Chapter 4

even the shadows

“Why are you so curious? Are you unhappy with what you are? With what we are?”


“How can you be unhappy? When you have the power to create literal life? How could you be so selfish?”


“Why are you so obsessed?”


“Why do you care what the humans do? As long as we get our due.”


“They need us more than we need them, so don’t bother yourself with them.”


Seulgi stares up at the ceiling, her thoughts lost in the words of the other gods. Gods who don’t really know her but feel they can speak to her about her own thoughts. Some gods, who, technically are her own siblings, but have never really felt like family. (But then again, do gods really know what family is?)


“Why are you so curious?”

At first, Seulgi thought it was a harmless question. It’s normal to question what you don’t understand. (Seulgi knew that by heart.) But eventually, Seulgi understood the judgment behind the question. They weren’t trying to understand her, they were trying to pick apart as to why the universe would create a god like her. The other gods never bothered trying so they never understood Seulgi. Her questions, her desire for answers. It didn’t make sense to them to question beyond their duties.


However, at least with the other gods, Seulgi knew.


They’d tell it to her face, or be outright cold, or their tone would be laced with venom. She’d get the message instantly and back off. She wasn’t welcome there.


But Irene?


Irene is confusing. She gently led Seulgi into the underworld, then disappeared for weeks, and when Seulgi finally sees her, it’s only because of Yeri. Then, there’s also Yeri’s words, “In this realm full of mystery, full of uncertainty, darkness and pain… Irene gave you as much comfort and light as she could.”


That was already three days ago and she hasn’t spoken to Irene since.


Why is Irene so distant? Is the realm unstable like Kai predicted? Should Seulgi ask to leave to make it better for everyone? But then again… didn’t Irene say that once they crossed the River Styx it was now out of her hands?


None of it makes sense and Seulgi knows that the only way to get answers is to speak to Irene. But… how?


Seulgi snaps out of it when the doors suddenly swing open, causing Seulgi to hop out of bed as Tzuyu enters with a deep bow, “Goddess Seulgi—“


“Tzuyu, I told you—”


A sweet deep voice cuts her off, “Seulgi. How are you?”


“Your Majesty!” Seulgi bows.


“Seulgi, please. If you insist on my angels calling you by your name, then I insist you call me by mine.”


“Irene. You’re back!” Seulgi says, trying to stop the smile that’s creeping up her face but she can’t help it, it feels like ages since she’s gotten to properly speak to the older goddess. She looks at Irene and realizes that she’s no longer wearing her cloak, and her black tunic contrasts perfectly to her porcelain skin.


“She looks fragile,” Seulgi thinks for a moment, then quickly shakes it off because nothing is more impossible than Goddess of Death being fragile.


“Yes, it has taken a while but I have returned.” Irene nods to signal Tzuyu to leave them alone before taking a seat on the bed.


Seulgi stands, playing with her fingers as she watches Irene seemingly struggle to get her next words out. “Seulgi, I apologize. I haven’t been a great host to you at all.”


“No, no! Please, don’t apologize. It’s okay. I’m sure you have many things to do.”


“I had a feeling you’d say that.” Irene gives Seulgi a small smile before bowing her head. “But that’s where you’re wrong. I do have to apologize. I left you here alone, yes, you had my angels… but… I realize now it wasn’t enough. I should have tried harder to be there for you.”


The younger goddess takes a seat beside Irene and waits for the older goddess to look at her. “Thank you. For apologizing. But thank you also for taking care of me in the best way you knew how, through your angels. I’ll admit, I’ve been confused and lost despite having them constantly by my side…”


“I’m so sorry I did not realize sooner.”


Seulgi shakes her head, “Well, you did now. Isn’t that what matters?”


“Yes, that is correct.”


“Should I thank Yeri for that?”


“Ah, I apologize. Yeri and I sometimes have… heated discussions. I’m not surprised that you heard us.”


For a second, Seulgi debates as to whether she should tell Irene that she was actually eavesdropping on purpose but before she can speak, a weight falls on her lap.


Irene’s hand is casually on Seulgi’s lap, palms open and once again, there is a tentative smile on Irene’s face. “Please, let me do better as queen of this realm. Join me for dinner?”


Seulgi nods and takes Irene’s hand in hers and is quite surprised to find a warmth that she’s pretty sure wasn’t there the first time they met. Irene pulls her to her feet, and quietly leads them out of her room and into the dining hall, with Seulgi taking her place once more on Irene’s right.


Since the time she’s arrived in the underworld, Seulgi has been eating the standard fare of the gods: nectar and ambrosia. With all things godlike, of course, Seulgi tires of it easily, but does not mention anything to her hosts not wanting to trouble them further. So, when the angels arrive with a wide array of food, Seulgi’s eyes grow wide in surprise and waters at the sight.


The ambrosia is still there, of course, but around it are the freshest of fruits, apples, pears, cherries, pomegranates, and even wheat and bread. Seulgi piles them high on her plate and devours them with ease, taking bite after bite of the fruits she missed so much.


“I figured a goddess like you would bore of our standard godly fare.” Irene explains, her eyes full of fondness as she watches the younger goddess indulge. “In the underworld, we often eat what has been offered. Usually, offerings to the dead are their favorite food. Meat, wine, and honestly, fruits are rarely part of the offerings... but I had a feeling that as the Goddess of Spring, you would miss it.”


“I don’t want to trouble you!”


“Seulgi, it’s no trouble at all. You are a guest here. My angels are always flying between realms, it was just an additional task for them, but nothing they can’t handle.”


“Thank you!” Seulgi says a wide smile on her face as she turns to the line of angels standing to the side. “Thank you as well, Irene.”


No words are exchanged for the time being, Seulgi focused on the food she’s missed and Irene’s attention focused on Seulgi more than anything else. But eventually, Seulgi has had her fill and a comfortable silence washes over them.


“You may go for the night. Thank you.”


“Thank you, Your Majesty. Good night.” The angels bow, “Good night to you as well, Goddess Seulgi.”


“They’re fond of you.” Irene comments, as she watches them leave.


“I’m fond of them too.”


“They told me you were curious about the underworld.”


Seulgi shoots a glance at where the angles once stood and she suddenly remembers all the questions she bombarded them with, how in awe she was with everything, and how she most probably made a fool of herself in front of them. A blush creeps up Seulgi’s cheeks, “Do they tell you everything?”


“Only what they think I need to know.” Irene taps her chin with her finger then smirks, “Come, I want to show you something.”


Seulgi follows Irene to the set of massive curtains in the dining hall, something Seulgi had not noticed when they were eating with Yeri. With a flick of her wrist, the curtains are drawn to reveal a wide open balcony that provides the perfect view of the underworld’s sky. Seulgi’s heart lifts at the sight once more, a sight she knows she will never get tired of.


“I saw this balcony, when we’d walk around the palace grounds. I never figured out that it was attached to the dining hall.” Seulgi muses as she makes her way towards the edge of the veranda.


“According to my sources, you refused to step inside the dining hall without me. Had you done so, you would have found this spot sooner.”


“No, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re the one that showed this to me.” Seulgi sighs, as she watches the stars twinkle amidst the darkest of backdrops. “It’s beautiful. From here, they seem so close. Are they real? Like the ones on earth?”


“Yes. In a way.”


“Even when I’m up in Olympus, the stars don’t shine this way, and that’s the closest you can get to them without flying.”


“That’s because up there, you have the sun and the moon as well. Here, all we have is the blackest sky. Perfect for these little ones to shine.”


Seulgi continues to stare up in awe. “But how? Yeri said it was just darkness when you arrived here. Did you make them like you made Cerberus?”


“Have you met the goddesses of the Sun and Moon?”


“Yes, they’re amazing. Very kind and patient to a god like me. So, a very rare type of god.”


“Then you would agree that a love like theirs is rare too - not only among the humans, but among the gods as well. And not only because they’ve been loyal to only each other. Solar and Moonbyul have been crazy in love since the day they met. I would know, I was there. They couldn’t get enough of each other.” Irene snickers at the memory and continues. “But Solar shined so brightly, that the humans were so in awe and worshiped her only. And you know us gods, we hate to admit how worship and adoration help us survive. So, Moonbyul was left sick and weak because no one noticed her when she was with her beloved. Solar would try her best to hide behind the clouds or the mountain peaks to give Moonbyul her chance to be noticed but it was never enough, it never worked. It was only when she hid beyond the horizon did Moonbyul get a chance to shine. Humans were so in awe by her beauty that they rushed to worship her. And now, they meet every day in the small moments between dusk and dawn.”


“It’s the sacrifice, isn’t it? Solar’s complete and utter devotion to Moonbyul that she was willing to give up her shine and possibly lose her love forever just so that Moonbyul would have her own chance to shine. So that humans could also see how beautiful Moonbyul is. So that they could see Moonbyul the way Solar sees her.” Seulgi concludes. “That’s why their love is so rare.”


“It’s extremely rare to give up a part of yourself for someone else - even if it’s someone you claim to love.”


Seulgi nods, “But they still make it work, right? During dusk and dawn. Because being with each other for a moment is better than not being with them at all.”


Irene looks at Seulgi with pride, “You know, they were right about you. You are very curious. But also, very smart. It’s because of their unique and everlasting love that the Mother Goddess herself has allowed them to have as many children as they do. However, none of them are immortal.”


“So these are the ones that passed on, then? Dead stars?”


The Goddess of Death nods, “No matter how many they are, they have an endless love for each of their children.”




Seulgi stares at the stars a bit more, she wonders if they have names, if she’s met them while they were still alive.


“Dahyun may have mentioned you wanting to learn one more thing.”


Seulgi tilts her head in confusion, “There are many things I want to learn here.”


“As I have suspected. But she said you have been particularly whiney about one thing.” Irene chuckles at the blush that creeps up Seulgi’s face, “Do you want to learn how to tell time?”


“Yes, please!”


“My angels have no need for time, they live on instinct, for when a human dies, the call to lead them to the underworld is what drives them. Death, in essence, has no time. Souls can be claimed at dawn, at sunrise, or when Solar’s power is at her highest. The souls have no need for time either. At first, they try to hold on to it, to figure out when a day begins and a day ends, but when you are here for eternity, time becomes meaningless.”


“So, time does not exist here?”


“Time exists but it’s unnecessary. It’s just that many, if not all, of the things here have no need for it. But for you, my goddess Seulgi, let me show you.” Irene reaches for Seulgi’s hand and points it to one unusually blue star and one bright red star. “These stars are special gifts from Solar and Moonbyul after I agreed to give their children a home.”


“The bright blue star does not move, and will forever remain in its place above the palace. If you can see the blue star, then you are safe. You will always be able to find me and the palace. The red star revolves around it and when they are together, it is the start of a new day.”


“Wow.” Seulgi breathes out, a wide smile across her face as she looks at Irene, “That’s amazing.”


“I guess it is.”


“No, Irene, you don’t understand! This realm is… it’s more than I ever thought it would be! These stars, they’re only a part of the magnificence and beauty of this place! Everyone is so kind, though Jihyo shouted at me but I mean, I don’t blame her. Everyone is so hospitable to me, I don’t think Kai counts but I’m sure he’s better now. I had so much fun playing with Yeri and Cerberus the other day… and the fact that you made him? That’s astounding. And the palace… everything about it is much more calming than the tension that fills Olympus. Honestly, I expected so much more pain and suffering—“


“Seulgi, there is much pain and suffering here. Those that you saw in the River Styx, the ones wailing for you to save them, they are only but a tiny fraction of the horrors of the underworld. But those horrors… those are not something I ever want you to see.”


A wave of guilt hits Seulgi at Irene’s comment. Here she is, acting as if she’s on a trip to visit Wendy, or in one of the newer kinder god’s domains. Whining for attention, when in reality, Irene has a job to do and is most probably facing whatever consequences there are ever since she didn’t let the goddess take Jiwoo.


Irene reaches up and smoothes the knot that has formed on Seulgi’s brow, “My dear goddess, may I request something of you?”


“Of course. Anything. I did offer myself to be at your service, remember?”


“I know I cannot quell your nature to explore… and soon enough my palace will run out of things for you to discover and will soon bore you. To be honest, I had every intention of keeping you inside for the next four years but I do not want you to think yourself a prisoner. You may leave the palace, but stay close. One of my angels must be with you at all times. I would prefer Nayeon or Tzuyu or Jeongyeon, simply because they are a couple of my strongest ones and are easier to spot than the others.”


Seulgi nods excitedly, “Yes, I promise! I will stick to Tzuyu, Nayeon or Jeongyeon. I understand.”


“Do not stray too far. Make sure the blue star is always in sight, okay?”


“Blue star. In sight.” Seulgi repeats.


“Do not forget that this is the underworld, Seulgi. There are many kind spirits, yes. But for every kind spirit, there are ten times more evil ones and as much I want, I cannot be with you to protect you all the time.”


“I’ll be careful, I promise. But you should too.”


“I am the god of this realm, nothing can harm me.”


“As the God of the Sky cannot see everything on earth, and as the God of the Sea cannot fathom all of the ocean’s depths, then I am sure that the Goddess of the Underworld cannot guarantee that nothing can harm her.”


A small smirk forms on Irene’s face and she rolls her eyes fondly at Seulgi, “Very smart indeed.”




To say that something shifted that night would be an understatement. From the moment Seulgi steps out of her room the next day, Tzuyu is there with a bright smile on her face, “Her Majesty is waiting for you.”


Seulgi tries to keep her walk steady as she makes her way to the dining hall and she promptly ignores the snicker of Tzuyu who can obviously sense her excitement.


“HELLO!” Seulgi greets, almost stumbling into the room as the doors swing open to reveal an even more ethereal looking Irene, seated at the head of the table. A loud guffaw catches Seulgi off guard, as Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Mina, Momo and Sana stand to the side. “I mean, hello, Irene. Hello to you five, as well.”


“HELLO!” Chaeyoung and Dahyun mock, and are instantly smacked on the arms by their fellow angels.


Seulgi looks to Irene for defense, but the Queen of the Underworld looks to be holding a smile at the back of her hand. “Hello, my dear goddess. Come, let us eat.”


And it begins with that.


It begins with Irene sticking to her promise to become a better host. She is still busy, Seulgi knows, but Irene makes it a point to start the day with her guest. Majority of their meal together is silence, but Seulgi doesn’t mind and figures it’s a good place to start. After all, going from not seeing Irene at all to seeing her every day is already something Seulgi is grateful for. There are times, however, when Irene is gone for a couple of days but to keep her promise, she always lets Seulgi know.


“Where are you going?”


“To the other side of the realm.”


“But why do you need to stay a couple of days?” Seulgi tries to stop herself from sounding clingy, but for some reason, she can’t seem to help it. “Before… when I didn’t see you… Tzuyu said you’d always come home at night. Why can’t you do the same now?”


“I made it a point to come home before because I knew you were worried. I avoided you and didn’t speak to you, yes. But I somehow wanted to let you know that I would be okay. I was sure that Tzuyu let you know that.”


“And now?”


“And now, I’ll be with Nayeon and Jeongyeon, as promised. Now, you know where I am. You don’t need to wonder if I’m on land or not, for I will always let you know. You have less reason to worry.”


Seulgi sighs, “I will still worry though.”


“That is normal. I still worry about your safety even though you are within these walls with all my angels. But I can’t help it. Just like you can’t either.”


Irene Seulgi’s hair gently and Irene is so different and suddenly so open that Seulgi thinks she should send the Messenger of the Gods a bouquet of her finest flowers as a token of thanks for influencing Irene.


Seulgi, in a way, changes too.


“Chaeyoung!” Seulgi calls her guardian and points to the sky above. “Do you see those two stars? When the red star is in this position, I need you to wake me up.”


Chaeyoung knits her brows in confusion, “May I ask why?”


“So I have more time in my day!”


Chaeyoung looks unconvinced but nods anyways, “Your sleep is really deep, did you know that you talk in your sleep? Screaming sometimes, too. So waking you up might be hard to do… But of course I will do my best to fulfill your wishes, Seulgi.”


It is only when Chaeyoung sees Seulgi excitedly waiting for Irene outside her door and escorting their queen to the dining hall does Chaeyoung finally understand the real reason why.


“You seem more excited lately,” Dahyun points out during one of their walks around the palace grounds.


“Am I? Maybe it’s because there’s more for me to discover!”


“More?” Dahyun makes a face, “The underworld is still the same. I mean, if you don’t count the sou-”




“What was that for?!” Dahyun shrieks at the tallest angel.


“My apologies, I thought there was something caught in your wings.” Tzuyu smiles sweetly, “Yes, it’s mostly the same, isn’t it? Though I do appreciate how Jihyo is a little less high strung now that Her Majesty is in the palace more often.”


“I enjoy that too! In fact, Jihyo didn’t even shout at me when I almost lost a soul on the way down!” Dahyun says with a smile.


“How do you lose a soul?”


“Ah my dear Seulgi. I said I almost lost a soul. I didn’t actually lose one.”


Seulgi looks to Tzuyu, but the angel is already rolling her eyes. “That’s it, I’m calling Sana to take my place.”


When Irene is gone, Seulgi makes plans. With Irene’s blessing to finally be able to leave the palace grounds, they go over Chaeyoung’s maps to figure out what places she’s allowed to visit.


“Outside the palace, there’s a ridge where you can see Cerberus standing guard.” Mina says, “And over here, is the start of the River Lethe, the river of forgetfulness.”


“Why is it called the river of forgetfulness?”


“Some souls are lucky. Some get to forget their mortal lives. So they drink from the river and start anew in the underworld.” Mina answers.


Seulgi plans, and discusses, and even her angels seem excited for her. (Though Seulgi pretends not to notice the look of distress on Tzuyu and Jihyo’s faces.)


But on the day she plans to set out of the palace for the first time, Seulgi is shocked to see Irene pacing outside her door.


Irene looks worried and apologetic and after a quick greeting, she starts rambling, “I know what I said. I know I said you could step out of the palace as long as you had my angels with you. But I am still worried, Seulgi, even though I trust them and I trust you. Jihyo has been telling me about all the precautions you have taken, how you asked Momo to show you the safest routes, how you asked Jeongyeon and Nayeon to carry you above just so you would get used to it if they needed to take you away suddenly. But I still worry. I-”


“If you don’t want me to leave, I understand.”


“No, no. You are not a prisoner here. Just--” Irene shakes her head and s a pile of fabric at Seulgi. “Wear this cloak. It is similar to my own. It will keep you safe. No soul will know who or what you are. They will think you are either one of them or one of the angels. Jeongyeon’s left hand is dominant, so stay on her right. Nayeon is dominant on the other side so you are safe between them. What else should you know? Maybe you should go see Cerberus so that he gets used to your voice and you can call him. Or should I inform Kai-”


“Irene, Irene. Wait, stop. You’re speaking too fast.” Seulgi giggles, holding Irene by the shoulders. “What about, to ease your worry, would you like to come with me?”


Seulgi tries not to full on laugh at the relief that fills Irene’s big brown eyes. “Yes, maybe that would be best.”



Traveling with Irene, it seems, really is the best decision. Irene is no longer a bundle of nerves at the thought of Seulgi’s departure and Seulgi gets to see and learn everything she wants with the owner of the realm itself.


They begin with the ridge close to the palace, and from the distance, Seulgi can see miles and miles of the underworld. Irene points to them in the distance, “Beyond that, where it glows a bright red, is the River Phlegethon, unlike all the rivers here and on land, it is made of fire and leads to the worst part of the underworld, the pits of Tartarus. To the west is the Fields of Mourning, and over there, that is where Kai let us off. Cerberus patrols the entire length of the River Styx, making sure no soul tries to escape.”


“Have souls tried to escape?”


“Yes. It does not happen often and it’s always a spectacle when a soul attempts to do so. Usually, these are souls that feel they were taken away too soon or souls that feel there is still something for them on earth. Souls that when they were human, felt like they were on top of the world. Now to be here, it feels a bit insulting to them.”


“What happens when Cerberus catches them?”


“It depends on his mood. He can throw them into the River Styx, throw them into Tartarus or worse, throw them back on earth.”


Seulgi tilts her head in confusion, “But even with their soul on land, their body will no longer be able to accommodate them. Their family and friends won’t be able to see their soul unless they are a highly gifted and blessed priest or priestess.”


“That’s exactly why it’s the worst outcome. Their souls roam the earth lost and confused until one of my angels takes pity on them and brings them back. And that can take decades. Sometimes centuries if they’re feeling particularly petty.”


From the ridge, they make their way down to stop by Cerberus, Irene rolling her eyes when Seulgi affectionately calls him Ceb and grumbling, “You’re making the guardian of the underworld sound like a puppy.”


“But he is a puppy!” Seulgi laughs, as Cerberus’ many heads fight for her attention. “He’s the best guard puppy in the entire universe! Nothing on Olympus can compare to him!”


Irene lets Nayeon and Jeongyeon return to the palace, explaining to Seulgi that her method of travel will be best for the rest of the trip.


It’s weird, Seulgi thinks, how strangely at peace she is as she now walks beside Irene by the River Lethe. A part of her still has some survival instincts, and is telling her to be on guard, that Irene and her angels are luring her into a false sense of security. But a bigger, louder part of her remembers the look of panic in Irene’s eyes when Seulgi was about to leave without her.


“I’ve been meaning to ask, how was your recent trip on land?”


“Still very much the same. Humans are always a mixed bag so we never know what to expect. Some souls are willing to go, some souls give us a very difficult time, bargaining with everything they have to try to stay a little longer.”


“And… How is my sister doing?”


Irene turns to Seulgi with her eyebrow raised, “I thought you didn’t care for your siblings.”


“I don’t. Well, most of the time. But sometimes, I think of them. I wonder if they’re thinking of me, if they’re wondering where I am and how I’m doing.”


Irene nods in understanding, “Seohyun is doing fine, she does seem tired though. From the looks of it, she got into a fight with your brother who wanted to extend the heat for a little bit longer so now, she is rushing to make sure the world is ready for winter.”


They walk in silence a little bit longer before Seulgi decides to speak up, “I like Seohyun the most, you know. She’s not like the other two… we’re not close by any means but I know she doesn’t hate me. I know she doesn’t understand me, but she’s quiet about it. She doesn’t reach out to me, but she doesn't push me down either. When I visit her fall festival, she doesn’t look at me like I’m a nuisance.”


It’s only when Irene reaches for both of Seulgi’s hands does she realize that they have stopped walking, “You’re not a nuisance, Seulgi. Not there, not here. I hope you know that.”


“Tell that to everyone else.”


“May I ask you a question?”


“Of course, anything.”


“Why are you so curious?”


Seulgi, on instinct, flinches at the question. The question that is usually laced with judgment and criticism. A question that is usually followed by backs turned and a door in her face.


“Seulgi?” Irene squeezes the hand she’s still holding. “I hope I did not offend you. I’m simply… for the lack of the better term, curious about you as well. You have so much power, you have the ability to create life, you are so revered by the humans, and if you wanted to, you could live your entire immortal life like that. But you don’t. You go searching for answers, go meeting new gods, and doing more for the humans than what is expected for you. They say it is out of curiosity, yes… but I can see that it’s not all in your mind.”


“What do you mean?”


“You are not the only god that has wondered about me. Many do as only a handful know my true name. But the way you were asking about me… I could tell that it was your heart leading the questions.”


“M-my heart?”


“Yes! I could tell how your heart was moved by your concern for the humans. You were around them often, I presume, so you could hear their fear, their prayers and their worries especially those about Death. I find your curiosity amazing and beautiful and something so uniquely you…” Irene stops at the sight of tears forming in Seulgi’s eyes and places her hands on both sides of Seulgi’s face to wipe them away. “Seulgi, I apologize, it was not in my intention to hurt you. I didn’t.”


“No, these tears aren’t because of you.” Seulgi says, leaning into Irene’s touch. “Some gods… well, many of them… when they look at me… I feel like I can hear what’s going on in their heads. I can feel them looking at me and wondering how I could be so ungrateful to be given a space among them. They think I am weak for wanting to be around humans all the time. They think I am too focused on what they’re doing that I don’t focus on my own things. But I cannot help it, I don’t know why I’m so curious. I just know that I am, that for as long as I can remember, I have let my heart lead me to find the answers. It’s frustrating because I cannot stop it, even though I tried, and I know that their opinion of me will not change.”


“But Yeri told me you have your friends, yes? They accept you. And you told me Solar and Moonbyul were patient with you, yes? Those gods, those rare gods, they are the only ones that matter. Those other gods? They simply find it easier to hate what they don’t understand.” Irene says matter-of-factly.


And Seulgi realizes from her tone that Irene is not only speaking about Seulgi’s struggles with the other gods, but about her own as well. Seulgi remembers how they’d speak of Irene, how they’d only call her Death, how they would spread rumors about her. They looked at Seulgi with distaste and disappointment, but when they looked at Irene, they didn’t even see her. They saw this evil powerful god who would do anything it took to rip away a human’s happiness. They saw famine, wailing, fire, and suffering in this god shrouded by darkness and mystery.


“I never hated you,” Seulgi blurts out suddenly, and it causes Irene to blink in surprise. “I mean, when I didn’t know or understand you.”


Irene smiles, “I truly doubt you have it in you to hate anyone, my dear goddess. Now come, there is still much I want you to see.”




“Have you heard from Seulgi lately?”


“I’m sure she’s around here, somewhere. You know her, she’ll disappear for a bit but come back with amazing stories.”


“But Joy… we haven’t seen or heard from her since mid-summer. It’s almost winter.”


“She’s fine. I’m sure she can handle herself. Remember when she got entranced by Calypso? And helped that witch relax? She survived that fine! And when she spent almost half a year keeping Medusa company? You were shaking with worry, but Seulgi had the absolute time of her life. I’m sure she’s safe, wherever she is now.”


“You’re right, I’m being silly.”


“Of course I’m right. Now, please, sing for me again, Wendy.”


Author's Note: 

Honestly, one of the scenes I wrote before I even finished the first chapter is the scene where they talk about Solar and Moonbyul. There are many myths about the sun and the moon, all amazing, but when I stumbled upon this story: it felt like the perfect fit. (Though ofc, I edited it to fit the fic.)

Once again, I hope you enjoyed and please leave me comments to let me know what you think!

Also: Watch all eps of Yeri's Room, let's help Joy get a bonsang and wait with respect until we can see Wendy again!!!!

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2188 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3