Sick Dahyun

Time Lapse

Cold—it was a very cold night. Especially from up above. 


Up above?


She looked around, and she saw people looking afar and even taking pictures of the evening view. Some of them are even looking below from where they are. The only thing is; she's not really sure whether she's at Korea or at a different country.


In all of a sudden, a voice beside her was heard.


"I really like this" a small girl said rather excitedly. It took her a while to recognize the girl, but what shocked her the most is when she responded in an instant; as if she didn't even have to think about what to say.


"You like this?" she asked. 


The smaller girl placed her head on her chest and closed her eyes. "Yeah" she whispered under the murmurs of the other people. 


Without second thoughts again, she answered; "We've been saying that we want to see this the whole day."


The smaller girl lifted her head from her chest and looked at her with eyes twinkling with happiness—like she was about to cry. "I really wanted to see this" she said with a small smile.


But then, the smaller girl's voice and face started to fade. "Mina-chan" she called out, echoing through Mina's mind like were alone inside an empty tunnel.


Mina's eyes jolted open when the sound of her phone alarm went off. She reached over her phone on the night stand beside her bed to turn the loud alarm off. She looked at the time, and she has two more hours left before work. She usually sets an alarm an hour or two in advance so she won't rush everything and have a little time for herself.


Mina tapped the gallery icon on her phone and looked through the pictures of the past welcoming party that her co-workers organized for her. She looked at their group picture quietly, which was taken by Nayeon using a selfie stick. They were all in frame—the guys are in the back while the girls posed in front with peace signs and Nayeon was just a few inches away so that the phone camera will be able to capture them all. She was standing beside Dahyun, obviously, since she grew a little fond of the latter. She zoomed in on their area and thought about her dream. Why did Dahyun suddenly appear on her dream? Is it because she likes spending time with her?


She shook her head before tapping the back button and locking her phone before standing up and decided to eat breakfast.


Mina's morning routine before work consists of: scrolling through her social media first thing in the morning before proceeding to eating breakfast. She usually spends an hour or a half on bed with her phone. She only gets up when she's feeling hungry and when she needed to go to the toilet. 


After eating, she plays some of her games installed on her phone whenever she has a fair amount of time left. Or she consumes her time on her phone again right after taking a bath first. 


Once Magazine's building is approximately 20 minutes away from her apartment. Just like what she said on the welcoming party, she enjoys going to work on commute rather than bringing her car everyday.


But today is an exception. 


For some reason, Mina felt that she has to bring her car to work today. Mina hates this unsure feeling, it's like something bad is going to happen—and she doesn't want that. So, she went with what her guts was telling her. She brought her car to work.


She arrived at work in no time, probably the first time that she came to work this early. She didn't even see the usual crowd waiting for the traffic light to turn red for them to cross the road.


While Mina was on her way to their office at the fifth floor, she decided to pay a quick stop at the cafeteria to buy something that she can nibble with while working. There was a candy stand by the dessert area on the cafeteria, which really brought joy to her when she first got here. She bought a few packs of jellies as snacks for later, and bought a bar for chocolate for Dahyun. She didn't actually know why she bought one for Dahyun; but for her, it's like it was something that she had to do.


She got out of the cafeteria and headed to their office through the stairs. She wasn't feeling the elevator for today.


Right when the sliding glass door of their department opened for her to walk in to, Nayeon greeted her with her big bunny smile, revealing her cute rabbit tooth. "Good morning, Minari! You're early today" she said enthusiastically. Mina smiled in response, not knowing how to keep up with the energy this early.


Mina reached into the plastic on her hand and grabbed one of the pack of jellies that she just bought and handed it over to Nayeon, who just stared at it with her eyes widened in surprise. "Take it, Nayeonie" Mina said.


Naeyeon's eyes sparkled with excitement when she accepted Mina's offering. "Thank you! Momoring would love this too!" she said while hugging the pack of cola gummies near her chest. Mina enjoyed the view of the excited bunny, so she reached in to her plastic bag again to get another pack of gummies.


"For Momo" she said while handing over a different pack of gummies, which Nayeon accepted happily again. 


"You're a blessing, Minari!" she said before hugging the taller girl and ran towards Momo's desk while waving both of the pack of gummies up in the air. 


Mina let out a soft giggle while she walks to her own desk.


"Where's my gummies?" a muffled voice was heard. It's familiar, but it sounded so different today. Mina looked behind her and saw Dahyun standing with both of her hands on her jacket's pocket while wearing a face mask. Her eyes were a little puffed, it's like she stayed up for a few days. It seemed like Dahyun arrived right after Mina since she was still wearing her backpack.


"Are you okay?" Mina asked in a sincere concerned tone. She realized that Dahyun's voice was different due to runny nose, probably the reason why Dahyun is wearing a face mask.


"Yeah. I just feel a little under the weather, that's all" Dahyun answered with a small smile, which wasn't seen because of the face mask that she was wearing.


"Why did you come to work when you're not feeling well?" Mina asked while crossing her arms and lifting one of her brows.


Dahyun frowned under the face mask. "So I can get my gummies, maybe?" she joked after shrugging her shoulders.


Mina rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing the plastic bag and grabbed the chocolate bar that she got specifically for Dahyun. "I didn't get you gummies, but I got you chocolate since you love them" she said while handing over the bar to Dahyun.


Dahyun was about to reach out for the chocolate bar as well, but then Mina retreated her hand back a little, earning a quick and cute whine from the sick tofu.


"You're not allowed to eat this today, only when you get better" Mina ordered, Dahyun let out a playful huff in desperation.


"Is tomorrow okay?" she asked cutely, Mina raised her brows again. "I'll be a hundred percent better tomorrow" she added confidently, gaining a defeated chuckle from Mina who finally handed the chocolate bar to her. "Thank you!" she said, her eyes disappearing a little due to the wide smile that she currently have under the face mask. It was a shame that Mina wasn't able to see the cute smile of hers.


Dahyun walked to her desk, sat on her own chair and proceeded on continuing her work. She was very focused this time, thanks to the chocolate bar which she placed beside her keyboard.


"Did you take your medicine?" Mina's head suddenly popped up right above Dahyun's computer monitor, which surprised her a little. Mina let out a soft giggle when she saw Dahyun's shocked face. 


"No..." Dahyun answered, her voice trailing off with a hint of guilt. 


Mina's eyebrows furrowed. "Why not?" she asked.


Dahyun's eyes was still glued to her computer screen. She is currently feeling a little nervous with Mina watching her actions. "I didn't have time" she added.


There was no response right after Dahyun answered. She looked up, and Mina was not there anymore. Dahyun stood up to look over at Mina's desk, only to find out that it's unoccupied. She looked around to check the whereabouts of the said girl, but she was still nowhere to be found.


Dahyun frowned before sitting back down on her office chair and continued her work.


A few moments later, a plastic was slammed on to her desk and it made her jump a little from her seat. She looked at the owner of the hand holding the plastic and saw Mina with her eyes locked on the plastic.


Mina looked at the shocked Dahyun and let out a small reassuring smile. "Don't skip your meds" she said before messing up Dahyun's hair and went back to her work area.


Not being able to process what just happened, Dahyun looked through the contents of the plastic and saw various types of medicine. There was a lot. There are medicines for runny nose, sore throat, fever, and even for stomach aches.


Dahyun rolled her chair backwards a little, revealing Mina who is now busy with her own computer. "We have a clinic too, you know" she joked. She noticed that the plastic was from a nearby convenience store. Dahyun was very touched by the gesture; Mina put an effort on rushing out of the building, to the convenience store to buy meds, and back to the office to give her the medicine–when she could just take the elevator to the second floor where the clinic is located.


"I'm new here, okay" Mina answered without taking her eyes off the computer screen.


Dahyun smiled, thankful for her efforts. "Thanks" she said while looking at Mina for a few seconds before rolling her chair back to her own desk.


Mina was blushing alone, secretly.

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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either