The Team Building: Part 3

Time Lapse

The sound of the serene ocean waves echoed throughout the night along with the cold breeze of the wind. Sounds of sand crackling against flipflops battle against the loud waves. Crickets from afar can also be heard, and it feels like they were on the safest place on earth.

Dahyun felt a gentle squeeze from her hand. She looked to her left and saw Mina looking up to the sky as they walk side by side; hand in hand. Dahyun observed how Mina brushes her hair to her side every time the wind makes it block her beautiful and almost perfect face.

"The sky is so pretty." Mina said, her gaze not leaving the said pretty night sky; while Dahyun on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off of this girl next to her—on which she thinks is the prettiest among any other things. The moon illuminated Mina's face as she looks above, showcasing her flawless beauty; her moles appearing like constellations for the nth time. It's beautiful; so beautiful, Dahyun could stare forever.

Mina noticed the silence from the smaller girl, and it finally made her break the staring contest with the stars up above. She looked beside her, and there she saw Dahyun staring at her in a rather admiring way. "What?" she ask nonchalantly. Dahyun let out a soft chuckle and a gentle smile before looking to the ocean's direction.

"Nothing, it's just..." she said, her voice trailing off as she let the sound of the waves fill the air. "You look prettier than any sky" she whispered, her voice syncing with the waves.

Mina heard it, of course, and she couldn't help but blush. With that sudden compliment, she squeezed Dahyun's hand one more time.


The two girls walked along the seashore silently, letting the waves do all the talking; they were just enjoying one another's company, and it was the best feeling in the world.


But after a few walks, Mina stopped her tracks, their hands still intertwined. Dahyun looked beside her in confusion, and she was surprised when she saw tears forming up on Mina's eyes.

"Minari what—" she said, letting go of Mina's hand. 


Dahyun was about to hold both of Mina's arms, but Mina pulled her in to a hug. "Nothing" she whispered, her head buried on Dahyun's shoulder. "I'm just...very happy" she added as she finally let her tears flow out continuously from her eyes. Dahyun was confused, but she just went with it.

With zero control of her movements once again, Dahyun lifted both of her arms to return Mina's hug. Her right hand also started to move up and down Mina's back, trying her best to help the girl stop crying. "Me too" Dahyun whispered before closing her eyes.


And while her eyes was closed, the sound from her surroundings started to fade. The sound of the waves started to disappear along with the coldness of the evening. Dahyun figured that she's beginning to wake up from her nap. And for the first time ever in her whole life, she regretted closing her eyes; she didn't want to open it at all.


But she has to.


After a while, when everything fell in to complete silence, Dahyun began to open her eyes and was greeted by the view of their room ceiling. Dahyun never felt so disappointed from waking up from a dream.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes with both of her hands, trying to adjust from the sudden brightness of her surrounding.


"Great! You're finally awake!" an enthusiastic voice was heard from the side.

"You didn't leave?" Dahyun asked, Mina just shook her head.

"Nayeon and Momo kept on coming back here to check if you're awake because they wanted us to join the rest of them on the beach" Mina explained while pressing the back button on her phone.


Mina did stay at the room after they returned from lunch. She decided to accompany Dahyun as she takes a nap. It's fortunate that Mina brought her Nintendo Switch so she has something to do. But after minutes of playing, she eventually got bored and proceeded on using her phone instead to scroll through her social media and even play games installed on it. 


Dahyun felt touched with that, of course. Mina could've just left her and spend time with the rest of the employees instead of staying on this boring room with her.


"You really waited for me to wake up?" Dahyun asked, and Mina just nodded with a reassuring smile before sitting next to Dahyun on her bed. 


Mina grabbed Dahyun's injured hand that isn't wrapped in bandage cloth since Jihyo adviced them to remove it to let the scar breathe and heal faster. And of course, Jihyo didn't fail to remind them to put the bandage cloth back when they're going outside to avoid any infection. And since it was a fresh cut, Mina frowned when she saw that the scar looks worse than it did earlier.


And since Dahyun was injured, Jihyo told her that it's okay if she won't join the rest on the other planned activities of the day. On the other hand, Mina offered that she would stay on Dahyun's side as she rest. Dahyun refused at first, but Mina insisted so bad, Jihyo and Dahyun couldn't even do anything about it.


"Let me put on the treatment." Mina said before letting go of Dahyun's hand. Dahyun watched as Mina pulled the drawer of the bed side table and saw a medium-sized medicine box. Mina took it out of the drawer, opened it and took some bandage cloth together with the treatment and a pack of cotton balls before sitting back down on the bed. "Hand, please" she said with a soft smile. Dahyun lifted her hand, unable to say a single word.


Mina grabbed it gently and placed it on her legs before taking the treatment and put some of it on one cotton ball. Then, Mina dabbed Dahyun's hand with the soaked cotton ball, and Dahyun couldn't hide the pain for she flinched every time the wet cotton gets in contact with the cuts.


"Sorry" Mina whispered. 

"It's okay" Dahyun assured.


Dahyun looked up at Mina, who was busy treating her injured hand. The face that she saw on her dream a few minutes ago is right in front of her once again, but for real this time. The same flawless face is present, but it wasn't looking at something as admirable at the night sky from earlier. Mina's face was full of worry this time.


After a few more dabs, Mina proceeded on covering Dahyun's tiny hand with the bandage cloth.


"You didn't have to wait for me." Dahyun said, breaking the silence, only to get no response from Mina in return.

Mina was too focused on covering Dahyun's hand, and she waited for herself to finish before she answered. "I want to" she answered sincerely with her usual reassuring smile, and it made Dahyun's heart pound. Dahyun was even worried that her heart might be pounding too hard for Mina to hear.


"Thanks" Dahyun said while looking at her now bandaged hand with a small smile. She didn't know why Mina is acting this way towards her, but she was sure that this is how Mina really is towards people.


Mina stood up to return the box of medical supplies on the bed side table and Dahyun spoke once again. 

"Mina" she called out the latter. Mina looked at her and hummed in response. 


Their moment was interrupted when the door suddenly opened, and two girls entered the room with their bodies dripping wet from swimming on the beach.


"She's finally awake!" Nayeon shouted loudly, making the other girls jump a little; including Momo. 

"Dubu-yah! Go get changed, we've been waiting for you!" Momo added to the excitement before pulling Mina in to a side hug. "I'm sure Mina wanted to swim since the time you got here" Momo added, earning a giggle from Nayeon and endless head shakes from Mina, denying what she just assumed.


Dahyun has no choice because Momo was right. Mina should've  spent time enjoying on the water with the rest of their workmates, but she still chose to stay on the room to look after her. And with that, Dahyun felt like she owe Mina a lot. Well, she wasn't wrong.


"Alright, I'll change." Dahyun said while standing up. Nayeon and Momo jumped up in excitement, they were even asking Mina to jump along. It was a funny sight, and Dahyun just let out soft laughs. "You girls head out first, then I'll follow" Dahyun added before walking to the huge walk-in closet. 




It took Dahyun a while to prepare because she has to arrange some of her stuff and she decided to put on sunscreen to protect her milky white skin. What she didn't know is that Mina waited for her once again. She thought Mina left with Nayeon and Momo when the room got quiet after she entered the closet. Dahyun only found out when she saw Mina sitting on a chair by the window with her phone in her hand. 

Mina looked up when she heard the sound of the door opening. She put her phone back in to her bag when Dahyun walked out of the closet and closed the door behind her back. "Ready?" Mina asked. 

Mina was wearing the exact top that Dahyun saw earlier this morning—the red polka-dots top paired with denim shorts, while Dahyun was wearing her blue and white striped one-piece swimsuit with denim shorts as her bottom. She blushed with the thought of what happened earlier, but she tried her best to keep her cool.


"You didn't have to wait for me again." Dahyun said as Mina walked towards her direction.

With a smile, Mina grabbed her hand that wasn't injured as she pulled Dahyun towards another door to exit the room. "It's fine" she said as they finally find their way outside.




The others screamed in excitement when they finally saw the sight of two girls who has been missing in action for a few hours. And of course, a smug look was painted all over Nayeon's face.


"Come!" Nayeon gestured the two girls to come and join them in the water that has a lot of inflatables floating everywhere.


The two girls finally got in to the cold water as one inflatable pineapple was pushed to their direction for them to use. Dahyun immediately slammed her upper body on top of the pinapple floatie as Mina followed along. 


Dahyun stretched her arm and offered a hand for Mina to grab. And without any hesitations or whatsoever, Mina grabbed it and pushed herself up to the inflatable pineapple and floated along the wavy water with Dahyun.


The two girls exchanged smiles as they finally enjoy with the others.


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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either