Chapter 17

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Another beautiful morning have come. Irene sat still on her bed, staring at the empty bed on the other side of the room. She sigh. Another morning without the presence of a certain blonde.


It’s been a week. After that night, Wendy did not come back. She saw her at school; she saw her laughing at the school hallway, in the cafeteria taking her lunch, but not at the dorm and she never step a foot inside their room since that night. She wonder where did Wendy went after school hours, where could she be sleeping and this time, Wendy did leave her alone. She finally stop. Wendy didn’t approach her, did not talk to her, did not making any eye contact with her whatsoever. She finally did stop.


Her friends, her teammates, juniors and basically everyone were curious about this strange situation. Even Miss Hwang question her about it. Instead of being happy with no silly fight, making a ruckus in every room, the strict teacher was worried. Not just her, the entire school. As if, they lost a good entertainment for their daily life.


It’s for the best. No Wendy meaning no harm. Hyunsik can’t lay a hand on Wendy now that Wendy is one feet, two feet, five feet away from her. She know it’s for the best. She keeps repeating it inside her head. Now, why can’t her heart do the same thing too and stop aching already.


With another sigh Irene push herself up. Another day without an annoying hamster to ruin her day.






Eunbi jerk when she felt a pair of arms snakes around her waist. She smile knowing well the person hugging her as Sakura proceed with her cute greeting with a short kiss on her cheek.


“Hey there gorgeous.”


Eunbi spin around, returning the sweet gesture with a short peck on her lips. “Hey you.”


“Get a room you two.” Her friend Chaeyeon grumbled, throwing books into her locker evidently bothered.


“We have a room in case you haven’t notice.” Sakura says with a smirk.


“Wow, that’s great. Use it.”


“We are.”


“Please don’t fight.” Eunbi quickly chimed in. “I don’t want another problem rising.” The two girls immediately apologize.


“No luck?” Sakura asked.


“No.” Eunbi breathe out. “I hardly see unnie these days let alone being alone with her. She always with Hyunsik oppa. They are inseparable. What about you? Any luck?”


“Nope. Every time I tried, she was quick in changing the subject. She knew what I’m about to ask her but I guess she doesn’t want me to bring it up.”


“That .” Chaeyeon says. “It was better before when they were constantly fighting. Now, it’s just...I don’t know. Weird I guess? Or concerning. Everyone are thinking the same thing too.”


“Both of them are stubborn. That’s the thing they are common with.” Sakura commented which the two girls agreed.


Eunbi shakes her head. “Anyways. You said you and Hyewon are planning to hang out tonight?”


“Ah, yes. We’re gonna play games tonight. Can I go?”


Chaeyeon suddenly snorted. “Wow! Never in my life would I able to witness a cold stray cat asking permission from a nice bunny. This is hilarious.”


“Shut up.”


Eunbi giggled. “Is it gonna be only the two of you?”




“Can I come and play with you two?”


Eunbi was baffled. Sakura stare at her with unreadable expression, blinking her eyes like she had ask the most difficult question in the entire universe while Chaeyeon facial expression clearly describe the word astound.


“I never seen you play games before.” Chaeyeon says. “Since when?”


“Can a girl try something new?”


“Playing game? Try something new or trying to impress your loading girlfriend there.” Chaeyeon motioned at the frozen girl.


“Oh no. Was my request too shocking?”


“I think you broke her.” Eunbi clicked her tongue.


“Kkura ya.” Eunbi carefully place her hand on Sakura arm, snapping the girl from her daze.


Eunbi gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry if my request surprised you. Just forget what I said and-“


“Are you kidding me?” Sakura cuts her. That broad smile on her face confused the two.


“Playing games with my girlfriend? That’s my dream. Of course you can come. And I’ll personally teach you how to play. would be fun.”


Eunbi chuckles. Her girlfriend looks thrilled. She pats herself mentally proud with her decision even though she has no interest in gaming at all.


“Yup. You really broke her my friend. Hype up cold city girl hurt my eyeballs.”





Irene ate her food in silence, occasionally taking glances at the other girls around the table. As usual, Seulgi and Joy are in their own rainbow world, feeding each other, giggling being a cute couple and all while Taeyeon transparently displeased with the couple. Eunbi and Sakura weren’t there with them and she thank Jessica for being there sitting next to her so she won’t feel uncomfortable. The two alphas are behaving like themselves but Irene doesn’t know why she felt uncomfortable eating lunch in the same table with them. Maybe because she know they are curious about her situation with Wendy and they are dying to know what happened. As for Wendy, she is nowhere to be found which is a good thing, or else it would be extremely awkward.


“Hey, you okay?” Jessica ask.


“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”


“You were spacing out a lot these days. Spacing out was supposed to be my specialty. Don’t steal my talent.”


Irene chuckles. “No one can beat you at that.”


Lunch was normal to say the least. A little banter between the two soccer players, the cute couple unbothered by their mini fight. However, the atmosphere change drastically when Wendy suddenly show up at their table.


“Hello people!” the girl greets brightly, sneaky hand quick to steal one of Seulgi sausage.




Irene stiffened, aware the switching beats of her heart. As Seulgi continue complaining about her precious sausage and Wendy resuming her job to annoy the sulky bear, she can sense the tension slowly spreading around the table. She notice Joy eyes shifting back and forward between her and Wendy, the sound of Taeyeon awkward laughter and although Jessica looks calm but Irene didn’t missed the worried glance coming from the ice princess.


The chair suddenly felt uncomfortable, there is something pressing against her chest, having a hard time to collect her composure when Wendy greets everyone around the table.


Everyone, except her.


Wendy didn’t even spare her a glance. She was acting as if Irene wasn’t there, invisible. It felt like middle school all over again, a popular kid does not bat an eye on a shy girl like her.


“You don’t wanna join us?” Taeyeon asked.


“Nope. I already ate. Came here with a purpose.” Wendy grin, eyeing her target.


Jessica huffed already know Wendy intention. “No.”


“Aww~ Wae?” Wendy whined.


“Because I’m lazy.”


Eyes fixed on her food, Irene frown wondering what the two were talking about. Unaware how hard she was gripping her spoon when Wendy walked over and gave Jessica a back hug.


“Sica please?”


“Find another girl.”


“You’re my perfect girl.”




“Please Sica? You don’t have to do anything. All you have to do is sit there and look pretty which you already are.”


“That’s hard work.”


“Sica, please? You are my only hope. Please, please, please?” Wendy plead, rubbing their cheeks together.


“Yah! Don’t put your cheek on her.” The soccer captain exclaimed clearly disliking the skinship. Wendy ignored her.




“Aww ~ Please Sica? The most beautiful ice sculpture in the whole universe. My frozen Elsa. My kindhearted ice princess. Please???” Wendy says, showing her puppy eyes.


Jessica grunt. Damn this soft heart. That puppy eyes should be banned, illegal to use.


“Huh... Okay.”


“Yay! I love you! You’re the best.” Wendy chirp, hugging the ice princess tightly, swaying their body together.


“Stop it!” Taeyeon smack the blonde arm and again, she was ignored.


“I’ll pick you up after class?”


Theice princess can’t help but smile warmly at the adorable hamster. Wendy is too cute when she’s excited as she answer with a nod.


“Yes! Thank you Sica!” The blonde beamed, showing her gratitude with a quick kiss on the ice princess cheek before skipping away happily.


Joy and Seulgi snickers by the looks on the soccer captain face, her eyes and are wide open while the ice princess wasn’t effected by the kiss, calmly resuming eating her lunch.


Taeyeon blink. “Y-you...yah! You let her kiss you?”


Jessica lazily turn her head. “Is there a problem?”


“You’re not mad?”


“It was only a kiss and kinda sweet, I must say. Plus, Wendy is so cute when she’s happy.”


“I totally agreed on that.” Joy chimed in. “I just want to squish those adorable cheeks.”


“Sometimes I bit her cheeks. Looks like dumplings.” Seulgi says.


“Are you guys being serious right now? Fangirling over that squirrel.”


“Don’t talk like you never took dozen pictures of her eating because she remind you of your fluffy pet hamster.” Seulgi point out.


“Hey! Don’t bring Hamtaro into this.”


“Let me guess. That poor hamster already dead because you forgot to feed it.” Jessica smirk knowing she made a right guess when the soccer captain ears reddening.


“Poor little creature got you as an owner.” Jessica add.


“Yah! Don’t think I forgot what you did to my Taetae.”


Jessica scoffed. “Move on already. And I already fix your stupid doll.”


“You sew her. There’s white thread on Taetae’s body. She is now tainted because of you.”


“A little defect won’t ruin your stupid looking doll anyway.”


The couple could only sighs as the two soccer players begin their daily routine, wondering until when they can finally eat lunch in peace without two mortal enemies barking their saliva into the food.


As the usual fighting session continue, Irene stay voiceless. The thing that was pressing her chest gotten worse to the point it starting to hurt, suffocating her a little. She take a deep breath, flickering the water off her eyes.


“It’s better this way.” She whispered brushing a single tear roll down on her cheek.








Another week has passed. The cold war between Irene and Wendy remain a mystery to everyone. There has been several rumors, couple of speculation about what happened between the two. Some say they had a huge fight (which was true) and that cause them to drift even more. Some say Wendy gotten bored messing with Irene and found herself a new target which is Jessica. There’s a rumor also saying they accidentally cross a boundary, had a steamy night that cause them to become awkward around each other. And there are people saying the reason why Wendy didn’t approach Irene anymore is because of the swimming princess boyfriend. There has been three or more students claims had seen the man tried to hurt their swimming goddess but the rumors wasn’t entirely convincing seeing there was no trace of abusing and Irene looks perfectly fine, happy.


With those rumors going around, the cold war is still remain a mystery. A huge question mark to everyone in G.A.T High school. A mystery that cannot be solve for the time being.



“Haaaahhhh..” Seulgi yawn stretching out her limbs. “I’m tired – sleepy – Hungry...” she whined.


She and Wendy walk side-by-side heading back to their dorm, finish with their last activity for the day.


Wendy giggled. “ poor bearbear. Hang in there buddy. Two weeks from now, you will be free.”


“I can’t wait for summer vacation. I want to play and eat till I explode. You said there’s gonna be a festival right.”


“Yes and they said this time is gonna be huge.”


Seulgi moan. “How I wish the time would fly faster.”


“Joy’s coming?”


At the mention of her girlfriend name, Seulgi face lights up, her exhaustion immediately washed away.


“Yeah. It feels like going to a honeymoon.” Seulgi chirp.


Wendy snorts. “I hope I won’t hear any disturbing sound from your room.” Chuckling seeing Seulgi face reddening.


“Yah! Sooyoung is still a minor. I won’t do that to her.”


“Bfff...yah, you’re underage too. summer gonna be a matting season this year.” Wendy teased.


“Yah, stop corrupting my mind.”


“Am not. Don’t tell me you never thought of doing-“


“LA LA LA LA... I’m not listening!” Seulgi shut her ears fastening her steps.


Wendy laughed. It was fun messing with the bear innocent mind. “Wait for me.”







Seulgi made an abrupt stop stumbling forward when Wendy collide with her from the back, muttering an apology when Wendy glared at her.


“Why you stop?”


“Urmmm...” Seulgi hesitate.


Noticing her friend wary eyes, Wendy tilt her head to the direction where Seulgi was looking and she see Irene and Hyunsik.


Irene back lean against the car and Hyunsik arms are between the girl’s head. She saw Hyunsik made a quick glance at her, smirking before he dive in claiming Irene lips. She know what he’s trying to do. He want to show Wendy that Irene belongs to him.


Wendy rolls her eyes, walking pass the brazen couple and moves into the open gate with Seulgi trailing from behind.


“Sorry.” Seulgi says.


“What for?”


“Because you had to see that.”


Wendy chuckled. “They kissed. So what? That’s how most couple would normally do.”


Seulgi stares at her for moment. “You...okay?”


“Yeah. Why ask?”


“Nothing. I just - I don’t know... it’s just...” Seulgi drift off.


Wendy stop her pace, turning around. “What?”


Seulgi unconsciously gulp, there’s that dark aura again. “Urmm...aren’t you worried?”


Wendy forehead and arms folded. “Worried? For what?”


Seulgi clears . “Err...there’s a rumor going around saying Irene boyfriend tried to hurt her.”




Seulgi blinks. That was not the reaction she was expecting.


“You’re not – worried at all?”


“Nope. Not even a slightest.”


Seulgi brows flying up. “You sure? What if it was true? You remember how he treated Irene before.”


Wendy hoist her shoulders. “She chose to be with him. Whatever he did to her doesn’t concern me anymore.”


Seulgi was left speechless. The cold war is far worse than she thought. Maybe it’s time for emergency meeting between the alpha and the princess.








Irene push Hyunsik away, rubbing her lips with the back of her hand after Wendy disappeared behind the gate. She shot a sharp glared at the cocky man, proud with his dirty plan.


“Seems to me, your little girlfriend doesn’t give a damn about you anymore.” He chuckles.


Irene clench her fingers into a fist. “Isn’t that what you want? Satisfied?”


“Not really. And if I am...” Hyunsik stoop down. “You are not getting away. I won’t let you go- ever. You belong to me.”


Irene in a breath. “Why are you doing this to me?”


Hyunsik lean away. “You embarrassed me. In front of my friends and my parents. No one, I repeat no one breaks up with me and get away from it.”


“You’re crazy.”


“’re the reason why.”


If she knew sooner, got an early notice she wouldn’t agree with her parents decision to date him. It was a stupid match making between two families anyway. Now that Hyunsik succeed in deceiving her parents, Irene was put in a dark hole, no ladder no light for her to escape.


Someone, please save her.







Irene pressed her lips into a thin line, trying so hard containing her laughter. Ten minutes ago, Eunbi suddenly barge into her room and begin spouting out her frustration. All Irene could understand in that long ranting was Sakura cheated, playing dirty that causes Eunbi to lose her temper. It was blurry in the beginning; Irene had a hard time to fully grasp the whole story. But the moment Eunbi mention ‘playing a game’, the story become clear.


Turns out, they had a silly fight over a game.


“Since when did you start playing games?” Irene snickered.


“Unnie...” Eunbi whined. “Are you making fun of me? That’s not what I came here for.”


Irene giggled her sister could be a big baby sometimes.


“Okay, from what I’m hearing... all I can say is – for me, the whole fight with Sakura is childish. It was only a game Eunbi.”


“But she cheated. It’s not fair.” Eunbi pouts.


Irene chuckled. “You felt betrayed or something? It’s not like she cheated on you with some other girl.”


“Of course I feel betrayed. I’m her girlfriend. Can’t she let me win for once? She love that stupid game rather than me.”


Irene snorted. “Okay, now you are being a big baby. Your girlfriend loves games and you should know better how competitive she can be if it’s about gaming.”


“Yes, I know. Still, it’s not fair. She could’ve let me win but she made a dirty move.”


“ kids are giving me a headache. If you’re this upset about a silly game, what about when something really huge happen. Are you going to run from it? Problem won’t solve itself Eunbi ah. Talk it over. That’s how relationship works.”


Eunbi eyeing her for a moment. “Like you and Hyunsik oppa?”


Irene stiffened. That name send chills to her body.


Eunbi straighten up her upper body, sensing the older girl change of mood.


“Unnie, tell me honestly. Why are you dating oppa again? And don’t lie because I know you don’t like him.”


Irene visibly sighs. She can’t lie to her little sister. “It’s... a long story Eun.”


“I have all the time I need unnie. Is it because of mom and dad?”


Irene shakes her head. “It’s complicated. I rather not talk about him.”


“Is he reason why you and Wendy unnie fight?” Eunbi probe.


Irene breath hitched. There was a long pause between them.


“It’s him, isn’t?”


“We’re not discussing about this.”


“What did he do?”


“He did nothing.”


“Don’t lie to me unnie.”


“Eun –“


“We both know he’s manipulative and dangerous. There’s gotta be a reason why you accept him back.”


“Eunbi, we’re not talking about him. This discussion is over.” Irene deadpan.


“Unnie, what are you hiding from me? From us? Why can’t you just tell us? What did he do?”


“Eun, stop.” Irene warn.


“I heard rumors about him. Did he threaten you?”




“Did he hurt you?”


“Enough!” Irene exclaimed putting an end to it.


She hates lying to her little sister. She felt guilty keeping a secret from her. No one has to know, no one should ever find out. He tried to hurt Wendy and Irene won’t take another risk. Who knows what he would do if any of her friends find out, let alone her little sister. He already warned her and it’s her job to protect them. As long as she’s under his control they are safe.


“My relationship, our problem it’s only between him and I. It’s nothing that I can’t handle. You should focus on your relationship Eunbi.”


“Then, what about Wendy unnie? Aren’t you gonna tell me what happened between the two of you?”


“There’s nothing to talk about. We hate each other.”


“Wendy unnie never said she hates you. And I know for sure you don’t. It’s better when you two were fighting unnie. At least it wasn’t awkward. Now, it was hard for us to be in the same room with you two.”


“If you guys feel uncomfortable there’s nothing that I could do.”


“So, you just let it be? You’re not planning to talk to her at all?”


“There’s nothing for us to talk.”


“Unnie, I don’t know what it is – the problem or fight – just please...fix it. It’s hard for us to watch you guys acting like you were strangers.”


“We have nothing solve. We hate each other and can’t stand to be around each other. That’s it! There’s no problem.”


“So, you’re going to continue acting like you guys are strangers?”


“We already are.”


Eunbi breathe out. “You really won’t tell me?”


“There’s nothing to tell.”


Eunbi give up. Her sister is stubborn and once she made up her mind, you can’t change it. Whatever it is the older girl hide from her, she have to investigate by herself.





The sound of the door being open broke the intense atmosphere. Both heads instantly turn towards the two intruders.


“See! She’s right there.” Wendy says to the panic looking girl with her hand holding the doorknob.


“Eunbi ah.” Sakura exclaimed running over and kneel down in front of the girl.


The two older girls’ blinks while Eunbi had her eyes wide open in astonishment as Sakura with her trembling hands took her own, muttering words that Eunbi can’t understand. Japanese maybe?


“Kku-Kkura – what?”


“I’m sorry? I promise I’ll never cheat again. I’ll play fair next time.” Sakura croaks, eyes glossy. “Please...don’t disappeared on me again. I can’t live without you.”


Irene finally cough out a chuckled. That last line was desperately lame coming from a well-known cold-emotionless girl.


The girl on her knee bend her head down ears slowly turning from pink to red same goes to the girl on the couch at Wendy statement and Irene almost burst out laughing at the two identical tomatoes.


“Next time, before you start panicking and file a report on a missing person, try searching her sister room first. And Eunbi...” Wendy breathe out. “Next time, don’t run away.” Her lips forming into a smirk. “Sakura has attachment issue.” She ended with a teased.


The said girl blew up redder if it wa

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1692 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1692 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh