This is Bad

Time Lapse

Now that Dahyun has confirmed that Mina is the girl that has been appearing on her dreams for a month, she actually doesn't know what to do with the information. She told Nayeon about this discovery, and all that Nayeon could talk about is something referring to her past life.


Dahyun had second thoughts on what Nayeon said. Usually, you wouldn't get strange dreams with the same stranger for a month right? Dahyun thought that maybe her dreams are telling her something, but she has zero ideas about it yet.


"Yo!" a loud child-like voice echoed throughout the office. Everybody stopped whatever it is that they're doing and looked at the small girl standing in the middle of the room. It was Chaeyoung. Aside from being in-charge with designing clothes for models to wear, she still gets side-tasks such as giving out announcements for the team. "We have a team building this weekend" she added.


The whole office was filled with confused reactions. Most of the employees' eyes were widened with the sudden announcement, some of them even stood up and approached Chaeyoung for questions.


"We have deadlines, and the project is our priority. Why did she snuck in a sudden team building in the middle of the busy schedule?" Nayeon asked, referring to Jihyo. She was standing in front of Chaeyoung with Momo next to her, who was just nodding in agreement.



"Okay okay, calm down" she said with both of her hands in the air as she walked backwards slowly since there's a circle of employees currently surrounding her. "Boss said she wanted to unwind for a bit. Make us feel a little bit of fun before actually focusing on the project." she added. The employees talked over each other again, trying to protest that this was actually a bad idea.


It IS a bad idea indeed. They need to focus on the project since deadlines were given to them. They had to come up with different ideas for the magazine, contact photographers and models, and more. There's even a scheduled meeting for the model on this said weekend. Chaeyoung brushed it off by saying that the meeting with the model was moved, and that Jihyo has taken care of it already.


Protests here, protests there. Protests everywhere.


"Everything is settled, Miss Jihyo already rented a place on Jeju." Chaeyoung added, which only activated more protests.


Dahyun, who was one of the employees surrounding the little cub, got out from the chaos that was currently happening and found her way back to her work place. She took a deep sigh after she looked at the stickie note that was on the upper right corner of her computer screen that consists of her current tasks. She rubbed the temple of her head with her index finger as she closed her eyes shut, trying to cancel all the noise from the office.


But suddenly, a soft poke was felt on her waist. She looked beside her and saw the confused face of the girl that has been appearing on her dreams.


"What do we do now?" Mina asked rather innocently.


Due to the sudden stress, Dahyun wasn't able to absorb Mina's cuteness. All that she can think about is stress and the hassle that they're going to face once they come back from the said team building. "There's nothing we can do about it this time" she whispered under the loud voices echoing inside the office.


Pokes were felt again, on the same spot—Dahyun's waist. She looked beside her again and saw Mina with her apologetic smile.


"Let's take this as a kick-starter for the stressful preparation of the project" Mina said, her small smile not leaving her face. She noticed how stressed Dahyun looked, so she decided to be a little enthusiastic about the sudden schedule to lighten up the smaller girl's mood.


And it seemed like it worked. A little.


"The calm before the storm" Dahyun joked with a faint smile. Dahyun noticed that Mina's hand was suddenly moving towards her desk. She wached it quietly then gave the latter a confused look.


"Chocolate bread. Maybe you need it to cheer up a little" Mina said before showing her beautiful smile and messed up Dahyun's soft hair before she rolled her chair back to her own desk.


Dahyun stared at the pack of chocolate bread that Mina left on her desk, and suddenly—everything felt a little better.




The small gesture that Mina did to cheer Dahyun up was basically tattooed on her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about it until she got home; she thought that it was a very sweet gesture.


She ate it earlier, of course, but she kept the packaging. It wasn't even the first time that Mina gave her chocolate bread, but it was the first time that she felt touched by a small gesture that really lifted her mood up the whole day. Dahyun doesn't even know why she decided to keep the packaging after eating the bread.


"Team building? On Jeju?" Sana asked while cooking dinner. Her back was facing Dahyun while Dahyun was on the dining table with her laptop, trying to finish some on-going task that she currently have. She figured that it would be much better if she has less things to do when they get back. "Isn't Jeju too far from here?" Sana added.


Even without turning around, Sana knew that Dahyun just shrugged with a cute pout on her lips. She wanted to hug the poor little girl, but she can't since she's too busy cooking.


"Ah...Sana?" Dahyun said over the sound of grilling from whatever it is that Sana is cooking. The latter hummed in response, anticipating with what Dahyun has to say. "About that dream..." she added with her voice trailing off.


Sana turned the stove off, she finally finished cooking. Great. Dahyun thought that she could talk about her dream without looking at Sana directly. Great.


Of course, Sana knows about the said dream. Sana knows everything. Dahyun didn't want to tell her about it at first, but Sana was good enough to sense stress and any kind of emotion from Dahyun since they've known each other for years. They have been friends since high school and even graduated college together. They got into a relationship on their last year on college, risking the strong friendship that they had ever since—and it was all worth it. They have been together for two years, just the same amount of years that Dahyun has spent on her work. They settled in together after finding their own job—Sana as a high school teacher, and Dahyun as part of the editorial team of Once Magazine.


Talking about her dream wasn't hard for Dahyun. Sana has open ears and heart for everything that Dahyun has to share. She even helps on Dahyun on trying to figure out the mystery girl on her dreams.


Now that Dahyun knows who the girl is, she thought that maybe telling Sana about it is just the right thing to do. But even if Sana keeps on giving positive reactions towards Dahyun's dreams, Dahyun was a little afraid to tell her that the girl that was appearing on her dreams turns out to be the new girl at work.


Dahyun watches as Sana prepared the table for dinner. She pushed her laptop aside so that Sana could place a plate in front of her. The kitchen got quiet. Sana was focused on setting the table for them, and Dahyun was busy reorganizing what she has to say.


Once Sana has finished doing everything and now that the table has their dinner prepared, Dahyun felt her heart beating louder and faster due to nervousness.


A cute giggle was heard from the girl sitting across Dahyun. "Why are you so nervous?" she asked. Again, perfectly sensing what Dahyun is feeling.


"I know who the girl is" Dahyun stated, earning an interested reaction from her girlfriend. "There's a new girl at work, and it's her" she added while Sana placed some freshly cooked rice on her plate.


"Are you sure it's her?" Sana asked with sincere interest.


"Yeah" Dahyun whispered before taking a sip of cold water from a glass near her plate. "I finally saw her face, I even called her on one of my dreams" she added, anticipating on how Sana would react.


Sana's reaction was really unexpected. She just showed a sincere smile while filling Dahyun's plate with the dinner that she prepared. She even reached over the table just give Dahyun's soft cheek a quick little pinch.


"I guess that's good. You don't have to overthink anymore" she added after sitting properly back on her chair.


"Yeah" Dahyun answered shortly, her voice trailing off. Then the two started eating dinner.


What Sana didn't know; is the fact that Dahyun's overthinking barely even finished. Hell, it just got even worse.

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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either