[TW] Messenger of the Gods

even the shadows

Hello, I put a trigger warning just in case. There's some mentions of violence in this chapter. 


When Yeri first gains consciousness, she wakes up to a beautiful yet worried face staring down at her. She has only been in existence for a mere second, but her entire being immediately recognizes the goddess in front of her. 

“Mother Goddess,” Yeri whispers, her voice still raspy from being used for the very first time. 

“My child, welcome. I have a very important role for you.” 

At that time, Yeri had no idea what an honor it was for her to meet the Mother Goddess as soon as she awoke. She does end up learning a couple of years after that the Mother Goddess merely creates, she does not stick around to teach or to get to know her newest creation. Yeri also realizes around the same time that she has always been a special case - created not for the benefit of humankind but for the gods, and more specifically, a goddess

It’s this special role that keeps the Mother Goddess at her side when she awakens, and quickly tells her of her true purpose, handing the newborn goddess a winged cap with matching sandals. There is a gentle squeeze of her shoulder, “Yeri, my dear goddess, take care of yourself and take care of my daughter.” 

Yeri looks at the items in her hands and her brows furrow in confusion, “Mother Goddess, forgive me for speaking out of turn. But why do you still need me? I am sure you can go anywhere you want on earth.” 

But Boa shakes her head sadly, “At this moment, my daughter does not wish to speak to me and I understand. But it was never my wish for her to be alone. I am giving you the power to enter the Underworld, but you will still need her permission to do so.” 

“Yes, Mother Goddess. Is there anything you would like me to give to her or to tell her?” 

A small parchment is into Yeri’s already full hands, “Give her this. Tell her that she is my most beloved. And that I am truly sorry.” 

“Will I know where to find you? For when she sends a message back?” 

“Your sandals will always direct you where you need to go. But…” Boa gives Yeri a soft smile, and the heartbreak of the ancient goddess is clear as day. “I know there will be no need for that. Now, be off, young one.” 

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Yeri bows deeply until the Mother Goddess disappears. 


The helmet and sandals buzz with an unreadable energy as they shake in Yeri’s hands. She tucks the parchment into a satchel and takes a deep breath as she wears the gifts she’s been given. As soon as they’re placed firmly onto her body, she is lifted into the sky and Yeri tries to hold in a scream as she flies feet first into her destination. 

“Surely I should be able to control this?!” Yeri thinks, as she is dragged beyond Olympus. 

She knows she is not the only goddess in existence and she hopes that no other being is witness to how ridiculous she looks as she gets used to her powers and gifts. She looks up at the sun, and thankfully instead of a wave of embarrassment, the sun gives off a warmth of reassurance. In fact, if Yeri closes her eyes, it’s like she can hear the sun’s gentle voice saying, “You will be fine, child. Just keep trying.” 

“STOP!” Yeri commands and her sandals and helmet abruptly stop their fluttering and the newborn goddess starts plummeting to the ground. “NO, NO, GO! GO! FLY UP!” And Yeri shoots up once more until she shouts, “RELAX!” that she manages to hover in the middle of the bright morning sky. 

She hears the sun laugh, and it’s so melodious that Yeri doesn’t have it in her to be angry. “It’s okay, try again. You and your gifts are new to the world and to each other. Be patient.” 

“But the Mother Goddess has need of me! I have to go now!” 

The sun hums, “What is your name, young one?”

“Yeri. Messenger of the Gods.” 

“It’s nice to meet you, Yeri. My name is Solar. Goddess of the Sun. And what is it that the Mother Goddess needs of you?” 

“I am to meet her daughter.”

“Ah, so it is indeed very important. If I may be of assistance, think of sandals and your helmet as extensions of you. They may be gifts, as are all our powers, but it is up to us to own it and claim it as our own. Only you can wield these gifts, dear goddess, just as I am the only one who brightens the earth in this  way.” 

Yeri closes her eyes, and she can feel the energy of her sandals flow up into her body, converging with the energy that flows down from her helmet. She can feel her heart beat stronger at the connection, and she feels a stable pull at the center of her gut. 

“There we go. That was not too difficult.” 

“Thank you, Goddess Solar.” 

“You are very welcome, dear Yeri. Oh, and may I ask you to send a message for me as well? To the Mother Goddess’ daughter?” Yeri nods and she can feel the warmth of the sun’s smile. “Tell her I am eternally grateful for what she’s done for my children. And tell her that she is welcome any time. You are too, Yeri.” 

“Thank you again. I will let her know. Now, I must be off.” 


Yeri lets her sandals guide her path, but now she can comfortably fly over areas with ease, flying over over mountains and seas, over cities and small towns, until she chances upon a clearing at the edge of the forest, with beautiful purple wisteria trees draping down as if kissing the ground in reverence. 

She wonders, for a second, if her sandals are broken or if she still needs to get used to its power. But when the energy inside her stops, the young goddess realizes she is at the right place. Except, no one else is there. 

She kills time either hovering above the trees, trying to figure out what else she’s capable of, or sitting in the branches, wondering where her feet will lead her to next. Eventually, two figures enter the clearing, one wearing a hood as black as night but still shimmers beautifully against the sunlight, while the other, in a similar cloak, has giant wings protruding from their back. 




Even in her place up in the trees, Yeri can feel the raw power emanating from the duo. A shiver runs up her spine, but she quickly shakes it off, after all, she was quite literally made for this. The goddess rises from her position in the trees, and twirls in the sky before quickly dropping down, startling the duo. She bows quickly and offers the biggest smile she can muster, “Hi! My name is Yeri!” 

“You’re new.” is all the winged woman says, a smirk plastered on her face. 

Yeri blinks, not expecting that response. “I- uh- yes, I am, dear goddess.” 

“I am not the goddess here. She is,” her head tilted to her companion. 

Yeri squeaks and bows deeply to the hooded figure, “S-sorry, dear goddess! As your uh-”

“I am an angel.” 

“R-right. As your angel said, I am still new. But I was tasked to find you.” 

“What is your title?” the angel asks, showing no fear even though she is speaking to a goddess. 

“I am the Messenger of the Gods.” 


Finally, the hooded figure speaks. Her voice is soft, but the words that come out are firm and full of finality. “I have no need for you.”

“W-wait! No!” 

“No? Are you questioning my authority, young goddess?” The air around them turns icy and the sudden cold seems to press against Yeri’s chest, making it harder to breathe. 


Yeri knows she’s dealing with a very powerful god, the daughter of the Mother Goddess, the Goddess of Death and the Queen of the Underworld. Yeri knows that one wrong move and she could be sent to the depths of Tartarus. She bends down to one knee with her head bowed, a show of complete reverence and respect. “I mean no offense, Your Majesty. The Mother Goddess was there when I awoke and she herself told me that I was primarily created for you.” 

Yeri’s head is still bowed, but she can hear the two whispering and her mind begins to think of other ways to convince them that she is to be trusted.

Luckily there is no need to do so as she sees a hand extended her way, and she meets the gentle smile of the angel as she stands. “Why are you on your knee?” 

“It seemed like the appropriate thing to do to get you to believe me.” 

The angel chuckles and turns to her queen, “She’s very dramatic. I think I like her very much, Your Majesty.”

And Yeri can’t really see past her hood, but she’s pretty sure the goddess is rolling her eyes. “Jennie, you can’t just like every being who willingly wants to come to the underworld.” 

The angel, Jennie, pouts. “And why not? I know we could use the company. Souls are boring.” 

The Messenger of the Gods can hear a sigh emitting from the fellow goddess, but she says nothing, simply walking ahead as the wisteria moves away to let her through. 


“After you, dear goddess.” Jennie smiles, gesturing for Yeri to walk ahead. 

“But she didn’t really allow me…?” 

“Trust me, that’s as much confirmation as you’re going to get. Now, go on, let’s not keep Her Majesty waiting, hmm?”



Surprisingly, Yeri comes to enjoy spending time in the Underworld, even going out of her way to visi as often as she can.


When she first enters, the Underworld is dark, the handful of stars in what she assumes is the realm’s sky does not offer much light, but they shine in a way that takes her breath away. (Eventually, Yeri learns that this is what Solar was referring to as her children and when Yeri meets the Goddess of the Sun again, she gushes at how beautiful they are.) 

The inhabitants are incredible in their own ways as well.

There is Cerberus, the loyal guardian of the realm, whose single paw is as tall as Yeri herself with all three heads ready to snap her up the moment they lay eyes on her. Thankfully, their master stands between them, wordlessly petting each of their heads and encouraging Yeri to do the same. Over time, Cerberus becomes protective of the newborn goddess as well, happily barking when she flies into the realm and even wagging his tail in response to her nickname for him, “Ceb.”

The souls are, like Jennie mentioned, boring. They are not as fun to prank and tease as the humans up above and they don’t seem to appreciate Yeri flying into their wispy forms. 

The angels on the other hand, are interesting, to say the least. Yeri’s been to a handful of places in the realm, never alone, of course, (“It isn’t safe,” everyone insists.) and there are so many different angels all unique to one another. Their devotion to the realm and their queen is admirable (Yeri has visited Olympus a number of times and can’t say the same about the angels above) and together, they seem like a solid unit. 

(She doesn’t say it out loud, but she knows that if the King could see this, he’d have every right to be terrified.)


Of course, among the angels, one stands out above the rest: Jennie. 

Yeri had felt it the moment they met, but it was further confirmed when she first stepped into the palace that Jennie was different and obviously very special. All the other angels had beautiful pure black wings that shimmer as if the brightest jewels were inlaid in each feather, while Jennie’s set of wings were pure white at its tips while slowly transitioning to gray in the middle and the darkest black as it reached the top. She was physically stronger as well, Yeri still remembers how she was able to hold off a horde of angry souls all by herself and how Nayeon and Jeongyeon simply stood at the side, watching her in awe.

But it’s not just that. 

All the other angels respect her, they follow her orders without questions and some, especially those that do not reside in the palace, bow in her presence. It was as if she too were in charge of the realm. Not just as the Queen’s right hand, but as a true partner of the realm. 

“I was the first.” Jennie states, as if reading Yeri’s mind. They’re in the dining hall, waiting for the Goddess of Death to return and Yeri must have been caught staring into space.

“The first?” 

Jennie hums in response, playing with the food on her plate (one of the offerings to the dead, much better than nectar and ambrosia in Yeri’s humble opinion), “The first one to leave Olympus.” 


Yeri is just about to ask more when the double doors swing open and the ancient goddess bows before them, before taking her seat at the head of the table. 

“I apologize for keeping you both waiting.” 

“I told you to never apologize for doing your duty, Irene.” Jennie says, standing up to place a chaste kiss on Irene’s lips. 

Yeri smiles at the gesture, already used to their displays of affection. It honestly threw her off at first, she never really saw a god in love before, (Leeteuk and Yoona definitely do not count) but Irene and Jennie are so obviously partners in everything that it made perfect sense. They were both incredibly beautiful, that was no doubt, with auras that spoke of power and commanded respect. On their own, Yeri was in awe. But Yeri truly felt that they were unstoppable together. And Yeri understood why everyone bowed down to them. 


“Still. I do not like to keep you waiting.” Irene replies before turning to Yeri. “How are you doing, young goddess?” 

Yeri can’t help but beam at the attention, grateful for the development in their relationship with the older goddess especially as she took Yeri under her wing once she trusted her. 

Irene, who is called Death up above, is warmer than their first encounter would suggest. At first, there was hesitance to even reveal her true name and her face to Yeri, but Jennie had gently encouraged her, saying that if anything happened, she would protect Irene. Yeri still remembers the way Irene took the letter from Yeri’s hands, only to glance at the seal of her mother and tuck into her dark robes, not even bothering to read it. (Yeri understands then why the Mother Goddess said a return would not be necessary.) She also remembers how widely Irene smiled at the mention of Solar, and how Jennie kissed the queen on the cheek, apparently gushing over the queen’s wide smile. 

So, Yeri tells Irene and Jennie about everything she’s been up to. The Queen of the Underworld clearly looks proud when Yeri reveals that she’s slowly making a name for herself as the Goddess of heralds, travelers and merchants. And a teasing smirk comes upon her lips when she says, “I’ve also heard that thieves are looking to call you their patron goddess as well.” 

Yeri glares at Jennie, “What did you tell her!” 

“I merely spoke the truth!” Jennie laughs, raising her arms in defense.

Irene raises her eyebrow, “Well, you did manage to seal Minho’s cattle, so maybe the title is justified.” 

Yeri huffs as the goddess and her angel continue to . 



Yeri knows she hasn’t known Irene the longest, the title definitely belongs to her mother and brothers, but for the most part, Yeri believes she knows Irene the best

She knows Irene does not care for the affairs up above, does not care when the Olympians begin to bicker over one petty issue or the other. Irene cares about her realm, and those that inhabit it, and she will do anything in her power to protect it. 

Irene, also, is not oblivious. Her angels, particularly Jennie and Jihyo, inform her of what happens above, of what the other gods think of her but she takes it all in stride. “My biggest advantage, dear goddess, is knowledge. I may not have the strength and numbers of my brothers, but thanks to those that are loyal to me, I know what goes on up above. While they remain blind.” 

But, the Goddess of Death is not perfect. She hates her brother - the King’s - arrogance the most. She does not want his throne, but she hates how he uses it as if he is pure and deserves every single praise ever uttered on earth. She hates how he lords his title over every single being on earth. When the Queen of the Gods and her brother’s wife, Yoona, turns to her and asks for help in revolt against, Irene and Jennie quickly agree. 

They succeed at first but the bickering among the other gods allows the King of the Gods to escape his shackles and he spares no one from his wrath. When it fails, he hangs his wife upside down in the sky, until she promises that she will no longer revolt against him. Minho and Sehun are punished to build the wall of Troy and Irene… Irene loses something much more important than her dignity. 


As soon as Yeri gets word of what has happened, she flies down to the Underworld as fast as her winged sandals can take her but, it’s too late.

Once she steps into the palace, Jennie and Irene’s three favored angels rush out, ready to unleash hell and get their revenge. Lisa and Rose have their swords out, and only one, Jisoo, spares a glance at Yeri, her eyes pitch black in anger. Fear rises up in Yeri’s chest, not because of the angels, but because she’s afraid of what she’ll find. She continues to run in search of the goddess, but she’s stopped, just outside of the throne room. 

“My dear goddess, no one is allowed inside.”Jihyo says in finality, flanked by Nayeon and Jeongyeon. 

“But I need to make sure they’re okay.” 

“They are not.” Jihyo answers, her voice shaking no matter how hard the angel tries to keep a straight face.

“Is it… Is it true? Did he really-” Yeri asks and when Jihyo nods, Yeri sinks to her knees, tears falling down her face. The three angels stand in their position, but when the goddess looks up at them, she can see the worry on their faces and the tears they’re trying their best to hold back. 

“It’s best if you leave, dear goddess.” a gentle voice says, with a hand on Yeri’s shoulder. Another offers their hand to begin leading her out of the palace. 

“Tzuyu, I can’t. I can’t leave them.” They hear a cry of pain, and Yeri’s heart squeezes at the sound. “Dahyun, Chaeyoung, please. Please. I need to see them. I need to help. I can’t- I can’t leave Irene alone.” 

The three angels look at each other and the tallest one is about to speak when Yeri tries one more time. “You know I was made for Her Majesty. This is my duty. Let me fulfill my duty. Please.” 

Tzuyu sighs, and the three angels talk to the ones standing guard. Somewhere in their heated discussion, Yeri slips past them and into the throne room. 


“Irene? Jennie?” A single torch lights up as she calls out and Yeri gasps at the sight, tears threatening to spill over once more. Here, in front of them, Yeri refuses to cry. They need her to be strong, they need her to hold them together, and that is what she will try to do.

At the foot of the throne sits Irene, Jennie in her arms, bruised, battered, and looking to be on the brink of death. One wing looks as if it has been ripped out completely, black blood still gushing from Jennie’s back, while the other is singed, barely a half of what it once was.

“Y-yeri? Is that you?” Jennie whispers. 

Yeri rushes up the steps of the throne and kneels beside them, taking Jennie’s outstretched hand. She glances at her fellow goddess, who looks to have run out of tears, but Yeri swears she can hear Irene’s heart continue to break over and over again at the sight of her beloved. 

“I’m so sorry, Jennie. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have-” 

Jennie gives a small smile through the pain, “No, we wanted to do this together. I will always cherish seeing your brother in chains and calling out for help.” 

“But the consequences-” 

“Shh. It is okay. I will be okay. I will never regret standing by your side, my love.” 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Irene says, kissing Jennie’s face repeatedly. 

The three of them stay like that for a while. Jennie in Irene’s arms, sometimes managing to look at the two goddesses with nothing but love in her eyes, Yeri holding Jennie’s hand as tightly as she can and Irene whispering apologies and ‘I love you’s’ against Jennie’s battered body. 


“Irene, I think it is time for me to get some rest.” 

Irene nods, easily lifting Jennie up in her arms, and they silently leave the throne room to their shared chambers. All the angels bow as they pass, some trying to hold back tears, while others like Sana and Momo, begin to cry at the sight.

Yeri watches from the door as Irene settles the angel into their bed, once comfortable, Jennie reaches up to wipe away Irene’s tears and Yeri turns away as they lean in for a kiss. 

“Your Majesty, what can I do to help? Please, say the word, and I will do what I can.” Yeri asks as Irene walks towards her. 

“There is nothing more we can do.” Irene says simply. “Jisoo and the others will get revenge on the angels that did this to Jennie. I will make sure no angel up above can even look upon any of mine ever again. When they see me or any of my angels, I want them to feel nothing but fear. I will rip them and send them to Taratarus myself but I know that my angels will do the job for me. But as for the real monster… I’m afraid we will never get justice.” 


“Yeri,” Irene says with an obviously forced smile. “Thank you for checking on us. But, I would like to rest with my beloved now.”

“I understand, Your Majesty. If you need me, let me know.” Yeri pulls Irene into the tightest hug she can muster, and she lets Irene lean on her and quietly sob into her shoulder.


As soon as they break from their embrace and Irene closes the door to their room, Yeri lets her sandals lead her. They lead her out of the Underworld and into an abandoned palace in Olympus. It’s empty, but Yeri is sure that there is more than meets the eye. Her sandals have never led her astray before. 

“Mother Goddess, I have no idea where you are… but my feet led me here. Your daughter… she is hurting. Leeteuk took what is most precious to her…” 

Yeri waits for a response but the silence is deafening in the large palace. “MOTHER GODDESS! MOTHER GODDESS! PLEASE! I NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU!”



“SHOW YOURSELF!” Yeri screams. 

Yeri sits in silence waiting for the Mother Goddess to appear. There, in the middle of the abandoned palace, Yeri lets go of all of the tears her body has to offer. She is speaking into the void and if the Mother Goddess can hear her, Yeri no longer cares. “She needs you, where are you?” 


“I cannot believe you’d abandon your own daughter.” 


“If you were there… if you saw what your son had done… If you saw Jennie… if you saw how broken they are...”


Finally, Yeri stands, ready to leave the empty hall and the cold goddess it is supposed to house. She looks around, anger in her heart as she says, “I hope you’re happy, Mother Goddess. I may be your creation but my loyalty is to the Goddess of Death, to the Queen of the Underworld. You have made me for her and I will not abandon her. Not as you have done. Irene has stood by my side, and I will stand by hers. That is my vow. ” 



The shift after Jennie is instant. The angel of death is alive, but it is not the same. She is not the same, Irene is not the same and it’s clear that the entire realm has changed because of it. 

Irene focuses on her duties, staying in the Underworld as long as she can and only stepping out onto the earth when she must. The other angels try to reach out to their queen, and so does Yeri, but Irene refuses everyone. 

For a moment, Yeri is hurt that she too has been shunned, but the resentment she feels quickly fades as she sees how Irene looks less like a goddess every time they meet. Every time she visits, Irene looks even more pale than before, sometimes even looking translucent like the souls that surround her. Her eyes shift from a pure black to a fiery red, and the palace is in a constant state of painful ice cold. 

She knows that the Queen of the Underworld is punishing herself, because though she can be mad at her brother and his angels, she is, for the most part, mad at herself. So, Yeri drops by when she can, giving her space but also letting her know that she is there should Irene need her again.


Irene keeps her distance for at least a century, toiling in pain, refusing to accept help and to accept the warmth and care of those loyal to her. When she is not working, she is by Jennie’s side, and it is only when the angel urges her to try and let her go does Irene reach out to Yeri again. 

Yeri shakes her head at Irene’s apologies, telling her there is no need for that, because they are family - true family - and they have all been waiting for her. But Irene, ever stubborn, apologizes nonetheless. The other angels are grateful for the return of their queen as well, excited to tell her all that she’s missed. 

“My brother has hurt others.” Irene says out of the blue one night, “Mortals who have no chance against a god, especially the King. I would like to help them. I do not want them to live a life of pain because my brother is selfish.”

“Just let me know how I can be of assistance, Your Majesty.” 

Irene nods in finality, “I apologize again for taking too long in my own world and in my own pain.” 

“I’m just grateful you’re back. I missed you.” 

“I missed you too, young goddess.” 

“Slowly,” Yeri thinks. Slowly, Irene will truly smile again.



Yeri simply allows herself to float above the trees, she had just sent a message to Sehun, and she was allowing the sunshine to dry off the ocean water stuck on her clothes. (She truly hates stepping foot into his realm.) She floats around aimlessly when she hears a beautiful song drifting in the air. She follows the source and spots a familiar goddess, “Ah, I should have known. The Goddess of Music, the one Joy is the most fond of.”

The Goddess of Music, Wendy, is humming a tune as she lies under the shade of the tree, her eyes closed she basks in the warmth of the sunshine. There’s another goddess with her, familiar but not entirely so, with Yeri having trouble even remembering her name. Spurred on by curiosity and the hopes of getting some information that she can blackmail and tease Joy with, Yeri hides behind the trees, close enough that she can hear their conversation. 

It gets rather boring very quickly. The two are just basking in each other’s company, Wendy with her eyes still closed and the other obviously deep in thought. Yeri is about to depart when she hears the goddess speak up, “What are you thinking about?”

“How do you know I’m thinking about something?” 

“You’re not sleeping, not asking questions, not telling me your new findings and adventures… nor are you eating. But you’re very quiet. That usually means you’re thinking about something.” 

“Wendy… can I ask you a question?”

Yeri watches as Wendy opens her eyes and smiles up at her friend. “Like you’ve ever asked permission before. Is it an important question?”

“I mean… not that important.”

“When you say it like that, then it’s obviously very important, Seul.” 

“Seul…” Yeri thinks, “Ah! Seulgi! One of the gods of the seasons.” 

“I was just wondering… Have you ever met Death?” 

Yeri waits for Wendy’s response, willing to pop out and fight them if they slander Irene. Sure, Irene always tells her to drop it, that those rumors do not matter and those gods do not matter, but Yeri can’t help but be defensive sometimes. She is glad to find, however, that Wendy’s response is… well, it’s the truth. No one really knows anything about Death, only a handful outside the Olympians knowing her true name and face. And, Irene is the embodiment of darkness. It was a smart answer, and maybe Joy is right to be fond of Wendy.


Yeri listens in on their conversation a little more and she can’t help but be wonder about Seulgi. Her questions have no malice in them at all, just pure curiosity. Something that goes against the nature of gods. Gods rarely question. They just know things and accept them as they are. 

The two goddesses eventually leave, but Yeri makes it her personal mission to get to know Seulgi more, in her own special way. She uses her sandals to lead her to Seulgi’s whereabouts, watching as Seulgi goes beyond her duty time and time again to care for those around her. She hears all of Seulgi’s questions about Death, and it amuses her to no end. (Of course, she tells Irene everything.) She uses her connections to ask about the young goddess, and it surprises her at how many gods seem to speak ill of the Goddess of Spring and Life. She is too nosy. She is too curious. She is a troublemaker. She is ungrateful. But for Yeri, she sees the embodiment of life and warmth in every step the goddess takes. 

“She is misunderstood.” Yeri decides, then chuckles to herself, “I think she and Irene would get along great. But that is never going to happen.” 



Sometimes, Yeri hates that she knows Irene so well. She knows she can trust the older goddess with her life, should it ever come to that point. She knows that Irene is guarded and powerful, that she hates being pitied, and that she cares about those around her a lot more than she lets on. She also knows Irene thinks things through - especially after Jennie - and that’s why Yeri is so frustrated. Because she knows Irene is hiding something. 

As soon as the doors to the dining hall closes, Irene turns to face Yeri, her eyes cold and ready to rip into her. “Why would you do that? Why would you take her away from here? I left for a moment-“ 

“Don’t you see? That’s all you do, Irene! You’ve been gone! You’ve left her alone! She’s been alone for almost a month and a half now!” Maybe future Yeri will regret this, Irene is powerful and they are in her realm after all, but after spending some time with Seulgi (and admittedly keeping tabs on her even beforehand), she knows that the young goddess deserves more. She is safe, and she is being watched over, but that will never satisfy her. 

“The angels-“ 

“-Are simply not enough!” 

Irene’s voice begins to rise, “They are perfectly capable of taking care of her and keeping her safe!”

“You know her nature! I told you before everything even started! Or do you not remember that fateful visit when I told you some goddess has been asking about Death? I told you she was curious, of course keeping her in the palace is a bad idea!” For a moment, Irene seems to consider Yeri’s words. “She is not drawn to the underworld. She is drawn to you. Specifically to you. Why? I have no idea. I’m just telling you what I know. So whatever curiosity she has, it’s because of you. Not because of this palace or this realm. You can keep her here if that’s what you want, but it will not be enough.” 


Irene slumps into her chair and for a split second, Yeri can see how utterly exhausted she looks. “What would you have me do? What do you expect from me, Yeri? This place isn’t stable! I no longer know if she’s safe here.” 

Yeri wants to pull her hair out because frankly, Irene isn’t making any sense. She places both her hands on Irene’s shoulders, forcing the older goddess to look at her. “Then why did you bring her here? You could have refused her! You could have taken the child with you! What is one child? What is ONE goddess? You’ve refused the company of everyone, even your own siblings! Don’t tell me you brought her here because you were lonely? Don’t tell me you brought her here to satisfy your own morbid curiosity?” 

“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” Irene shouts, and the ice cold chill pierces straight through Yeri’s chest, causing her to stumble back. Irene is shaking, her eyes focused on her hands and that’s how Yeri knows something is really wrong. Because to see Irene like this… Yeri can count on one hand the moments she’s seen Irene truly vulnerable. 


Yeri slowly makes her way towards Irene, kneeling in front of her in order to meet her gaze. She reaches for Irene’s hand, still ice cold and shaking. “Just… what is it? You’re not telling me something. Irene, please, talk to me.” 

Yeri eyes widen in surprise, as she notices the black and white feather in Irene’s hand. How long has she been holding it? Her heart clenches as she watches Irene smoothen the feather as best as she can. “Irene, please, be honest with me. Why is Seulgi here? Why did you let her come here so willingly?” 

“I just thought…” 


Irene takes a deep breath, and when she finally meets Yeri’s eyes, it’s obvious she’s trying to hold back her tears. “I thought she could help Jennie.”


“I know. It is stupid of me to still have hope that Jennie can be saved. That she can go back to how she used to be. But my own selfishness has made things worse.” Irene forces a smile and instead of feeling relief, Yeri feels like she’s been punched in the gut.

“Maybe you’re right! Maybe Seulgi can! Maybe she-” 

Irene shakes her head, “Maybe. But that is not the priority right now. The realm is shifting because of Seulgi’s presence, some souls can feel her energy and are getting restless.  Plus, without her on earth, there will be no food. We need to figure out a way to get her back above, at least for a moment.”

“You’ll think of something. You always do.” 

“I already have.” 


That’s the Irene I know.


“But, I do need you to do something for me.” 

Yeri rolls her eyes, “May I remind you that I was literally created for you.” 

“Centuries ago, Jennie would have fought you for saying that out loud,” Irene chuckles.

“She did get unreasonably jealous every time I mentioned that the Mother Goddess created me for you. It was honestly fun to see. But, really, who am I to deny what the Mother Goddess has done? It is because of her and her intentions that you do not need to request anything of me because I am bound to do it.”

“There’s no need for dramatics, my dear Yeri. But I am asking this as a friend. Go to Joy.”


And finally, a genuine smile emerges on Irene’s face, “Joy does not hate you. You just irritate her because you keep stealing her wine and pulling pranks in her vineyard.” 

“She’s such an easy target! Especially when that Goddess of Music is around? She’s so distracted! I could clear her entire vineyard and she would not notice! Too busy looking into each other’s eyes,” Yeri cackles. 

Irene clicks her tongue, “I need you to be nice to Joy, okay? Just this once.” 

“Fine. But may I ask something of you too? As a friend.” Irene nods, “Spend time with Seulgi. She’s a great goddess. I think… I think you’ll enjoy her company.” 



“I am a fool.” 

“I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one?” Yeri begins to tease, but she stops as soon as she sees the look on Irene’s face. 

From the veranda, they can see Seulgi and Cerberus playing. As if sensing them, Seulgi looks up and waves brightly, Cerberus barking as if calling for the older goddesses to join them.

“This is not her home and I do not belong up above.” Irene says and already, Yeri understands. “I know all this and yet… I cannot deny that I wish I were around her all the time. I cannot deny that she has filled a spot in my heart that I thought could never be filled again. Yeri, would it make me a monster if Jennie no longer has the same place in my heart?” 

“I don’t think Jennie would ever blame you for it. She is doing better-”

“But she will never be the same.” Irene cuts Yeri off and looks at her hands, and Yeri wonders what she sees. Does she still truly think of herself as a monster? “It has come to my realization that I have this bad habit of ripping the innocent away from where they belong.”

“Irene, no, that’s not true. You have never forced your will on anyone. They had all chosen to come here. Seulgi chose to save Jiwoo. Jennie… Jennie chose you!” 

“And look where she is now…” Irene sighs, her eyes back on the goddess down below. “Jennie is still in pain. She has done so much for me and yet I was not able to protect her. She has done so much for me and yet I am so selfish as to replace her in my heart.” 

“You are not selfish... you are allowed to feel things for another.”

“I wish I did not feel what I feel for Seulgi. It feels like a disservice to Jennie and at the same time, Seulgi deserves better than me.” 




Irene shakes her head, willing the thoughts away and tries to change the subject, “No matter, we have more important things to do. It is spring up above and soon we should be hearing from my brother, yes?”

“Yes, but Irene, listen to me.” Yeri places her hands on Irene’s shoulders, “You deserve to be happy. It’s what Jennie would want too. Do not argue with me, for you know I am m right. That is all she ever wanted of you, you know? For you to be safe, and for you to be happy.” 

Irene sighs, gently taking Yeri’s hands in her own. “Thank you, Yeri.”



“Goddess Yeri! It’s so good to see you again!” 

Yeri bows as she steps into the palace, “Goddess Solar, it’s been too long.” 

“It has, hasn’t it?” Solar says, giving Yeri a quick hug, then she tilts her head at the two goddesses by the table. “I guess you are here to take her back to the Underworld?”

Yeri nods, “I am not surprised that she is here, but I am a bit curious as to why.” 

“Oh that is a surprise. She’s learned a lot in her few days here. I’m sure she is exci-” 

“YERI! Is it time to go?” Seulgi says, dragging Moonbyul towards them. 

“-ted.” Solar finishes with a quirk of her eyebrow. “See?” 

“And with that, I believe we should no longer keep our dear Irene waiting. Do visit again, okay? Maybe Seulgi here can convince Her Majesty too.” Moonbyul says. 

“Thank you, both. I promise I will try to get her to visit.” Seulgi says, giving the couple a warm hug. 


The trip to the Underworld is quick, thankfully Yeri doesn’t need to hold Seulgi in her arms anymore, (something that must be part of the power the Mother Goddess’ has given Seulgi) instead they fly arm in arm back to Irene. Solar is right, Seulgi is obviously excited, the way she talks nonstop about her time on earth, about Jiwoo, about Seohyun, how much she loved her time with Moonbyul and Solar, and how she can’t wait to show everyone what she learned. 

Yeri thinks about Irene in the short trip, she wonders if Irene is just as excited for Seulgi’s return. She wonders if Irene is still beating herself up over these feelings she has, when it’s clear that Seulgi must feel something for Irene as well. (Even if it isn’t in the same capacity, she at least must be fond of Irene, right?) 


As they venture into the Underworld, they find Irene in the throne room, a place Yeri realizes, the goddess hasn’t entered in centuries. 

The Goddess of Death is talking to Jihyo, their backs facing them when they land. Yeri smiles, “Your Majesty, we’re ba-” 

“YOUR MAJESTY!” Seulgi cuts off Yeri’s greeting and runs up to hug the goddess. 

Yeri watches as Irene jumps at Seulgi’s loud voice but quickly accepts the goddess’ hug and immediately melts into her embrace. Irene looks so calm and so at peace that Yeri hopes it doesn’t take centuries for her to see that again.

When they break apart, there is an obvious tint of red on both their faces and some feeling in the air that Yeri can’t decipher. But thankfully, it is Jihyo who breaks the silence. “Goddess Seulgi, welcome back. I am glad to see the King of the Gods did not fry you with a lightning bolt.” 

Seulgi rolls her eyes, and pulls the unwilling Jihyo into a hug. “Her Majesty informed me that you played a role in all this, making sure I got back up safely. So, thank you.”

Jihyo rolls her eyes, “Yes, well, she would be very disappointed had something happened to you.”

The door to the throne room bursts open and the guardians make a beeline for the Goddess of Spring, everyone obviously happy that she has returned. 

Yeri is about to slink off, not wanting to intrude further when Irene appears beside her and gives her a warm smile. Yeri squeezes Irene’s hand and hopes she can feel the sincerity of her next words, “I meant it when I said I want you to be happy. Just, don’t forget that, okay?”


Author's Note: 

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter in Yeri's perspective. Now we know a lot more about their pre-Seulgi days. Let me know what you think in the comments or on twt @iccampfire, you can leave me a message on curiouscat, link in my twt too. 

I hope everyone has a great rest of the year and a great 2021! Can't wait to see OT5 in a couple of days!! Take care everyone and keep safe!!

PS: Updates may be a bit slow after this, I am trying to apply for a year-long program so I might be busy working on my portfolio and juggling my work. But I will update when I can, and of course, write other stories as well. So, if I suddenly make a new story, please be patient because I will to get to this and I promise I will not abandon this fic. :)


1. Yeri stealing Minho's cattle: When Hermes was born, one of the first things he did was to steal Apollo’s cattle. At first, he denies it to Zeus, but eventually he confesses. In the end, he gets to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre that he gives to Apollo.

2. Yoona going against Leeteuk: Hera once rebelled against Zeus, tired of how he has wronged her. The ones that led the revolt were Hera, Apollo, Poseidon and Athena. When he was tied up, one of the arguments that came about was as to who would lead Olympus. During the argument, one of Zeus’ bodyguards set him free from his chains and as punishment, Zeus hung Hera upside down in the sky until she promised not to rebel ever again. Apollo and Poseidon were tasked to build the wall of Troy while Athena did not get any punishment (or there is no record of Athena’s punishment but she is after all, Zeus’ favorite.)

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2187 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3