The Team Building: Part 2

Time Lapse

All of the employees are finally told to go outside for their first team building activity—which is the games. Their boss, Jihyo, prepared tons of games that made most of the employees excited.

The first game was Tug of War, and employees were currently divided into two; team A and team B. They were divided fairly by picking papers on a box that Chaeyoung was assigned to make. Momo and Nayeon were on team A, while Dahyun and Mina was on team B. And with that unexpected team assignment, Nayeon couldn't help but tease Dahyun secretly whenever Mina's attention was somewhere else. Dahyun on the other hand, felt a little nervous especially when something awkward happened a few minutes ago back in their room.

After the two teams adjust to their teammates, the game has finally begun. 

The thick rope with a thin red cloth wrapped on the middle was held tightly on both sides by each team. There was also a divider in the middle to determine which team is on advantage—and that divider is the beach sand formed like a short wall. Jihyo grabbed the middle, where the thin red cloth was wrapped on, before looking on both her left and right to confirm if each team was ready. The people on the front nodded their head to Jihyo, saying that they're both ready. And with that confirmation, Jihyo finally let go of the rope and a whistle was blown loudly, marking the start of the game.

Both sides gave all of their might to pull the opposing team to lose, and the battle is getting kind of intense. It's just the beginning, but everybody seems to show their competitiveness already, especially Nayeon. 

Team A and team B shouted as they both pull the rope to their side, not wanting to lose. What they didn't know is; Dahyun was struggling with her small baby hands that is getting weaker each time she puts all of her energy on pulling the rope. Mina, who was just behind her, noticed that Dahyun has her head down during the battle. "Dahyun-ah, are you okay?" she whispered under the loud screams of their teammates, loud enough for Dahyun to hear.

Dahyun was really having a hard time for she didn't respond with words, she just nodded as her answer.

Right after that nod, Team A did their hardest pull, making the opposing  team cross the little sand wall in the middle. And since team B was fighting hard as well, the whole team just tumbled to the front, making them fall on to each other. Some of them was quick enough to jump to the side and dodge the sudden domino effect, but Mina wasn't able to do so.

Mina charged forward, her body landing on the sand with her both arms supporting her weight so she wont slam her body on Dahyun's back. On the other hand, Dahyun's whole body was already in full contact with the sand; but thankfully, her instincts was fast enough to make her head turn to the right so that her face won't be buried on the sand.

The winning team was jumping, screaming, and hugging each other with their first victory of the day, while the losing team was trying to recover from the embarrassing dive on the sand.

It took Dahyun a little while to finally realize that her body was on the sand and Mina was basically hovering her. Even if she saw Mina's right hand on the ground, it only occurred to her that they were in that position when she heard the person hovering her speak. "Sorry" Mina whispered shortly before pushing herself up.

Dahyun was dumbfounded with what just happened, and she was feeling pain somewhere she can't even identify. She attempted to push herself up from the ground, and the tiny bits of sand brought stinging pain on both of her palms. Mina was kind enough to brush off the new awkward contact between them for she offered one of her hand to help Dahyun up. Dahyun grabbed Mina's hand rather weakly as her legs pushes her body up.

"Are you o—OH MY GOD" Mina suddenly screamed, capturing everybody's attention. Dahyun looked at her in surprise, shocked that Mina could let out such loud noise. She didn't even flinched when Mina screamed and when she saw that Mina's face was painted with worry. 

Worry? What happened? 


"Dahyun! Your hands!" Mina said loudly. Their teammates ran to their direction while Dahyun looked down to her hands, wondering why Mina was acting this way. And that is when she saw her hands covered with blood.

The thick ropes made a few scratches on Dahyun's tiny hands. The stinging feeling that she got when her hands got in contact with the sand was because of the scratches, and she didn't even notice that the sand that she touched was covered with blood.

"Let's go inside. Mina, come with me" a voice from behind was suddenly heard. It was Jihyo, who appeared out of nowhere. She grabbed Dahyun by her wrist and pulled her along to the nearest clinic as Mina followed behind.


It was very fortunate that the villa that Jihyo rented has an accessible clinic. It was small, but at least it was open. Jihyo left the two of them in the clinic right after talking to the nurse in charge before excusing herself to return outside so that everybody can take their lunch break. "Watch Dahyun over for me, okay?" was Jihyo's last words before leaving the clinic while the nurse was wrapping Dahyun's hands with cloth bandages. 

The two girls has finally left the clinic a few minutes later. They were standing right outside the clinic door; Mina was watching the her workmates from afar while Dahyun was examining her injured hands.

"I can't believe I didn't feel that" Dahyun whispered to herself, but loud enough for Mina to hear. 

Mina looked at the small girl standing beside her, who kept on looking on her bandaged hand like child. And with that sight, Mina let out a soft chuckle—it made Dahyun finally divert her attention from her hands. "What?" she asked after looking beside her as well. Mina shook her head and looked to the distance again.

Nayeon saw the two girls standing outside the clinic as if they were lost. She waved her hand in the air before calling the two girls over. "Lunch time!" she shouted loudly. 

The two girls finally walked their way back to where they played Tug of War just a few minutes ago. The area feels different from before; maybe because there are tables and chairs everywhere.

The losing team was assigned to prepare lunch; and that includes setting the tables, chairs, and even cooking the barbeque that Jihyo bought specially for this event. Before Mina could even offer her help, her teammates said that it's okay and assured her that everything was already taken care of. They told Mina to just stay by Dahyun's side, and Mina just couldn't say no to that. 

Momo, Nayeon, Dahyun and Mina was seated on a round table, while the others are with their own set of roommates. 

Nayeon and Momo was already busy eating their own lunch; meanwhile, Mina just got back from getting food for both her and Dahyun. She placed a plate filled with food in front of Dahyun as she settled herself down on a plastic chair. Mina grabbed the chopsticks that was supposed to be for Dahyun before taking food from her plate.

"What are you doing?" Dahyun asked when Mina aligned the chopstick that was holding freshly cooked barbeque in front of her face.

"You think you can eat with those hands?" Mina asked, raising both of her eyebrows up.

Dahyun looked in front of her and she had a quick eye contact with Nayeon who already has a smug look on her face.

"Come on, Dubu-yah. Take a bite." Nayeon teased. Dahyun rolled her eyes—which made Momo and Mina let out soft giggles—and she blushed secretly while she can feel her nervousness building inside her once again.

Before Dahyun could even open to take Mina's kind help, her tummy let out a loud growl, making the three girls laugh crazily.

After a few minutes of laughing together—including Dahyun who just laughed her nervousness away—Mina has her hand up again, chopsticks infront of Dahyun once again.

"Come on, eat" she said, slightly shaking the chopstick in her right hand while her left hand was right under it to catch any falling food. "I got you." Mina added with a reassuring smile, and it sure made Dahyun's heart flutter.


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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either