Party & Cookies

Time Lapse

[a/n: i made a few edits on the previous chapter. it used to say that the welcoming party for mina was to be held "tonight", and i changed it to "tomorrow". that is all hehe enjoy reading. (◍•ᴗ•◍)]


Dahyun has pack of chocolate chip cookies on her hand, not knowing what to do with it. She doesn't even know why she has one in the first place. She stared at it for who knows how long, but was interrupted when she felt a soft pinch on her arm.


"Hey, you've been staring at that since forever" a gentle voice was heard. They are currently at the rooftop of the school. Since when did Dahyun get here? "Are you going to give that to me or not?" the voice asked, but in a joking way.


Dahyun looked up to see the person talking, but she can only see half of the face again. The moles are still on the same place as the one on the girl dancing alone at the rooftop. When was that? Was that just yesterday? A week ago? When the hell was that?


"Hey" the voice called out again.


Dahyun tried her best to scan the whole face of the girl sitting next to her on this steel bench at the roof top, but she failed. She can't really understand why she can't see the whole face of that person. It's like a video that was cropped on that specific part of her face. Dahyun is very frustrated; she wanted to see who was she talking to.


Dahyun nodded unconsciously, as if she has no control of her movements. Her hand reached over to the girl to give the pack of cookies without saying a single word. Is she mute? Come on Dahyun, say something.


"My favorite, Thanks" the girl said, Dahyun saw her smile. A smile that seems very very familiar. Her head is starting to hurt. Where did she see this smile?


"Dahyun" the girl said, echoing through her mind as if there were speakers everywhere. Dahyun tried to register the voice on her head, but she can't because it started to fade. 


"Dahyun" the voice called her again, but the voice was starting to distort into a different tone; perhaps distorting to a different voice.


"Wake up" finally, a familiar voice clicked to Dahyun's mind. It was Sana, trying to wake her up while shaking her shoulders. "You're going to be late" Sana added.


Dahyun opened her eyes and tried to adjust to the bright morning surrounding. "Just buy breakfast on your cafeteria or something, you're really going to be late if you eat here" Sana said with a very worried tone and an apologetic smile. "Take a bath, I'll prepare your stuff" she added before kissing the top of Dahyun's head, and proceeded to leave the bedroom.


Unable to process everything that just happened on her dream and on the sudden morning greeting, Dahyun sat up and stared at the wall of their room. She blinked a few times and tried to slap herself softly so that she can be fully awake and function normally before standing up and heading straight to the bathroom.




The sound of loud claps were heard inside the room, indicating that the meeting was over. The company had a sudden meeting this morning; something about the project that they're working on, the reason why Mina was transferred to this company. Everybody listened diligently except for Dahyun who was just staring at the whiteboard with her head flying off to nowhere.


"Dahyun" a loud voice brought her back to reality. "Let's go" Nayeon said, pulling her by her wrist and Dahyun just followed along. 


All of the employees walked back to their respective desks to continue their work, and Dahyun still has the pile of papers that Jihyo gave her yesterday. And that pile of papers is what awakened Dahyun, finally. She was slapped by the reality that she has a lot of stuff to do, and she should not be wasting any time because there will be more tasks to come.


Dahyun continued her work quietly, forgetting the fact that she hasn't eaten anything since she left for work. The sound of her tummy rumbling was the only reminder that she needed. 


Nayeon rolled her chair close to Dahyun's desk, noticing the low energy of the latter. "Yo, are you okay? You" Nayeon worried.


Dahyun showed a sad smile, hiding the fact that she's still very confused with the dreams that she has been having lately. "I'm fine, I just haven't had my breakfast yet" she answered.


Nayeon suddenly stood up while slamming Dahyun's desk, startling the smaller girl. "I'll head to the canteen, what do you want?" she asked. Dahyun was about to answer that she's fine and she'll just wait for lunch instead. But to their surprise, another foreign presence was felt that brought a different atmosphere between them.


"I'm sorry, I can't help but overhear your conversation..." Mina said with a soft voice and her face turning a little pink due to the embarrassing feeling of interrupting the two. "I have some packed bread here, maybe you want some?" she asked Dahyun. Nayeon looked at Mina, then to the paper bag on her hand, then to Dahyun, then back to Mina. 


"She likes chocolate" Nayeon said, Dahyun looked at her quickly with a threatening gaze.


"I-" Dahyun's words was cut with the sound of plastics rustling against each other. Mina was already reaching inside the paper bag, and it only took her a few seconds to get the bread that she was looking for.


"Here" Mina said as she handed over a packed bread that has chocolate fillings. Dahyun didn't want to take it at first, but her tummy rumbled loudly again this time. Mina and Nayeon heard it, and it made them laugh. "Just take it" Mina said, grabbing Dahyun's small hands and made it take the bread with her assistance. She smiled beautifully before rolling her chair back to her own desk.


"Well, that was unexpected" Nayeon said while looking at Dahyun who was just as surprised as her.




The time inside the company building flew so fast, and they're almost finishing today's shift. The team only has a few minutes left before they leave for the welcoming party that was planned for Mina.


Dahyun tried to brush off her distracted brain by focusing on her work the whole day. Momo and Nayeon bugs her most of the time, but her day wouldn't be completed without it. And of course, the four of them-Momo, Nayeon, Dahyun and Mina, ate lunch together again. They had this agreement to spend lunch together with Mina everyday, which Mina happily agreed to. 


They had a long talk over lunch, mainly focused on knowing Mina more. They found out a few information about her; such as her having an older brother that plays football, and her ballet talent. It brought shock to the three girls, of course, because of Dahyun's dream. Dahyun thought that maybe it's all just a coincidence, but Momo and Nayeon has this feeling that it wasn't all just a coincidence. How could it be a coincidence if the girl with moles on her face, that is similar to Mina's, has a talent on ballet as well?


They weren't able to talk about that dream though, because Mina was there. The three decided to talk about it some other time.


Going back to the present, all the employees on their team has finally called it a day and went to the karaoke bar that they rented privately. It was just a few walks from the building so they arrived there in no time.


Inside the room that was assigned to them was; a U-shaped leather couch, a big table in the middle that has their foods and drinks prepared by the venue, the room was dim but was only illuminated with colorful disco lights spinning all over the room and the average-sized flatscreen TV. Everything was ready, all they had to do is put in numbers and sing.


The room got very noisy in no time, since the whole team was there. 


Nayeon was already singing with her loud voice with Momo and Chaeyoung cheering her on. The other employees were having the time of their lives as well, because it has been a long time since they had this party just like Momo said yesterday. The guys were busy drinking and arguing about who's going to sing next after Nayeon. Meanwhile, Dahyun and was just laughing at the chaos that is currently happening inside the private room. Moments later, Dahyun felt silence beside her. Mina was just spacing off, not even talking to the other employees. She thought that Mina might wanted to go out, or she was just not that sociable unlike her and Nayeon. Both of it was correct though.


Dahyun gathered up courage to talk to Mina and ask her to go out for a while, since she couldn't keep up with the energy of the people inside the room. "Wanna go out real quick?" Dahyun asked Mina over the loud music and the voices of their co-workers singing along with Nayeon.


Mina looked at her, not understanding what she just said. "What?" she asked after leaning closer to hear Dahyun clearer. 


"I mean, do you wanna get out of here for a while?" Dahyun said, feeling flustered. It's like she thought that Mina misunderstood what she just said.


With a smile, Mina nodded.


The two girls stood up and headed straight to the door. Nayeon noticed and called them out through the mic. "And where are you going?!" She asked, her tipsy voice coming out from the speakers that were on each corners of the room.


"Washroom" Mina shouted over the loud music. "We'll be back" she added before pushing Dahyun and continued on walking out of the room, not giving Nayeon a chance to answer.


"Phew, I thought she won't let us out" Dahyun jokingly said as if she was relieved while they walk out of the place.


Just across the road was a convenience store, and it seems like there were no other customers inside. They looked to their left and then to their right before crossing the road, for safety purposes.


The sound of the convenience store's bell was heard after they entered the place. Cold air was finally felt through their skin, discarding the hot feeling that they got from the druken atmosphere from the karaoke bar. The two girls inhaled the cold air from the store together, and laughed together afterwards.


They walked separately around the store, looking for something though they have nothing in mind. They weren't planning on buying anything, they just wanted to get out of the chaotic room for a while. 


Dahyun was on the far back of the store where the drinks are inside a huge refrigerator, she was debating with herself whether she should get a cold drink or not. She wanted to, but she doesn't want to have an irritated tummy that has a bit of alcohol and a different cold beverage mixed together. Even if she's not a hard drinker, she just doesn't want to spend the rest of her night in the toilet when she gets home.


On the other hand, Mina was stuck on the snack isle. Dahyun found her staring at something right after deciding that she should not get any drink at all, which saves her stomach from acting all weird. She looked at what Mina was staring at, but she wasn't sure if it was the cookies or jelly snacks that Mina has her eyes on.


Her question was answered when Mina reached over to a pack of chocolate chip cookies, which rang a bell on her mind with her dream this morning.


To confirm it, Dahyun suddenly asked "Do you like cookies?"


Mina looked at her with her eyes twinkling with happiness upon finding her favorite brand of cookies in this specific convenience store since she only gets to buy them at the supermarket. She nodded happily as she hug the pack of cookies between her arms. "I love cookies" she answered.


Dahyun was so surprised. Mina might really be the girl that keeps on appearing on her dreams. But if it's her, what will she do about it?


"Can I..." Dahyun asked with one of her hand inside her pocket. "Pay for it?"


"Why?" Mina asked.


"As a welcoming gift...I guess?" Dahyun shyly answered.


Mina beamed her beautiful smile once again; the smile that Dahyun has been seeing on her dreams for the past month. She might hate to admit it, but she's starting to belive that Mina is the girl on her dreams.


"Okay" Mina answered shortly.


The two girls headed to the cashier without a single word. They quietly watched as the bored cashier scanned the barcode of the cookies before putting it on a small plastic bag. After that rather awkward moment, the two girls finally got out of the cold store. They stood outside for a while, and Dahyun was just staring at the paper bag on her hand.


Mina decided to break the sudden silence that was slowly killing her by cracking a quick joke.


"Are you going to give that to me or not?"



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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either