Chapter 4

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One week later… (The Alpha)


“Huahhhh….I miss Wendy!” Taeyeon exclaim and leaned her head on Seulgi shoulder. ‘The Alpha’ are currently sitting at their usual spot inside the school cafeteria but one of them was missing from the group.


“Yeah, me too!” Seulgi sighed also missing her hamster friend while Sakura nods her head as she was also felt the same. “What did she said to you again? Did she tell you how long she’s gonna be there?” Seulgi asked Sakura.


“No! She only said this to me…” Sakura cleared and tried mimicking Wendy voice. “Sakura, today I am going to Japan with my team and I will be back soon. Oh! And about the cleaning duty… I will make it up to you somehow. Bye, see you later! Wish me luck! And she just close the door before I could even uttered a word.”


“That girl…she always left us wondering when will she comes back.” Seulgi grumble, doesn’t like Wendy leaving them without further information.



At the same time… (The Princess)


The Princess were also at their usual spot inside the cafeteria, minding their own business. Jessica leans her head on Joy shoulder sleeping, while the younger girl was busy playing with her phone. Irene was silently eating her lunch but her eyes were focused at Eunbi; Watching and trying to figure out her younger sister strange antics as Eunbi stretch out her neck and whirled her head from left to right with her eyes roaming all around the cafeteria, like she was searching for someone.


After observing her younger sister for quite sometimes, Irene finally spoke. “Eunbi? What are you doing?” Eunbi head snap towards her sister, a little bit surprised.




“You’re acting…kinda strange.”


“What are you talking about unnie? I’m fine!”


“You…look like, you’re looking for someone…” Irene trailed, squinting her eyes at the anxious girl.


“W-what are you talking about? I’m n-not looking…for someone.” Eunbi mumbled the last part.


“Oh, really? Then tell me…why did your head and your eyes keeps on rotating 360 degrees?” Irene asked, twirling her index finger in the air as an example.


“I did not!”


“Yes you did!”


“No, I’m not!”


“Yes, you-“


“Maybe she was looking for someone special.” Jessica cut in, surprising Irene and Eunbi as Jessica eyes still closed shut.


“Err…is she sleep talking?” Eunbi whispered to her sister.


“I think so too.”


“I can hear you guys.” Jessica finally open her eyes and sat up straight. “Are you gonna eat that?” Jessica pointed at Eunbi untouched Sandwich.


“Urrmm…no. You can have it unnie.” Eunbi push her Sandwich to Jessica.


“Thanks!” Jessica unwrapped the delicious Sandwich and eat it in fast speed, once again surprising the two siblings.


“Jess, when is it the last time you eat? Did you even had your dinner last night?” Irene asked after Jessica finishes the Sandwich.


“Urrrm…Maybe…I don’t know!”


“No, she hasn’t. Jessica unnie didn’t even touch my special chicken dish that I prepared for her last night.” Joy pouted, sulking. Irene and Eunbi giggled watching Jessica trying but also failing at coaxing the younger girl when suddenly she heard gasp and squealing voices coming from the students.


“Wendy is back!” She heard one of the girl exclaim excitedly and before she knows it, the girls were running and screaming.


“Great! She’s finally came back.” Irene groaned.


“Seriously though…Is she some kind of an idol or something?” Jessica said, puzzled at the sudden ruckus the students had cause just because of a certain someone.


“Well…our group and The Alpha are the idol figures in our school. Just stating the truth.” Joy commented and continued playing with her phone. Irene doesn’t know if it was her imagination but Eunbi suddenly become cheery?



Wendy step out from their school bus and immediately makes her way towards the cafeteria, knowing her three friends will be there. Entering noisy cafeteria, Wendy spotted her three friends at their usual table looking all gloomy and a smiles creep out from her face at the sight.


“I can’t finish this. I don’t have any appetite.” Seulgi said, pushing her tray full of food. Taeyeon and Sakura were slightly shocked by the unusual food lover nature.


“This is not normal. Are you sick?” Taeyeon asked, worried.


“I’m fine! I just don’t have any appeti- ufghhh…” Seulgi grunted when two arms appeared behind her back, hugging her neck.


“Hye guys! Miss me?” Wendy greeted brightly.


“Wendy!!” The three girl exclaimed loudly and bounced towards their friend for a group hug.


“Guys, can’t breathe.” Wendy gasped feeling the lack of air since the three hugging her tightly.


“Sorry!” The three girls quickly release their hold.


“You guys really miss me huh?”


“Yes!” The three blurts out simultaneously.


“You know how hard it is for me to clean the toilet all by myself.” Sakura said taking her seat back.


“You mean…you only miss me because I’m not there to help you?” Wendy asked, settling herself beside Seulgi.


“Yes!” Wendy chuckled.


“You cut your hair.” Seulgi spoke, touching Wendy new short blonde hair.


“You even change the color. Welcome to the blonde hair club my friend.” Taeyeon beamed.




“If your fans-“ Seulgi didn’t even manage to finish her sentence when a bunch of screaming girls crowding up their tables. Seulgi heave a soft sighed. “…they will freak out.” Seulgi mumbled, watching her hamster friend getting the love and adoration from her fangirls.


Moments later, finally ‘The Alpha’ group can finally breathe fresh air after Wendy fangirls leave their alone. “Eat! I know you didn’t eat properly when you’re in Japan.” Seulgi said, giving Wendy her chicken before she also started eating her food.


“I thought you said, you don’t have any appetite?” Taeyeon smirks.


“Now I have.” Seulgi simply replied, giving Wendy her cupcakes. Taeyeon and Sakura chuckled watching their bear friend starts vacuuming all her foods.


“So…any interesting event happen while I was gone?” One of her eyebrows lifted when her friends didn’t reply to her question as Seulgi and Sakura eyes were on the nervous Taeyeon. “Did something happen?” Sakura nudge Taeyeon with her elbows.


“Urrm…well…” Taeyeon hesitate, scratching her un-itchy head.


“The cleaning duty have been add to another one week.” Sakura chimed in.


“What?” Wendy exclaimed out loud, shocked. “W-what…happen?”


“Well…” Taeyeon trailed.




“Today will be the last day Taeyeon. The last day you will do your punishment with that sleeping beast.” Taeyeon grumpily mumbled, mopping the toilet floor roughly. “Now that I mentioned her…where is she? She better not escape or lazing around again.” Taeyeon put down her mop as her eyes darted around the closed cubicles door. “Don’t tell me…she’s sleeping inside one of this stalls.” Taeyeon groaned.


Opening and kicking the closed cubicles’ door, finally she found Jessica sleeping on the toilet bowl with a plunger on her hand. “Just as I expected!” Taeyeon face scrunched up. “This lazy girl. What am I going to do with you?” An evil smiled creep out on her face as an idea pop inside her brain. “You wait!” Taeyeon chuckled evilly and walked away.


Two minutes later, Taeyeon came back but with a bucket full of cold water with her. She walked closer towards the sleeping girl and yelled out loud. “YO! Sleeping beast, wake up!” Taeyeon poured the water on Jessica.


Jessica eyes shot open when she felt cold water hitting her skin. “Ahhhh!!!!” Jessica let out a high pitch dolphin screamed.


“Shut up! Stop screaming or I will be deaf because of you.” Taeyeon said, covering her poor eardrums that will burst because of Jessica high pitched screamed.


“YOU!!!” Jessica stood up and pushed Taeyeon roughly out from the stall. “You are so dead!!” Jessica shouted and tries to land a punched on Taeyeon face but Taeyeon quickly dodge Jessica fist. Taeyeon laughed mockingly when Jessica tries to kick her but failed when she accidentally kick the bucket instead.


“Aww…come on! Why do you have to kick that poor bucket? It didn’t do anything to you.” Taeyeon taunt adding the fuel to Jessica flame. Jessica was extremely furious as her face was turning to red color watching the blonde girl grinned teasingly at her.


“Jess!” Irene and Eunbi all of sudden appeared. “Are you okay? Why are you screaming?”


“Unnie, why are you wet?” Eunbi asked. The two siblings were confused and also shocked seeing Jessica drenched from top to bottom.


“Oh, I wanted her to be fresh. So I poured water on her.” Taeyeon sneered, satisfied with her work. Seconds later, her eyes widen. Realizing she’s in big trouble when the siblings dashes towards her.




Taeyeon was in luck when Sakura and Seulgi came to the toilet just in time. Irene and Eunbi were holding both of her arms and Jessica were ready to beat her. Sakura and Seulgi immediately sprang into action, helping the helpless Taeyeon and saved the day. But…


30 minutes later…


“This is all your fault!” Sakura hissed, blaming Taeyeon for giving them another ruthless punishment form Miss Hwang.


Miss Hwang made the six girls do a duck walks for 50 rounds around the fields as a punishment for their behavior. “Sorry?” Taeyeon apologize.


“Why must you poured water on her?” Seulgi growl.




“Thanks to you…we have to do this and another week of cleaning duty.” Sakura grumbled, glaring at Taeyeon.






“Yeah…sorry about that.” Taeyeon apologize to Sakura and Seulgi again.


“Next time, don’t do it okay?” Wendy ruffles Taeyeon hair. “If you have any ideas or plans to prank them, bring us with you.” Sakura immediately punish the hamster by smacking her head with her chopstick.


“Don’t encourage her.”


“I was joking!” Wendy rubs her head, pouting.


“Oh…and about the cleaning duty. It had been switch. You are no longer the same team with me.” Sakura added.


“So…who is my new partner?”







Later that evening, Eunbi was silently wiping the mirrors but her eyes keeps stealing glances at the short blonde not too far away from her who was in the middle mopping the floor. Eunbi doesn’t know why but her hearts keeps on beating in weird pace and she felt anxious for some unknown reasons. Wendy presence was quite distracting for her and she find her sister rival new hairstyles looks good and so damn attractive on her. Son Wendy is hot! Eunbi shook her head and shoved the thought away, thinking why she felt that way and she blames the Macaron’s for making her feeling this way.


“Eunbi?” Eunbi flinched hearing Wendy voice and whipped her head towards Wendy direction.


Wendy smiled at her. “Do you need help?”


“H-help?” Eunbi cursed at herself for stuttering. Why did she felt nervous all of a sudden?


“Do you need help with the cleaning since I already finish mine.” Eunbi peeked at Wendy back and saw the other side was already sparkling clean.


“Urrmm…” Eunbi don’t know why but she couldn’t think anything to replied or respond to Wendy offer. Her tongue suddenly felt numb seeing Wendy smiling brightly at her.


“W-what are you doing?” Eunbi asked, a little bit surprised when Wendy starts to wipe her unfinished mirrors.


“Helping you of course.” Wendy casually replied.




“Because that’s what teammates do. I can’t just leave you and let you do this alone you know.” Wendy stop and looks at her, smiling again.


“T-thank you!” Eunbi could feel her face heating up under Wendy warm gaze.


“No problem.”


It was almost dark when Eunbi and Wendy went back to the dorm. Wendy was willingly and even waited for Eunbi to walk with her back to the dorm even though Eunbi refused. But after several attempt of persuading and telling the younger girl it was not safe for her to walk alone, Eunbi finally agreed. Eunbi was silently touched at how the older girl cared for her, even though they are not closed and they are not exactly in a good terms since Wendy and her sister are a very well-known enemies among the G.A.T students.


Upon entering the dorms, all eyes were glued at the two girls. Well, can you blame them? Is not a rare sight to see two rivals came back together? Stepping inside the students lounge, Eunbi spotted Taeyeon and Sakura on the couch laughing at something Taeyeon said. But as soon as the two saw them, the laughter died down and replaced by a frown. Confused maybe? Eunbi heard Wendy called their name and waved her hands excitedly at the two girls as Sakura and Taeyeon also waved back at her but still with a confused look on their face.


Wendy turn her head towards Eunbi and smiled at the younger girl. “It was nice walking home and talking with you. Hope we can do it again next time. Eat a lot tonight. Bye Eunbi!” Wendy patted Eunbi head before skipping happily towards her friend. Eunbi face flushed red and her heart once again beating erratically when Wendy touched her head. She shook her head and quickly walked away from the lounge feeling she had gone crazy.


“Hye guys! What are you guys talking about?” Wendy asked and slumped herself beside Taeyeon. Sakura and Taeyeon eyeing their bright friend before Taeyeon decide to land a punch on Wendy shoulder.


“Ow! What’s that for?” Wendy held her punched shoulder, glaring at Taeyeon.


“What are you doing with that chick?” Taeyeon asked, didn’t care about her friend glare on her.




“What she meant…Why are two coming back together?” Sakura crossed her arms and frown, suddenly feeling uneasy.


“Who? You mean Eunbi?”


“Yeah!!” Sakura and Taeyeon nodded their head frantically.


“Oh, I offered to walk her back. It’s not safe for a pretty girl like her walking back alone you know.” Wendy replied coolly.


“Pretty girl?” Taeyeon smirks. “Son Wendy ssi…are you perhaps like your rival younger sister?” Taeyeon teased, wiggling her eyebrows.


“Don’t be ridiculous. I was just being nice.” Wendy shoved Taeyeon face away from her.


“Yeah right…if you like her, just tell us already. She’s…well hot. Right?” Taeyeon nudge Sakura who was beside her. However, Sakura didn’t reply but only scoffed at her before walking away. “What’s wrong with her?” Wendy shrugged her shoulders.




After dinner, Sakura was laying still on her bed thinking about a certain som

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1701 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1701 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh