Chapter 8

even the shadows

Irene is beautiful. 


The thought isn’t new, Seulgi has always been stunned by how perfect the Goddess of Death looks, but seeing her above ground, seeing the way the sunshine hits her face, seeing Seulgi’s own flowers as the backdrop to her beauty, well, it stirs something new within Seulgi. It makes Seulgi want to reach forward, to hold Irene closer and to keep her by her side as long as possible. 

Seulgi feels a gentle chill against her hand, breaking her thoughts, but when she turns, Irene isn’t looking at her, her gaze still focused on what lays ahead of them. Irene squeezes Seulgi’s hand, as if reminding her of her presence. As if reminding Seulgi that she’s here with her now , and that’s what counts. 


Irene is also incredibly unfair.


Though, it’s not really Irene’s fault. It’s simply that Irene somehow manages to always figure out how Seulgi is feeling, gently reaching for Seulgi’s hand when she’s feeling nervous, making sure the angels get Seulgi’s favorite food when she’s feeling particularly down or homesick, or gently rubbing the space between her brows when she’s worried or deep in thought. 

But Seulgi? Seulgi barely has any idea what goes on in Irene’s mind. The entire time they’ve been summoned by the King of the Gods, Irene’s face was a vision of pure calm, and yet underneath all that, she had a plan to make him a fool in front of the rest of the Olympians AND help Seulgi fulfill her duty? How in the world was Seulgi supposed to figure that out? And yes, she’s seen brief flashes of raw emotion from the older goddess but those appear so quickly, and are gone before it fully registers in her mind, never really giving her the time to properly react to it or to give Irene the comfort she needs. 

There are times where Seulgi wants to shake Irene and tell her, “I am by your side. You can lean on me. Please lean on me.” But Seulgi isn’t brave enough to actually do that, so instead, she relishes in the simple comfort of Irene’s hand in hers and hopes that is enough. 

Now though, now that Irene has accepted Seulgi’s invitation to show her one last thing, Seulgi can’t help but keep wondering what Irene’s thinking. They stand together, at the edge of the property, close to the apple tree Seulgi enchanted herself. Irene says nothing, as per usual, and it’s how her face is completely blank that makes Seulgi want to know even more. Does she find it strange that Seulgi has taken her here, out of all the possible places on earth? Is she nervous? Is she curious? Does she find this a chore and is she itching to go back to the comforts of her palace?


“You’re thinking too loud.” Irene says, not taking her eyes off the small home. “What are you thinking about?” 

Of course she’d feel me thinking. A blush quickly forms on Seulgi’s cheeks, “About you.” 

This gets Irene to face Seulgi with an eyebrow lifted and lip quirked up in an almost-smile, “Oh? And what about me?” 

“I want to know what you’re thinking.” 

“Nothing of significance. I’m simply waiting to see what it is you so eagerly wanted to share with me.” 

“But what are you feeling?” Seulgi prods, “Are you nervous? Scared? Happy?”

“A little curious, perhaps, because you yourself have not said anything since our journey from the Tree of Life. But beyond that, I’m feeling… content. Content that I get to spend a little more time above with you. Does that answer your question, dear goddess?” 

Seulgi nods, and before she can dwell on Irene’s words, the back door of the house swings open and Seulgi’s favorite little human rushes out. The little girl looks better, she doesn’t seem as small, or as fragile, there is more color in her cheeks, and Seulgi can feel breathe a little better because of it.

“This is Jiwoo.” Seulgi says, a huge smile on her face as Jiwoo gently greets each of the flowers around her, each with their own name. 

“Hello, little Jiwoo.” 

But of course, the little girl continues what she’s doing, watering the plants and telling them about her morning, unable to hear nor see the goddesses around her. For a moment, Seulgi wonders if this is boring Irene, watching a human child with her plants. But Seulgi chances a glance at the Goddess of Death, and her heart melts at the soft smile plastered on her face, her eyes sparkling as she watches Jiwoo move about. When Jiwoo trips on her own feet, Irene makes a move to rush forward and catch her, forgetting for a moment that she cannot hold the child. Then, when Jiwoo pats the dirt off her clothes, looking unharmed and unbothered, there’s a proud smile etched onto Irene’s face.

“Jiwoo, it’s time to go!” 

“Coming, mama! Bye, flowers, see you later!”

“Come on, there’s more I want to show you.” Seulgi says, tugging Irene’s hand and leading the way. 


With every home, shop and corner they pass, there’s a story for Seulgi to tell. She tells Irene of the blacksmith, how he had longed for a son, but was instead blessed with five daughters. Instead of feeling resentment and anger at the gods, he taught his daughters everything he could, and now their family is sought all over the region for their handiwork. She gushes about this baker, and how she makes the best bread she’s ever had, her offerings always standing out just by the smell alone.

She tells Irene the bad stories too, such as the one about the nobleman that spends all his family’s money on booze and gambling, and brandishes a sword at whoever gets in his way - even his own brothers. How they tried to help him get back on his feet but due to his own pride and stubbornness, he now lives a life alone in a huge and quickly rotting home. Seulgi even shakes her head as she points at the group in the middle of the town square, their constant gossip and need to meddle even causing someone to leave town.

“You truly adore this place and its people, don’t you?” Irene says, as Seulgi finishes narrating the beautiful love story of the elderly couple that passed them as they were walking.

“This town does not have much, not compared to the cities that have been erected in my honor. Each town is different and beautiful in its own way… But this one, I have always favored them. Their devotion has always been sincere, and you can see it in the way they honor each of their harvests, and how they care for the forest that surrounds their town. I have always enjoyed watching mortals and observing them, but because I spend so much time with Jiwoo, I have come to learn more and more about the townspeople on a deeper level.”

“Will you take me?” Irene asks, and seeing the confused look on Seulgi’s face, she continues, “To your other towns and cities. I think I would rather enjoy exploring a town that worships a goddess such as yourself.” 

“Of course, my dear goddess. Anywhere you want to go on this earth, I’ll lead you as best I can.” 

“Thank you.” Irene gives a small smile before it quickly fades as her eyes follow Jiwoo and her mother. “Seulgi, I do not think I can enter. I have not entered another god’s temple in centuries. The last time I did, my brother and I almost caused a war.” 

“Nothing bad will happen here, I promise. My temple will be safe for you as well. If anything, it is my turn to keep you safe, don’t you think?” Seulgi says, gently tugging Irene inside. 


Temples are said to not only be a reflection of the god or goddess it houses, but of the entire town itself. For a simple town such as this, and for a simple goddess such as Seulgi, it is fair to say that the temple as well reflects this simplicity. It is not grand, or boastful in its structure but it has everything it needs. But more importantly, just like its patron goddess, the temple is full of life and beauty. 

Similar to most temples, columns surround the entire structure, and the columns are what signify a temple’s grandeur. Usually, the columns are made of the finest marble, and they are kept flawlessly white or painted in the brightest colors. But in Seulgi’s temple, vines wrap around each column, with an array of flowers sprouting forth. To an outsider, it seems unkempt, but to the devout, they see Seulgi’s power and blessings in each and every column. In the main sanctum, devotees gather together, offering grain, flowers, nuts, and whatever they can as they pray for their heart’s desires. 

Seulgi’s heart is about to burst in happiness as she sees the townspeople at ease inside her temple, inside what is considered her home in this town. Some are gathered together as they talk about the late spring, and their own worries about food and harvest. They talk about the difficulty in staying devoted during the tough times, but nonetheless, are glad that spring has finally arrived. 

“Our goddess cares for all.” One of the worshipers comments, noting how their harvest seems to have doubled, despite the late arrival of the season.

“I believe that it was a test. Our goddess is not the type who would abandon us in fury. I believe that she wanted to see us care for one another, as she has cared for us.” Another says and those around him nod in agreement. 

Beside her, Irene says nothing and merely watches everyone around them, then she squeeze’s Seulgi’s hand to signal how happy she is for the younger goddess.


Tucked a little bit deeper into the temple, away from the crowds and the noise, is the inner sanctum meant for quiet devotion. This is where Jiwoo and her mother end up, and they kneel together in silent prayer. This is also where Irene gasps as soon as they enter, letting go of Seulgi’s hand as she does. Seulgi means to question her but the Queen of the Underworld continues to move forward, and all Seulgi can do is follow behind her, her heart suddenly hammering in her chest. Irene strides past Jiwoo and her mother, past the priestesses chanting their devotions, and past the mound of offerings laid out for Seulgi. Then she stops in front of Seulgi’s bronze statue, not made of gold, or ivory like the others, and barely a foot taller than the actual Seulgi that stands beside her.


But Irene looks up at the statue, her eyes full of awe and wonder and she raises both her hands to touch it. 


Rationally, Seulgi knows that the statue Irene is touching isn’t really herself, but she can’t help but feel her own cheeks heat up as Irene’s fingers gently brush against the statue’s cheeks. Nor can she help it when her arms tingle as Irene’s hand lands on the statue’s shoulder and traces down to the statue’s hands. Then, the Goddess of Death leans her forehead against her bronze likeness, a mirror of everyone else in the sanctum, as if she too is in silent prayer. Seulgi watches as Irene closes her eyes, and her lips are moving but no sound comes out. 

For the third time that day, Seulgi thinks that Irene is beautiful. A small portion of the sunlight manages to peek through the columns and thick vines, casting a beautiful glow on Irene and Seulgi’s statue. The light, shining above, seems to make Irene glow in a new way. In a way that does not signify her power, but maybe, Seulgi thinks, signifies her warmth. The warmth that Seulgi has come to know. 

Seulgi swears Irene’s hair is shimmering against the sunlight, and it adds to how utterly blown away she feels right now. Irene’s eyes are still closed, and Seulgi takes the opportunity to stare a little longer. Her lashes are long and beautiful, her cheeks are tinted pink and they look so soft that Seulgi has to resist the urge to touch it. Something stirs in her chest, the now familiar longing to have Irene close and by her side.

After what feels like an eternity, Irene takes a step back and turns to Seulgi, “Do you hear all their prayers when you’re in here?” 

Seulgi nods, “But some are not as strong as others. I didn’t hear yours though.” 

“That’s because I did not pray to you.” 

“Did you pray for me then?” Seulgi asks with a tilt of her head. 

“Let us just say I prayed about you.” Irene replies, “So, my dear goddess, did you bring me all the way here to boast about your beautiful temple and statue?” 

“N-no!” Seulgi yelps, “Of course not! I would never boast like that! I did not mean- don’t take any offense, Your Majesty! I only meant-” 

Irene bursts out into a grin, “Relax, my dear goddess. I was merely teasing. But, I did mean it when I said your temple is absolutely beautiful. Though… I do not think that it truly gives you justice.” 

“What do you mean?” 

Irene taps her chin in thought, “The bronze statue captured your likeness really well. It captured your stunning eyes, the roundness of your cheeks, the way your arms are both delicate and strong… they even managed to capture the way your hair sways with the wind, frozen in time in a statue. It is beautiful just as you yourself are beautiful, but I do not think any statue in the world nor any sculptor - no matter how gifted - could capture you as you truly are. Even if it were made of the purest gold or the purest ivory, nothing could capture the true beauty and warmth of having you by my side.” 

Seulgi blinks back in surprise, not only at the words that Irene says, but the way she says it so simply, and how it seems so… genuine. 

At Seulgi’s silence, Irene intertwines their fingers once more, “I believe you wanted to know what I was thinking, correct? Well, now, you do.”

“What do your temples look like? Do they look the same? Are they made of obsidian? I think I would like to see your statue as well, I’m sure it would look beautiful no matter what it’s made of.” Seulgi lets out in quick succession, unsure how to react to Irene’s words but eager to bring the focus away from herself. 

If Irene notices, she doesn’t comment on it, and instead answers Seulgi’s question. “I have but one temple.” 

“What?! One? Why only one? You are the God of Death! One of the strongest, most feared and respected gods in the entire universe. You deserve more!” 

“The fact that I have one is surprising enough. My dear goddess, you see, no one in their right mind would devote their life to the God of Death. Mortals only pray to me towards the end of their life. Or when they are desperate, frustrated, tired, or scared. But I am not a god they need in order to live. They do not need my blessings or my protection… so there is no need for a temple to be built.” Irene continues, “But… there are a few… who are in awe of my power and what they think I can control. It seems that they are more devoted to the Underworld and what lies inside.” 

“You mean, the spirits?” 

“They pray to me in hopes that they can communicate with the dead. They hope to ask the dead for guidance, to discover more human knowledge for their own selfish recognition or to plead for my assistance in bringing back those who are already mine… they worship me in hopes that I will favor them enough and grant them access to the souls I keep.” 

“Have you ever granted them their wishes?” 

“Yes. Have you heard of Odysseus?” 

Seulgi nods and sheepishly looks away, “I… uh… knocked over his armor in your palace.” 

“Ah, yes, I remember. Jihyo was livid about that. I found it amusing, both you knocking it over and Jihyo’s rants that followed. I’ll tell you more about him one day. But for now, it seems they are finished.” 


Jiwoo and her mother bow, kissing the ground one last time. As they stand, Jiwoo attempts to whisper to her mother, “Isn’t Goddess Seulgi pretty, mama?”

For a second, the priestesses break in their chants, smiles threatening to grow on their faces as the child’s whisper comes out as a shout. But when Jiwoo whisper-shouts once more, “Bye, priestesses! Pray well!”, they can no longer deny their smiles. 

“I see why you favor Jiwoo.” Irene says, as they follow the mother-daughter duo once more. 

“And why is that?” 

“She thinks you’re pretty.” There’s a sparkle again in Irene’s eyes, so Seulgi takes the opportunity and nudges her shoulder against Irene’s. “Well, you think so too right?” 

Irene raises an eyebrow, “I believe the word I used was beautiful.”

Seulgi says nothing in return, half grateful and half embarrassed by this more playful side of Irene. Thankfully, it’s a quick walk to their next destination, a house and property at least thrice the size of Jiwoo’s. 


“Jiwoo’s mother is a seamstress, and one of her clients is the town’s leader.” Seulgi explains as they step into the house. 

They are greeted by a loud, “JIWOO!! YOU’RE HERE!!” followed by a shrill response of, “SOOYOUNG!!”

The girl named Sooyoung runs up to Jiwoo and crushes her into a hug before bowing to Jiwoo’s mother. “Good afternoon, ma’am. May I take Jiwoo to play?” 

“Good afternoon, Sooyoung! Of course you may. Be good, okay, Jiwoo?” 

“Always, mama!” 

The two kids rush off hand in hand, “How are your plants today, Jiwoo?”

“Good! Mister Sun seems extra happy today because all the flowers outside are blooming too!” 

Sooyoung scratches the back of her head in confusion, “Sorry, which one is Mister Sun again?” 

“The yellow one! The sunflower!” 

“Oh, right! How are you feeling today? Are you still coughing?” 

“Nope!” Jiwoo replies with a big smile, “Today is a good day!” 

Sooyoung smiles back, but it’s evident to both the goddesses that it’s one that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Good, good. Just take care of yourself, okay?” 


They arrive in the backyard and Seulgi tries not to laugh at the pure shock on Irene’s face as she is greeted by the sight and sounds of ten other children. There are different cries of, “Jiwoo’s here!” “JIWOO HURRY, LET’S PLAY!” and simply, “Jiwoo, Jiwoo!!” 

“Sooyoung is the eldest daughter of the town’s leader. They have a big family.” Seulgi says. 

“All of those are her siblings?!” 

Seulgi laughs, “No, no. But at least half of them are. Here, let me show you.”

The two goddesses sit under the shade of a tree as Seulgi introduces each of the girls to Irene. “That one is also Jiwoo’s best friend, Jungeun.” she says, as one girl attempts to carry Jiwoo. The children eventually break out into different groups, some running around and playing, some eating, while some are dancing to their own made up music. It looks like pure chaos.


And Seulgi absolutely loves it. 


She loves how free they are, how they are enjoying each other’s company and being outside, she loves how the other kids swarm Jiwoo, and how Jiwoo gives everyone a hug when she can. They love each other and it warms Seulgi’s heart, since what is more precious and genuine than a child’s love? 


“Yes, my dear goddess?” 

“She’s like you.” Irene says as she turns toward Seulgi with a soft smile, “She’s a beacon of light and happiness. Look at how happy she makes everyone, how loving she makes everyone. Everyone is drawn to her and to her warmth… like you.” 

Seulgi turns away at Irene’s words, her face surely as red as the roses in the nearby bush. She can feel her heart thundering in her chest, and her mind is once again swirling with questions, mostly, “What do you mean?” and “Why are you saying this?” 


When Seulgi finally recovers, she finds that Irene is still looking at her, except her smile has turned into a smirk. “I have a question though.” 


“Are you sure she is not your child? A demigod perhaps? After all, She takes after you really well. Her affinity to plants. Her warmth. Are you introducing me to your child, dear Seulgi?” 

Seulgi’s face begins to heat up once more, “NO! OF COURSE NOT! I do not have- she is not- why would I even-” 

Then, Irene laughs, she laughs so loudly and unrestrained that Seulgi is caught in a daze. Irene is happy, that much Seulgi is sure of. And to be the cause of her happiness? Seulgi thinks there is no higher honor. The selfish part of her emerges again, another cry to get Irene to stay with her until spring ends. But she quickly shoves it down, and Seulgi just hopes she can make Irene laugh like that again once they’re in the underworld. 

“You, my beautiful dear goddess, are fun to tease.” 

Seulgi huffs, “Joy says that as well. And I didn’t expect you to tease me too… the Queen of the Underworld out of everyone...”

“What can I say? The way your cheeks puff up, and the way a blush creeps from your neck to your ears is absolutely adorable.” 

Seulgi huffs again and folds her arms, and it only makes Irene laugh harder.


When Irene’s laughter finally dies down, she leans her head on Seulgi’s shoulder and they sit in comfortable silence as they watch the children around them. 

“Would you have traded places with them too?” Irene asks, just as Heejin, Yerim and Jiwoo come zipping by, completely unaware of their presence. 

“I don’t know. Jiwoo is special, and her heart is amazing. It’s so full of love and like you said, she is a beacon of happiness and light. These children are dear to me, but they would not be dear to me without Jiwoo. To be honest, the reason I brought you here is because the more you defend me, the more you protect me, you are doing the same for Jiwoo. I wanted to show you what you’re protecting. I want to show you why I’m so grateful. Why everything you do means so much to me.”


Irene hums in response and begins to trace patterns on Seulgi’s palm. “May I tell you a secret?” 

“Of course, anything.” 

“I knew about Jiwoo well before you did. To be more accurate, I knew of her, but I did not really know the young girl personally.” Irene pauses for a moment, “Your priestess, her name is Wheein.” 

“Did she- did she trade places with Jiwoo? Is that why she died after I spoke with her?” 

Irene shakes her head, “I would like to consider Wheein as a friend. I met her long ago, close to your temple. She was already shunned by the townspeople at this time, no longer seen as your priestess. You see, I was actually looking for her. My brother… the king… I know he ruins the lives of the women who oppose him and his advances, and I do my best to help if I can. I cannot get justice for them, sadly, and Wheein knew that. But Wheein… She is incredibly brave. At first, she thought I was there to lead her to the underworld and it was admirable to see how calm she was in the face of possible death.” 

“So what did you do?” 


Irene lifts her head up from Seulgi’s shoulder, and places her hand on the earth, inviting Seulgi to do the same. Seulgi feels a pulse, an energy not unlike what she uses for her plants to spring forth. The pulse beats louder, and the ground suddenly feels cold to her touch, as if her brother put all the snow in the world in that one patch of grass. The cold becomes unbearable, and Seulgi hisses in pain and pulls away. 


“I gave her this.” 


“Gold, silver, emeralds, rubies, those that humans find valuable are all below the earth. All part of my realm. I gave her one of the purest gold I could muster and waited to see what she would do with it. Like all things from the gods, it is a gift, but it is up to her what she does with it. And Wheein, if I may say, is truly your priestess. She hurried to a house at the edge of the town, where a young man and his new bride were tending to his dying father.”

“Is that how she ended up in Jiwoo’s house?” 

“Yes. She was suffering her own fate, but she felt they needed it more since they had no money to get his father the care he required. They wanted to repay her eventually but Wheein did not do it for the payment. So they offered her a home, a place to stay, a family that she can call her own now that she’s been abandoned by everyone else. In the end, she helped nurse and raise their first-born son, and eventually, Jiwoo as well.” 

“So, I was right then, the lily that Jiwoo found… I gave Wheein an amaryllis…” 

Irene chuckles at the memory, “Wheein thought you would worry. Every time I visit, she spends a good time talking about you, about your kindness to those that are sworn to you. It has always intrigued me because despite everything, she was always steadfast in her devotion. It was a true honor for me to lead her to the Underworld myself.” 

“I feel a bit foolish then.” 

“Why so?” 

“Here I am, showing you Jiwoo, when you’ve known her longer.” 

“Don’t be. It is different hearing about Jiwoo from her and seeing Jiwoo with my own eyes, just like you do. I understand then why both of you want to protect her. I understand now why Wheein requested me to lead Jiwoo when her time comes.” 


Seulgi wonders what would have happened had she not chosen this town for her celebration that year. If she had not met Wheein, if she had not given Wheein that flower or if she had dismissed Wheein’s plea to help Jiwoo’s family. She wonders if she would be here, under a tree with the Queen of the Underworld, watching young humans enjoy being alive.

Irene leans her head on Seulgi’s shoulder once more, and it’s the most calm Seulgi has felt in a while. Irene begins to ask questions, mostly about Jiwoo and her friends and it’s endearing how much she has started to care for the little girl too. 

It is only when the sun begins to set and some children have gone home that Irene stands, offering her hand to Seulgi. “I believe it is time for me to return to the Underworld. I can already imagine the headache Jihyo will give me, especially since I asked Nayeon and Jeongyeon to return ahead.” 

“Before we part ways, may I- may I say something selfish?”

“You can tell me anything, you know that.”


“My beloved goddess, I am truly glad Wheein met you, though it wasn’t in the best of circumstances. I am glad that you listened to her, and that you were the one meant to take Jiwoo to the Underworld. I am glad for the times that I chose to watch over Jiwoo and I am glad that somehow, in a show of bravery, I willingly took Jiwoo’s place. Despite everything we had to go through, I am happy because I got to experience more than I could have ever hoped, more than I could ever dreamed, and I got to meet your angels, I got to meet Yeri… and I got to meet you.”

Irene wraps her arms around Seulgi’s waist, and buries her face in the nook between her neck and shoulder. “Thank you for sharing Jiwoo with me. Thank you for sharing your world with me.” Seulgi pulls Irene as close as she possibly can and maybe it’s because she’s never been this close to her, Seulgi realizes for the first time that the goddess smells of marigolds. 

Then as they pull away, Irene does one thing more. It’s so quick and so gentle, and Irene’s lips are so soft against Seulgi’s cheek that she thinks she’s just imagined it. And when their eyes meet once more, there’s a look in Irene’s eyes that Seulgi can’t seem to comprehend. But maybe, now is not the best time to ask, they still have a lot of time together in the underworld afterall. 

Irene tucks a strand of loose hair behind Seulgi’s ear, “Enjoy the rest of your time above. Make the world as beautiful as you. I shall see you soon.”

“Enjoy the peace and quiet since I am not there to harass you with all my questions.” 

Irene snorts, “Please, with Dahyun and Chaeyoung? The Underworld will truly never know peace.” 

Seulgi shakes her head, fully releasing Irene from her arms and stepping away. “Good bye, Irene.” 

Irene simply nods in response, and under the shade of the tree, the Goddess of Death fades into the shadows. 


And once more, Seulgi is alone.



After Irene leaves, Seulgi spends as much time as she can in her patron towns and cities, making sure everyone is okay and making up for her absence. She visits the town where the leader and his family were put to death, and she creates a beautiful garden in which they were buried. It’s too late, she knows, but this is all she can do to make up for it. 

She does what she usually does, asks questions, observes the mortals around her, and generally keeps out of anyone else’s way. She does her usual routine, but she can’t help but feel… different. Maybe it’s because everything in the Underworld is so new that being above suddenly feels uneventful. It’s not that Seulgi hates it or anything, it’s just that, something is missing and Seulgi can’t shake the feeling nor can she figure out what’s happening.


When she returns to her home in Olympus, nothing has changed, and though her nymphs are glad to see her, they say nothing about where she’s been and who she’s spent her time with. 

Seulgi stands by her balcony, overlooking the world below, though she cannot deny a part of her longs to see what’s happening beyond the surface. She wonders if the angels are keeping Irene company, if Ceb missed Irene, if the realm is calmer without her in it. 



Seulgi turns around to find her sister standing there, looking as serene and as beautiful as ever, a true depiction of her season. “Seohyun? What are you doing here?” 

Her sister runs to pull Seulgi into an unexpected hug, her voice muffled as she pats Seulgi’s head, “I was looking for you!” 

“Well, you’ve found me.” Seulgi replies, and if it sounds awkward, she doesn’t dwell on it. A cough interrupts their hug and Seulgi is stunned to find her brothers as well. 

“DO? Baekhyun?” 

“Hello, sister.” DO says, his face void of any emotion.

“Hello, Seulgi.” Baekyhun greets, obviously lacking the warmth that his summer season is known for. 


But Seohyun doesn’t pay them any attention, wrapping an arm around Seulgi’s shoulders. “I went searching for you, especially when winter came and you were nowhere to be found. We were worried for you! No one would give us any answers, and the next thing we heard you were on Olympus facing the King of the Gods?! You have no idea how worried we were, Seulgi.” 

Seulgi sneaks a glance at her brothers who look like they’d rather be anywhere but here. Whatever “we” Seohyun is talking about definitely does not include them. “Thank you… for worrying about me. Do you want anything? Ambrosia, nectar?”

“No, no. We simply wanted to make sure you were okay.” 

“I am, thank you.” 


A silence quickly falls over them, and how could it not? Her brothers look uncomfortable being her. Her sister is kind… but suddenly too kind that Seulgi has no idea what to do with the attention. She was happy that Seohyun was searching for her, but there’s something about them being in front of her that makes her feel wary. Is it simply because she isn’t used to any affection from her siblings? 

“Is it true then? That you were in the Underworld?” DO says, breaking the silence. 

Seulgi nods slowly, the feeling of uncertainty suddenly growing in her gut. 

“And were you harmed? Tricked?” 

“No, of course not!” 

“I can’t believe Death would do that! How bored must they be of their life in the Underworld.” Seulgi can feel the uncertainty shift into annoyance, and as DO continues to rant, the more it shifts into anger. All DO spouts are rumors, rumors that Seulgi has heard before, rumors that Seulgi has debunked first hand. He speaks about how cold Death is, how unfeeling and evil, and Seulgi has to pinch herself to prevent her from speaking too rashly. 

Baekhyun scoffs, “Maybe the Mother Goddess saw Death for who they truly were and thought it was fitting for someone as evil to be in a place full of sorrow.” 

“QUIET!” Seulgi shouts, and even Seohyun is taken aback by her sudden outburst. “You know nothing about Death so do not speak on their name. Death is more than you think.” 

“Typical of a prisoner to say of their captor. Have you developed empathy for them?” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. 

“I am not a prisoner!” Seulgi seethes, “In the Underworld, I am treated as Death’s equal.” 


This time, it is DO who scoffs, and Seulgi pretends it doesn’t sting as much as it does. “So that’s it then? You wanted attention and you weren’t getting enough of it here, so you had to go down there?” 

“What are you talking about?” 

“Please, you go around from god to god, asking them questions, begging for attention and when they don’t give it to you, you mope-” 

“Is that what you think of me?” Seulgi asks, and Seohyun holds onto her tightly, trying to hold her back. 

But the God of Winter keeps going, “And now you have found a god who will indulge you and it turns out it is the most rotten of us all? How low must you stoop, dear Seulgi?” 

Seulgi wants to scream, she wants to tell them how wrong they are, how blind they’ve, but she knows that there is no changing her brothers’ minds. At least not now. So all Seulgi says is, “Get out.” 

“What? Don’t be offended, We’m merely speaking the truth!” 

“Seulgi, I’m just looking out for you! It was a reckless decision! You’re always being reckless, getting yourself into adventures and mischief and for what? For your own selfish gain?” Baekhyun says, and Seulgi wants to laugh. Since when did they look out for her? Ever since she was branded as different, they have turned her backs on her, judging her all the same. 


Seulgi signals for her nymphs to her siblings. “Please, get out.” 

“You act as if you are a child and not a goddess. You’ll see that we’re looking out for you.” 

“My dear brothers, we are well past the point of you telling me what to do or you having an opinion in my life. I have long known that you do not approve of my curiosity and I simply do not care. You are my siblings because the Mother Goddess has made it so and if there are obligations I need to fulfill because of it, then I will. But I will not meddle in your life as the Gods of Winter and Summer and you will not meddle in mine.” 


“I have been nothing but honest, and yet, you do not believe me. So I have decided that you can form an opinion about me, or about the God of Death, but I do not care about what you or our brothers or anyone else may think. Now, please, get out.”


“Get out before the God of Death hears the lies you’ve been spouting and sends their angels to throw you out. They have protected me in front of the King, they will protect me from you.” Seulgi knows it’s an empty threat. Irene is nowhere near her, but her brothers do not need to know that. Seulgi watches with a satisfied smirk as their eyes widen in panic, before they huff and disappear. 


As soon as they’re out of sight, Seulgi sinks to her knees, and the hot tears that flow from her eyes feel like betrayal. She knows how her brothers look at her. Why did she think they’d be any different? How could she still wish that they were like Sehun, who missed Irene dearly and even looked excited at the prospect of getting to know Seulgi? How could she still want those things from someone who refused to even listen to her? 

“Seulgi…” Seohyun whispers, and honestly, Seulgi had forgotten her sister was still around. The Goddess of Autumn hesitates, but eventually, she pulls her sister into a hug. “I’m sorry. I too have judged you harshly before. I could never understand your need to ask questions and seek out answers… I still do not understand. But when you disappeared… it felt like you were gone for good. And for the first time, I was truly afraid I would never see you again.”

“It- it’s okay.” Seulgi says, letting her sister her hair. 

“I know we cannot change our brothers’ minds, but I guess they do not matter now. But… I would like to hear about it, if you’d like. Tell me about your adventures. I… would like to hear all about it.” 



It’s Seohyun’s idea that leads her here. She didn't tell her sister everything, knowing that Death’s mystery adds to her power and at the same time not wanting to disclose Irene’s private life. Seulgi was surprised to find that her sister actually looked interested in what she had to say, she had questions, and there was genuine concern when she asked about how Seulgi was faring. Seulgi also hadn’t realized how smart Seohyun was. While Seulgi knows more about humans, it seems Seohyun is well versed in the ways of the gods and their powers.

Which leads Seulgi to this palace. 

The first time Seulgi entered this palace, she was absolutely floored by its beauty. One side of the palace looked to be in an eternal night, everything shrouded in dark hues with a gentle light that followed Seulgi as she moved. The other side, however, was coated in an eternal daylight. Not the blinding daylight of high noon, but with a soft brightness that signified the start of something new. In the center, the most lived in and homey area of the entire palace, was a myriad of colors. A mix of blues, purples, pinks and oranges, an eternal dawn that signified the perfect place for the couple. 

This is where Seulgi finds who she’s looking for, seated in the dining table in the center, the colorful light making the goddess look even more ethereal than she remembers. 

“Good morning, Moonbyul!” Seulgi greets, and the goddess quickly runs up to where Seulgi is waiting, enveloping her in a hug.

“Seulgi, what a pleasant surprise! It’s been so long.”

“It has, hasn’t it? How are you doing?”

“Same as when we saw each other last. Missing my wife when we are not together, cherishing every moment I have with her. And you?” Moonbyul says, gesturing for Seulgi to take a seat.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard…” 

“Yes, it’s all anyone ever talks about nowadays. Gods really do get bored of their lives, don’t they? That they need to talk about others incessantly. And tell me, how is our beloved Irene?”

“I would like to say she’s doing well. Things have been busy, but I know it’s nothing she can’t handle. She showed me the stars in the Underworld, you know. They’re beautiful.” 

“I knew having our children there was a good idea. Though truly, it was Solar’s idea.” Moonbyul smiles at that, tracing a finger over the teacup in front of her, “Our little sunshines and starlights brightening up the darkest depths of the earth and keeping the Goddess of Death company, but also having the goddess give them a home.”

“Actually, that’s why I’m here. Can you tell me more about them?” 

Moonbyul raises an eyebrow, as if she can see the gears turning in Seulgi’s mind, then she beams. “Of course. But maybe we should wait for Solar to return. I’m sure she knows much more than me. Besides, I’m sure she missed you too.”



Author Notes: 

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while, I had a part of this chapter done months ago, but my head was everywhere for a while. But anyway, here you go! I hope you enjoy! You can tell me what you think in the comments or on Twitter @iccampfire 

In Roman Mythology, Hades is called Pluto/Pluton, which roughly translates to “The Wealthy One” or “Giver of Wealth”. Interestingly enough, Hades is also known as the “god of the hidden wealth of the earth” which yes, includes gold, silver and other metals but may also include the fertile soil which nourish plants. (Another reason why I personally believe that Hades and Persephone work well together.)

They also say that the Temple of Hades (and Persephone) is located along the Acheron river in Epirus, near the ancient city of Ephyra. It is said to be the meeting point between three rivers, and that the water flows to the Underworld. 

Another probable temple was also found in Turkey near a hot spring which people have referred to as ‘the gate to hell’. It’s super interesting and you can read about it here.

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2187 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3