ty Situation (Mina)

To Live Happily Ever After
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Oh gosh… who is screaming around the house?


That voice… Im Nayeon, huh.

I thought Jihyo’s the mic of this household, but I guess she has competition.

Nayeon has been challenging Jihyo a lot recently… and there goes Dahyun and her participation.

Well… at least I can trust Tzuyu to control herself.


Seriously though, how can the house be this chaotic already?

My alarm didn’t even go off yet, so it must be early still.



… There’s no chance of me getting a peaceful start to the new school year, huh.



I grumble to myself as I shuffle under the sheets, slightly irritated by the ongoing chaos outside of my room; each stomp of a footstep is like a nail to my brain, and I don’t need to ask Jihyo to know my lifespan’s been shortening just from living under the same roof.

At this rate I’m a goner by the age of 35- and I’m more than willing to accept death with open arms if this continues.


I reach an arm out and blindly feel around my bedside table, trying to locate my phone after giving up on all hopes of falling back asleep.

Once I have my device, I squint at the blinding screen and check on the current time.

It’s only 7:45 am.



7:45 am.



Im Nayeon, please watch yourself tonight.

I may or may not murder you in your sleep.


Also, I’m siding with Dahyun when it comes to your lipstick.

You’re going to school, not a date with your non-existent girlfriend.

No one’s going to even notice your bare lips. Who on Earth has that extra energy to care?



After putting on a white t-shirt and a pair of light blue jeans, I teleport downstairs to make myself some breakfast.

Thankfully the others have left already, because there’s multiple incidents where I either teleport straight onto them or I accidentally scare the living hell out of them; although we’ve been staying under Jihyo’s roof for a while now, it doesn’t mean they’ll get used to seeing a human appear out of thin air anytime soon. I’d probably be scared too if I was in their shoes.


Absolute silence engulfs my surroundings as I sit in front of the oversized dining table, with Jihyo’s mansion feeling emptier than usual.

I know how much I prefer to have quietness over a group of weirdos screeching around as their main method of communication, but still…

This is quite a depressing experience, not going to lie.


I used to have Tzuyu as my sole company since her high school was only 10 minutes away from our place (although even with her by my side, the house was just as quiet as it is now), but I suppose I’d forgotten about the fact she’s a freshman at our university starting from today… which is a very bizarre realisation now that I’m focusing on it. Our maknae’s a university student already, oh wow.


Time sure flies by fast, because this means I’ve been living with these girls for six years now…

Meaning I’ve somehow survived six years under the same roof as these crazy weirdos…


To be honest, I had mentally prepared myself to either get killed by one of my housemates or to get murdered during one of their chaotic moments. There was this one time I thought about running away, too.

I don’t remember how I was convinced to stay, but it’s probably Jihyo.

Actually… it’s always Jihyo.



Oh well… this is just how life is for me now.

I’ll have no choice but to get used to this dead-silent breakfast session.

It’s not like I’m not used to being alone all the time, anyways.



Once I load up the dish washer with the plates I’ve used, I teleport back upstairs to grab my stuff for school.

I quickly check the time on my phone again.



8:10 am.



20 minutes until my first class starts.

That’s quite a while, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to show up early.

It is the first day of the semester after-all.


With my bag in hand, I swiftly teleport to our front door and put on my Adidas Superstars, all set to head out into our unpleasant, messed-up society.

Oh, and by ‘head out’ I meant to teleport myself directly to school, of course.

I’ve been blessed with such an amazing power, of course I’m not going to waste it.

Plus, this is the only reason why I get to sleep in longer. Thank you, Jihyo.


Ah, there’s no need to worry about me getting caught, don’t worry.

I know the risks of using my power so blatantly in public, so I’ve had it all planned out-


Ever since my first year in university.








It was a month into my first semester, you see, and I was already getting exhausted of sacrificing my precious sleeping time for commutes… plus Dahyun’s driving skills gave me anxiety sometimes. I’d feel as if I’m on a rollercoaster to hell and not in a car, so I don’t know how she got her license.


Anyways, to save myself some time I wanted to make use of my teleportation skills, but I needed to make sure I don’t create any suspicions or get caught by other students, so I spent a whole week devising a plan for myself. I scouted around for a suitable arrival spot, and ultimately settled for an underused washroom in the basement of our university’s community centre; though it was ‘underused’, it’s still not completely ‘unused’ like I wanted, hence I brought in my second power into the plan…


And I pretended to be a ghost for a whole other week.


Yes… I did that.

I stalked the washrooms while being invisible, making sure each visitor of that washroom got a taste of some ‘paranormal activities’-

Or at least that’s what they think it is. In reality it’s just a part-time superhero pranking them.


No, I didn’t try to create actual ghosts by murdering someone there.

All I did was turn some taps and lights on and off, all the while letting out this sinister laugh I’ve been practising for this specific plan of mine.

Pretty harmless and simple, right?


Ok, fine… I may have given a select few some sleepless nights or a reason to go to therapy, but the world is about equivalent exchange.

An extra half an hour per day goes a long way, so unfortunately for those victims such sacrifices must be made. I’m sorry, but I had to.


In the end, my plan was a great success.

Rumours about the ‘haunted female washroom’ spread rapidly across the entire campus, and in no time the place practically became unused.

It successfully turned into Myoui Mina’s official teleportation spot, and it has remained that way for the past two years.








Closing my eyes, I concentrate on envisioning the same washroom stall.

It’s very important to remain calm and collected, because the further the distance of my destination is, the higher level of concentration is required.

The first couple of months of practising my new teleportation skill, I’d miss my target location by a few hundred metres; if I’m not careful enough, I can accidentally teleport myself straight into a toilet or something- and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want that to happen.


So let’s avoid that possibility and concentrate.


The moment I reopen my eyes, I find myself standing within the familiar interior of the large accessible stall.

It means I’ve made yet another successful teleport. Good job, Mina.

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awesomeness-_- #1
Chapter 19: Thanks for writing this! reading this has made me laugh multiple times. hope you update soon :)
The_red_lover99 #2
Chapter 1: okay, wait, am confused. so like.....jihyo doesn't exist physically???
Chapter 19: Omg thanks for the update 🤟🏻❤️
Chapter 19: “ your buttcheek-witnessing luck is pretty sus” mina hates her life and i’m here for it they’re all SO funny
Chapter 19: I LOVE THIS STORY <3 Can't wait for MiChaeng meeting XD
pearswitch #6
Chapter 19: yay!!!! asdgkfjds this was so funny, as usual. I think my favorite line was about godjihyo specifically only soundproofing 4 walls. Mina lives to suffer in this universe lol. Also, what y'all formatted for the text messages was so cool. nice work!
chonganna #7
Chapter 19: LOL MINA OMG why is this story so funny lmao
badg1rl #8
Chapter 17: Can you please update i love your story
chonganna #9
Chapter 17: Bruh you left a god at the grocery store smh
Chapter 17: This made my day. Thanks for the update ?