Chapter 21

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Sakura huffed out tiredly, her back hit hard against the seat as she eyed the soccer captain beside her.


“Are you back now?”


Taeyeon grin sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yea...thanks.”


“So, do you admit now?”


“Admit what?”


“Argh, come on. You were jealous of Wendy. Just admit you like the ice princess already.”


Taeyeon open and Sakura was ready to listen another denial along the line coming out of that mouth. Surprisingly, none of that had happen and she didn’t expect the soccer captain would let out a hopeless pathetic moan, ruffling her blonde hair in a frenzied manner.


Speechless, Sakura doesn’t know what to do. Her eyes scanned around the huge hall, worried if anyone see the charismatic soccer captain is in the middle losing her sanity. When she found none, she make a quick glance to the two princesses and to her relief, they were busy discussing about the upcoming performance.


“Err...Tae – “


“I’m in deep trouble Sakura.” Taeyeon mewl and Sakura brows furrowed in bewilderment.


“What? Tae – “


“It was supposed to be the angel sister, not the evil one.”


“Yo, what are you talking about?”


“I don’t know how or when – GOD!”


Sakura had enough and her hands move to grab the blonde shoulders.


“Kim Taeyeon, can you be more...I don’t know – make sense.”


Thankfully, the miserable antics come to a stop as Taeyeon dip back into her seat. This peculiar bearing was worrying Sakura as she waits for Taeyeon to speak.


“You’re right.” Taeyeon heaved out a heavy sighed. “I’m in love with the cold heartless ice princess.”


Sakura brows flying up. She already knew Taeyeon had a crush on Jessica but it never occurred to her that Taeyeon would go as far as falling in love with the so-called ice princess. The unexpected revelation caught her off balance.


“Oh. Alright, so... you – urmm...” clearing . “You’re in love with her? I mean like actually – in love with her?”


Taeyeon lower her head and answer with a timid nod.


“Wow!” Sakura could not hide her surprised. “I thought you just have a tiny crush on her, but not to that extent. How – when?”


“I don’t know. It just happened. Before I knew it, my eyes follows her everywhere. I don’t know, whenever I see her, even when she yelled at me, I just felt – exhilarated. Whenever she forgot to eat her meal, I just felt like I want to bring the food to her. When she show that sweet smile to anyone, especially Seulgi or Wendy, it annoys me. She never smile at me like that, even once.” Taeyeon grumble and an amused eyebrow raised up on the other alpha profile.


“Her hobbies, her like and dislike, just everything, I want to know. I want to do it with her, simply just hang out with her, even if the book is boring. I want to wake up in the morning with her in my arms and I want to shower her with kisses before we sleep – “


Sakura clenches her teeth, nodding along while Taeyeon rambles, trying so hard holding in her laughter. She could have never imagine the day she will witness the woman’s lover would talk about a girl, would want to do something that is normal for someone who’s known to have a erted mind.


Sakura coughed out, rubbing her nose (screening her grin). “Wow! That was – woah.”


“Now you know why I’m in deep trouble.” Taeyeon let out a dejected sigh.


Sakura finally coughed out a chuckled. “Aww, come on. Why do you look so down? It wasn’t that bad. Falling in love is not worth being embarrassed about. It’s normal. That’re just a human who has feelings.”


“I know it’s not, but why it has be her? Why can’t this heart choose someone else? Someone who does not hate of my mere existent.”




Now, she understood.


“I’m sorry Tae. I wish I can help you, but as you can see – I’m pretty bad at this whole feelings honesty kind of situation.”


Taeyeon sighed. “At least you’re lucky, Eunbi likes you too. Me? Probably in another life.”


Sakura pats her friend shoulder. “There’s always someone else..”


“What do you mean someone else? I’m not saying I’ll give up.”


Sakura blinked, dumbfounded.




“I’m the Alpha for a reason. This body, this face...” her hand motioning around her face, “...are not built to give up. I’m gonna win that frozen heart. What Taeyeon wants, Taeyeon gets. I’m gonna melt that freezing organ.” Taeyeon says, determined.


Is this the same girl who looked like she just experience a heartbreak? Where this confident behavior came from? Even though she did not say it aloud, she is one percent rooting for Taeyeon.


Both of the Alphas jerked at the same time, startled by the loud cheers and the high pitch screech from the two princesses.


“Irene Bae! BAE JOOHYUN!” Joy holler as she and Eunbi hops excitedly.


“Swimming Goddess Irene Bae Joohyun!”


The two Alphas winced. “Wow! They are loud.”


“Is that...” Sakura squint her eyes to get a better look, recognizing someone familiar on that stage. “Is that Seulgi?”


“What?” Taeyeon immediately turn her attention to the front. Two, three seconds later, her eyes widen. “That is Seulgi. What is she doing –“


“Ehh?? Why is my bearbear doing back on stage?” The younger princess asked, baffled to see an edgy bear seated at the desk up front.


“Hm? One of Wendy’s unnie backup dancer is there too.” Eunbi told. “Seulgi unnie didn’t tell you anything.”


“No. All she said was she’s hungry.”






Her bottom slammed hard against the chair, a soft whimpered slipped out of , knee bashing against the desk. In front of her stood Miss Hwang, a devilish smirk dotting her face and Seulgi felt her body trembling at the sight.


“Am I in trouble?” she blurts out in the midst of panic.




Her body went rigid forgetting how to breathe for a moment as the devil queen lean closer, hovering over the desk.


“But you will if you leave this chair.”


Seulgi swallowed, frantically nodding her head.


“Smart girl.”


Her surrounding spins and she thought she’s about to pass out right there, but it was actually her head swirling around the set, praying for someone – just anyone will come and rescue her or maybe just a certain hamster friend.


Couples of desks and chairs properly arrange around the stage, another huge desk and a white board at the front and this particular vibe really felt like déjà vu. This uneasy air feels like she’s in detention with her seated at the noiseless room and Miss Hwang hawk eyes watching over their every moves except this time, Wendy is not there with her.


Seulgi felt like crying.


Then, she found Lisa at the far back amongst other students (she doesn’t recognize any of them) of this seemingly torturous classroom and she caught a glimpse of Irene at the corner of her eyes seated at the desk in front of the younger girl, which she didn’t paid much attention at this crucial time. She tried to reach out to the younger girl, sending ‘S.O.S’ signal with her eyes which of course the younger girl failed to understand because luck wasn’t always on her side. Lisa only giving a hoist of the shoulders as a respond and veer her attention back to Irene who by the way had a nerve to flash her an apologetic smile.


Why did she always had a knack for being unlucky?


A cold? In this hot season? But her palms, no wait, not just her palms, her entire body were covered – drenching with sweats. Seulgi doesn’t know anymore, the lights made her head spins, she feels nauseas, and she doesn’t care if she vomit in front of these cheering crowds. One thing she most sure of, the moment the curtains open and Miss Hwang pulled out a long rod from underneath the table gazing at her with that devilish smirk, she almost pee in her pants.


The tip of the rod hit the whiteboard and Seulgi was ready to jump off the stage but unable to do so. Not when that paired of sharp eyes fixated on her.


Usually, she would avoid making eye contact with the teacher, however this time, there’s something about them tempt her to stay, luring her into a new world where logic doesn’t exist.


As if she was hypnotize, her ears blocked everything around her, vision limited to a minimal space as the teacher gracefully settle her hands on top of the huge desk, leaning over with a smirk she has never seen before.





I got this vision on my mind...

You got me sinning with desire...



Seulgi swallowed thickly, following the tip of the rod scraping along that sharp jaw-line and disappeared between those white structures.


Her hands grip the side of the chair as the woman – yes, the woman in front of her is not Miss Hwang anymore.


She is a woman.


The said woman crawl over the desk like a tiger stalking its prey and now, the predator seated face to face with the said prey and Seulgi restrain herself not to wander her eyes at those folded legs up to that expose thighs.


Seriously, is the air conditioner broken? Why is getting hot all of sudden? Seulgi was sweating bullets feeling a cold sensation made contact with her burning skin. Her gaze followed the tip of the rod as the woman draw a light pattern from her head and ended at her chest, blemish her skin with invisibles scars.


Her eyes followed the retreating rod. A sharp intake and maybe a little bit too loud but who cares when you encounter with a paired of bewitching crescent moon.



This woman, woman, woman, woman, woman,

Wants you bad.

I want you over my skin..



Literally, her soul has left her body and Seulgi doesn’t know which of those actions make her thinks she accidentally travelled into this parallel world. The woman disheveled hair, or those undone buttons or just that adult – sensually exciting body waves, because logically thinking, this isn’t normal.


How could this possibly be real!






To where she is sitting, she could see how uncomfortable the innocent alpha looked. The guilt doubled up when she saw how stiffed the alpha had become when Miss Hwang lean over the desk with that sultry glint, thinking Miss Hwang is a one scary - dangerous woman.


This is bad idea. This is a mistake. She shouldn’t agree to this scandalous plan. Is it late to back down?


A soft whispered and she turn to look at the younger girl behind her.




The younger girl smile at her. “Is that what you meant when you asked me to be your assistant?” She gestured to the front where the teacher stood amongst those dancers, serenading an innocent student with sinful body rolls and naughty gestures.


Irene face heated up, having a second hand embarrassment for her crazy partner. “Y-yeah. I’m really sorry for this.”


Lisa coolly shrugged. “Eeehh, I don’t see any problem with it. In fact, I’ll be gladly to assist you sunbaenim. You can use me all you want.”




Irene involuntarily lean backward, flustered by the mischievous gleam.


“Use me Irene sunbaenim.”






Her left leg won’t stop shaking and her nail probably reform into a weird shape with the constant biting. She badly want to save her bear friend and free her from this torturous stage. The teacher must have lost her mind at some point during her childhood life. This whole vibe of this performance simply scream – Rated 18.


She wonder if Miss Hwang is secretly a e because – this is not appropriate at all. Too scandalous, criminally disgusting.


And then, there’s Irene – Bae Joohyun!


Her crush haven’t even make any movement and yet, she already have a strong feeling she might ended up with a cardiac arrest. Not to mention, the thing she whispered earlier, the whole punishment talk.


“Possibly? She saw the kiss? Nah... That can’t be the reason.”


It drive her crazy. Irene was driving her crazy with that husky whispered of hers, planting an incorrect picture to her helpless brain. And halfway cudgeling her brain to solve the mystery behind the unknown mistake she did, her brain shut down. The whole amount of possibilities disappeared, leaving her brain completely empty the second their gazes clashed.


Lisa was telling Irene something but she didn’t even bothered to know. She was busy trying to simmer down her overloading senses.


The increase beating against her chest didn’t slow down even after Irene turn her back on her. As a matter a fact, it trigger an emotional strain. Those eyes, they were dark – hold so many hidden mystery that Wendy herself do not want to discover, fatal for a mortal human such as herself to unfold.


(I want you over, over, over, over and over...)


Miss Hwang voice didn’t reach her ears, not when the goddess that chain her heart suddenly shift position, climbing on top of the desk facing Lisa, her hands itching to pull the skirt that rolled up when Irene folded her legs, exposing those milky thighs.


A hard thump and she was struggling for air when she caught that kittenish leer and that wanton smirk and palpably wasn’t meant for the younger girl, but was intended to her.


Wendy gulp.


There’s nothing wrong with being bad..

You know that’s what you like about me...



Wendy choked. Oh God, the lip bite – not breaking eye contact, felt like a powerful punch to her gut.





Just run your fingers down my back...

Go ahead and feel up on my body, Ooh baby..



Wendy stumble a bit, the strength on her knee depleted. She could taste blood by the hard biting on her lower lip when those playful fingers sliding up to the well-defined nape as Irene arched, tilting her chin slightly upward. And when Irene sing the last line while looking at Wendy with hooded eyes – only help animate the funny heat in her body.


The button down shirt she had on were damp, it was getting hotter and hotter the longer she watched. Her palms were clammy, tingling with mixed feelings. Excitement, desire, nervous – anger, she can’t pick which one she felt at this moment, in this exact time.


Irene shift again and this time, she course to the desk where Lisa seated. The distance between them far too close for Wendy enjoyment. She didn’t have to see Lisa face to know the younger girl enjoying every bit of the performance because the instant Irene grasp the black tie, Lisa didn’t think twice reciprocate the action and placed her hands on Irene’s thighs, brushing the milky skins with her brazen hands.


Wendy had to bite her knuckle to keep herself sane and not jump onto the stage, and separate those tangled arms. Did they practice before without Wendy knowledge? Because their movement looked well damned natural.


Scew Seulgi! She’s the one who needs to be saved. This is much worse than Miss Hwang punishment. Intentionally or not, this is torturous. Irene was torturing her, wrenching her pure heart.


(Was this the punishment?)


Another feverish glance over the shoulder and that’s it, Wendy was gone.


With one arm supporting against the nearest wall, Wendy swallowed. “Hooo Lord, save my soul.”



(the rest of the performance, I leave to your guys imagination)





The performance ended with the two performers sat on the backup dancers’ laps (Seulgi and Lisa) and the huge auditorium were flooded with thundering noises. Whistling – deafening screams, all kind of noises describe how much they liked the scandalous stage.


Some were gushing over Miss Hwang new persona, some were praising the swimming princess vocal when she belt out and hit the high notes in the bridge, the teacher flavorish runs and ad-libs.


However, unlike the delightful audiences, four girls stood immobile at their spot. The stage they’d just witnessed prior struck them speechless. Stumped them up to the point they couldn’t give a proper reaction, not enough time to registered the whole thing.


“Urmm...” Eunbi her dry lips. “...that was – something.”


She could see her girlfriend agreed with a weak nod, doe eyes blinking couple of times before parted.


“Err...I don’t know what to say. Your sister – the overall performance just – wow.”


Eunbi brows furrowed as Sakura continue.


“Your sister, Irene ssi – I have no idea she had that in her. Your sister, she’s kind of – she looks really -“

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1701 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1701 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh