Chapter 7

even the shadows

A/N: Helloooo! I know, it's getting repetitive, but I really am sorry it took so long. 

To be honest, this mythological world means so much to me and I can see it all in my head but it's been so hard to make it come alive. I started to become frustrated, mostly with myself. In fact, I was close to posting an update that I wouldn't be updating for more than a month. But I stepped away for a week or so, wrote two other one-shots (that hopefully I can post soon as well), and went back to this. 

tldr; sorry for the wait, I will continue to do my best for the fic. And thank you for all your support!

“Wait- what??” Seulgi blinks, trying to process what Irene just said. The older goddess continues to hold onto Seulgi’s hand, rubbing calming circles with her thumb, as she explains that the King of the Gods has learned that Seulgi has been in the underworld and has requested – well, more like, demanded – to see them. 


Fear hits Seulgi faster than even she expected. She meant it, all those years ago, when she told Wendy that she never wanted to meet the King of the Gods. But now, with a letter specifically addressed to the Goddess of Spring, how could she refuse? 


But more importantly, how could she survive? 


Irene is powerful, and Seulgi still stands by her belief that the Goddess of Death is more powerful than the God of the Skies, so at least Seulgi knows Irene will be safe. But what about her? How can she even face him and defend herself? Should she even try defending herself? Is he going to strip her of her powers for neglecting her duty and for causing the deaths of possibly millions of humans? Or what if being in the underworld was some unspoken crime? What if Seulgi has to go back and Jiwoo has to die? What if she went through all this trouble, only for things to not only end up as they were but even worse? 


Then, Seulgi feels a cold sensation on her forehead, forcing Seulgi to zone back in. “You’re thinking too much again.” Irene says, as she smooths out the worry lines on Seulgi’s forehead. 


“I don’t know what to think. I-I don’t know what to do… I don’t know what to say when I face him.” Seulgi admits.


“I said I would keep you safe, didn’t I? I always keep my promises, Seulgi.” 


“But Irene, I made a mistake! I do deserve to be punished. I just… I didn’t think it would go this far. I didn’t think it would reach him.” 


“My dear goddess, do you trust me?” 


Seulgi doesn’t even need to think twice, “Of course.” 


“Then trust when I say I know my brother best. He’s paranoid, he’s predictable. I know how he thinks. And even if he were furious, I would still not allow any harm to come to you.”


“I’m terrified, Irene,” Seulgi admits. 


“I understand your fear. You have every right to be scared of him and what he may do. But please trust me like you say you do. I will not let anything bad happen to you.”


“I will. I do trust you.”


“That’s all I ask.” Irene helps Seulgi to her feet and begins to lead Seulgi out. “Are you always like this?” 


“Like what?”


“Carrying all the guilt on your shoulders. You are not the only one who made a decision to come here. I also allowed it to happen.” 


“I don’t like being a burden.” 


Irene clicks her tongue and tucks a strand of hair behind Seulgi’s ear, “You are never a burden. Haven’t I made myself abundantly clear?” 


Seulgi flushes at the contact, unable to meet Irene’s eyes. 


“Now, I’m afraid we can’t prolong this further. It is time for us to depart.”


As if on cue, Death’s angels enter, Tzuyu quickly handing Seulgi her cloak and fastening it across her shoulders. Irene receives her own from Jihyo, who is rambling her concerns as she drapes it over her queen. Jihyo is talking a mile a minute, and she’s gesturing wildly but Irene is completely calm as she listens. Once the head angel is finished, Irene gently pats her on the shoulder and simply says, “Take care of this place while I’m gone.”


Jihyo sighs and Seulgi doesn’t miss the worried glance thrown her way. “You speak as if you will be gone for a long time.” 


Irene rolls her eyes, “You know how my brother likes to drone on and on with his paranoia. Who knows how long it will take? I trust that you will monitor everything and keep the realm in order for me. Keep safe, all of you.”


“Come back safe, Goddess Seulgi!” the other angels call out as Nayeon and Jeongyeon fall into step behind the goddesses, hands on the hilt of their swords (Seulgi wracks her brain trying to figure out if they’d always had weapons or if this was a special occasion), ready for anything that comes their way.


“I will! I promise!” 


Irene raises her eyebrow at Seulgi, “You promise?” 


“What? I said I trust you, didn’t I?” Seulgi says with a wink as she nudges Irene’s shoulder. 


A pleased smile forms on Irene’s face and the younger goddess can’t help but smile back in return, the fear that was eating up at her now but a distant memory. 


Their moment is interrupted by a low whinny and stomp of hooves and Seulgi turns around to see massive stallions with their wings at the ready, mounted by two unknown angels who already have their heads bowed before the goddesses. 


“Chanyeol, Lay, thank you for coming on such short notice. I hope Tartarus will not have any need of you for the time being.” 


“Our fellow angels will do fine without us. It is always an honor to serve you, dear Queen,” one of the angels responds. His partner follows it up with, “It is a pleasure to serve you as well, Goddess Seulgi.” 


“Scout on ahead, we will follow shortly.” 


The guards nod, leading their stallions to a slow trot before quickly picking up speed as they jump off the cliff and spread their wings, flying straight towards the Underworld’s twinkling sky.


“What about us?” Seulgi asks.


“You still cannot pass through the mortal realm. I’ve told you about shadow travelling before, yes? It’s something only I can do, aside from Cerberus. With shadow travel, we can reach Olympus without having to pass by the mortal realm. Oh, and one last thing.” Irene steps forward into Seulgi’s space, lifting Seulgi’s hood up before doing the same to hers. Then, she threads their fingers together. “As much as possible, do not reveal who you are. But if you must, make sure it is only in the Hall of the Gods.”


Seulgi blinks at their closeness but manages to nod her head in understanding.


“Good. Now, don’t let go.” Irene says as Jeongyeon places a hand on Irene’s shoulder, while Nayeon does the same to Seulgi.






“Two,” Seulgi squeezes Irene’s hand a little bit tighter. 





And suddenly, Seulgi is plunged into complete darkness. She shouts Irene’s name into the void, but she cannot even hear her own voice. She can feel the air in her lungs slowly leave her body but with a gentle tug on her hand, Seulgi is pulled forward as she emerges from the shadows to meet the gates of the King’s Palace. 


The sudden brightness is blinding, but the feel of the sun on Seulgi’s skin already makes an amazing amount of difference. She can feel her body react to the sunlight, her power returning to her and there is a sudden lightness that she didn’t know she missed. When Seulgi finally manages to fully open her eyes, she spots Chanyeol and Lay in the distance, circling the peak of Olympus a couple of times before landing beside their party and dismounting. 


“Are you feeling okay, Seulgi?” Seulgi turns to look at Irene and is surprised at what she finds. 


For a split second, Irene’s eyes have turned to fire and a visible aura forms around the Queen of the Underworld, a swirl of black and silver that makes it looks like she’s glowing. Her eyes return to a beautiful gold before they’re fully hidden under her hood, and even Seulgi has to squint to see her now blood red lips. 


The palace gates open with Yeri standing at the other side, greeting them with a roll of her eyes and a, “Wasn’t that a tad bit dramatic?” 


Despite the hood covering the majority of Irene’s face, Seulgi is absolutely certain she sees a toothy grin on Irene’s face. “Just a tad? I guess I’ll have to try harder next time.” 


Seulgi watches as the wisps of black and silver extend from Irene’s being to shroud their entire group in mystery, obscuring every face except for Yeri’s - who has now taken to hover slightly above them. She watches as every god, deity, nymph, or immortal, scurries out of the way or cowers behind the marble columns as they walk past. She glances at Nayeon and Jeongyeon, who look absolutely smug at how even the king and queen’s angels don’t have the guts to approach. 


For Yeri, who knows the real Irene under the hood, it may just look dramatic and over-the-top, but Seulgi quickly understands Irene’s intentions. Death is a mystery for most beings on earth, whether human or not. A god that is talked about more than they are seen or heard. A god whose real name is spoken by a select few. But despite how little they know of her, everyone fears Death to some extent, no matter how hard they may try to deny it. And it’s obvious with the smirk still present on her lips, that Irene knows exactly what everyone thinks of her and she’s going to use it to her full advantage. 


As she continues to lead them with confidence in every step and her guards at the ready behind her, Irene’s message to anyone who’s watching is heard loud and clear. Death does not need the admiration or praise of others. She does not need those who do not know her to bow before her. She simply does not care about them. Death is poised and Death will not cower – not even in the presence of the King of the Gods.  


They come to a stop in front of what Seulgi assumes is the Hall of the Gods, the door made of pure gold, with beautiful carvings of the sky, the earth and the sea. 


Yeri grabs Irene by the shoulders to get the older goddess to look her in the eyes, and for a moment, no words are spoken between the two. (Seulgi ignores the strange feeling of jealousy she gets as she watches them connect with only their eyes and shoves that thought for another day.) 


Finally, Yeri asks, “Will this work?” 


Irene does the same thing she did with Jihyo, she gently pats Yeri’s shoulder and replies, “Remember, Yeri, sometimes we have to weather the storm to get what we want.” 


Yeri nods, as if that statement answered everything, and offers a small smile before turning to Seulgi. 


“Everything will be okay.” 


“I know.” Seulgi adds, as they both watch Irene give her final instructions to her guards. “Maybe it’s stupid of me, but I trust her.”


“I’ve known her practically my whole immortal life. Trusting her isn’t the easiest thing to do… but it’s never failed me before.”


Seulgi nods in understanding and lets Yeri give her a tight hug before she flies away. Nayeon and Jeongyeon open the double doors and bow slightly as they let Seulgi and Irene step into the Hall of the Gods.


“Home sweet home,” Irene grumbles under her breath.


The truth is, there is a part of Seulgi that is still scared. Because he is the King after all, and she is definitely nowhere close to any of the higher-ranking gods in terms of status or power. But with every step they take together, Irene once again holding Seulgi’s hand in reassurance, Seulgi can feel her own courage grow, bit by bit. 


Seulgi lets herself focus on the feeling of Irene’s hand in hers and takes in the magnificent hall before her. The hall is longer than Seulgi imagined and much like everything in the palace, is made of the purest white marble with golden flecks inlaid. There is no ceiling, instead, the only thing Seulgi sees above her is the clear blue sky. The main feature of the hall are the three thrones at the end, one made of pure gold in the center, one made of a brilliant sapphire marble to its right and to the left are remnants of a once beautiful onyx throne. For the rest of the Olympians are nine other thrones, formed in a semi-circle behind the main three. 


“My dear sister!” Seulgi practically jumps as a man appears on the sapphire throne. “It’s been far too long.” 


Seulgi expects Irene to scowl or to glare, but instead, her eyes soften as she gives a small smile. “Hello, Sehun. Indeed, how long has it been? Around a century?” 


“A century, three decades and seven years!” 


Irene’s smile grows a little bigger, “I had no idea you were counting.” 


“But of course,” Sehun huffs, “It’s a pity that we finally meet again but in such peculiar circumstances.” 


“I’m sure it is not of your own accord, Sehun.”


Sehun smiles brightly at that and for a second, Seulgi finds herself wishing that her siblings were more like the God of the Sea. Sehun is handsome, incredibly so, and similar to Irene, his face looks naturally cold and serious, but as soon as he smiles, the façade breaks instantly.


The small family moment is quickly cut short when a crackle of lightning fills the hall and the King of the Gods appears before them. Seulgi is about to bow in reverence of the king but Irene extends her hand, a signal for her to stay standing.


“Must you be so dramatic, brother?” Sehun rolls his eyes. 


But he is ignored, and the King immediately turns to Irene, “Did you really need to have your monstrosity of stallions and those frightful soldiers come join you?”


“But of course, you would have done the same, if not more, had you been summoned to my realm.” Irene replies simply. 


The King of the Gods simply huffs in response. The King, like his siblings, is simultaneously both handsome and beautiful. But Seulgi can see that there’s something… peculiar… about the way he carries himself, the way he paces in front the three thrones (a stark contrast to Sehun who sits with his legs hanging off one side of his sapphire throne), and the way his eyes shift from Seulgi, to Irene, to the doors behind them, as if he’s afraid that Irene’s angels will burst in at any moment. 


If Irene notices it too, she says nothing, and the aura around her is calm, a soft swirl around their feet. 


“So, my dear Leeteuk, what spurred this sudden invitation to your humble abode? And to your magnificent hall at that? Though I must say, I’m surprised you’ve kept my seat. Or what’s left of it at least. But…” Irene taps her chin and gestures at the empty thrones. “This place is looking a bit empty. Don’t you think?” 


“I simply care for you, dear sister. I didn’t want an audience to witness what is about to happen.” 


“Thank you for your consideration but by all means, gather your audience. I’m sure we’ve all missed each other. It’s been far too long after all.” 


With a wave of his hands, the hall slowly fills with the rest of the Olympians. Yoona, the Queen, appears first, and Seulgi remembers how kind and gentle she was when she thanked Seulgi for her flowers. There’s a look of confusion on Yoona’s face but it is quickly erased as the others arrive. Seulgi names each one in her head as they take their place, Siwon, Minho, Suho, Yuri, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seulgi finds herself smiling as Yeri takes her seat beside the Goddess of Love and Beauty.


“Seulgi?” a voice calls out.


At once, Seulgi lifts her hood off at the sound of the familiar voice, and blinks in disbelief as she sees Joy take the last seat next to Yeri. Of course, how could she have forgotten that Joy was an Olympian too? She then hears a gasp and a small squeak and Seulgi knows that the little blonde tuft of hair behind Joy’s throne is her best friend and fellow non-Olympian, Wendy.


“Leeteuk, what is this all about?” Taeyeon asks as she studies Seulgi, who is now feeling conscious with her hood down and her face available for scrutiny.  


“My fellow gods and goddess, my fellow Olympians, you have been gathered here today to stand witness of the trial of our Goddess of Death, Queen of the Underworld, Lady of the Dead, Irene.” Leeteuk gestures at the two of them, “For attempted treason and for kidnapping a fellow goddess.” 


Joy, on instinct, bolts up from her seat, anger evident in her eyes. But Yeri is quick to react, pushing the angered goddess back down as Wendy tugs the sleeve of Joy’s tunic to get her to stay seated. 


Seulgi wants to shout it isn’t true, wants to explain everything to Joy, to Wendy, to everyone here, but once again, Irene extends her hand. It’s not fair. Irene should let her speak. It’s not Irene’s fault. It never was. It was all her. She can’t let Irene face punishment for something Seulgi asked for. 


For her part, Irene watches the commotion with indifference, and once Joy has calmed down after Yeri hisses in her ear, she asks the King to continue. “You were saying, brother?”


“I didn’t think you had it in you, beloved sister.” 


“I have no idea what you’re going on about.”


“Taking our dear goddess as prisoner so you can build your army of the undead? That’s quite ingenious of you. Quite bold, even.” 


Majority of the gods begin to murmur amongst themselves, some turning to Yeri for answers, knowing her relationship with the ever elusive Irene, but the young goddess pays them no mind as she continues to hold onto Joy to prevent another outburst.


“It seems you have thought well and hard about my alleged treason, dear King. Now, go on. Don’t stop now. Tell them what you think.” Irene’s voice is challenging but bored at the same time and Seulgi kind of wants to disappear as all the Olympians scrutinize their every move. 


Leeteuk stops his pacing to face his audience, “The God of Death has kidnapped the Goddess of Spring! With this kidnapping, The God of Death has prevented the growth of food for the animals and humans below in order to force the death of these mortals! With the rise of deaths, she grows her army of the undead, and with this army, she will overthrow Olympus!”


Leeteuk’s eyes are practically bulging out of their socks as he gestures wildly at the two of them. Seulgi wills her face to remain calm trying to hide the fact that she’s just realized how right Irene was. Leeteuk was paranoid then, paranoid enough to send Irene to the Underworld, and is still paranoid to this day. He continues to rant about Irene’s plans, gesturing wildly at the two of them, how she took Seulgi without a trace, forced her into service in the underworld and how it was only a matter of time until the undead stormed Olympus and threw the Olympians from their thrones. 


The entire time, Irene watches her brother go on and on and as she does, Seulgi watches her. Irene’s hood is still up, but if Seulgi tries hard enough she can see Irene’s lips and the small smirk on her face that grows into a full-blown grin as Leeteuk finishes his speech and finally sits down on his throne.


“Are you quite finished? Now, let us all be perfectly clear before I go on. This isn’t a trial. You, my dear gods and goddess are no jury. Because for one, our dear king has no evidence and is purely spouting his theories, as we have all just witnessed. And two, and the most important part, is that there is no crime.”


The entire hall falls into silence as Irene continues. 


“Oh, dear king, you really think of nothing but yourself, don’t you? You’re too busy up here in the sky to see that those who die are not soldiers! They are not noblemen or kings! They’re children, the elderly, the poor! Even if I were building an army, what use would they be to me?”


Seulgi can see Taeyeon and Siwon nodding at Irene’s words and Seulgi has no idea what Irene’s plan is, if there even is a plan at all, but suddenly feels a bit more hopeful.


“If you would like to talk about duty, then tell me, brother, how many times have you prevented our messenger from doing her own duty? How many times have you shooed her away when I realized that I needed your counsel as to how to bring Goddess Seulgi back to earth?” 


“Yeri was nowhere near the palace.” 


Seulgi’s eyes flit to Yeri who is visibly fuming in her throne but somehow managing to hold herself back. But Irene remains unperturbed, “Would you for us to call on our Goddess of Truth? I’m sure she’ll make sure that everyone present is being honest.” 


“There will be no need for that. Nevertheless, regardless of whether Yeri was trying to reach me or not, you have kidnapped one of our own. And for that alone, you must face the consequences.


“Once again, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 


The King of the Gods points in her direction and Seulgi tries her best to make Irene proud and stand tall. 


“Oh? And what about her?” 


“She is a goddess.” 


“She is Seulgi. And yes, I am aware that she is a goddess, as is everyone else in this hall.” 


“You cannot keep another god hostage!” Leeteuk practically shrieks, obviously annoyed at Irene’s continued indifference. 


“You keep saying I’ve kidnapped the young goddess and now you are declaring Seulgi a hostage. She is merely a guest of the underworld.” 


“The underworld has no guests. No god is allowed in the underworld.”


“Unless I or the Mother Goddess wills it. Yeri has always been able to go to the underworld and now, so can Seulgi. We do have a problem with letting her leave though, but you would have known about that had you spoken to Yeri.” 


Leeteuk rolls his eyes, and gestures Seulgi forward. Irene grabs Seulgi’s wrist and pulls her closer. Leeteuk scoffs but decides to ignore Irene’s blatant defiance, “Is this true, goddess?”


“Yes, Your Majesty.” 


“Did you willingly go to the underworld?” 




“Did the Queen of the Underworld threaten you in any way?” 


“No, Your Majesty.”


“Has she harmed you?”




“See?” Irene says, and her voice is taunting, and Seulgi trusts Irene but she kind of wishes Irene would stop so they can all go home. “It was her own choice. She offered her service. She knows that if she wants to go back, there is something I’ll need in return.” 


Leeteuk’s eyes are wild, darting around the room as he searches for something to pin on Irene. “Then you tricked her!” 




“She may have offered her service, but you kept it to yourself that she could not return!” 


Irene scoffs, “Do you hear yourself? Do you hear how you sound? You sound like a bard that has been cursed by the Goddess of Music, spouting nonsense every chance he gets.” 


“Irene… Leeteuk… please, that’s enough.” Sehun intercedes.


“I agree with Sehun. Then, if there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.” Irene bows and looks to the rest of the gods, “It was so great seeing you all again.”


“I’m not done talking to you.” 


“I have nothing more to say to you.” 


“You are putting the entire world at risk because of your selfish behavior. Without her, there is nothing growing, the humans are starving, they are dying-”


A beat of silence, then Irene laughs, “Tell me, brother, how did you know that Seulgi was missing? You did not listen to Yeri. You did not hear the Gods and Goddess of the Seasons when they were searching for their sister. When our very own Olympian, Joy, went searching, you remained silent. You remained blind. How is it, that I, down in the depths of the earth, know what is going on above and you do not? Do you truly care about their deaths? Or do you only care because no one will be around to worship you when the humans die out?”


“How dare you question me.”


“Or was it that you did know Seulgi was with me and causing a famine but didn’t want to act just yet? Were you waiting for all those humans to die first so that when you save the day, songs can be written in your honor? So that your glory continues? The King of the Gods saves the precious Goddess of Spring from the clutches of Death .” 


The murmurs of the gods around them increase and Leeteuk balls his fists as the sky above them begins to darken and lightning and thunder begin to crackle non-stop.


“When did it dawn on you that not you, nor I, nor Sehun, nor any of the gods in this very room can fix this?”


The static in the air disappears for a mere second, the shock is evident on the King’s face before he sneers at Irene.


“Oh, you didn’t know, did you? As soon as she crossed the River Styx, she is bound to our agreement, and any oath with the River Styx is unbreakable. And unlike you, we keep our promises.”


“Irene, sister, please, that’s enough…” Sehun pleads from his seat beside their brother.


“So, tell me, what do you plan to do now? You cannot take her away from me without angering The Fates. Do you think punishing me will solve this? Aren’t you the great and mighty King of the Gods? King of us all? Don’t you have all the power in the world? Can’t you do something about it? Or will you admit that you are not as powerful as everyone believes?” 


A flash of lightning strikes their feet and Leeteuk uses their temporary shock to rush forward and lunge at them, the frustration and anger at the disrespect evident in every move.


“Don’t. Don’t you dare touch her.” Irene growls as she steps in front of Seulgi, and the aura around Irene quickly expands, knocking the king off his feet and sending him back to his throne. The aura then continues to slowly crawl its way up to fill the entire hall.


“HOW DARE YOU! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!” Leeteuk practically barks, lightning and thunder filling the hall, only to be trapped in the darkness that spreads from Irene.  


“I think I am the Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of the Dead, falsely accused of kidnapping, falsely accused of treason, simply defending my name and my honor. Anyone would be offended by such wild accusations. Who do you think you are, dear brother? Under all that, tell me, what do you plan to do?”




“YOU CANNOT MAKE ME.” Irene shouts back and the darkness begins to crawl up Seulgi’s body and her body starts to shiver as the temperature tops.


“Leeteuk, Irene, please, relax.” Sehun begins to beg, placing himself in between his siblings, his arm outstretched in an effort to calm them down as Irene’s darkness begins to crawl up his own body.










“TRY ME.” The thunder and lightning continue to clash overhead and Seulgi is immersed in complete darkness, suffocating her every being. 




Seulgi wheezes as she finally takes a breath again, her body giving in as she collapses on the floor. “Seulgi, Seulgi, I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I wasn’t thinking, I lost control.” Irene whispers as she helps her up and pulls Seulgi close to her once again. It is only when Seulgi is fully stable on her feet does she realize that the whole hall has fallen silent at the arrival of the new guest. 


“Mother Goddess!” Sehun greets and the entire hall, including Leeteuk and Irene, give a full deep bow. 


With a nod of acknowledgement, they take to their thrones and the Mother Goddess simply looks at Leeteuk and Irene and shakes her head, “I did not allow my dominion to be split only to have you two squabble like children.”




“I said that is enough, Leeteuk. Seulgi.”


Seulgi bows her head, ready for whatever punishment the Mother Goddess has planned, but is surprised when she feels a gentle hand on her shoulder. 


“What you have done is admirable. Albeit strange, but still admirable. No other god would have the courage to do what you are now doing all for the life of one human. Irene is correct, by crossing the River Styx, your oath to be by her side until the child’s time comes is no longer in her hands. But Leeteuk is correct as well, without you on earth, the humans cannot thrive.” 


“Queen Mother,” Irene starts, but with a simple look, she bows her head again. 


Seulgi feels a flow of power from the Mother Goddess to herself, unable to comprehend what is happening to her. “When spring comes, Yeri will lead you from the underworld to the world above. As soon as it is over, you will return. If you try to hide in order to escape your return, well, I’m sure Yeri of all gods can find you.”


“I will not do such a thing, Mother Goddess.” 


The Mother Goddess squeezes Seulgi’s shoulder and smiles, “That I am sure of. Now that that is settled—"








Irene laughs once more, but the bitterness and pain behind it rings loud and clear. “How dare you lecture me about keeping someone against their wishes! From preventing them from doing their duty? From keeping them from their loved ones? Who do you think you are? You think because you are sitting in that gaudy throne in the middle you are better than all of us? Why? Because you’re the eldest? You would not be sitting there had our mother not placed you there! Had the Fates not done so! Who are you to speak about justice? Who are you to dole out punishments but never receive one in return?”


“Irene, my only beloved daughter, that is enough.” 


Irene says her next words so softly that Seulgi is sure that only she and the Mother Goddess can hear it. “What about Jennie?” Seulgi's heart clenches at how defeated and how broken she sounds.


“It is time to go, my child.” 


Leeteuk stands up from his throne, clearly about to protest but his mother lifts her hand and he simply whimpers and sinks to his knees.


“It is great to see you all again, my dear children. Let us meet in better circumstances in the future. Goodbye.” The rest of the gods bow their heads in response before they disappear.


Leeteuk leaves with the rest, but Sehun remains, running up to give the Mother Goddess a hug, and then, he turns to his sister, “You, my dear sister, are such a reckless idiot.” 


“I do feel a bit guilty, dragging all the Olympians to witness our family drama.” Irene says, as she allows her brother to wrap an arm around her shoulder. 


“Ha! I’m sure they could use the excitement.” Then, he spots Seulgi awkwardly standing behind Irene and pulls away from his sister to extend his hand, “It’s nice to meet you, Goddess Seulgi. Again, I apologize for the circumstances.” 


“It’s nice to meet you too, Your Majesty.” 


“Please, don’t call me that. That’s for our other brother. You know, the crazy one.” The God of the Sea chuckles, “It’s Sehun.”  


“Sehun, may I speak to Irene and Seulgi alone?” 


“Of course, mother. I’ll see you around. The both of you. And don’t make me wait another century, okay?”


As soon as he disappears, the Mother Goddess turns to Irene and crosses her arms, “Irene, I will not be manipulated again.” 


“I was honestly surprised it worked. I was very willing to walk away empty handed and to return to the Underworld with Seulgi. But who would have thought that all I needed to do was to humiliate my brother in front of the rest of the Olympians for our dear mother to appear and save the day?”


“Irene.” her mother warns. 


Irene shrugs, “At the end of the day, I got the result I wanted. Seulgi keeps her vow, the child is safe, and more importantly, Seulgi can fulfill her duty so that the humans will not go extinct, at least not by our doing. And that is all thanks to you, Mother Goddess. Because aside from the ever-elusive Fates, who else has such power? After all, it is you who creates and assigns each and every god. If you could allow Yeri to go to the Underworld, to the sea, and to the heavens then, I assumed you could at least temporarily allow Seulgi to do the same.”


“You did not need to do all this. You did not have to expose or humiliate your brother. You should have sought my counsel instead.” 


“Really, mother? Could I? Where were you when your beloved son almost tore the world apart? When he almost waged war on Sehun? On me? Where were you when I was alone in the darkest depths of this world?” 


“Irene, you don’t understand.”


“You’re right, Queen Boa, I cannot comprehend how you choose what arguments to take part in. I cannot comprehend how and when you choose to provide aid to your children. But nevertheless, I took that risk to lure you out and it paid off. Thank you for all your help today.” Irene bows and walks away.


Seulgi turns to follow but is stopped with, “Seulgi, a moment?”


“Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I’m sure Irene is grateful, under all that.” 


Boa offers Seulgi a small smile, “I did not need to do much, because you did not do anything wrong.”


“I’m afraid that is not true. I was reckless, intent on saving one life and it caused the deaths of many others. And I cannot take that back.” 


“Haven’t we all been a little reckless?”


“I have hurt so many.”


Boa glances at Irene, who is watching them from a distance, “There are many times where we will have to choose one over the other and whatever the result is, we won’t be able to take it back. But there’s no point in dwelling, and instead, we make it right. And that’s what I’ve given you, the chance to make it right.” 


“Thank you again, I do not know what I did to deserve your favor.” 


Boa hums and pats Seulgi on the back, “Take care of yourself, Goddess Seulgi. And of my daughter too.” 



Yeri crushes them in a group hug as soon as they exit the Hall of the Gods, muttering, “I can’t believe it worked, Irene! I was so afraid he would fry you into a crisp or you’d choke him until he cried!” 


“Careful, Yeri, we are still in his palace.” 


“Please, he won’t try to do anything now. I’m sure he’s nursing his ego after you and the Mother Goddess put him in his place.” Yeri smirks, and she flutters around them in circles, obvious happiness radiating off her. “So, Seulgi, should we get going? Bring life to land and all that?”


“Oh? Already?” 


“Yeah! We’ve got a little over a month left until spring ends!” 


“I – uh – okay.” Seulgi says, and she turns to Irene who gives her a sad smile. “So, I won’t see you until then?”


“Actually, Yeri, about that… I’ll be escorting Seulgi just this once.”  


Yeri looks between the two goddesses and shrugs, “Sure, less work for me then. See you when spring ends, Seulgi! And see! What did I tell you? Everything worked out fine.” 


Irene waves off her guards, though Nayeon looks to protest, she agrees eventually and together with the others, they leave for the Underworld. Irene’s hood is still up, but Seulgi can see how her shoulders slump, exhaustion obvious in the way she moves. 


Wordlessly, Seulgi takes the lead for once and reaches for Irene’s hand. “Let’s go?” 


“Where do we begin? There is much of the world to cover.”


“Just follow me.” 


Seulgi leads Irene to a magnificent tree. Though not the tallest tree in the world, Seulgi is certain that it is the widest, with some earthly palaces able to fit comfortably within its base. But, the majesty of the tree not only lies in its size, but in its branches. The tree looks as if it is divided into four parts, each representing a season. One corner, bare of leaves, the other with orange wilting leaves, one filled with bright green, and Seulgi’s side full of flowers on the cusp of blooming. 


“This is where my siblings and I get our power. This is where we came into existence.”


“It’s beautiful, Seulgi.” 


“You haven’t seen anything yet.” 


Everything around the tree is barren, and Seulgi knows she’s responsible for it. But as Queen Mother Boa had said, there was no point in dwelling on it now. Seulgi places both palms against the tree trunk and closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath in, and as she breathes out, she releases her power. She wills the power to spread from her being, into the tree, up to the branches and down to its roots that extend to the farthest corners of the earth. When Seulgi feels it is enough, she releases her hands and opens her eyes, excited to see what Irene thinks.


But instead, Seulgi is the one that’s blown away. 


The Goddess of Death has never looked more ethereal, in Seulgi’s eyes. Life begins to sprout all around them, and Irene has finally allowed her hood to fall as she looks at her surroundings in wonder. A pleasant smile is spread across Irene’s face, a dust of pink on her cheeks and her eyes are sparkling as she watches the plants around her bloom.


Irene bends down and Seulgi can feel her own heart melt at the sight of Irene slowly reaching forward to touch a flower. 


Seulgi takes the opportunity to kneel in front of Irene, pressing a finger into the soil and reveling in the look on Irene’s face as white, pink, and yellow flowers emerge.


“This is a freesia.” Seulgi gently plucks a few and offers them to Irene. 


“They’re beautiful.” 


“It’s a symbol of many things. Friendship, joy, innocence…” Seulgi smiles again as Irene meets her gaze. “And trust.” 


“I’m truly glad I was the one to you. This is amazing, Seulgi.” Irene says, gesturing to the growing plants around them. 


“I’m glad you’re here too.”


Seulgi looks into Irene’s eyes a little bit longer, wondering if her eyes have always been this big, with the entire universe inside them as it sparkles. She wonders if Irene’s skin has been this perfect, and as she reaches up to tuck a yellow freesia behind Irene’s ear, if her skin has been this incredibly soft. 


“Thank you.” Irene whispers. 


The moment is quickly broken when a voice interrupts from behind them. “With all due respect, but you’re absolutely insane, Your Majesty.”


A slight chill fills the air as Irene stands, her arms folded. “Hello Joy, I see you still have a habit of interrupting conversations.” 


“It’s how I make an entrance.” Joy winks. 


“I- uh- you know each other?” 


“We are Olympians after all. Aren’t we, Your Majesty?” 


Irene is about to reply when Wendy sticks her head out from behind Joy. “Hi, I’m Wendy!”


“Wendy!!” Seulgi runs to give the blonde goddess a hug. 


“Excuse me? Was I not the first one here?” Joy asks, a hand on her chest in mock offense. 


Wendy does a full bow in front of Irene, “Your Majesty, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” 


“Hello, Wendy. Seulgi speaks highly of you. You can call me Irene.” 


“Yes, Your Majesty! I mean, Irene! You’re very pretty, I wouldn’t have guessed it was such a beautiful goddess underneath that hood. I was terrified for Seulgi, then for the both of you, then for all of us but I’m glad it all worked out.” 


Irene giggles, “I see why Seulgi is so fond of you.”


“Well, you’re lucky I’m fond of you despite you being so reckless.” Joy sighs. 


Seulgi points to herself. “Who? Me?” 


“The both of you! I- ugh!” Joy begins to pace back and forth, running her hands through her hair. “I was so mad at you, Irene. At the thought of you taking Seulgi.” 


“Oh, Joy, always letting your emotions take the best of you.” 


“I can’t help it! She’s my friend! Then when you started speaking… I realized you’re even more senseless than I thought. Who in their right might would plan and want to be summoned by Leeteuk?! Intentionally taunting him? I almost passed out when I realized what you were doing.”


“I knew you would figure it out.” Irene smirks. “Possibly Taeyeon too-“


“-but I know you better.” 




Wendy slowly raises her hand, “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m afraid Seulgi and I have no idea what’s going on.”


“Joy, would you like to do the honors?” Irene asks, and Seulgi now feels extra confused at the proud look that’s on the older goddess’ face. 


“Remember when Yeri visited us? She was being annoyingly cryptic but I understood then that Seulgi was in the Underworld. I wasn’t sure so I didn’t say anything, as to not worry you, Wendy, but I started asking around about our dear Goddess of Death. And that’s what you wanted, right? You wanted more and more beings to wonder when Seulgi was. You wanted it to reach Leeteuk.” 


“Yes. But you know what I really wanted? I wanted help . My brother couldn’t – no, wouldn’t do so. I asked Yeri to go to him on my behalf. Then, knowing her ties to me, he refused to see her. But eventually, I realized he was powerless to make a difference anyway. The only ones who could change it were The Fates, who would never do such a thing, or my mother. But my mother is not like other gods. Yeri can search for any god, any being on earth, should you ask. But not my mother. So, I had to draw her out.” 


Joy smirks, “And what better way to draw her out than with her favorite child?”


“We may be millennia old, but certain things don’t change. Like Leeteuk’s ego and paranoia, and my mother’s incessant need to defend him. All I needed to do was defend myself and fuel his paranoia. He would never hear Seulgi’s siblings. But if it were Joy, an Olympian beloved by all, asking to search the Underworld, that would get his attention.”


“And don’t think I didn’t notice your angels.” 


“That was an inspired idea by Jihyo. My angels hide themselves away as much as possible. But I gave them free rein to show themselves more, to fly higher than necessary, I needed all those dumb rumors to work for me, and it did. It got his attention.”


“And all you needed to do was to make sure His Majesty played his part.” Wendy concludes.


“Oh, you’re smart too. Just like Seulgi.” Irene comments. “His paranoia was on full display in front of all the other Olympians. Of all those he deems as important. It would be such a shame if they looked down on their king, no? And isn't it amazing that as soon as my mother arrived, this whole problem was solved in seconds? If the Mother Goddess had been there sooner, if she had even been available at all to spare a few seconds, this whole thing could have been prevented. And she has the gall to scold me for manipulating her.”


Joy pulls Irene into a hug, and now Seulgi is itching to ask about the history between the two Olympians. They’re similar in so many ways. Intimidating and stubborn when they want to be, but fiercely protective of those they care for. And apparently, that included each other. 


“For what it’s worth, I am truly glad your insane plan worked out.” Joy says, releasing Irene from her hold. “And, I did enjoy you taking Leeteuk down a peg or two.” 


Joy and Wendy stay a little longer, the four of them under the Tree of Life, as they catch Seulgi up on all she missed. Seulgi tells them her favorite parts of the underworld, skipping the part about the souls attacking her, not wanting to worry her friends. She tells them about Cerberus and Joy is suddenly pouting at how she’s never got to meet the Underworld’s fiercest guardian. She tells them about the beautiful star filled sky. When she speaks about the angels, Wendy’s eyes twinkle in a way that tells Seulgi she’s inspired to make music out of it. Irene says very little, only speaking to refuse to allow Joy into the Underworld, and retelling the story of Solar and Moonbyul to Wendy under Seulgi’s prodding. 


Eventually, the two goddesses leave together and Irene takes the opportunity to lean against the wide tree trunk, “Can we rest for a moment?”


“As long as you’d like, Your Majesty.” 


Irene closes her eyes and Seulgi can’t help but think about how this Irene before her is different. Different from the Irene up in Olympus, striking fear in everyone who sets eyes on her. Different from the Irene down in the Underworld, refined, regal and caring but burdened. No, this Irene, is soft, calm and perhaps, free? 


“Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would be possible.”


“Being here with me?”


“Yes. And just simply being.” Irene sighs. 


Despite their success in Olympus, Seulgi saw how Irene almost lost control. Well, felt, more than saw. She saw Irene look defeated for a split second as she mentioned another’s name – Jennie. She heard the raw hurt and abandonment emanating from Irene as she dealt with the Queen Mother. The selfish part of Seulgi wants to keep Irene this way. A part of Seulgi wishes she was allowed to be selfish, and to ask Irene to stay on earth with her, until Spring passes. But the last time she was selfish, there were dire consequences and Irene has an entire realm to worry about. 


So, instead, Seulgi asks, “When do you have to return?” 




“Can I show you one last thing before you go?” Irene opens her eyes, and offers Seulgi a soft smile as she intertwines their fingers. “Of course.”

A/N: There you go~ Hope you liked it! Do leave me a comment below or you can talk to me on twitter @iccampfire!

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2187 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3