Chapter 2

even the shadows

The moment Seulgi passes through the threshold of vines, it is as if they were never in the forest at all. In all honesty, Seulgi is surprised that she can even see anything, having expected to be greeted by a pitch-black darkness with an added feeling of suffocation due to the lack of anything living. So, though it isn’t a great view, Seulgi appreciates that she can actually see the rock that surrounds her. The air too, is unexpected, a little earthy and cold, but surprisingly light in her chest. The limestone is carved perfectly, no jagged edges, nothing for her to hop over (or trip on), though the ceiling is a little low in some areas, causing the spring goddess to duck her head from time to time. 


She doesn’t know how long they’ve been walking, and the cave doesn’t seem to be doing anything particularly interesting, so Seulgi takes the time to observe the goddess walking ahead of her. The first thought that runs through her brain is, “Irene’s hair is beautiful” as she notices how it still manages to glow in the cave. It’s also through staring at the back of Irene’s head that Seulgi realizes that the Goddess of Death is shorter than her, perhaps around Wendy’s height, and leads her to wonder what Irene’s divine form is like. Is it as brilliant and terrifying as her brother’s? Seulgi shudders at the thought, remembering the chaos that ensued after the King of the Gods exposed his divine form to a human, causing the woman - his lover at the time - to burst into flames at the mere sight of it.


Seulgi smiles to herself as she thinks of her friends, the only ones she’d trust with her divine form and vice versa. Wendy’s purest form wasn’t something you could see, but rather something you could hear and it was the most beautiful melody Seulgi’s ears had ever heard. Similarly, Joy’s was a feeling, the feeling of warmth, of pure happiness and excitement that enveloped you and made you feel alive. She holds onto the memory, suddenly realizing that she wasn’t able to say goodbye. 


She snaps out of her reminiscing when she almost crashes into Irene, the goddess abruptly coming to a halt, only to place her hand on the cold rock, and begin the journey forward once more. Seulgi wants to ask what just happened. Actually, there are many questions on the tip of her tongue and it’s already taking a great deal of restraint to not say anything.


“There are many entrances to the Underworld. This is my, well, you could say my personal one,” Irene’s voice startles her, Seulgi suddenly fully aware at how quiet the entire journey has actually been and how Irene’s explanation has come unprompted.  “I can feel the cave shifting… adjusting... because of you.” 


The questions suddenly race in Seulgi’s brain faster than she can comprehend, and worry begins to take hold. What did she mean by shifting? Is Death’s realm ready to attack due to her presence? Will she be trapped within these cave’s walls? Why was she so foolish? What if she never gets out? What if she did all this only for Irene to trap her and to claim Jiwoo anyway? The silence that surrounds them begins to eat at Seulgi as she forces her mind to stop thinking and to shut up, suddenly fearful that the ancient god can hear each and every one of her thoughts in this quiet tunnel. 


“It will be okay.” Irene says as she continues to walk, not even casting a glance back at Seulgi. 


Seulgi, for her part, only panics more. Her eyes grow wide as her suspicions are confirmed, this is Irene’s realm and Irene can do anything she wants, even read Seulgi’s own fears, her own thoughts— 


“And, no, I can’t hear your thoughts. But they have always said that you’re a curious one, so I figured it would be best to quell your fears straight away.” 




“Yes”, is all Irene replies, as if that’s enough to erase Seulgi’s curiosity. Seulgi is about to prod further, but her ears catch the faint sound of rushing water, and the question dies on her tongue. She doesn’t want to seem too eager to exit the cave, but it seems that Irene’s steps are getting quicker as well, so she allows the excitement to fill her. The cavern seems to expand, a light at the end of their long journey, with the sound of rushing water and crashing waves getting louder with every step.


Seulgi’s mouth drops open as they step out of the tunnel, the gray rock slowly giving way to a shimmering black shore, and the expanse of the River Styx greeting the two goddesses. There’s a heavy fog around them, and yet, even from a distance, Seulgi can already spot the fabled ferryman standing tall and proud in his boat. Out of all the creatures, beings, ghosts, or whatever they’re supposed to be called, no one is mentioned nearly as much as the ferryman. Seulgi’s heard it all before from the lips of the humans as he is feared almost as much as the God of Death, simply because once you are with him, there is truly no turning back. There’s a hint of bitterness when they speak of him, the golden coins needed to gain passage have labeled him as a greedy being, with no sympathy and care, only looking to take the last shred of dignity of each of the souls. 


There is no reasoning with the ferryman, they say, just like how there is no such this as pleading or prayer to Death. (But Seulgi isn’t one to just listen and accept what others say, and she figures, she has already pleaded with Death once.) 


Irene puts her hand on Seulgi’s shoulder and there’s a look in her eyes that Seulgi can’t seem to decipher. “Once we cross the river, this is out of my hands. You cannot step foot on the mortal plane for four years. Do you understand? I may be powerful but there are some things that even I do not know, things I cannot see and things I cannot change.” 


“I understand.” 


“Let’s go then, our ferryman is waiting.”


At his mention, the ferryman tilts his head to the side then gracefully gets off his wooden boat as he spots Irene. Even from a distance, his cowl seems to blanket all his features in darkness, except for his eyes, revealing nothing but white - no irises, no spark of life, just blankness. Seulgi tries to suppress the shudder that crawls up her body as she tries not to imagine how all the souls feel when they come across the emptiness behind those eyes and she shakes her head to stop the image of Jiwoo all alone coming across someone as cold as he. 


As they draw closer, he drops his hood in respect for his queen, and once again, Seulgi is left stunned as his blank white eyes reveal bluish-gray irises and his features slowly come into view. She should have known better to expect, because Seulgi had expected something more ghost like, something more translucent, or maybe a hollow face to match those dead white eyes. But the man before her is handsome, with a radiance that reminds Seulgi of her own nymphs but with a mix of suspicion and amusement dancing in his gaze.


He bows deeply as they stop before him, “My Queen. Welcome home.” 


“Kai, this is the Goddess of Spring, Seulgi. She will be staying with us for the time being. Please treat her as you would treat me.” 


Kai bows before Seulgi, “Welcome, goddess.” He then offers his hand to help them both embark, and Seulgi takes a deep breath as she hears the boat leave the shore and into the fog that continues to surround them. Seulgi wonders how Kai can even tell what direction they’re going in, but with Irene at the bow of the ship, she is certain that he will do everything he can to make sure they get to the other side safely. 


For a while, all Seulgi hears is the steady rhythm of Kai plunging the oar into the water and out again, and the river easily making way for their boat. Suddenly, she feels the icy breath of Kai by her ear and her gut twists as he whispers, “Don’t look in the water.” 


Seulgi turns to the ferryman who is now standing once more, and she’s sure she spots a smirk form on his face. Irene, on the other hand, seems to not have heard him and is completely unaware of Seulgi’s internal struggle as she continues to stare out into the fog. 


Logically, she knows she shouldn’t, there is nothing she would gain from looking into the water. She could hear the slight challenge in Kai’s voice and she knows he did it to annoy her. There is danger, in the water, she’s sure. But what could it be? Seulgi remembers the suspicion that was hiding in his eyes only a moment ago, and she’s almost certain this is a way to get rid of her. Because who wouldn’t want to get rid of someone so unlike them and someone who must be treated the same way as Death herself - as if she were an honored guest? 


Seulgi knows she shouldn’t, she’s curious, yes, but she doesn’t think she’s dumb (though being in the underworld isn’t exactly one of her smarter decisions) but before her brain can tell her to stop, Seulgi is already staring into the water below. 


It’s terrifying. 

But alluring. 


The water itself seems clear enough that she’s sure that if she waits for just the right moment, she’ll be able to see the bottom of the muddy river bed. But what draws her in further are the souls trapped just underneath the surface of the water, withering in agony as they float along. The white wisps of their souls molding together in a hypnotic trance. 


“This is their punishment,” Seulgi mumbles to herself as she remembers the worries of all the poor humans, “for not having the toll to pay Kai - a hundred years floating aimlessly in the River Styx.”


The essence of the souls meld together so closely that Seulgi cannot tell where one soul begins and another ends; but, she can clearly hear them calling out to her. 


Goddess, please. 


Seulgi, our goddess.


Goddess of Spring, of life, hear me. 


Save me. 

Help me. 






Save my soul.




She hears them calling out to her and it tugs at her chest. The voices get louder and Seulgi can’t think, can’t process what she’s even supposed to do. The trance they have her under is too strong for someone this kind and caring that Seulgi doesn’t even realize that she has stood up from the boat. All she hears is them calling out to her and crying and before she knows it, Seulgi is whispering, “I’m here.” and reaching out to touch the water. 


“What do you think you’re doing?!” 


Irene yanks Seulgi’s arm away, the goddess’ hands like a spike of electricity into her system. 


“I-“ Seulgi tries to respond, but how could she explain that she was simply drawn to their pleas? That she didn’t even realize what was going on? It’s only when she looks up to whisper, “I’m sorry”, does she realize that the question wasn’t directed to her at all. 


Irene is standing in front of her, both her fists clenched tightly and her big beautiful eyes have turned to fire as she sets her gaze directly at the man behind Seulgi. “I commanded you to treat her as you would treat me, and tell me, Kai, would you trick your queen in such a way?” 


“No, Your Majesty.” Seulgi can hear the ferryman’s whimper, all smugness and teasing washed away.


“Then tell me, why did you entice Seulgi?” 


“Forgive me, I-I wanted to protect you. She could cause terrible things to happen, we don’t know what her power would do to this realm. She could destroy us. She could destroy you, your majesty. She could have been sent by-“ 


Irene scoffs, and the fire in her eyes does not waver, “First, you treat our guest like a fool. Next, you question my decisions and my capabilities? Tell me, Kai, why I should not throw you into the river myself and watch as these pitiful souls devour you.” 


“My Queen, I’m sorry. I didn’t-“ 


“It’s okay,” Seulgi whispers, reaching out for Irene’s hand. “He did it to protect you. It’s my fault I listened.” 


Irene’s fists slowly unclench and Seulgi sighs in relief, she won’t allow herself to be the reason why the underworld is suddenly without a ferryman and possibly plunging the realm into chaos. Irene looks like she wants to still punish him somehow, but with a thud, the boat lurches forward signaling that they have arrived at the other side. 


Irene disembarks first and Seulgi tries not to gape at Irene offering her hand to help Seulgi down. She is the queen, surely she doesn’t need to do this, surely this will antagonize Kai further and seed more doubt into- 


“Goddess Seulgi,” Kai calls out, stopping Seulgi’s thoughts. 


Seulgi turns to see the ferryman is now on his knees, and he bends forward, his head touching the boat’s floor. “I deeply apologize for my wrongdoings and for my doubt. I swear on the River Styx to be a humble servant to you.”


“There’s no need for that-“ 


But Kai shakes his head, “My loyalty is with the Queen of this realm, and in my loyalty to her, I will forever be loyal to you.” 


“Oh- uh- thank you. I- uh- forgive you?” 


Kai looks up and though he looks obviously grateful, a part of Seulgi wonders what would happen if she had not forgiven him. 


“Let’s go.” Irene says and Seulgi takes her hand, officially stepping onto the land of the dead.


Not even a couple of steps in, the ground starts to shake around them and all Seulgi can hear in her head is Kai’s voice saying over and over again, “She could destroy us.”


The ground thumps to a rhythmic beat, followed by a growl so deep and low that the sand and rocks shift around them and violent waves begin to form on the river. The fog dissipates and Seulgi is paralyzed in both fear and awe (something she is slowly getting used to) as a massive figure bounds towards them. Irene, like she has done this entire journey, stands calmly in front of Seulgi. A three-headed dog, taller than any of the trees up above on earth, comes to a stop at the sight of Irene but its hackles are raised, its razor sharp teeth bared, and its eyes fully trained on Seulgi. 


Irene simply waves her hand and the giant beast lets out a soft whine, as it proceeds to sit on its hind legs and shrink in size until all three heads come up to the goddess’ height. The dog then nuzzles its heads against Irene’s still outstretched hand, fighting for attention. 


“Cerberus. This is Seulgi.” Irene says, “Seulgi, this is the fiercest guardian of the underworld, Cerberus. He usually keeps souls from leaving so I’m sure he’s confused that we have a guest now.” 


Seulgi comes out from behind Irene, and all three heads snap at attention towards her, seemingly assessing the threat.  


Irene reaches for Seulgi’s hand once more and steps aside, to allow the animal to sniff the newcomer. Seulgi can feel its warm breath on her and the goddess freezes in place, afraid that any sudden movement and they’ll return to full height and snap her into their jaws and split her body apart. 


“Go on, pet him.”


“Uh… Are you sure?” 


“I don’t think Cerberus here will let you pass if you don’t.” There’s a slight lift in Irene’s voice, almost teasing, and Seulgi has to fight the desire to smile. 


Cerberus huffs, clearly impatient that he is not getting any pets from anyone, so Irene lifts their joined hands towards him. When Irene lets go of her hand, Seulgi closes her eyes in anticipation and relaxes when she feels the soft fur against her hands. She yelps at the cold and slimy drool that covers her hand, and before she knows it, her face too is covered in slobber. She opens her eyes and she has every intention to voice out her complaint except it gets stuck in at the sight of Irene hiding a smile behind her hand and Cerberus giving its master three adorable sets of puppy dog eyes. 


They walk further along, Cerberus running around them in circles, and Seulgi can’t believe she even thought he was scary. When they arrive at a beautiful black carriage at the end of the path, the three-headed dog begins to whine and nuzzle its heads at Irene. Cerberus even tries to nuzzle at Seulgi, but with one quick pat on each head and a “Good bye for now”, the beast disappears into the shadows. 


“Do you usually take this to your palace?” Seulgi asks in amazement as the door of the unmanned carriage shuts closed. 


Irene tilts her head, a small smile on her face. 


“What? Did I say something funny?”


Irene shakes her head. “I’m just surprised it took you this long to ask an actual question. They say your questions can go on for hours. But to answer you, similar to Cerberus, I travel using the shadows. In theory, I can take you with me, but your body has gone through a lot in a short span of time and shadow travel might shock your system further.”




“This realm is very different from what you’re used to. It’s different from the land above, and even more different than Olympus. I actually have no idea if any of your powers will work here. As you can imagine, you are the only one who’s ever come here willingly. So…” 


“Sorry.” Seulgi bows her head.


“Don’t apologize. You’re Seulgi.”


Seulgi’s brows furrow at that, she has no idea what Irene means. Yes, she is Seulgi. That’s been established earlier on. But there’s something about Irene’s words, how unfazed she seems by the whole thing and how she keeps mentioning a mysterious “they” that Seulgi feels the goddess knows more about her than she lets on. 


“We’re here.” 


Irene steps down first and Seulgi is grateful that the queen has offered her hand once more because the young goddess practically falls backwards as soon as her eyes take in the grandeur of Irene’s home. She marvels at how it looks like an exact replica of the palace that sits high on top of Mount Olympus, except instead of gold, it’s made of beautiful deep black obsidian. Seulgi looks up and her heart flutters at the sight of starlight, thousands of stars dotting what she assumes to be the underworld’s sky. She starts filing away all the questions in her head, eager to ask Irene for answers, but with a small tug of her hand, she’s led inside.


She’s surprised to find it completely empty, no subjects to greet Irene upon her arrival, even Seulgi has her nymphs waiting for her in her humble home. Irene lets go of her hand, and Seulgi takes the opportunity to awe at the gray and white marbling that fills the space, (a contrast to the black outside) with onyx t and gemstones inlaid in sporadic places. As her hands brush against the different gemstones, it finally fully dawns on her that not only is she in the underworld, but she is in the home of the Queen of the Dead. She is under the power of possibly the most powerful god she’s ever met. She is far far away from what she calls home, from her friends, from safety and she is most probably powerless but she can’t seem to feel any dread. Sure, she felt it when she met Kai and Cerberus, but the place itself didn’t scare her as much as she thought it would. In fact, everything she’s seen and experienced so far is nowhere close to what she would have imagined. A handsome (though possibly deceiving) ferryman, a terrifying river, a three-headed puppy as a guard dog, and a beautiful castle with an even more beautiful master? Seulgi thinks she’s dreaming. 


No, fear is definitely not what she’s feeling as she follows Irene around the palace. There’s a weight of uncertainty that surrounds her, and she knows she’s delving into something completely unknown but Seulgi is excited. Seulgi smiles to herself and she’s sure all those other gods would definitely call her crazy. Seulgi’s heart drops for a secondm imagining how Joy would call her crazy but laugh and say that’s why she likes Seulgi and Wendy would shake her head and fuss over Seulgi as if she weren’t a very capable goddess on her own.


They stop in front of plain white double doors that open as soon as Irene knocks on it. “This is your quarters. I’m just down the hall.” 


Like everything else in this palace, and possibly the entire realm, the room is magnificent. Her bed is huge that she’s sure she, Wendy and Joy can all fit on snuggly. The curtains are a deep shade of purple that hide a massive window giving her a view of the outside. 


“Did you want a bigger room? There are more-“ 


“Your Majesty, it’s great. Thank you. Honestly… you didn’t need to do all this. I know I’m not what you expected when you were going to get Jiwoo… I know that I’m a mess in your plans. I think Kai was right, you know? You don’t know what my presence could do here… what if I do something and everything is ruined?” 


Irene sighs and takes a seat on the bed, with Seulgi following beside her. “This is… new. That much I admit. But with everything they tell me about you… with the way they talk about you… I’m almost sure that you yourself cannot cause any destruction. Besides, if anyone would be crazy enough to do it, I’m not surprised it’s you.” 


“Who is this ‘they’ you keep mentioning?” 


“You’ll find out eventually. Now, it’s time for you to rest.”


“I’m not tired.” 


“It’s been more than a day’s journey, Seulgi. So, whether you like it or not, you should sleep.” 


“I’m not tired.” Seulgi repeats, but a yawn escapes, causing Irene to smirk. 


“If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to let us know. Good night.” 


Irene closes the door behind her and the room is filled with the soft glow from one of the torches. Seulgi has every intention to explore her giant room a little more, to gaze at the stars (she really needs to figure out if that’s what they actually are), to check if there’s anything inside the drawers, but as soon as she lifts her legs on the bed, an unexpected exhaustion weighs her down. The soft glow turns hypnotic and Seulgi doesn’t even bother to fight the sleep that soon envelopes her. 




“Dahyun, be careful! She might wake up!” 


“I just wanna take a closer look!” 


“We’ve never had a guest before!” 


“Quiet! Her Majesty told us to let her rest.” 


“Wow! She’s pretty!” 


“She’s drooling though-“


“Like you don’t drool, Chae—“


“I swear I will kill the both of you—“


“Not like we can die.”


“You can if Her Majesty wills it!”


“Ah, you’re such a spoil sport, Tzuyu.”


“She’s waking up, let’s go!!”

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2187 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3