The New Girl

Time Lapse

With both of her earphones on her each of her ears, while blasting loud music, Dahyun watches her feet as she walks up to the stairs that leads to the school's rooftop. It has been her daily routine—going up to the rooftop to spend time alone. School has been hell for Dahyun ever since she joined the busiest organization, but she never regretted being part of it. She never would've thought that she'd be elected as president of and club that was in charge of organizing and preparing for school activities. Dahyun is one of the most popular students in school. With her talents, brain and outgoing personality; she never fails to capture the attention and hearts of other students.


She finally reached the rooftop and noticed a shadow moving non-stop on the concrete floor. She looked up and saw a girl, dancing alone. Dahyun failed to see the face of this mysterious woman, though, since she was facing the other side of the area most of the time. 


Dahyun watches the girl as she spins gracefully, and jumps just to land on her tip toes. Dahyun tried to scan the girls' face, but she can only see the lower half of it. Even from afar, Dahyun saw the girl's moles; two of them, to be precise. One above her lip, and another one below it.


Dahyun was curious of what music is the girl dancing to. It was probably something classical, or anything that fits ballet. She took one of her earphone off her ear to check the music. To her surprise, there wasn't any music playing.


The girl was dancing alone, with no music. But she moved so elegantly as if there was one. Dahyun continued to watch from afar.


But after a few minutes of watching like a stalker, Dahyun decided to take a few steps forward and she opened to call out the dancing girl.


She was about to say something until she heard a bell.


It wasn't a school bell, though. It was a bell coming from her phone.


Dahyun sat up with her eyes still half closed as she reached over her phone, which was placed on the night stand right beside her bed, and turned the alarm off. She looked at the time and it's already 5:30 in the morning.


She looked beside her and saw the empty space on her bed. She wondered the whereabouts of the person that she was looking for. But right before she shouted the name, the door blasted open with a head popping from the outside.


"Morning, Dubu" a child-like voice said. Dahyun adjusted her eyes to the bright morning surrounding, and a small smile appeared on her face when she finally recognized the owner of the voice.


"Morning, Sana" Dahyun said before she stood up, did a few stretches and walked towards Sana who was right by the door.


Sana welcomed herself into their room as Dahyun opened her small arm wide, asking for a hug. The taller girl planted a quick kiss on the top of Dahyun's head. "Breakfast is ready" she said, like the usual. 


Dahyun smiled and gave Sana a kiss on her cheek right before her hand found its way to the latter's hand. They walked to the kitchen and sat right in front of each other.


A plate with waffles and eggs are right in front of them, with a cup of coffee on the side. The two girls ate their breakfast quietly as they go through the things that has something to do with their respective jobs. 


Sana was going through her laptop, double checking the grades of her students that she stayed up late for last night, while Dahyun scrolled through the email app on her phone. A reminder suddenly popped up, saying that there's a meeting first thing in the morning. Dahyun completely forgot about it for her eyes widened in realization.


"" she whispered, slamming her phone on the desk before eating the contents of her plate. 


"Why? Is something wrong?" Sana asked, watching the sudden rush on Dahyun's actions.


"We have an urgent meeting this morning and we're not allowed to be late" Dahyun answered as she munches on the last bite of her still hot waffles. Dahyun eyed the cup of coffee before looking back at Sana, feeling guilty that she won't be able to drink it since she's in a rush.


With a reassuring smile, Sana nodded. "Go on" she said, telling Dahyun that she should start on getting ready for the day. Dahyun stood up and walked over to Sana, giving the latter a kiss on the cheek again before whispering "thank you" then rushed to the bathroom to take a quick bath.




Dahyun took her phone out to check the time. She only has 5 minutes left for the meeting, and she only has to cross the road to get to the company's building. Her feet was tapping rather nervously as she waited for the traffic light to turn red.


A few minutes later, it finally turned red and everybody started to walk. Dahyun rushed through the ocean of people, even walking pass her other co-workers. She ran towards their building and headed straight to the elevator, wasting no time since she's running out of it. She continuously pressed the elevator button and waited for it to open impatiently. She finally got in and pulled her phone out again. She only has a minute left.


Their office is on the fifth floor, so it took a little time for her to get there. She's officially late now. She silently hoped that their boss is having a great morning so that she won't be too scolded today. She even hoped that she's not the only one who's late.


After running through the hallway, she finally entered their department. She threw her stuff on her table and rushed to the meeting room. All eyes were on her when she opened the glass door, and the noticeable awkward silence hit her.


"Sit down, Dahyun" their boss' firm voice sent shivers down her spine. 


Dahyun walked to the vacant chair which was located from the back of the room. She was the only one late, but she was thankful that their boss didn't scold her.


"As I was saying..." the boss said, all of the staff's attention was on their boss. Well, except for Dahyun.


"What was she talking about?" Dahyun whispered to her co-worker on the left.


"Something about a new recruit for our department" her co-worker whispered back. Dahyun nodded before finally putting her full attention on the meeting.


"Our new IT manager was from a very famous and high-selling magazine. She was sent here to help us on our new project" their manager announced. The glass door opened again, and that is when Dahyun thought that she wasn't the last one to arrive. But she was wrong.


A tall figure entered the room. She has long black hair with a body of a model. Her fringe complimented the shape of her face, and her moles was scattered everywhere like a constellation.


Dahyun examined the familiar face, but it never gave a click to her mind.


Everybody watched as the girl walked in the middle of the room and bowed right before them.


"This is Mina" their boss introduced the beautiful girl. "She'll be working for us from now on. She'll just be here for three months, but it will still be decided if she gets to stay or not" she added. The girl beamed a beautiful smile, and Dahyun started to feel her heart ache.


Dahyun furrowed her eyes to the sudden and unfamiliar feeling.


"And Dahyun, since you're late today, I'm putting you in charge to accompany her throughout her stay" her boss said. Dahyun's eyes widened on the sudden request, but she nodded her head hesitantly. "Okay, back to work!" their boss exclaimed. Everybody stood up and walked their way out of the meeting place.


Dahyun on the other hand, seems to have her feet glued on the floor. She was dumbfounded. The new girl seems so familiar, but her head really can't determine who she was.


"Dahyun" a voice called Dahyun back to reality. "Why are you just standing there? Go to work" she ordered. Dahyun nodded before pushing her chair back in place before she finally walked out the room. She had a quick eye contact with the new girl as she was walking, and it made Dahyun feel unexplainable feelings again.




"Miss Jihyo told me to give this to you" a soft voice was heard from above Dahyun's work area.


"Just a minute" she said as she was trying to finish her current task, but her mind was secretly cursing because she just received a new one.


Dahyun finally looked up, and the face of the new girl gave her a little surprise. It was very weird for Dahyun, but she has this feeling that she saw this girl somewhere.


She stood up as she received the handful of paper work from the latter.


Dahyun slammed the mountain of paperwork on her desk, quietly thinking that her boss probably decided to give her this much work because she was late. 


Mina noticed the frown on Dahyun's face as she stared at the papers on her desk. "Do you need any help?" she asked, Dahyun looked up to her again.


"Ah, no. It's fine, thank you" she said while scratching the back of her neck.


In all of a sudden, a long and heavy arm was placed on over her shoulders, almost choking the small pale girl.


"Yeah she needs help, she always say that she doesn't" a loud voice was heard.


Dahyun took the long arm off her shoulders as she fixed her current messy hair which was ruined by her co-worker. "No, Nayeon, I really don't need any help." She said.


Nayeon sat back on her chair as she rolls closer to the new girl. "Hi, I'm Nayeon. Nice to meet you" she said while sitting down.


"How nice of you to introduce yourself with your glued on your chair" Dahyun joked. Nayeon glared at the smaller girl before standing up and offering her hand.


"Nayeon" she said again with a big smile. The new girl took Nayeon's hand and shook with with a polite smile. "Mina, right?" she asked. Mina nodded. "What a nice name." she said truthfully before sitting down on her chair again. "If you need anything, just ask me or Dahyun. We don't bite" she joked, Mina nodded while she let out a cute chuckle. Dahyun looked at her, and she felt her face heat up when she had another eye contact with Mina.


"I'll help you with half of these papers" Mina said after reaching over Dahyun's desk and taking half of the mountain of paperwork from her desk. Dahyun wasn't able to answer when Mina beamed another beautiful smile right before she disappeared from their sight.


A nudge was felt on her left arm. "What is wrong with you today?" Nayeon asked.


Dahyun watches Mina as she sat down on her own chair and started to work on half of the task that was assigned to Dahyun.


"I have no idea."



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sorry for the inconsistent updates! :( I've been busy because of school and I've been losing motivation to write. but i'm trying my best! i hope that you can still wait :(


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Kim_dahyun23 #1
Chapter 13: Next chapter pls. this is so cute..thanks
Chapter 13: I still wait for next chapter
Pls Comeback and updated 🥺
SuperiorMiChaeng #3
Chapter 13: Wow Minari
Chapter 13: bold move ms. myoui
15 streak #5
Chapter 13: Oh boi

Looking forward to her reaction to em
Hindiakosiabbie #6
Chapter 13: As much as I am loving the things that are happening between them I can't help but ask HOW ABOUT SANA?
Chapter 13: *GASPS DRAMATICALLY* ⊙.☉
15 streak #9
Chapter 12: That’s cute

I hope dahyun can figure out her feelings while on that trip but I hope that her & Sana can talk things out

I hope Sana isn’t doing anything stupid either