Chapter 10

even the shadows

There is an unexpected joy that begins to build within Seulgi as she accepts the words of ‘I missed you!’ and ‘You’re back!’ complete with tight hugs as Death’s angels surround her. Her personal trio are the most excited, Dahyun and Chaeyoung practically tackle her, Tzuyu even beams as she shyly asks for a hug as well and even Jihyo doesn’t have it in her to scold the trio for probably being too casual with an actual goddess. They ask what she’s been up to, Chaeyoung even remembers to ask about Jiwoo, and even though she’s surrounded by the angels and all their affection, Seulgi still searches for Irene. She catches Irene off to the side, Yeri gently squeezing her hand. She watches as the younger goddess’ lips move, her face both sincere and oddly serious, and she watches as Irene says nothing, simply giving a small smile in return.  

A thought begins to form as to what Yeri said or what that smile could mean, but the Messenger of the Gods is already shouting her goodbyes and feigning hurt that none of the angels are minding her before she even gets to complete her thought. Then, Irene moves beside Seulgi and gently intertwines their fingers, and the warmth suddenly seems to settle comfortably on Seulgi’s chest. A warmth that she did not seem to feel up above. A warmth she wishes she could replicate a hundred times over. A warmth that makes her realize, then and there, in the middle of the throne room surrounded by Irene and her angels, that whatever feeling she was missing up above in her home, it is somehow, in some way, present in the Underworld. What that feeling actually is, Seulgi has no idea, all she knows is, she likes it, and she wants it to stay.

Eventually, the realization, the trip and the excitement begins to sap Seulgi of her energy (the angels complain, of course, saying they want to talk more) but with one look from their queen, they quiet down and file out of the throne room as Irene herself leads Seulgi to her chambers, quiet and gentle, their fingers still intertwined all throughout. Irene closes the door behind them, and her sigh is so loud that for a second, Seulgi thinks she’s done something wrong. 

“Sometimes I feel like I do not have angels, but rather, a bunch of children. In fact, I believe that Jiwoo and her little friends might be easier to handle.” Irene says as she rubs her temples in such a dramatic fashion, a product, Seulgi assumes of her friendship with Yeri, and possibly even with Joy. 

“And yet, you are fond of them anyway.” She doesn’t need to look at Irene to know that the Queen is rolling her eyes, and Seulgi is absolutely certain about how much the goddess cares for her daily companions. So instead, she makes her way towards the large curtain, and pulls it back to gaze out into the breathtaking star-dotted-sky. “Hello, little stars! Your mothers say they miss you! They say they love you! They hope you are well here!”

“I take it you were with the lovely Sun and Moon goddess?” 

“Yes, they say they miss you too, by the way. They too would like to remind you to visit them soon.” 

Irene merely hums in response, taking a seat on Seulgi’s bed, as she watches the younger goddess continue to stare at the Underworld’s sky, watching as the stars twinkle their gratitude towards her. 

“You know, I have missed this place.” Seulgi finally says as she steps away from the view, and she begins to twirl around her magnificent room, her arms stretched out and a wide smile on her face. 

“Surely, your own accommodations in Olympus are more than fitting for you, dear goddess.” 

“But it’s so boring there, so empty,” Seulgi replies, “That is why I am always out, looking for new things, spending time with my flowers, and trees… My nymphs… they are not like your angels. They’re more distant… less friendly…” 

“Less annoying.” 

Seulgi ignores Irene’s comment with her own roll of her eyes, “Less kind. Less caring. But then again, maybe it is because I didn’t make them.” 

Irene snorts, “My goddess, I did not make my angels.” 

“Oh- you didn’t?” 

“No, my angels are from Olympus, just like myself.”

“Olympus?? But how? Did your mother send them? The angels up above looked terrified of them!” 

“When we were young gods, my brothers and I had free reign across all of the world and the angels were there to do my mother’s bidding - ours as well. And when I was sent to the Underworld, well, some angels preferred my presence than my brother’s. All it took was one angel to leave, and the others, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chanyeol, followed suit. I am grateful for their loyalty and their company.”

“Whoever the first angel was… They must be very brave.” 

“Yes, she is.”

Irene pats the space beside, encouraging Seulgi to sit next to her. As soon as she does, the exhaustion truly begins to hit her and before she knows it, she’s lying down, barely able to stay awake. 

“I will tell you more about it if you wish, in the future. For now, rest. The change of realm is something your body is still not used to. We still have more days together.” Seulgi shakes her head and a small smile begins to tug on Irene’s lips, “No?” 

“I have something to say,” Seulgi says in between a yawn. “I may have missed this place, I missed the angels but I would like to be honest and say, I missed you the most, dear queen.” 

A look of shock quickly passes over Irene’s features before it’s replaced with a smile so soft and genuine, it reaches her eyes as she responds with, “I have missed you too, dear Seulgi.” Seulgi is certain that there’s more she wants to say, but Irene shakes her head, as if to shake off any other thought, and instead, she says, “For now, good night and, welcome back.”



As she has returned to the Underworld, so does her dreaming. 

She is standing in the dark but she is sure that she is still in the Underworld. There are no stars here, just darkness, and the only source of light seems to be coming from miles away. Slowly, wispy forms begin to surround her. At first, they pay her no attention, but it’s as if gravity calls them, bringing them close to her but not close enough for them to touch. Their voices begin to echo throughout her mind, calling out to her and begging for help. 


Seulgi, our goddess, you have returned.


Goddess, I beg of you, help me.


Save us, goddess. 


Goddess of Spring, of Life, hear my plea. 


A part of Seulgi wants to help, she can feel their wailing seeping into her bones, but the light calls out to her and she knows she must listen. Every step she takes towards the light, her heart squeezes a little more, the desperation of these souls weighing on her. But as she continues, one by one, the souls depart, leaving her staring at a familiar face. 


“My goddess!” 


Wheein, her priestess, stands before her, in a purple robe that looks more like she belonged to Joy’s priesthood than her own. There is pain in her voice, and her hair is longer, unkempt and covering her eyes.


“My goddess!” she repeats, and she falls to the ground, begging at Seulgi’s feet. “Restore me to my former glory.” 


Her voice is different, Seulgi realizes, it is not sweet nor light, or anything like how she remembered, instead, it sounds raw… as if Wheein has been shouting since she has entered the Underworld. 

“My child…” Seulgi whispers. “What happened to you?” 

Her priestess shakes her head, unwilling to meet her eyes. “You abandoned me.” 

“I-I’m sorry… It was not my intention to abandon you in your time of need,” Seulgi extends her hand, “But I am here now, how may I help you, my child?” 

Wheein is quiet, her hair still covering her face, staring at Seulgi’s outstretched hand. The goddess moves forward, and begins to smile as Wheein does the same, lifting her head ever so slowly. Seulgi reaches out, about to brush away the hair from Wheein’s face when an icy cold pain rushes up her arm and causes her to stumble backwards. 


“DON’T!”, a voice echoes into the darkness. Whether the voice is speaking to Seulgi or Wheein, she can’t tell but whatever it is, it angers the priestess. The priestess begins to snarl, and as she finally looks at her goddess, her eyes are a bloodshot red, the only color in her ghostly form. She lunges forward in attack and Seulgi shuts her eyes tight as she braces for impact. 

She feels a cold wind rush through her, she can hear the snarls of Wheein continue, and the icy pain on her arm returns followed by a desperate, “SEULGI, WAKE UP!” 

Seulgi jolts upright and she immediately feels a gentle sensation on her arm, soothing where it was once cold. 

“I apologize, does it hurt? I had to wake you up.” Irene says, gently rubbing and massaging her arm. 

“N-no, it’s okay. Thank you.”

“Since when have you had these nightmares?” Irene asks, scanning Seulgi’s body of any injuries then slowly laying Seulgi back down against her pillow.

“Since my first night here… It doesn’t happen often… It’s just… I didn’t want to worry you.” 

“Well, I will worry regardless.” 

Seulgi feels her face grow warm. She knows it’s a simple comment and its Irene, someone who she knows is caring, for all her friends, and yet-

Irene gently brushes away the hair from Seulgi's face, “Do you want to talk about it? I cannot see into your dreams, but the way you were thrashing about… Seulgi, you were screaming so loud I could hear you from my chambers. I… it was like you were right beside me.” 

“I’m sorry.” 

“Please, there is nothing to apologize for. It’s good that you were screaming… had you not… I wouldn’t have been able to help.”

So, Seulgi does. She tells the patient older goddess about the darkness, about the souls that would ask for her help but would disappear eventually, and she tells her about Wheein. She tells her about how broken Wheein sounded, how desperate, and how all Seulgi wanted was to make it better. 

“That was not your priestess. I need you to know that no matter how real it seems, it is not her. That is not Wheein. In fact, I can guarantee that Wheein is doing well. You trust me, correct?” 

“Of course I do!”  

“Then trust that she is in good hands, I would not let anything happen to her.” 

“I know…” Seulgi says, before letting out a big yawn, to which Irene smirks at, urging her to go back to sleep. “I don’t think I can after that.”

The Queen of the Underworld nods, deep in thought for just a moment, before tapping Seulgi’s side to get her to move and laying down beside her. She has an arm tucked under her head, and Seulgi can feel her face heat up even further at her gaze. “There will be no need to worry, I will be right here, my goddess. I will protect you. Just close your eyes and trust me.”

“What if it happens again?” 

Irene reaches forward, gently laying a hand on Seulgi’s arm, rubbing circles against the skin, “Then I will be right here.”



When Seulgi wakes, Irene is no longer lying by her side, rather, she sits by the low marble table gazing out into her realm’s eternal night sky. She moves to sit up as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Irene and her thoughts, but as she places her feet on the cold floor, the goddess is already making a move to assist her. 

“Irene,” Seulgi grins with a hand out to stop her, “It was just a nightmare. I can stand on my own.” 

For a split second, Death looks almost bashful as she bows her head and takes a seat once more and though the look is gone as Seulgi joins her, there is still a hint of red dusting her cheeks. She clears , “I trust you were able to sleep well?” 

“Yes, thank you for staying with me and for protecting me.”

“I told you I would, did I not?” Irene shrugs, then gestures towards the food, “Now please, let us eat, you’ve been with me long enough for me to know how much you enjoy it. And though you would rather not eat ambrosia, please have a little. The nightmare you had may still be lingering in your mind.”

Seulgi does as she’s told, fully immersing herself in the wondrous food of the Underworld. On the outside, it looks exactly like the food above. But she wonders if it is because they are offerings, it made them more special, and in turn, made it taste so much better than what she’s used to. But then, she turns to Irene, popping a grape into as she watches the realm’s sky once more. It is then that Seulgi decides that if it's not the offerings that makes the food great, then it is definitely the company and the comfort that comes with it. 

“I can feel you staring,” Irene says, a slight lift in her brow, but her gaze remains steady towards the sky. 

“I- uh- I just- What are you thinking?” 

But Irene doesn’t answer, instead, she faces Seulgi and says, “I have a question to ask you.” 


The Queen of the Underworld takes a deep breath, a sign of nervousness that only a select few is able to witness. “I sent your guardian angels out to do an errand for me, so… if it is alright with you, will you spend the day with me?” 

Seulgi tries to hold down her laughter, “Why are you nervous? Of course I will. I would love to.” 

“It’s just- I know you missed this place and everyone, it might be a disappointment to have to spend it with me.” 

“I told you that I missed you the most, did I not? We could do anything, we could hole up in this room the entire day and I would be content because it was with you.” 

“I-” Irene pauses, then shakes her head, ridding her of whatever she was planning to say next and gives Seulgi a genuine smile, “Thank you.” 

It’s a little heartbreaking that Seulgi notices the utter disbelief in Irene’s eyes, only if it lasts for a split second. As if Irene couldn’t believe, even until now, that Seulgi would rather spend time with anyone else. Or worse, that Irene still couldn’t believe that anyone would want to be around her. 

“So, what will we be doing today?” 



They forego their guards. 

Seulgi was hesitant at first but Irene reassured her that they’ll have no need for Nayeon and Jeongyeon today. 

“Don’t worry, we’ll have something better.” Irene smirks as she opens the doors to the castle to lead them outside. They are greeted by a dazzling golden chariot and the whinnies of four excited stallions, wingless unlike the ones she saw before, but powerful all the same. 

Irene steps forward, petting each of the horses, and invites Seulgi closer, “These horses are my own. A gift from the God of Horses himself.” 

“Your brother gave them to you??” 

Irene nods, “As you have seen in Olympus, Sehun and I… get along better than with Leeteuk. But these horses… were an apology.”

“An apology? For what?” 

“Or compensation. It was the best he could do, given the circumstance… long before you were created, my brother and I, along with Minho, Yoona and…” Irene clears , “I mean, we tried to overthrow Leeteuk. It worked, for a moment. But obviously we did not win that war. Sehun and Minho had to build Troy’s walls and Yoona was hung upside down as punishment.” 

“What about you? What did Leeteuk do to you?” 

“He did not hurt me physically, if that is your concern. Sehun gave me these horses afterwards.” Irene shakes her head, willing the memory away and gently reaches for Seulgi’s hand to lay it on each of the horses. “This one is Aethon, swifter than an arrow. Orphnaeus, savage and fleet. Nyctaeus, our proud glory and Alastor, avenger.”

Each of the horses nuzzle against Seulgi’s hand, and relief washes over her, knowing that Irene’s own trusts her instantly. They leave as soon as they settle into the chariot, with Irene leading the reins and Seulgi holds onto the side.


The goddesses stop by the guardian of the Underworld first and it is clear from the way the ground shakes that Cerberus is absolutely delighted to have guests. He bounds towards Seulgi as soon as he spots her, and Irene has to hold her steady from behind as the hound crashes into her. “I missed you too, Ceb!” 

They play in the way that Yeri had taught her, as she grabs a chunk of earth and throws it as far she can for Cerberus to retrieve. She spots Irene watching them to the side and she comments, “I realized I’ve never seen you play with him.” 

“It’s a rare treat for the both of us,” Irene admits. “Usually we just lay down together, watching the souls drift along the River Styx. But here, let me show you.” 

Irene walks a few meters away from them, then shouts, “Cerberus, come here!” 

Cerberus' ears perk up at the instruction and he runs towards his master with full speed, but just as he’s about to jump on her, the Goddess of Death fades into the shadows and appears a couple of meters behind him. “Here, boy!” she calls again, and Cerberus quickly turns to chase after. It happens again and again and again, Irene disappearing just as Cerberus is about to catch her. The hellhound’s tail is wagging non-stop and his barks are a mix of happy and frustrated.

Finally, Irene lets herself be caught and Cerberus happily jumps onto Death, excited barks and from all three heads. Irene, for her part, simply just laughs, accepting her pet’s affections. Something thrums in Seulgi’s chest as if Irene’s laughter pierces her heart but she pushes it aside, choosing instead to run towards the duo. 

They lay on the giant dog for a while, doing as Irene mentioned and watching the souls drift along the river. It reminds Seulgi of up above - of the spot she and Wendy would frequent, and Seulgi could lay there and enjoy Wendy’s company and the melodies that she would sing.   

“Come on, it is time for us to go, there is another place I want you to see.” Irene says as she stands up and offers her hand. “You too, Cerberus. I will need you to guard us today.” 

The dog barks in understanding and he shifts until he is about the size of the chariot. Irene holds onto the reins once more and turns to her, “If it gets tiring holding onto the sides, you can wrap your arms around me to steady yourself.” 

Seulgi’s heart jumps up into , and her hands shake as she slowly wraps her arms around the older goddess’ waist. “Are you okay, dear goddess?” 

Seulgi barely manages to say yes, more of a squeaking sound coming out, but Irene accepts it and they begin their journey. She tries not to think about how Irene smells like pomegranates, and how she can feel the way her muscles shift as she controls the chariot. She tries not to think about the sheer power of Irene, how lucky she is to be in her presence and to literally hold her. She shuts her eyes and instead tries to focus on Cerberus, who happily runs alongside them, or the hooves of the horses against the earth. 

Eventually, they come to a stop and Irene gently taps Seulgi’s hands to instruct her to let go. When she opens her eyes, she is greeted by Irene’s bright smile, “It has been a while since I’ve been able to ride my chariot like this. So, thank you, for giving me the opportunity to do so.” 

Seulgi shakes her head, “No, thank you for taking me with you.” 


The Goddess of Death gently holds onto her hand and leads them to a field where another angel awaits. The angel is beautiful, much like all the others here, and she bows her head in greeting as they approach. 

“Your Majesty, welcome. Goddess Seulgi, it is an honor to meet you. I am Karina and-” Cerberus barks and the angel chuckles, “Hello to you too, Cerberus.” 

“Hi Karina,” Seulgi greets. 

Irene nods in acknowledgement, “Thank you for guiding us today, I know you have many things to take care of.” 

The angel shakes her head, “It is no trouble at all, Your Majesty. But before our three-headed friend interrupted; Goddess Seulgi, I’d like to welcome you to the Fields of Mourning. If you’d follow me, please.”

The field looks like barren land at a glance but as they follow Karina, Seulgi learns that it is not the case. Scattered around the field are souls in various states of anguish. There is one soul who seems to be shouting to the dark sky above. Another lays on the rocky earth, unmoving. While still another thrashes about, as angels try to restrain him.

“Why are they here?” 

“This field is where souls who have wasted their lives on unrequited love go. It is my job, along with my fellow angels, to look after them.”

“Can’t you get them out so they won’t suffer?” Seulgi asks, and when the angel shakes her head, she turns to Irene to ask the same question.

“Of course I have the power to do so, but I would never force them to leave against their will.” Irene replies, “Sometimes, our prisons are self-imposed. Both here and on earth. Those in the Fields of Mourning, spent their whole lives mourning after a love that was never reciprocated. Did they live a life completely without love? Of course not. They experienced love from others around them, but they remained fixated on a love lost. So fixated that it sits with them, to this day.” 

Seulgi nods in understanding, “It’s like what Momo explained to me, how humans feel such strong emotions that it can stick to them even in the Underworld.”

“Yes, exactly. Though the souls here felt the pain of unrequited love a thousand times more. So we must keep in mind that the pain they felt on earth was real, so much so that it was all they could focus on. It hindered the way they lived and the way they saw the world. I could force them out of here, yes, but wouldn’t it be like saying their suffering was trivial and meaningless? Trivial enough that I could wipe it away in an instant?” 

Karina adds, “We cannot dictate the meaning of their suffering, as we are not the ones who are experiencing it. Instead, the other angels and I take care of these souls, listening to them and caring for them until they themselves choose to move on and to see what the Underworld has to offer.”

As they walk the fields, Irene goes on to explain how the Fields of Mourning came to be. It started with Pasiphae, wife of King Minos of Crete, who was caught in the crossfire of Sehun’s wrath. When her husband offended the god by refusing to sacrifice a white bull, Sehun cursed her to fall in love with it. When she died, the curse remained, and she mourned the love that the bull was unable to reciprocate. It was only through Irene’s dedication and work did the curse lift. 

“But not everyone here is cursed by the gods.” Seulgi points out. 

“Ah, but isn’t love a curse in itself?” Karina replies over her shoulder. 

“I believe it is time to assign you to Elysium, you are beginning to sound too cynical.” 

“Perhaps I am beginning to sound too much like you, Your Majesty.”  

Irene rolls her eyes and tilts her head towards the angel, “See, if I had created these angels myself, they would not be able to talk to me like this.” 

“And you love them all the same.” 

Irene gently swats at Seulgi’s arm, “Shh! Karina might hear you! That is a secret.” 

The angel walking ahead of them says nothing to indicate she heard, but when they reach their destination, there is a smile so wide and bright on her face that Seulgi is absolutely certain that the angels know the truth, whether Irene will ever say it out loud or not. 



“Thank you for today. It’s something I will not forget anytime soon.” Seulgi says, squeezing Irene’s hand. 

“I’m glad. The Fields of Mourning is a heavy place, it can be frustrating when the souls do not listen and it can be hard to hear what they’ve been through… but it is worth it in the end.”  

In the Fields of Mourning, Karina led them to a pair of souls ready to be released into the Underworld and waiting for Irene’s blessing. The souls stood out from the rest, they were a bit brighter, and they had smiles on their faces. They were afraid, yes, the Underworld is massive and endless but they were excited as well, at their new chance of freedom. Seulgi had met other angels as well, Giselle, Winter and Ningning, who at one point got distracted and started playing with Ceberus, causing Karina to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration. It reminded her of Jihyo, in a way, and of Irene with the rest of them. 

At one point, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Dahyun appear before them on their own pegasi, as the tallest one hands a black bag for Irene to inspect. Seulgi doesn’t hear much of what they say to each other, but she manages to catch the name of Suho, God of Fire and the Forge. Then, as quickly as they appeared, the three bow and depart for the skies. 

They continue to roam the Underworld a bit more, across the Asphodel Meadows and back to the River Styx, returning Cerberus (albeit reluctantly) to his post. 

Now, they are back in Seulgi’s chambers, having finished their meals and normally, they would go their separate ways but Irene insists on sleeping beside Seulgi once more to make sure no soul tries to infiltrate her dreams.

“I used to have dreams like that too,” Irene admits, the two of them staring at the ceiling. “Those souls that invade your dreams… They target what they think are your weaknesses. With you, they knew how pure and kind you were. How you would help anyone if you could. And with me… I was angry. They used that, and I almost gave in to them. Almost believed what they were showing me. But it’s all just an illusion, Seulgi. An illusion that I could change things… that I could change fate.” 

“What made you stop?” 

“The more you look at the soul before you, the more you see the differences.” 

Seulgi nods, “Wheein wasn’t wearing her priestess robes in my dream.” 

“And in mine, she was still whole.” Irene says under her breath, obviously hoping that Seulgi wouldn’t hear it. Then she turns on her side, changing the subject. “Tell me more about your siblings. I overheard you telling the angels yesterday that you met them.” 

So, Seulgi does. She tells the older goddess about how Baekhyun and DO still do not understand, still look at her differently and berate her. Irene grips Seulgi's arm in annoyance but then begins to rub circles on the spot as the goddess relaxes when she hears about how Seulgi and Seohyun have gotten closer and are mending their relationship. 

Irene falls asleep like that, laying on her side, a hand on Seulgi’s arm that is meant for reassurance but Seulgi swears that the spot on her arm is burning with fire. Eventually, she tries to turn her head to look at Irene but the heat from her arm quickly rushes up to her face at the beautiful goddess’ face so close to her own. 

The fact of the matter is, Seulgi still can’t explain how she feels when she’s in the Underworld. She was so excited to be back and to be around everyone. She has never looked forward to something as much as she does being here and it is scary to think that she only has three years left in this realm. She has also never felt like she belonged as much as she does here - even more than when she is with Joy and Wendy. This is all excluding the fact that when she’s with Irene, it’s still different. Those feelings remain, the acceptance, the excitement butthere is a mixture of both calmness and nervousness. But why?

Why does the Underworld make her feel this way? Is this just a natural effect of the place? To help souls accept their new home and lessen rebellions? Is this just Irene’s power in effect? Or is it because other gods are not meant to be here? Should she ask Yeri if she feels the same when she’s in the Underworld? If Yeri sees Irene the same way she does? 

Her mind continues to wander and eventually she fixates on who it is that Irene sees in her nightmares. A huge part of her is sure the name ‘Jennie’ is related. It is the only other time she’s seen Irene vulnerable… but who is Jennie? A human like Wheein who she used to protect? An ancient goddess she’s never met? A soul she’s befriended? An angel? Or what if Jennie has nothing to do with it at all? What if Irene was referring to multiple souls? To multiple instances? 

“Will you tell me the truth, if I ask?” Seulgi whispers into the night but her own heart echoes back, “Will you be ready to face it?” 



The Goddess of Spring does not know when she falls asleep, but she wakes up to an empty bed and to Chaeyoung and Dahyun bickering outside her room over whether or not they should wake her. The two jump apart as she opens her chamber door and steps out into the hallway, Dahyun squeaks, “Goddess Seulgi! Her Majesty said you should rest-”

“-But you told me to wake you up when the stars are in the weird position-”

“But Goddess Irene is our queen her word is above all-” 

“But we are tasked to serve Goddess Seulgi so-” 

“Dahyun, Chaeyoung! It’s fine. I am awake now, anyway. I take it Irene has left for the day?” When she receives twin nods in response, Seulgi claps her hands together, “Great! Then that means I can work on something in peace. And I will need both of your help. Where is Tzuyu, by the way?” 

“She is scouting above with Mina, Momo and Sana. Her Majesty is just making sure that her brother will not retaliate for what she did above.” Dahyun explains. 

“Is everyone okay?” 

“Yes, it is just a precautionary measure, nothing to worry about. But enough about that, how can we help?” 

“First off, I need to know what Irene’s favorite place is in the palace. Preferably outside.” 

Chaeyoung shrugs, “Easy. Her chambers.” 

“That’s inside. Aside from that?” 

“The dining hall?” 

“Oh! The room with all the armour and offerings from the heroes!” Chaeyoung offers.

Dahyun rolls her eyes, “Oh please. Her Majesty could not care less about human ego.” 

“Those rooms are all inside.” Seulgi sighs, stopping herself from rubbing her temples. “I was thinking if there were stables for her horses? Or anything?”

“Oh… you are correct. Then I’ve got nothing. Sorry, Seulgi.” 

“It’s alright, both of you. We’ll just walk around and see-” 

“There is a secluded and restricted area on palace grounds that Her Majesty likes to visit when she can.” Jihyo interrupts, and lifts her eyebrows at the three of them. “May I ask what for?” 

“There is something I want to do for her, to show my appreciation for her.” 

“If it is for the benefit of Her Majesty, then it is my obligation to help you. Follow me.” The angel says before she walks away. Jihyo leads them to a place behind the castle that is hard to find if you don’t know where to look. The spot itself has a singular bench made of the purest and darkest gems, and it is simple, but the view itself is breathtaking. It reminds Seulgi of the cliff’s edge right outside of the palace grounds, the one where she can see the bright red of the River Phlegethon, and even Cerberus patrolling along the River Styx. But here, the view is different, she sees a river, the lands of what she now knows is the Asphodel Meadows and Mourning Fields and there is also a glow in the distance, though not as harsh and as red. 

“Will this do?” 

Seulgi looks up at the dark sky, at the twinkling of the different sunshines and starlights. “This is perfect, Jihyo. Thank you. I will keep this place in mind. Now, come, let’s work under the dining hall’s terrace.”

“Apologies, Goddess Seulgi, why then have me lead you here?” Jihyo asks with a stiff smile, and Seulgi pats her on the shoulder. “Patience, Jihyo. First, we must start small. I do not know if I am able to actually do what I have planned, so as we practice and perfect, it is best to do it in a place she does not cherish.”

The angels follow Seulgi to the designated spot, and they watch her intently as she kneels and picks up a piece of the earth. She then presses her palm against the ground and closes her eyes, hoping for a small spark of her power to come about. The earth is dry, never been watered, but the more she concentrates, the more she can feel it thrum with potential. Work must be done and it may take a day or two but-

“What is she doing?” she hears Chaeyoung whisper. 

“I have no idea.” 

“It’s just like when Goddess Yeri closes her eyes when she has to look for another being she hasn’t met-” 

Dahyun sniggers, “Jennie said that’s the only time she’s seen the goddess calm-”

Seulgi’s eyes snap open at the mention of the name, at the same time that Jihyo scolds the other two with a, “Both of you, quiet! Sorry, Goddess Seulgi, please continue.” 

“It is alright. I am finished. We have work to do.”



Seulgi knew her purpose from the moment her eyes opened. She woke up under the Tree of Life and on instinct, she knew what had to be done, as she placed her hand on the tree and watched as the plants around them continued to thrive. As she finished, she was greeted by her siblings, who came months before her, Baekhyun, the God of Summer, Seohyun the Goddess of Fall and DO, the God of Winter. They were kinder then. More welcoming. But Seulgi now wonders if they were kind because it was their obligation to be kind to her, as opposed to actually wanting to be so. 

She was then greeted by nymphs, “These are yours,” DO had said, “They will help you in any way you need and do anything you ask.” 

And they did. 

They never questioned, never complained, but never spoke to Seulgi unless they needed to. They were distant but they did their duty. She has no attachment towards them, and they have no attachment towards her as well. 

It is a stark difference then to the angels around her now. Three angels who were made for Olympus are now in the Underworld, loosening the soil on the palace grounds. Chaeyoung is curious, constantly asking Seulgi why they do what they’re doing but there is no malice in her questioning. Dahyun is eager to do well, always checking whether what she is doing is correct. While Jihyo, the angel in charge of the entire palace, who did not need to help at all, is focused, working because she wants Irene to enjoy whatever Seulgi has planned. 

Three very different angels, three out of who knows how many, who all bow before their queen with absolute reverence and loyalty and yet, have a relationship with their queen that Seulgi has not seen with the other gods above. 

“I have a question for the three of you.” 

“Of course, Goddess.” Jihyo replies. 

“Why did you leave Olympus to serve in the Underworld?” 

The angels exchange a look, as if discussing among themselves what they should say. Then Jihyo gives a small nod of permission, so Dahyun begins to answer. “Her Majesty knows our names. She always has. Some of us have been around for millennia, as we were created to serve the Mother Goddess and her children. With so many of us around, it is common to be ordered around and brushed aside. But, Her Majesty was never like that, even as a young god. She was reckless in other ways, yes, but she treated us with respect and when I found out that other angels were going to, then I did too.” 

“To be honest, I did not want to leave. What Dahyun said was true, but it was not enough for me to want to leave. I could not understand why they would abandon the comfort and security of Olympus for an unknown place with a shunned goddess. But the angels I was closest to, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, were leaving and I did not want to be left behind. It was only when I arrived that I truly understood them.” 

Chaeyoung takes her turn, “I am the same as Jihyo. I only did so because Dahyun was adamant on leaving. But I have no regrets. Goddess Seulgi, you once said that I was blessed by the Goddess of Art, though I believe she is too new for me to ever have met. As angels above, we are not allowed to question. We are made to serve. But, here, just like the souls, we are given freedom, as long as we still do what is required of us.”

Jihyo adds, “You may be wondering why we are loyal to the Queen of the Underworld. In a place that is so much darker and much more difficult than up above. But that is because more than anyone, she understands. She knows what it is like to live without freedom, she knows what it is like to be in the light and unto darkness unexpectedly. She knows what it is like to lose and to make mistakes, and she is honest about them. She is powerful, and we do live in awe and fear of that power, but she has not used it against us, even for all our faults. How could you not be loyal to that?”

“And those that change their mind?” 

“They are free to return to Olympus, but they must first drink from the River Lethe to forget all that happened here.” 

“Have you yourselves ever regretted being here?” 

They shake their heads and Dahyun smiles, “This is home, Seulgi. I would not want to leave.” 

Seulgi nods in understanding. Not just at their words, but at her own feelings. Because surely, what they felt for Irene was the same way she felt, right? A sense of awe, and a sense of loyalty despite the flaws? And it is because Irene gives them freedom without judgment, something Seulgi rarely gets above, that is why she feels tied to the Underworld. That is why she feels at home. 




Surely, that must be the answer to everything going on inside of her. 

But of course, with all things Irene, her thoughts take a steep turn in another direction. 

“Who was the first one to leave?” 

Dahyun and Chaeyoung shrink at the question, choosing instead to focus all their attention on the task at hand. But Jihyo sighs, and for a second, she sees a look of sadness on the very assured angel. 

“Deep down, you already know the answer to that question. Don’t you? Whatever your real question is, it is best to ask Her Majesty herself.” Jihyo says, then she stands, dusting off her tunic. “If you would excuse me, I have to ensure the meals are prepared before Her Majesty returns.” 

“Don’t worry, Seulgi, we won’t tell Her Majesty that you asked.” Chaeyoung says. 

“And don’t worry, Jihyo is not mad at you. She is just protective.” Dahyun explains, before she switches topics and shows off her work, proudly claiming that prepped the soil. 


Seulgi wills her mind to shut up, to ignore the unanswered question for now, and to focus on what she can control, which is hopefully, her powers. She places both of her hands on the mound of dirt by Dahyun, and she closes her eyes once more. 

The Goddess of Spring imagines the first time she touched the Tree of Life. She imagines the way she felt secure and assured that she was doing the right thing - that she was fulfilling her purpose. She thinks of her purpose now, to bring forth a plant for Irene to smile, just like she did just above. To bring forth a plant that will survive, even when her time in the Underworld is over. To bring forth a plant that will remind Irene of her, but also of each of her companions around her, to show her loyalty and devotion. 

She pulls up as much power as she can, and the ground begins to thrum with energy and warmth until she feels roots beginning to form underneath. When she hears the angels gasp, she opens her eyes and watches with pride as grass begins to grow and a bunch of purple and white flowers sprout right after. 

“That was amazing, dear goddess!” 

“You did it!!” 

“I would not have been able to do it without your help. So, thank you.” Seulgi beams and the two angels crush her into a hug. 


They’re interrupted by a familiar voice and Seulgi already can’t help but smile, “Seulgi? There you are!” 

“Irene!” Seulgi pulls away and runs toward the ancient goddess. “I have a surprise for you.” 

“What a coincidence, so do I. And also, you have something on your cheek.” Irene chuckles, gently wiping away the dirt with her thumb. 

Seulgi’s face heats up at her touch, and wordlessly leads Irene to where her angels are standing. “I- uh- wanted to thank you, for everything. But I know that words will never be enough for me to express it, so I wanted to do something for you. When we were above, you looked so happy seeing my flowers come to life, and I wanted to show you that you don’t have to be above to see them… or to be happy.” 

Dahyun and Chaeyoung step aside to reveal the flowers they had grown, and Irene gasps in awe as she kneels to touch it. “Are these real?” 

“Yes. These are called night-scented stock and bloom at night time. Since the palace is bathed in eternal night, I figured it may be possible to grow.” 


Seulgi scratches at her nape, “It was Seohyun who gave me the idea. As I am curious about humans, she was curious about the limitations of our powers. We seem to be the only gods that have limits to the time of year. And the more she thought about it, the more she believed our powers were connected to the sun and the moon. This then led me to visit our friends. They told me that each of their children still has their power, albeit a little of it, that is why they shine. If I could use that… then maybe I could grow something here. And this is just the beginning! I will fill the palace grounds with flowers and trees, just for you.” 

Irene gently grazes the petals with her finger then stands to face Seulgi. “Do you like it?” 

The Goddess of Death nods, “It’s beautiful, Seulgi. You’re so brilliant and- I-” She steps forward to encircle her arms around Seulgi’s waist, “Thank you. Thank you so much.” 

It is when Seulgi wraps her arms around Irene, closing her eyes to enjoy the moment, the scent of pomegranate filling her lungs and the goddess’ breath tickling her neck, does it hit her. She feels at home in the Underworld not because of what Irene can give her, not the freedom, or because of Irene’s answers to all of Seulgi’s questions. She is simply home because of Irene herself. Everything about her makes Seulgi feel at ease… makes her feel… happy. Content. 


And it scares her the more she thinks about it. 


She realizes that since she missed Irene the most it is inevitable that she will miss Irene the most when her time’s up. And with Irene in her arms, the remaining three years have never felt more like a curse as much as it does now. She wishes she could stop time, (surely there must be a god for that, maybe if she tried, she could beg Queen Boa to create one?), just so she could hold Irene like this a little longer. Just so she could stay a little longer.


“What must I do?” Seulgi wonders.


Irene squeezes her tightly, and it snaps Seulgi out of her thoughts. When Seulgi opens her eyes, she realizes that the angels have left them alone. And when they pull away from their embrace, Seulgi’s heart jumps at the soft smile on Irene’s face.

“I have something for you too.” The older goddess pulls out a small pouch from her cloak, “Yesterday, I sent Tzuyu and the others on an errand to visit Suho, to forge something for me.” 

“A weapon?” 

“No, no. Besides, you do not look like the fighting type. Nor would I want you to have to fight. It is just for protection.” 

Death gently opens the pouch and pulls out a bracelet with bright blue beads. “A lapis lazuli bracelet, with gems from a cave right here in the Underworld. It’s for protection, in your dreams, and for whoever else wants to harm you. It is my way of protecting you, even when I am not with you. It’s my way of always being with you and It’s my way of saying that I-” Irene looks up at Seulgi, a shimmer in her eyes that is hard to decipher, “-that I am grateful for you.” 

Irene slides the bracelet around Seulgi’s wrist and with the way her hand shakes, Seulgi can’t help but tease, “Why are you so nervous? And why does it feel like you had more to say?” 

“Maybe one day soon, my dear Seulgi. But for now, I hope this is enough.” Irene holds Seulgi steady and gets on her tiptoes, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. 


Author's Notes: 

First of all, thank you for your patience. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written, and it’s also been even longer since the last update on this. I thought I could write right after I applied for school, but I was dealing with a lot of things internally. I was in this weird place that I hated everything I did, everything I’ve written. So to post this, it’s a big step for me. I really hope you enjoyed and it would mean a lot to me if you let me know what you thought in the comments, or if you wanna talk to me about it my twt and cc are both @iccampfire.

I cannot promise a quick update. But I can promise that this will not be the last chapter. I just hope you’ll be patient once more.

On Pasiphae: She was the wife of the legendary King Minos of Crete and the mother of Ariadne. When Minos offended Poseidon, the sea god cursed Pasiphae with a mad passion for a white bull. With the help of Daedalus, who built a wooden cow in which she could disguise herself, Pasiphae mated with the creature and then gave birth to the fearsome Minotaur. In Virgil’s “Aenid”, he mentions that Pasiphae, along with Dido, Procris, Eriphyle, Paedra, Laodamia, Evadne, and Caeneus live in the Mourning Fields. She is also technically immortal as she is the daughter of Helios.

Thank you, please stay safe and take care.

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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2187 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3