Chapter 3

even the shadows

For someone as curious as Seulgi, her mind is constantly wandering. Her curiosities easily seep into her dreams, creating whimsical fantasies of what the bottom of the ocean is like, of what humans would do if the gods did not exist, of flowers she can picture in her head but not yet create and of other gods she has yet to meet. But tonight, as she is tucked in the lap of the underworld, Seulgi’s usual dreams of the what ifs, of the possibilities of her immortal life, shifts to memories. Memories of the young girl under the apple tree. Of the tears of the young girl’s mother as life slowly slipped away. Of the moment Irene revealed her face. Of a boat in the middle of the river, her gaze lost in what it contained. 

Souls crying out in agony.


Seulgi, our goddess.


Goddess of Spring, of life, hear me. 


Souls looking for aid. 


Goddess please.


Help me.


Souls waiting for salvation.


Save me.

The fear that lingers in their wails seeps into Seulgi’s heart, keeping her thrashing, her eyes remain shut but her body is moving, trying to reach out for something that isn’t quite there. Then, the fear morphs into something more painful. Regret. Hopelessness. 


My goddess!


Seulgi is transported to a wide field with a marble fountain in the center. As she looks into the fountain water, the faceless souls that once called out to Seulgi meld together and form the almost too real face of her priestess. The priestess that led her to Jiwoo. The priestess that somehow led her to Irene. 

“My child…” Seulgi cries out. “I’m sorry.”

The priestess’ face is clear in the water, clearer than anything else in this horrible dream, and the agony etched into it feels like a knife piercing Seulgi’s all too kind heart.

She reaches out to caress her priestess but just as the tip of her finger touches the water, an icy cold pain rushes up her arm and jerks her back.




Seulgi jolts awake and gasps for air. She rubs her still cold arm, and a part of her wonders how a dream could feel so real. With a quick shake of her head, the thought is tucked into the deepest corners of her mind since Seulgi knows there is no way she can speak to the Goddess of Dreams anytime soon. 

Seulgi yawns and stretches as she lets herself become familiar with what will be her room for the next couple of years. The dark purple curtains are still firmly shut, but Seulgi is pretty certain that there is no sunlight here. The torches, however, seem to glow brighter than during the night. (Was it night when they arrived? When she had fallen asleep? Seulgi quickly realizes that she has no idea how anything works in this completely foreign realm.)

Laid out on the edge of her bed is a black tunic, soft to the touch and cool on her skin. She slowly puts it on, enjoying how it envelopes her body and falls to just around her knees, exactly the way she prefers. She gently wraps the accompanying silver belt around her waist, and tames her hair as best as she can before deciding to place it up in her signature bun, not wanting to shock Irene too much with how wild her hair can get. 

As soon the doors close behind her and she steps out into the main hallway, Seulgi is greeted by three beautiful faces. (Seulgi makes a mental note to ask Irene why everyone in the underworld seems to be so incredibly good looking.) 

They flash her the brightest of smiles and bow deeply enough for Seulgi to notice the black wings on their backs, just as Wendy had mentioned, glittering beautifully under the torchlight. 

The smallest of the three speaks first, “Good morning, Goddess of Spring. We have been instructed by Her Majesty to attend to any and all of your needs. I am Chaeyoung.” 

Another with bright blue hair comes next, “Please do not hesitate to call us if you need anything, dear goddess. We will be at your side whenever you call for it. I am Dahyun.”

Before the last and tallest one can even get a word out, Seulgi asks, “And I assume you are Tzuyu?” 

Death’s angels blink in surprise and Seulgi just smiles, “You were the ones in my room last night, am I right?” 

The three bow once more, “We apologize, dear goddess! We did not mean to cause you any distress!” 

“We were instructed to make sure you had clothes available and admittedly, we got curious. We know we shouldn’t have stayed longer than necessary.” Tzuyu explains, her head still bowed low. 

“It is alright, I understand the allure of curiosity. Just don’t do it again. It’s a little creepy.” 

“We promise, Goddess Seulgi!” The trio replies in unison. 

“Please, just call me Seulgi.” 

“Yes, Mistress Seulgi.” 

“Just Seulgi.” 

“Lady Seulgi?” Dahyun tries. 

“Your Highness?” 

“That’s even higher, you idiot.” Dahyun grumbles, elbowing Chaeyoung in the process.

The goddess shakes her head. “No, just Seulgi.” 

The angels look at each other, “Madame—“ 

“What did I just say?” 

The tallest sighs defeated, “Seulgi, would you like a tour of the palace or would you prefer to start with a meal in our dining hall?” 

“Uh… what about Irene?” 

“Her Majesty left as soon as she woke up.” 

“She hasn’t eaten?” 

“I’m afraid not.” 

“Will she be back soon?”

The angels look amongst themselves before Chaeyoung speaks up, “We cannot say for sure.”

“In that case, let’s wait a little longer. I do not want to be a rude guest, especially on my first day here. Now, please, lead the way.”

“Yes ma- I mean, Seulgi.” 



It’s been almost a couple of weeks. Or at least what Seulgi thinks is a couple of weeks. She still hasn’t figured out how to tell time and the angels assigned to her seem to not know how or seem to not care about the passing of time at all. She hasn’t seen Irene since the older god told her to sleep, even though, according to Tzuyu’s now unprompted and regular morning updates, the goddess does come home and leaves as soon as she wakes up. 

The first couple of days, Seulgi figured that Irene was simply busy, as one would be managing an entire realm. However, now, Seulgi is almost completely certain that Irene is avoiding her. But what can she do about it? Seulgi is painfully aware that she doesn’t belong in this realm with no powers to aid her and with nothing for her to really do. She also understands that Irene does not owe her an explanation to where she’s been or what she’s been doing. The agreement after all was that she would remain in the underworld, nowhere did they discuss that Irene was to be with her or coddle her. Shouldn’t Seulgi be grateful that she is allowed to stay in this wonderful palace instead in the deepest depths of Tartarus? Irene doesn’t even owe Seulgi her time or her presence. That is for sure. So why does a part of Seulgi keep searching and keep waiting for her? 

Seulgi also hates how this weird feeling of longing and wanting more also makes her seem ungrateful. Because in all honesty, Seulgi appreciates every single thing Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu have done for her. 

When Seulgi insisted that she would not step foot in the dining hall without their queen, Dahyun had taken to bringing the ambrosia and nectar to her room, stating smugly, “We’re not in the dining hall, so you can still eat it.” 

The three angels follow Seulgi whenever she explores the ins and outs of the castle, and dutifully answers whatever question she may have. 

“So, the three of you are angels?” 

“Yes. One of Death’s many angels.” 

“Do you eat nectar and ambrosia too? Do you even need to eat? Or do you enjoy mortal food?” 

“We eat souls.” Chaeyoung replies, a huge grin on her face. 




“THAT HURT!” Chaeyoung whines, rubbing her arms.

“DON’T! SCARE! OUR! GUEST!” Tzuyu scolds, as Dahyun whacks Chaeyoung again. “She’s lying. We eat mortal food. Sort of. The offerings to the dead.” 

Seulgi is also constantly amazed at all the little things she learns about them. Chaeyoung, it seems, has been blessed by the Goddess of Art (though the angel has no idea what Seulgi is even talking about) and shows Seulgi the parts of the underworld she’s familiar with through her drawings. She draws the underworld’s rivers, the Asphodel Meadows and paints a heart wrenching image of the Fields of Mourning. 

“I haven’t seen everything yet,” Chaeyoung says in apology as she gives Seulgi a map of what she knows, but the goddess is grateful for it all the same.

Dahyun is a natural storyteller. She makes Seulgi laugh with stories like one which detailed Kai almost falling off his own boat when the first human war erupted, sending a tidal wave of lost souls into the realm, overwhelming the ferryman. She also provides anecdotes to Chaeyoung’s drawings. “That’s the River Styx is where Achilles mother dipped him making him invulnerable. Caused quite a stir actually, tons of us were gathered trying to figure out what she was trying to do. Chaeyoung here thought she was gonna kill the baby.” 

“And Irene just let her?” 

Dahyun shrugs, “Death comes for all anyway. Shame about his heel, no? Now, he’s somewhere here.”

Tzuyu, on the other hand, is quiet. But, Seulgi quickly realizes, is smart. Tzuyu smiles and giggles at the antics of her fellow angels, but with the way she seems to know things that the other two don’t and how she is always watching Seulgi in a way the others haven’t, makes Seulgi feel she knows a lot more than she’s letting on. 

The three also happily introduce Seulgi to the rest of the angels in the palace, though they remind her constantly that there are thousands more of them spread throughout the realm. Seulgi meets Momo, Sana and Mina first, when they are assigned to watch Seulgi. “We have to spread our wings too,” Sana explains, when Seulgi asks about her original guardians. 

“They’re up on land?”


“Collecting the souls of the dead?” 

“Leading.” Momo answers.

“What about Irene? Is she on earth too?” 

A look passes between them and this time, it is Mina who replies in a quiet voice, “Her Majesty is trying to be everywhere at once.” 

Seulgi is introduced to the leader of this group of angels, Jihyo, when she accidentally knocks over a set of bronze armor that was placed in the foyer. 

“THAT WAS THE ARMOR OF ODYSSEUS!!” she shrieks and Tzuyu rushes in to placate her, while Dahyun whisks Seulgi away and Chaeyoung sets the armor upright again. 

“Why do you even have that?” Seulgi whispers, as Dahyun tugs Seulgi away from the still seething angel. 

“Heroes give the queen gifts, so she can spare them from certain torments.” Dahyun answers.

Chaeyoung scoffs as she follows quickly behind them, “As if it really means anything to her. Mortals really are full of themselves sometimes.” 

Before Seulgi can prod further, Tzuyu appears, her wings in disarray. “Sorry about Jihyo, she’s tough, but she always means well. She’s a little high strung especially with Her Majesty out of the palace everyday but if there’s anyone that knows where Her Majesty is, it would be Jihyo.” 

Then, there is Nayeon and Jeongyeon, guards of the palace and sometimes, when required, personal guards of the queen herself. They smile brightly as they are introduced, with Jeongyeon promising to keep Seulgi safe. As Seulgi gives them her thanks, she notices how one of Nayeon’s wings are completely bent out of shape, and even though she has already decided to never ask why out loud, Dahyun seems to have read her mind. 

“Those two work best when together. They’re amazing and truly a spectacle to watch. But sometimes, someone stronger comes along that can rip apart the closest of bonds.” 

So, Seulgi isn’t lonely. She has all these angels, she has this huge palace she has yet to fully discover, a realm she has so much to learn about… but a huge part of her can’t shake away her desire to see the Queen of the Underworld again. 



When Seulgi wakes up, she expects silence. In her first couple of days, Seulgi found the silence deafening. She was used to the sound of birds, of animals, of the rain, of humans arguing and laughing, of Wendy’s songs and Joy’s laughter. But now, Seulgi has gotten used to the quiet and has learned to enjoy it. She has come to expect the soft hiss of the torches and the small creak as she closes the door behind her. She smiles as she hears the flapping of wings, but very different from the birds above, and the rush of footsteps somewhere in the palace, no doubt preparing for whatever lays ahead. These sounds are different from her life up above, but she’s come to expect them and she has come to find some comfort in them. 

So when a high pitched shriek suddenly fills the palace halls, a shriek loud enough to make every siren envious, Seulgi’s heart jumps up to and panic fills her being. 

For a second, Seulgi thinks to call for Jeongyeon or Nayeon but another scream is heard and Seugi lets her feet lead her to the massive doors of the dining hall. 

Inside, Seulgi can hear fighting.

“You can’t avoid her forever!” 

“I’m not!” 

“Is the almighty goddess scared?” 

“I will have Cerberus eat you alive.” 

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that threat before.”


Those words spur Seulgi into action and she swings the door open, only for to drop open in surprise at the sight that greets her. The Goddess of Death, sitting at the head of the table, being held into a chokehold by a pink haired… angel? 

Before Seulgi can even jump in to protect her hostess, or shout at the assailant to let her go, the two spring apart and suddenly, the hall is filled with the melodious laughter of the assailant. Seulgi stands by the door, partly stunned by what she just saw and partly in fear that Irene is going to punish this angel right before her very eyes.

“Finally! You’re up! I was starving.” the pink haired angel says, waving to Seulgi.

Irene sighs, “Don’t you have any manners?” 

“My apologies. Good day, my dear goddess. I am Yeri, Messenger of the Gods, Goddess of heralds, travelers and merchants.” she says, bowing exaggeratedly in front of Seulgi. 

“You forgot the goddess of thieves.” Irene adds from her spot on the dining table. 

Seulgi blinks in surprise. Of course she’s heard about the Messenger of the Gods. It’s just, never in her life did she think she’d actually meet her. Seulgi has never really felt the need to call on the goddess for help and it’s not like she has many other gods that she wants to keep in contact with. 

Once Seulgi takes in the goddess before her, she smiles and bows to introduce herself, “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Seulgi. Goddess of Spring and Life.”

“Oh, I know all about you.” Yeri smiles, a small twinkle in her eyes, before she flies up with her winged sandals and takes the seat on Irene’s left. “Shall we eat?” 

“Who said you were allowed to eat here?” Irene rolls her eyes. 

Seulgi may not know Irene at all, but there is a certain fondness in the way she speaks to Yeri. It’s amusing, to say the least, to see the Goddess of Death so comfortable and… well, relatable. 

“Seulgi, come, take a seat on Irene’s other side! There’s plenty of food for everyone!”

“You speak as if it is your food to offer.” Seulgi comments.

“Wow, that sounds like something Her Majesty would say. Which is surprising, considering she’s never around.” 

“I - it’s okay. I’m sure she has many affairs to attend to.” 

“I mean, don’t we all? I have things to attend to and yet here I am!” Yeri says, obviously trying to get a reaction out of Irene who looks bored and says nothing. But suddenly, the air around them turns cold and Yeri audibly sighs, before quickly changing topics to gossip about both gods and mortals.

“I don’t mean to be rude, Goddess Yeri, but what are you doing in the underworld?” Seulgi asks during a lull in the conversation.

“Oh, just the usual. Giving Irene her messages. Which reminds me, can you please tell your brother to have someone meet me instead? I abhor going into the ocean just to see him. The salt isn’t great for my hair.”

Irene snorts, “What makes you think I’m going to speak to him anytime soon?” 

“You have a point.” 

“YOUR MAJESTY!” Jihyo storms into the dining hall and bows in apology to Yeri and Seulgi before whispering in Irene’s ear. A look of frustration crosses Irene’s features for less than a second before it becomes completely blank and unreadable. 

“Tell Nayeon and Jeongyeon to meet me out front.” Irene says, and Jihyo bows, running out the door. 

“I apologize, I must go. I have something to attend to.” 

Seulgi expects Yeri to protest, but the pink haired goddess just nods, a look passing between the two. The awful feeling of longing creeps up again and Seulgi tries her best to ignore it. But she can’t help but feel cheated, this is the most time she’s spent with Irene since she’s been here, and now, who knows when she’ll see Irene again? Maybe she can ask Yeri to stay, so that they have more time together? Is this the only way she’ll be able to see Irene? With this pink haired goddess by their side?

A small hand on her shoulder snaps Seulgi out of her wondering and Seulgi looks up to meet Irene’s soft smile, “I’ll see you soon.” 

Seulgi watches as Irene disappears past the doors, her appetite gone and worry starting to fill her chest once more. 

“She’ll be okay.” Yeri says, mostly to herself than to Seulgi.

“I’m sure you’re right.” 

“Of course I am. Are you finished with your meal?” 

“Yes, I don’t think I have any appetite now knowing that Irene is troubled with something and I can’t do anything to help.” 

“I know what you mean,” Yeri sighs, before flashing Seulgi a smile. “Do you want to play with Ceb with me?” 



“Don’t you have... like you said, messages to send?”

Yeri shrugs, “I’m sure Ceb misses me. And it will do us some good, to keep our mind off… things.” 

“Okay, I’d like that.” 



When Seulgi lands on the field outside the palace walls, she wonders if this is a good idea. There were no rules in place after all, but Seulgi is pretty certain that she is meant to stay within the giant palace. 

“You’re heavier than I thought you’d be.” Yeri says as she catches her breath. 

“Sorry, I told you, you didn’t need to carry me. But thanks for not dropping me.” 

“Walking would’ve taken far too long for my liking. Anyway, you’ve met Ceb, I presume?” 

“Yes, by the bank of the River Styx.” 

“Perfect, at least he’ll be in the mood to play then and you know, not want to eat you alive.” 

Yeri lets out a low whistle, and unlike Cerberus’ thundering figure barreling towards them, the three-headed dog appears from the shadows, two heads fighting for Yeri’s attention while the third leans its head on Seulgi. 

Seulgi watches as Yeri pulls a glittering rock almost half her size from the ground and attaches her winged sandals to it. Then, the goddess throws the rock as far as she can, with Cerberus running off to catch it. 

“Cerberus was the first thing she had that was really hers. I mean, aside from this hell hole.” Yeri says, her eyes focused on the dog trying to catch the now flying hunk of rock. 

“He was?” 

“When she first came here, it was empty. Just the rivers, the fires, the bleak land, and the darkness. Then, somehow, maybe out of desperation, she made Cerberus.” 

“She created him?”

“Yup, out of the shadows. Cerberus is the only being aside from Irene herself that can travel through the shadows. Amazing, isn’t it?” 

Cerberus returns with the rock in his mouth and hands it to Seulgi, who tries not to make a face at all the dog slobber on her hands. She flings it as hard as she can, and the conversation continues. 

“Were you there? When it happened?” Seulgi asks, remembering that Yeri is much much older than her. 

Yeri shakes her head, “Truth be told, I’m only here because Irene is here. The Mother Goddess created me because no other god can step foot in this realm.” 

“Except you.” 

“Except me. And well I guess, now, you too.”

They play with Cerberus some more, and the more they do so, the more Seulgi is grateful for Yeri. Just like Joy has Wendy, and Wendy has Joy, and Seulgi has them, at least Irene has Yeri.

“I’ve been meaning to ask, how are you doing? I know the adjustment from all sunshine to this place hasn’t been easy.” 

“Uh… I think I am doing well.” 

“Do not worry, you are not a prisoner here.” 

“I have never thought that. I feel if I were, I would not be staying in the palace.”

“Exactly. Plus, Irene has those clowns watching over you.”

The two goddesses watch as Dahyun pounces on Chaeyoung for some unknown reason, while the tallest of the trio pinches the bridge of her nose and slowly inches away in embarrassment. 

“I quite like them.” 

“Oh, they’re great. I like them too. I hope you don’t take it the wrong way. Irene isn’t devaluing you nor is she giving you her worst or most troublesome ones. But they can be loud, and messy, and more childlike than the others. Truth be told, I feel our goddess has a soft spot for this trio though don’t tell anyone I said that.”

“Then what did you mean?” 

Yeri taps her chin in thought, “That child… back on earth, the sole reason why you’re here…. If you had sent your siblings to care for her in your absence, what would that mean?” 

“I don’t particularly care for my siblings so I would never do that.” 

“Then what about those goddesses you’re so fond of? The Goddesses of Music and Celebration, correct? What does it mean if you sent them to watch over her?”

Seulgi’s brows furrow in confusion, “So, Irene sees me like Jiwoo? Like a child?” 

“No, my dear goddess. In this realm full of mystery, full of uncertainty, darkness and pain… Irene gave you as much comfort and light as she could.” 



Seulgi has no idea how long she and Yeri were outside the palace but it must have been far too long because the moment they step inside once more, an irate Queen of the Underworld awaits them. 

Yeri squeaks but steps in front of Seulgi, “I see you’ve returned.” 

“I see you two were nowhere to be found.” 

“We were safe. We were with them.” Yeri gestures to the trio of angels who look like they want to disappear on the spot. 

Irene sighs, “Yeri, may I speak with you privately?” 

“Irene-“ Seulgi starts, hoping to be able to defend her new friend. 

“I am glad you are safe,” Irene says, a tightlipped smile thrown Seulgi’s way. “Now, if you don’t mind.” 

“It was nice meeting you, Seulgi.” Yeri waves as she follows Irene into the dining hall. 

She knows she shouldn’t, but the fear that she got Yeri in trouble and the memory of what could have been Kai’s fate is much stronger than her logic. Seulgi sticks her ear against the door, hoping that Yeri is safe from Death’s wrath. 

“Why would you do that? Why would you take her away from here? I left for a moment-“ 

“Don’t you see? That’s all you do, Irene! You’ve been gone! You’ve left her alone! She’s been alone for almost a month and a half now!” 

“The angels-“ 

“-Are simply not enough!” 

“They are perfectly capable of taking care of her and keeping her safe!” 

“You know her nature! I told you before everything even started! Or do you not remember that fateful visit when I told you some goddess has been asking about Death? I told you she was curious, of course keeping her in the palace is a bad idea!” 

“So Yeri is the ‘they’ that Irene keeps referring to. Of course the Messenger of the Gods, flying from place to place would somehow catch all the questions I ask.” Seulgi thinks as she listens on.

Irene is quiet for a moment too long and Yeri takes the chance to continue to speak, “She is not drawn to the underworld. She is drawn to you. Specifically to you. Why? I have no idea. I’m just telling you what I know. So whatever curiosity she has, it’s because of you. Not because of this palace or this realm. You can keep her here if that’s what you want, but it will not be enough.” 

“What would you have me do? What do you expect from me, Yeri? This place isn’t stable! I no longer know if she’s safe here” 

“Then why did you bring her here? You could have refused her! You could have taken the child with you! What is one child? What is ONE goddess? You’ve refused the company of everyone, even your own siblings! Don’t tell me you brought her here because you were lonely? Don’t tell me you brought her here to satisfy your own morbid curiosity?” 

“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” Irene shouts, and a cold chill spreads throughout the palace, causing the torches to flicker for a moment. Seulgi shudders from her spot behind the door. 

Whatever anger present in Yeri’s voice has seemed to dissipate, and now there is nothing but worry, “Just… what is it? You’re not telling me something. Irene, please, talk to me.” 

Before Seulgi can hear Irene’s response, a hand lands on her shoulder and gently pulls her away. If it was any of her normal guardians, Seulgi could swat them away, or beg them to let her stay but as she comes face to face with their leader, Seulgi stiffens. 

“Do not worry, dear goddess. Her Majesty may fight with the younger god, but they care for each other deeply. No harm will come to them.” Jihyo says, an unfamiliar look of softness in her eyes.

Seulgi just nods in response and allows herself to be led back to her room. “I’ll have Dahyun send your meal here instead.” 

Seulgi nods again as she opens the door to her quarters. 

“Wait, Goddess Seulgi.” 

“Yes, Jihyo?” 

“Her Majesty will make sure no harm will come to you too. You have my word.”

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2178 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3