
Time Lapse

"The dream that you told me last week?" Nayeon asked Dahyun, who was busy chewing her lunch.


It's currently their break, and they're at the company's cafeteria eating their lunch. Dahyun is on the same table with her closest co-workers. Last week, Dahyun told Nayeon about the mysterious girl that has been appearing on her dreams for almost a month now.


"Yup" Dahyun answered with her cheeks puffed because was full. She chewed her food a little more before finally swallowing it to continue talking, properly this time. "I have a feeling that it's her. But I'm not really sure since I've been only seeing the lower half of the girl's face" she added, Nayeon hummed in anticipation.


One of their other co-worker slash friend scooted closer to Nayeon, intrigued with what they were talking about. "But what if it's really her?" Momo asked.


Dahyun took another bite of her lunch before answering, trying to think of a response to the sudden question. She never thought about it, though. She never expected to meet the girl that keeps on appearing on her dreams. Dahyun doesn't even know what to do if the girl on her dreams is actually Mina.


"I don't know" she answered shortly after taking a sip of her favorite chocolate drink.


Nayeon suddenly sat up as she looked behind Dahyun. To her confusion, Dahyun looked behind and was surprised to see Mina entering the cafeteria. She watched how she bows and greeted almost every employee that she walks pass by, as if they know her already. "I didn't know that she's friendly" Momo whispered.


"Maybe she's just being polite" Nayeon answered back.


The three girls observed how Mina walked towards the buffet area. She grabbed a plate and took some of the food from the display. Dahyun watches each and every move that Mina made carefully, and she's trying to figure out if the girl on her dreams and Mina is just the same person.


A few minutes later, Mina finally finished picking her food. She put the provided pair of tongs on the buffet table before looking around and searching for a vacant table.


"Mina! Over here!" Nayeon shouted with her right hand waving up in the air. Mina looked over to their spot, and smiled due to the fact that Nayeon called her over.


Dahyun faced her food again, suddenly feeling nervous. She stared on her currently empty plate and the two girls can't help but notice the nervous tofu. "Chill, you'll be fine" Nayeon tapped Dahyun's shoulder.


Mina finally arrived at their spot with the tray on her hands. She placed the tray on the table gently before asking if she could take a seat. "Of course, that's why I called you over" Nayeon said rather bluntly. Mina showed another smile before pulling the vacant chair on Dahyun's right and settling down. 


"Anyways, she's Momo if you don't know her yet" Nayeon said, introducing Momo as the start of their conversation. The two girls nodded at each other as curtsey. "So, how's your first few hours here?" Nayeon asked while slicing a piece of her cake that she's sharing with Momo.


"It's fine, actually. Everybody here is so friendly" Mina answered with a sincere smile.


Dahyun on the other hand, is trying to steal a few glances on Mina's face. She checking if the moles of the girl on her dreams matches Mina's, and the expression on her face confirms that it indeed matches because she's trying her best not to look shocked or anything. Dahyun decided to keep quiet and just listen to Nayeon and Mina's conversation, so she just took a sip on her cold chocolate drink.


"How did Miss Jihyo find out about you? I mean, I didn't know that we need help for our new project" Nayeon asked, wondering why and how the company got Mina in the first place. They all thought that the current employees are enough for their upcoming project, that's why it brought a huge shock when their boss announced that there was a new recruit.


The company that they are working on is the famous Once magazine. It is a well-known magazine all over Korea. And the project that they are currently working on is one of their biggest ones because they are aiming for overseas sales and exposure. It may be very risky for the company since they were only local-based. But they decided to step up the game and give it a shot overseas, and aim to be the first worldwide-based magazine that is based on Korea. 


With proper connections and sources, Miss Jihyo was able to recruit one of the best IT managers in the country. They were lucky enough to have Mina over to help. It wasn't easy at first, though. Jihyo did almost everything just to get Mina's original company to offer a hand. It costs half of the income that the company will get if they succeed on this project. But if they fail, they have to surrender some of their best employees to the other company as their payment. That is the deal that Jihyo had with Mina's company. It IS very risky, since she's betting her employees for this; but Jihyo trusts and believes on her employees and their skill that this project will be a success. That's why she's trying to work their off for three months, right before the publishing and the distribution of their magazine to other countries.


"I was shocked too" Mina suddenly answered. This time, Dahyun is finally interested with what Mina has to say. "It was just a normal day then my boss suddenly called me over, saying that she's going to send me here to help with a project or something" she explained before putting a spoonful of rice in .


"You really must be the best at your company since they chose you to be the one to help us out of all the employees that you have" Momo said. Mina choked on her food with what Momo just said, suddenly feeling flustered with the compliment. Her hands tried to search for her drink, and that is when she realized that she forgot to grab one.


Dahyun offered hers instead. She quickly handed over her half-finished cold drink to Mina who hesitated to accept it at first. Dahyun showed an honest reassuring smile, insisting that it's okay to take it. "I'll get another one" she said. Mina nodded in response before grabbing the drink and taking an embarrassed sip from it.


Dahyun stood up. "I'll just get another drink. Be right back" she daid before waking away from their table rather quicker than normal.


What she didn't know is that Nayeon excused herself to follow Dahyun, leaving Momo and Mina alone on the table. 


Dahyun grabbed some bills from her pocket and inserted it into the vending machine. She decided to go for a boxed chocolate drink this time rather than the drink that she usually orders over the counter.


"Why are you so nervous?" a voice was heard from behind which made Dahyun jump a little in surprise.


"I don't know" Dahyun said before lowering herself down to pick up the boxed milk that she purchased from the vending machine. "I really have this feeling that she's the girl on my dreams" she added after getting her drink.


"The girl on your dreams has moles on her face right?" Nayeon asked, Dahyun nodded as the both of them watches Momo and Mina from afar. The two girls seems to be talking happily, and it was also the first time that they saw Mina smile that way.


Suddenly, Nayeon slapped Dahyun's shoulder playfully. "What the hell was that for?" Dahyun said as she move her other hand on the arm that Nayeon slapped with her big and heavy hand.


"Why can't you see the full face of the girl on your dreams?" Nayeon asked while they walk back to their table.


"It's not my fault that I can only see the half of it" Dahyun rolled her eyes at Nayeon's remark. She can't believe that Nayeon just blamed her for not being able to control what she sees on her dreams.


"Nabong! Dubu!" Momo said excitedly when the two girls finally got back to their spot. They settled down on their respective chairs before asking Momo what the excitement is all about. "I just found out that Mina is from Japan as well!" Momo exclaimed in happiness, obviously showing that she's happy to finally meet someone from the country that she came from.


Dahyun stared at Mina who was smiling so beautifully. She didn't know if the attraction towards the beauty of this new girl is only because of her dream. The awkward staring was interrupted by a nudge on her left shoulder.


"Stop staring" Nayeon whispered. 


Dahyun blushed secretly before taking a sip of her newly bought drink. "I wasn't staring" she whispered back.


A cheeky smile suddenly appeared on Nayeon's face, teasing the small girl. "Anyways, have they informed you about your welcoming party tomorrow?" Nayeon said. Mina tilted her face in confusion while sipping the drink that used to be Dahyun's. "We always have a karaoke night as a welcoming party for new employees. It's been a while since we had one because they didn't really hire anyone after a long time." Nayeon explained while Momo and Dahyun nodded together.


Momo pulled her chair closer to Mina and clinged on to her right arm with a puppy-like face. "Don't tell me you wouldn't be there" she said, her eyes trying to beg Mina like a puppy. "It's a party for you" she added with a pout.


Mina let out a chuckle that made Dahyun felt weird feelings again. This is so unusual for Dahyun, she keeps on wondering why she's feeling this way whenever Mina giggles or everytime that they have eye contact.


"I'll come, of course" Mina answered.


Momo let go of Mina's arms and moved her own rather excitedly. The three girls—Nayeon, Mina, and Dahyun, laughed together due to Momo's sudden dorkiness.


And in the middle of their laughing session, Dahyun keeps on stealing a glance on the new girl. She noticed how her gums are visible and how her cheeks puffed like it was the squishiest thing ever whenever she smiles or laughs widely. Dahyun thought that it was very cute. 


All of them felt excitement for tomorrow's welcoming party, especially Dahyun.

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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either