Say Cheese (Nayeon)

To Live Happily Ever After
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Not only did I experience a tragedy on my beautiful face, I’m now forced to wear a constant reminder of the incident on my body.

My status as the campus’s most infamous heartthrob is now threatened, and soon enough my image will be shattered like my nasal bone.

My friends are probably going to disown me for becoming a fashion terrorist rather than the successful business woman we’ve all promised one another, while my ultimate dreams of getting a cute girlfriend is now Jihyo-blocked… by an ugly- sweater on my first day of school, the heck.


Seriously, what a way to start the semester.

Is this the content you want to see, ladies and gents?

Are you enjoying the suffering of a poor, beautiful girl?

Are you not entertained, or do you still waNT ME TO GO THROUGH EVEN MORE HORSE SHI-




Sorry… please excuse me for a second.


Calm down, Im Nayeon.

You’re too pretty to be angry.

Frowning gives you wrinkles, and wrinkles are illegal.



At least the rest of my day at school was relatively peaceful, I guess.

I met up with Jihyo and Mina for lunch (even though God’s face was very punch-able after what she had done to my sweater) and that’s when I found out I wasn’t the only victim to a sh*tty morning; I have no clue to what happened, but whatever Mina went through has made her lose her mind because not only did she compliment my ‘nice new sweater’, she said so while looking as if she had walked in on her great grandmother trying on a microkini. Jihyo was even trying to comfort her, but I was still far too salty to ask her for any details.


The invisible girl ended up vanishing without even ordering lunch, and that became my cue to dip as well.

There’s no way am I going to let myself fight God with my bare hands, get absolutely wrecked, and die without any witnesses.



I had to endure one last class (where I nearly broke my nose again by dozing off and having my head slide off of my propped-up hand, almost face-planting right onto my desk) before I finally made it to where I am right now: the shotgun seat in Dahyun’s car.


It’s dead silent in here because I’m actively choosing to ignore her ever since she told me she had paper for lunch, but boredom is slowly getting the better of me. I’m more than ready to leave the campus, yet the only one who can drive doesn’t seem like she’ll be starting the engine anytime soon.



“So how much more of our lives are we going to waste here?” I finally speak up with a loud yawn, my eyes still glued to my phone. “My is getting flatter by the minute and I won’t hesitate to sue you about it.”


“I dunno, Tzuyu’s in class until four.” Dahyun answers while yawning too, slurring all her words and sounding like an absolute idiot.


“Do not tell me we’re going to wait here for another 30 minutes, Kim Dahyun.”


“Nah, we won’t. She texted earlier saying we can leave without her.”


“Then why did you even mention her name?!”


“Oh, I was thinking about hotdogs and that somehow escalated with Tzuyu’s face popping up in my head. Wanna know the process?”


“No, but what about Jihyo? I need to prepare myself for that girl, because she’s going to get it when she steps a foot inside this car.”


“I’m going to get what now?”



Oof… and I thought the scare from Jihyo’s mind-reading this morning was bad enough.



I’m this close to peeing my pants, and yeah I can say that with no shame whatsoever.

I don’t have an image to maintain anymore at this point, so whatever.



I manage to catch my phone that almost flew right out of my hands, slowly turning myself around to the direction of the voice afterwards.

Sure enough, there sits Jihyo with a very questionable smile plastered across her face, sending chills straight down my spine.

I have a feeling that Dahyun’s currently recording me with her phone, but I’m too busy sweating like a human Niagara Falls to spare her a death glare.


“U-Uh…” I gulp as I try to control my nerves, failing quite miserably whenever I meet the eyes of God. “G-Get um… get another r-request to uh… fix my sweater… pretty please…?”


The way she sweetly replies ‘sure thing’ is far too suspicious for me to not worry about, even when she truly does revert my sweater back to its original white colour with yet another wave of a hand. I’m 100% positive that even though my clothing is saved, my soul is not. That unfaltering smile of hers tells me so and I believe it.


“T-Thanks, Ji.” I flash a quick smile back before facing the front again, glaring directly into Dahyun’s iPhone lens as I hiss two words at her as quietly as I can. “Drive, b*tch.”



I can only describe the ride home as ‘greatly uncomfortable’, not because of Dahyun blasting Baby Shark through the speakers and singing along as if she’s at a karaoke bar, but because of Jihyo’s bone-chilling smile that’s stubbornly stuck within my mind now.

The fact that she’s sitting right behind me doesn’t help sh*t, and there’s a couple of times I had to stop myself from making a mental prayer since one, Jihyo can read minds and two, Jihyo’s also the one who ends up receiving those goddamn prayers anyways.


Well, at least I have a loud piece of tofu to distract me from my nerves.

That chick is now rambling on about her lunch getting stolen and how she had to morph her new notebook into food (which explains her weird paper-eating situation). She’s also fangirling about this apparently ‘super y, abs-of-steel pretty girl’ she managed to meet after her first class… which at the mention of the word ‘pretty’- rather than thinking about my own face for once- my mind drifts off to that Yoo J. girl I bumped into.



Wow… I’m really whipped for a stranger, huh. What an unexpected surprise.

Her handkerchief is still in my back pocket, and I think I’ll be keeping it as a souvenir.



To my luck, the drive doesn’t last long after Jihyo starts scolding Dahyun for sleeping through her classes (I think Dahyun sped up just so we can arrive home faster) and I jump right out of the vehicle as soon as we come to a halt by our driveway; despite of her dodgy act earlier, Jihyo has yet to say anything to me and I plan to keep it that way by not giving her any new chances to do so.


I ditch the others behind me as I approach our front door to push open the big double doors, immediately spotting a wild Mina sitting on the living room couch… who seems to be doing a lot better now that she has the energy to shoot a glare at me.

I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve that, but oh well. It’s better than seeing the malfunctioning Mina from lunch.

I also admit that even though I’m pretty perfect, there’s still a good chance I deserved it somehow.



Oh, since we’ll be hanging around here quite a lot, why don’t I give you a tour around?

The mansion’s not as complicated as you’d expect it to be, so don’t worry about getting lost.



Hello MTV, I’m Nayeon from Twice and welcome to my Jihyo’s sweet crib.



Coming in from the main entrance, here we have our spacious living room (plus an extra Mina who’s now concentrating on her mobile game, and just a quick warning- NEVER disturb her while she’s gaming unless you crave for instant death). On the left side you’ll find our home theatre and on the right there’s our game room. Surprisingly, Mina doesn’t really use the game room even though she’s the biggest gamer in our team… but that might be because of how chaotically insane Dahyun and Tzuyu behave whenever those two lil’ rascals play together.


Now then, if you come long and walk through the living room, you’ll soon find our dining area to your left and our No-Dahyun-Allowed area to your right (aka the kitchen). That nickname was created after the numerous occasions of Dahyun setting up a blaze within the mansion, and eventually Jihyo got so sick and tired of cleaning up after her bullsh*t she just banned her from any forms of cooking entirely. Dahyun’s now forced to have her own mini fridge and pantry in her room, while everyone else is spared from either dying in a fire or getting poisoned by any cooking of hers.


Moving back towards the entrance, you’ll see 4 sets of curved stairways; the ones inward will lead you to the 2nd floor, while the outwards set descends down to the basement. The lowest floor is just a renovated gym with an indoor pool, hot tub, and a sauna to help us all maintain our hot hero bods, but there’s actually one chick who you’ll never catch down there: Muscle Giraffe, Baby Hulk Tzuyu.


Would you like to know why?


Turns out, our most ‘intimidating’ member who’s capable of murdering a man with a single punch… is actually afraid of water.

Yeah. H2 freaking O… ah but I think it’s also worth mentioning that she’s capable of breaking all the gym equipment if she’s not careful enough.

She still needs some practise when it comes to power control, but honestly it’s funnier when she obliterates things without meaning to do so.



Alrighty, if we go up to the 2nd floor you’ll find a total of 5 bedrooms- all en suites with their own walk-in closets, of course.

This is God’s mansion after-all, and Gods don’t live in regular houses. Jihyo could’ve made this into a medieval castle if she felt like it.


So, our leader owns the master bedroom that somehow takes up the majority of the left side, while Tzuyu’s room is squished in between Jihyo’s room and the Gossip RoomTM; that room in the centre of our floor used to be a spare for guests, but one night Dahyun’s lazy

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awesomeness-_- #1
Chapter 19: Thanks for writing this! reading this has made me laugh multiple times. hope you update soon :)
The_red_lover99 #2
Chapter 1: okay, wait, am confused. so like.....jihyo doesn't exist physically???
Chapter 19: Omg thanks for the update 🤟🏻❤️
Chapter 19: “ your buttcheek-witnessing luck is pretty sus” mina hates her life and i’m here for it they’re all SO funny
Chapter 19: I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Can't wait for MiChaeng meeting XD
pearswitch #6
Chapter 19: yay!!!! asdgkfjds this was so funny, as usual. I think my favorite line was about godjihyo specifically only soundproofing 4 walls. Mina lives to suffer in this universe lol. Also, what y'all formatted for the text messages was so cool. nice work!
chonganna #7
Chapter 19: LOL MINA OMG why is this story so funny lmao
badg1rl #8
Chapter 17: Can you please update i love your story
chonganna #9
Chapter 17: Bruh you left a god at the grocery store smh
Chapter 17: This made my day. Thanks for the update ?