Chapter 9

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The next day… (lunchtime)


Wendy sat quietly on her seat, frowning whilst slurping her bubble tea with her straw. She has not seen Irene since last night. Irene didn’t showed up at dinner and when she came back into their room, Irene still hasn’t showed up and she didn’t even sleep in their room last night. She saw Irene in class today but everytime she wanted to approach Irene, the girl suddenly vanished, disappeared without a trace.


Now, sitting at the princess table, Irene still haven’t making an appearance and that made the hamster slightly disappointed.


Wendy carved a small smiled, watching the other six girls antics. Sakura and Eunbi were in their own world, conversing in a low voice almost close to whispering. Joy was smiling happily next to Seulgi, feeding the hungry bear and stared at the munching girl in full of adoration. Wendy snorted when Jessica shoot a glared at Taeyeon as the girl keep on bugging the ice princess about her sister.


“Sica, what flower does Krystal like?”


“Does it matter? I am not gonna let you date her anyway.”


“Why not?”


“Because you are an annoying dwarf.” Jessica said plainly and resume to eat her lunch.


“Okay, I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that. So…what kind of flower?”


“One more word from you and I will tell Soojung you force me to quit the team.”


“Sorry! Eat your lunch princess.” Jessica smirk in victory, thinking Taeyeon will finally stop bothering her.


“After you done, I have lots of questions regarding your sister.”


Jessica grunt and stood up from her seat, shoot another glared at her captain before stomping away from the cafeteria.


“Sica, wait! You didn’t even finish your lunch and what about my questions?” Taeyeon shouts and run after her future sister in-law from behind.


Wendy laughed, shaking her head in amusement. “The ice princess is kinda protective over her sister.”


“Yeah, you can say that or she really hate Taeyeon unnie.” Joy said.


“I think the main reason is she hates Taeyeon.” Seulgi said.


“Speaking of sister…” Wendy eyes landed on Eunbi.


“Hey, Eunbi?” Wendy called.


“Yes unnie?”


“Where’s your sister?”


“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since last night.”


“Hmmm…that’s odd.” Wendy mumbled.


“What’s that?”






“See you at practice?” Irene nods her head, waving at her swimming friend.


Opening her locker, Irene let out a long sighed. She had been successfully avoiding her enemy since last night. She wasn’t afraid, of course not, why should she be afraid? But there’s something about Wendy smiles, she felt uneasy, it creeps her out actually. Irene felt like she was a deer and Wendy was a hunter, the way Wendy eyeing her like she was ready to fired out a shot if she has a chance.


Closing the locker, Irene jumps in shocked as the hunter already standing near her.


“Wendy!” Irene exclaimed, surprised.


Seconds later, Irene found herself forcefully being drag across the empty hallway and shoved inside the janitor closet.


“Yah!! Son Wendy!” Irene shouted, eyes narrow fiercely towards the smirking girl in front of her.


“Yes, Irene?”


“Why did you bring me here?”


“I’ve been looking for you since yesterday. Do you think can run away from me?” Wendy muttered lowly, taking a few steps closer towards Irene.


“I did not run away from you.” Irene instinctively back away as Wendy proceed to walked closer until her back pressed against the door and find herself trapped between Wendy arms.


“Do you think you can escape from me? I’ll find you! Wherever you go, I will find you!”


Irene hate to admit, but she feels slightly scared with the way Wendy staring intensely at her. She never saw this side of her enemy before, her alpha demeanour manage to make Irene tremble.


a breath, Irene spoke. “What do you want?”


“You know what I want…” Wendy muttered croakily that manage to send shivered down to Irene spine.




Wendy expression abruptly change, her foolish smiles appeared, taken Irene by surprised with the sudden behaviour change.


“Where’s my prize? I scored a goal yesterday.”


Irene scoffed, pushing the grinning hamster roughly. “What prize? I don’t remember giving you any prize.”


Wendy whined. “But you made a deal. If I scored, you will kiss my cheek. You already promise.”


“Sorry, I don’t remember making any promises.”


Irene boringly watch her enemy whining, throwing a tantrum for not giving her the award she had wanted when suddenly, Wendy stop. Irene brows arched upward in confusion as Wendy round eyes gazing somewhere on top of her head.


“Errr…Irene, don’t move!” Wendy warned.


“Why?” Irene frowned.


“I’m not trying to scare you… I swear I’m not. B-but…there’s urrmmm…there’s a spider on your head.”


Irene scowl, thinking this was one of Wendy scheme. “Yeah, right!”


“I swear, I’m not joking! There really is a spider on your head, Irene. And it’s… (gulp) big!” Wendy took a step back out of fear.


Seeing the terrified expression on Wendy face, Irene screech. “Get it off me!”


“No way! “




“I am not touching a spider, uh-uh…no way!” Wendy shook her head frantically.


“Wendy, help me!”


“No! What if its jump on me instead and attack me with its hairy legs. No, no, no!”


“Wendy, you better get this spider off of my head or I swear… I WILL KILL YOU!!”


“Okay, okay! Jeez… you better give a great reward for this. I’m risking my life for you here.”


“Wendy, I swear…if you don’t get this spider off of me right now-”


“Yeah, yeah! You will kill me. Still trying to threaten me in this situation. Hold still, don’t move! Better yet, close your eyes. This ain’t gonna look pretty.” Wendy said, stretching out her muscles.




“Okay!” Wendy took a deep breath. “God bless me! Alright, here we go!”


Irene immediately shut her eyes after Wendy make hesitate steps towards her, knuckles clenches tightly, holding her breath when she feels Wendy is standing right in front of her.


“Okay, don’t move!” Wendy whispered. Irene wanted to nod, but able to restrain herself from making any movement.


Irene grew anxious when Wendy didn’t make any slightest move, frowning when she heard Wendy snorted. Irene wondered, what is taking Wendy so long to get that spider off of her head and what so funny? Does the spider doing a silly dance on her head or what?


Seconds later, her eyes shot open in shocked, feeling a warm lips pressing against the corner of her lips and Wendy huge grinned appeared in her line of vision.


“Thank you for the prize, Joohyun!” Wendy winks and left the scene, leaving a dumbfounded bunny speechless on the spot.


Irene gasped, finally realizing what had happen. She just got fooled! Wendy tricked her!


“Son Wendy!!!” Irene screamed.



Two weeks before the G.A.T school festival will be held, all students including the teachers were busy preparing for the upcoming school tradition. Decorating classes with their own perspective theme, painting such as poster, sign board, building their own booth, practicing for the night showcase, and so on. But within these midst of preparation, one of the senior class are having difficulties on deciding for their class theme.


Seulgi blink her eyes rapidly, munching on her pringles as she watched attentively at her two classmates bickering over the best theme to represent their class. Non of their classmates dare to interrupt this heated fight between the two soccer players.


“Maid cafe is a great theme!” Taeyeon said, defending her idea.


“Oh, please! You just want to see the other girls dress in a maid outfit to satisfied your erted mind.” Jessica spat coldly, crossing her arms.


“I love to admit that you are incorrect but at least it’s better than a haunted house. We already done that in first year and if I remember correctly…you were not very fond of that idea either.”


“Now, I like the idea. We’re going to do haunted house for our class theme.” Jessica firmly state.


“No! We’re going to do maid cafe!”


“Haunted house!”

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1692 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1692 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh