, paused for a few seconds before nodding and started typing again. She didn't look up this time.


"Okay" Mina said before walking to the other side of the office where their snacks are stored. It's like a separate room. It was small since it is only designed for coffee and other snacks. There's a electric water heater on a white desk with mugs flipped upside-down and packets of instant coffee on a box. There were also individual packs of crackers and various types of bread—the generic ones, not like the ones that are being sold on the cafeteria.


Mina filled the heater with water from the dispenser by the door. Once it was full, she flipped the switch of the heater after placing it back and waited for it to heat up. While waiting, the door suddenly opened.


"Any room for one more cup?" it was Nayeon.


"Yep" Mina answered shortly before grabbing an extra cup for Nayeon. She was glad that she put enough water on the heater. 


Nayeon closed the door behind her and crossed her arms on the white desk's vacant area while bending down a little. "Something probably happened" she said while looking through the glass window that reveals the inside of the office. Mina looked at the direction where Nayeon was looking and watched how Dahyun was still focusing on her computer monitor. "She only gets this quiet when she has a big fight with Sana. I wonder what happened this time." Nayeon added.


Mina looked at the packets of instant coffee this time. "So that's her name" she whispered, but loud enough for Nayeon to hear.


Nayeon suddenly looked at her and hummed with the instinct of Mina knowing about what happened to Dahyun.


Mina told her everything. From the time that Nayeon left with Momo, up to the time when she sent Dahyun home. She told her that she saw everything. Nayeon had the same reaction of getting mad when Dahyun was left alone under the rain, but she was very thankful that Mina came to the rescue.


A loud click echoed inside the small room, indicating that the hot water was ready. Mina grabbed the three cups that was filled with instant coffee that she prepared while telling Nayeon about everything that happened last night, and poured boiling hot coffee on each cup.


"Please don't tell her that I told you about this" she said after pouring water. She grabbed three teaspoons before putting each one on the three cups. She slid one of the cups to Nayeon who took it and started stirring it with the spoon. "Just act like you don't know anything" she added.


Nayeon smiled before standing up properly with the cup of hot coffee that Mina made for her. "Of course" she said before heading towards the door. 


Mina walked behind her with two cups of coffee in both of her hands, and was a little confused when Nayeon stopped with her other hand on the door knob.


"I'm really glad that you're here." she said after turning her head back a little to face Mina. "Dahyun will probably have no idea what to do after all that" she added with a sincere smile.


Mina didn't know what to say and how to react with Nayeon's sudden compliment. "And thanks for the coffee" Nayeon said while lifting the cup up before finally turning the door knob and left the room.



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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either