Bloody Encounter (Nayeon)

To Live Happily Ever After
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Ugh, school.


Worse, the start of a new school year.


Time always speed up during the holidays, and I call bullsh*t.

I didn’t even get to relax much, yet here we are waking up at ungodly hours of the day again.

Curse those ugly- lunatics and their stupid experiments.


“Dahyun, have you seen my lipstick?!” I yell as I rush out of the bathroom, instantly receiving a high screech of a bald eagle back.


“Who cares about your goddamn lipstick?! You’re ugly with or without it, so hurry up and move your grandma body already! I don’t want to be late to my first class thanks to your narcissistic !”


… I swear I’m going to strangle her with my huge, bare hands someday.


Hell, I can probably crush her entire face with one palm.

She’s acting way too cocky for someone that tiny. Even Tzuyu’s more modest than her.

If she doesn’t watch it soon, I might just have to donate her to Snow White as her 8th dwarf.

Her name can be ‘Pesky’.



I grumble in annoyance while rushing down the stairs with my lips, finally catching up to my equally housemates.

Lips… I meant their ing lips. It’s too early to be nasty right now.


Once I get to the entrance, I proceed to find three pairs of eyes staring back into mine.

That means we’re missing a hoe.








“Where’s Mina?” I ask after I recall her existence, only to earn a sigh from our leader.


“She can teleport, remember?” Jihyo asks in a way that’s definitely in a low-key-dissing manner.


I blame school for forcing us to be awake this early in the morning.

My brain can’t function properly just yet, so please ignore me for now.

I swear I’m not this stupid usually.



“Well come on, let’s go! There’s probably no good parking spaces anymore.” our designated driver whines, ushering all three of us to her car by specifically dragging me by the arm. I guess I’m now like fish bait, because both Jihyo and Tzuyu obediently followed our paths… wait what-


“Why are you following us?” I turn to Tzuyu, “Can’t you like, run to school in 20 seconds?”


“Yeah, but I’m too tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” she replies after letting out a yawn, stretching her long- limbs before opening the car door.


I snatch this chance to tease our maknae, cooing back with a playful grin.

“Aww, was my baby nervous for her first day of university? Did lil’ Chewy get nightmares last night?”


I instantly feel her death glare on me. “S-Shut up, unnie.”


She looks like a puppy trying to act tough.

So dumb and cute.


I flash her one last smirk of victory before hopping into the car myself.

She sees it, and I didn’t have to look to know that she had rolled her eyes at me.

What a feisty lil’ sh*t… my feisty lil’ sh*t.



We strap ourselves in before Dahyun slams on the accelerator, obviously still panicking about time- and not giving a damn about her passengers.

Luckily all three of us are used to her crazy driving skills by now, so nobody even flinched.

Thank Jihyo we have Jihyo by our sides, or else we would’ve died the day after we all moved in together or something.


Speaking of the angel, Jihyo’s currently glancing out of the window admire the outdoor view.

I, on the other hand, am spending this free time admiring my own perfect sense of style: black skinny jeans, a pair of white Converses, and a comfy, oversized white Adidas sweater. Damn, I’m such a snack- no… I’m a goddamn six-course meal at a five-star restaurant.


Though my fashion’s on point, I didn’t bring a bag along to complete the entire look today.

Well to be specific, I simply didn’t bother because the first day of the semester is going to be nothing but introductions.

Intros to the course, the classes, the rules, the teachers… all that boring bullsh*t I’ve been hearing for four years already.


It sure makes me wonder why I even bother going…

Oh actually, nevermind- I do know why.

It’s for all the cute girls that might be in my classes.



I know, I know.

I definitely have my priorities straight-

Or should I say, priorities gay?



With the thoughts of cute girls in mind, I close my eyes and concentrated.

Soon, I find myself looking around my classroom for 5 brief seconds, a view from my future perspective.

My precognition power allows me to get an exclusive sneak peek such as this- but damn does the future look disappointing.


All I saw were familiar faces that definitely don’t qualify, like, is Jihyo punishing for some unknown reasons?

Is it because I dropped Dahyun’s toothbrush into the toilet without telling her?

Is it for accidentally-but-definitely-not-really walking in on Mina changing?


All these sins man, how am I supposed to know?

More importantly, how am I supposed to survive my Masters without a motivation?

Ugh, life is too cruel for a flawless beauty like me.


“No cute girls in class later?” Dahyun hears my annoyed sigh and asks, snapping me out of my trance and peeking at me through the rear-end mirror.


“Not even a single one.” I groan for everyone to hear, not bothering to hide my displeasure. “I want to go home already, and we just left our home.”


“Well, maybe you’ll run into someone after that class. You’ll never know what Jihyo’s got under her sleeves.” she comforts me, sounding sincere and not sarcastic for once… which is suspicious as hell.



Her words make me turn to face Miss Know-It-All. “Ji, am I going to bump into a cute girl later?”


She looks at me for a second before scoffing playfully, resuming back to her view-gazing. “You know I can’t answer that sort of questions, Nayeon.”



Unsatisfied, I return to my previous position with a giant pout on my face, crossing my arms before my chest to make it extra dramatic.

It doesn’t do sh*t, but I’m not done complaining to my housemates just yet.



“Ji, why did you limit my power to an hour? It becomes useless if it’s that restricted!”


“If you can see anything past an hour, you might as well just take my role, Nayeon.”


“Ew don’t suggest that, unnie. The universe would end within 5 seconds if that happens.”


“Shut up and drive, . Plus, precognition isn’t even that strong of a power.”


“I have a reason behind all of my decisions, so end of discussion, you ungrateful child.”



Shutting up at last, I shift my attention onto the silent Tzuyu-

Only to see her passed out with her head bumping against the window every now and then. What an unbothered queen.


Wait… is she drooling?

Hoho, this is definitely going in my camera roll.

Blackmail material, baby; you never know when it’ll come in handy.


Sure, she can easily kill me with a single punch, but does she have 1362 ugly shots of her housemates?

Yeah, I don’t think so.


Even if I’m going down, I ain’t going alone.



Seriously though… , I should’ve wished for something better back then.

Shapeshifting is fine, but precognition is such a boring power.



“Watch your language, Nayeon.”



I jump in my seat with a shriek, startled by Jihyo’s sudden remark.

She raises an eyebrow and I can only sigh. “Get out of my head, Jihyo.”


“Get out of my car, Nayeon.” Dahyun monotonously interjects.


I was about to glare at her until I realised the car’s not moving anymore.

Turns out, we’re already parked in front of the business building- which is my stop.

I unbuckle myself before opening the door, turning to grin at my housemates once last time.

My gaze met Jihyo’s last. “Peace out, my b*tches.”






And thus I close the door on God mid-word.

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awesomeness-_- #1
Chapter 19: Thanks for writing this! reading this has made me laugh multiple times. hope you update soon :)
The_red_lover99 #2
Chapter 1: okay, wait, am confused. so like.....jihyo doesn't exist physically???
Chapter 19: Omg thanks for the update 🤟🏻❤️
Chapter 19: “ your buttcheek-witnessing luck is pretty sus” mina hates her life and i’m here for it they’re all SO funny
Chapter 19: I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Can't wait for MiChaeng meeting XD
pearswitch #6
Chapter 19: yay!!!! asdgkfjds this was so funny, as usual. I think my favorite line was about godjihyo specifically only soundproofing 4 walls. Mina lives to suffer in this universe lol. Also, what y'all formatted for the text messages was so cool. nice work!
chonganna #7
Chapter 19: LOL MINA OMG why is this story so funny lmao
badg1rl #8
Chapter 17: Can you please update i love your story
chonganna #9
Chapter 17: Bruh you left a god at the grocery store smh
Chapter 17: This made my day. Thanks for the update ?