Blackmail Material (Mina)

To Live Happily Ever After
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 Ok, this ‘Let’s Bully Myoui Mina’ session is getting out of hand.   I mean, it’s been an entire day. The world’s practically rubbing her in my face at this point, and I just can’t seem to find a way to escape. I’m already in my bedroom- AKA my safest hideout that’s supposed to shield me from this cruel world- so where else can I hide? Heaven?   If this is your method of training me, Jihyo, then I have great news for you. I will find a way to surpass my current limits and teleport to outer space or straight up heaven (hell is fine too, I don’t care anymore). Even if there’s no oxygen in either one of those locations, you bet I’ll do so without a single second of hesitation. Don’t try me right now.     “I’m assuming that’s an accident and not a magic trick?” I hear Tzuyu exclaim with a slight smirk hidden in the tone of her voice, obviously torn between feeling sympathetic for my unlucky self and teasing the hell out of me per usual; I can only respond with a low and faint groan, having thrown myself onto my bed to muffle up my cries of agony with a pillow. “Ok, on a serious note, what are you going to do now? You just agreed to move on from Girl’s crap… both metaphorically and literally, I guess.”   “Thank you for your concern and your unwanted sass, Tzu,” I nag while rolling over, finally un-suffocating myself. “but can you please help me out by not giving her a weird nickname? You’re making me regret all the moments where I’ve left you alone with Nayeon and Dahyun.”   “Why? Their stupid asses never fail to amuse me, plus I get to learn what not to do in life.”   “Because it’s evident that their idiocy have successfully rubbed off on you.”   “Hey, at least I gave Seyoung a nickname that actually makes sense.”     We’ve truly lost our once-innocent-and-sweet maknae. She even managed to flawlessly miss my crystal clear point.   I’m so sorry that I couldn’t protect your braincells from Dumb and Dumber. May God Jihyo shield you from any further damages.     “Her name is Chaeyoung, and that nickname was solely Dahyun’s… you know what, forget it. I’m going to focus on my own issues for now.”   “Better think carefully this time, because I sure don’t want to receive another SOS call about you getting stuck next to someone taking a sh*t.”   “Oh actually, I know exactly what I should do with myself.”   “Do… do you not know what ‘carefully’ means, unnie?”   “Don’t worry, I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now.”   “Um… ok? What’s this genius plan of yours, then?”   “I’m just going to jump straight off of a buil-”     “COME BACK HERE, YOU PALE PIECE OF SH*T!!!”     Well then. I suppose I’ll have to postpone that proposal even further. Peace really isn’t an option within this ridiculous household, huh.   I don’t know where that monstrous roar came from, but it’s still loud enough to make me wish I was deaf. The first word alone is enough to make me jolt up into a sitting position, my fragile heart pounding frantically within my chest. Tzuyu on the other hand, who’s somehow capable of remaining in a state of nonchalance 98% of the time she’s conscious (or if Dahyun’s the one describing it, ‘she hella radiates that IDGAF vibe’), merely shakes her head to the sound of more rumbling chaos that’s definitely causing damage.     “Um, what on Earth was that?” I ask alarmingly, though I immediately take back those words whilst pinching my glabella. “On a second thought, I don’t think I’d like to know. Ignorance is bliss and I’d much rather be a fool than to become traumatised by whatever’s happening downstairs.”   “What else can it be other than Nayeon and her usual shenanigans?” Tzuyu mutters as she fidgets with her superhero ring, “Honestly, we should throw her in jail for all the noise pollution she creates- though Dubu’s most definitely the trigger to the ruckus. I can bet you my left kidney on that.”   “I don’t think your kidney is necessary, but I’d definitely appreciate it if we can make all of our walls soundproof.” I let out a sigh before glancing out of my balcony window, “I think I can reduce the majority of my stress level if our house didn’t sound like a war zone every single day.”     In all seriousness… why is our soundproofing system so bad, it seems like our walls are made of nothing but thin sheets of paper? Mind you, we live in a luxurious mansion that’s equipped with facilities normal citizens can only dream of owning- including a home theatre. Did Jihyo really tell the construction workers to soundproof those 4 particular walls and screw the rest of the house? For what purpose exactly???   Speaking of that specific God (since I’m already complaining about her so I might as well continue), I still can’t believe her reasonings to why she refused all of my past pleads; there were countless instances where I begged for her to soundproof the walls, yet she shot them down every time. For instance, she dismissed my idea of making our walls completely sound absorbent because it’ll ‘break the laws of physics’- but since when did deities care about that sort of stuff? Also, why is the prevention of me losing my sanity over Nayeon’s megaphone of a mouth or Dahyun’s daily pterodactyl mating calls classified as a special treatment?? I just want my exhausted soul to live my life without wanting to die for once???   … Ok, I might be acting a bit too harsh on our leader.   I mean, she is trying her best to live as an ordinary person… despite of being neither ordinary nor a person. I’m sure it’s a lot harder than it seems, like I’d probably destroy a couple of planets if I had to live as a God. I guess I’ll have to start reminding myself that I shouldn’t judge her… and instead I should judge my housemates more.     As the sound of bad news and future regrets fade into the distance, I relocate back into my gaming chair with a pillow trapped in my arms, hugging onto it for a sense of comfort that this room of mine can no longer provide (tHaNk YoU fOr ThAt, SoN ChAeYoUnG); while I’m moving, I manage to witness the sight of Tzuyu rolling her eyes so dramatically, I’m scared they’ll get stuck in the back of her eye sockets if she’s not careful enough.   “So back to our conversation before we were interrupted by Im Nayeon’s stupidity, what did you say you were going to do? To be honest with you though, that sweet, sweet of hers seem to be suspiciously unavoidable at this rate.” I catch her raising an eyebrow at me, making me gasp.   “Are you seriously accusing me of being a creep who’s purposefully trapping myself in a toilet stall with a complete stranger?!”   “I’m just saying, your buttcheek-witnessing luck is pretty sus.”   “Gosh, helping you hide from Jihyo was a grave mistake…”   “But don’t forget, you were the one who reached out to me in the beginning of this mess.”   “Yeah, and now it’s one of my biggest regrets in life, thank you for your kind reminder.”     In all honesty (to which I have to temporarily forget about her cheekiness), Tzuyu does have a point: What am I supposed to do now? As much as I want to fling myself straight off of a 50-storey high building, I need to come up with a proper solution to this train wreck first. The guilt that was born (and solidified) from the series of unfortunate events is still haunting me, and it won’t go away until I confront Son Chaeyoung.   My main issue now is… how am I supposed to do that?   Considering the size of our campus and the fact that we major in completely different subjects, the chances of me blindly running into her again (without loitering within that one specific toilet stall like an absolute ert, I mean) is depressingly low, and even if I do happen to miraculously run into her again, what am I even going to say to her? ‘Oh hi again, sorry for returning the wrong card and also for catching a sight of your bare !’?!   Oh my God… what if she suspects that I had purposefully switched our ID cards? Does she think I’m some kind of a crazy stalker who’s finding ways to meet her? Have I unintentionally ruined her brand new university life with my prescence? What if she starts avoiding me and I’ll never get the chance to clear my nam-     “Mina.”     Ah… I’ve been so lost within my own thoughts, I completely forgot I had a self-invited guest beside me. I don’t know how long she’s been trying to get my attention, but based off of her judgement-filled gaze I can safely assume it’s been quite a while.   “Y-Yes, Tzuyu?” I blink frantically with an awkward smile plastered on my face, trying not to crumble before her sharp gaze.   “You’re hardcore Mina-ing again.” she responds, immediately freezing my eyelids as I now stare at her in confusion.   “I’m… what?”   “Mina-ing.”     Uh… repeating yourself doesn’t help with explaining why my name is now a verb.     Surprisingly, as if she became Jihyo for a split second and can hear my thoughts, Tzuyu soon lets out a chuckle as she brings her knees up to her chest, making herself comfortable before elaborating her previous words. “It’s when your soul abruptly leaves your body and you proceed to get lost in your own world for 10 years. Nayeon coined the term ever since you almost walked straight into a telephone pole, all because you were too busy thinking about your decaying rank on your Laugh Out Loud game or whatever. Do you remember that day at all?”     “Yeah, how can I possibly forget when you guys won’t let me?!” I whine loudly with two rosy cheeks, which only makes her laugh harder. “I can’t believe you guys were being serious when you said you were going to tease me about that for the rest of my life- also, that’s not what LoL stands for!”   “The origin of ‘Mina-ing’ is too legendary for us to drop, sorry.” Tzuyu dares to reply when she’s obviously not apologetic whatsoever.   “Look, I was not- ok, perhaps I was Mina-ing back then, but can you please stop bringing that up?!”   “Yeah… no.”     … Her bravery grows as each day passes by.     It really seems like my whines of defeat is bringing her a lot of joy. As her unnie, a part of me wants to smile along and be happy for her happiness, but at the same time there’s another part that’s encouraging me to kick her right here and right now (even though I’ll 100% lose) because, well, she’s currently laughing at my face in front of my face.   Nevertheless, I don’t think it’s wise to go and pick fights with the one person who knows about my current situation. Apart from God Jihyo- who tends to only spoil Nayeon- she really is the only one who I can go to for help… Plus she can and will use her knowledge against me if I ever upset her, so let’s not dig my own grave here.     “You know, Mina,” Tzuyu continues after giving her long arms a good stretch, melting further into the soft beanbag. “there’s other ways to find Chaewon other than to physically capture her like you’re some sort of a booty hunter, right? We are currently living in the 21st century.”   Forgetting my previous thoughts just like that, I launch my pillow straight at her face. It misses horribly and plops lifelessly onto the carpeted floor, representing how I feel on the inside.   “First of all- please don’t give me such a cursed nickname, and secondly- she’s called Chaeyoung.” I hiss through my gritted teeth, “If you really do have ideas on how to find her, just spill them out already. I don’t have the mental energy to amuse you with my ignorance any further.”     I catch Tzuyu frowning from my words, merely confusing me even more. “Well, I’m honestly a bit surprised to why you haven’t thought of this yet, since you’re obviously not a 74-year-old grandma who uses a goddamn brick of a Nokia 3310, but remember how there’s these things called ‘Instagram’ and ‘Facebook’ in your phone?”     Ah, so it’s confirmed. I am dumbest person to ever live on Earth.     My poor cheeks (that had just cooled themselves down from the disastrous ‘Mina-ing’ flashback) proceeds to burn right back up again. Every cell within my body is cringing at my existence, and from the corner of my eye I can see the return of Tzuyu’s grin. “I… I forgot about that.”   “Yeah no sh*t, Sherlock.” Tzuyu follows before lying down on the beanbag, now stretching her entire body. “But I must say, you’re being very generous today. I’ve gained so many new stories to tease you with in the future, so thank you for volunteering yourself as sacrifice.”   “Just punch me in the face with full force and let me die.”     Having confirmed that I’m the dumbest person on Earth- again- I attempt to ignore my merciless housemate by standing up from my gaming chair to go fetch my phone that’s stil
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awesomeness-_- #1
Chapter 19: Thanks for writing this! reading this has made me laugh multiple times. hope you update soon :)
The_red_lover99 #2
Chapter 1: okay, wait, am confused. so like.....jihyo doesn't exist physically???
Chapter 19: Omg thanks for the update 🤟🏻❤️
Chapter 19: “ your buttcheek-witnessing luck is pretty sus” mina hates her life and i’m here for it they’re all SO funny
Chapter 19: I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Can't wait for MiChaeng meeting XD
pearswitch #6
Chapter 19: yay!!!! asdgkfjds this was so funny, as usual. I think my favorite line was about godjihyo specifically only soundproofing 4 walls. Mina lives to suffer in this universe lol. Also, what y'all formatted for the text messages was so cool. nice work!
chonganna #7
Chapter 19: LOL MINA OMG why is this story so funny lmao
badg1rl #8
Chapter 17: Can you please update i love your story
chonganna #9
Chapter 17: Bruh you left a god at the grocery store smh
Chapter 17: This made my day. Thanks for the update ?