Chapter 23

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Liquid flows down at the side of her head. Was it sweat or blood, she couldn’t care less. Both of them were breathing hard. Her legs trembles, she doesn’t have enough energy to stand up, let alone to move. She felt like she wanted to throw up but manage to swallow all back down . But she had to get a grip and maintain her balance. She won’t let him win. She smack her palms onto her trembling thighs and bring her gaze up.


Hyunsik doesn’t look as good as her either. Left eye swollen, split lips, red liquid flowing out of his nose and he is too struggling to stand on both of his feet.


Seeing his condition, the side of her lips tug upward into a smirk. “Giving up already?”


“ you!” He spat.


“Sorry, I don’t roll that way.”


“You…” he coughed, stumbling a step back and Wendy almost felt sorry for him, how pathetic he tried to keep his balance. His dignity by leaning against the car.


“You ruined everything!”


Wendy scoffed. The nerve to put the blames on her. “I didn’t do nothing. You start all this and all I did is to prevent people like you to get what he wants.”


“You don’t know what you have done. If I can’t keep her with me, they will throw me away.”


Wendy frown, confused. What is he talking about?


“Are you happy now? You destroy my life.”


“Okay, now you just making things up.”


“I was the next in line. I’m the next successor. But that stupid old hags of parents won’t inherited it to me unless I marry her. She was the key to my life. About all my ed up life and you stole her away from me!”


She was right all along. Hyunsik doesn’t give a about Irene, or anyone in general. All he cares about was his life, the power, money –


“I honestly don’t give a about your bad relationship or whatever it is that’s going on in your family. Your life ed up because you ed it up. And now, you want to up someone else’s lives too. And I guarantee you, I won’t let that happen.”


Sirens wailing – and Wendy smirk.


“It’s over Hyunsik.”


A madden shout and Hyunsik lurches forward.


Wendy impassively watches him trip and fell down on all four, coughing out red spits again and again. Pathetically wheezing.


She turn her back on him. A victory smile adorning her face.


He’s done. Wendy wins.


As she was just about to leave, her eyes spotted someone.







After the fight and to put it simply, they had caused a quite – a huge messed. The emergency room had a busy night, overcrowded with people and mostly because half of the patient inside that room are injured teenagers that needed to be treated because of fighting… To make it short, paramedics, the nurses and doctors, they had a fun night.


Both Joy and Irene had just arrived at the Hospital after one hour of interviews, giving testimony to the prior incident at the station. It was a long night of emotional restraint. Irene had a hard time maintaining her composure while being questioned, and finally at one point she broke down. All those times Hyunsik had abuse her emotionally and his attempt to her that one night, Irene had told them in heavy sobs.


It was hard for her to talk about it. Irene doubt they couldn’t do anything but she felt the burden has lessen. She knows those officers wanted to help. But she also knows, that justice, unlikely can be served.



Irene felt a mild cramp emerging at the back of her head as listened attentively at the conversation between the two siblings. Apparently, Joy’s brother works in this Hospital, who also by the way in charge of an important – a VIP patient, who turns out her family own the Hospital they are currently in – a patient named Wendy Shon Seungwan.


Irene already knew Wendy came from a wealthy family, so no surprises there. But the name ‘Shon’ she never heard of them before. And Seungwan – she didn’t even know Wendy had a Korean name. Irene realized, there’s so much about Wendy she still doesn’t know.


(Definitely a long night.)


“She’ll be alright. Just a little bit of sleep, she’ll be back to cause more trouble.” The doctor, Joy’s brother jokes. Joy and Irene sighs. That’s a great news.


“But I do have a concern though.” The man says in all seriousness that made Irene and Joy furrowed their eyebrows, giving each other a quizzical look.


“I don’t think Wendy can rest with your girlfriend bawling next to her bed.” He says with a teasing grin.


Joy flushed in red while Irene snort beside her. Irene had to admit, seeing Seulgi crying her eyes out while holding Wendy’s hand, like Wendy is in the verge of dying, it was quite a sight.


“Ahh oppa. She’s just feels bad. She was the reason why Wendy unnie is lying in there in the first place.”


For those who are curious, the reason why Wendy was unconscious and bleeding on the ground when they found her was because of Seulgi. Turns out, Seulgi was unable to control her wildness and accidentally hit Wendy pretty badly. So, yes. It wasn’t Hyunsik or his minions. Yeah…so there’s that. And maybe, that’s the cause of Irene headache.


“That cuddly teddy bear must feel awful. Especially after getting a deadly glared from your cold friend. She didn’t speak but her eyes though, woah. Terrifying.” He shudders recalling Jessica piercing stares.


Irene too, shudders as Jessica ghastly stared flash right through her vision. Jessica haven’t spoken a word, but Irene remembers the room temperature drop down instantly, setting the room into a snowstorm. Irene won’t lie that she didn’t feel scared, because she did. Thankfully, Jessica doesn’t do anything that Irene would consider hellish and left the room in silent.


“Where did you find all of your friends?”


“Oppa, are you insulting my friends?”


The man laughed again, ruffling his sister hair. “You have some unique friends.”


Both teenagers watches the man walked away until he’s out of sight before Irene spoke.


“You never told me your brother work here.”


“But I did mention he’s a doctor.”


“And the way he spoke about Wendy, it’s like they’ve known each other for a very long time.”


“Ahh…” Joy grin sheepishly, scratching her jaw.


She’s hiding something, Irene thought.


“Did I mention that Wendy unnie and I are neighbors?”


Alright! That’s new. That’s an interesting information. “Excuse me?”


“And did I mention that Wendy unnie and I have known each other since we were like… ten – twelve.”


Irene gape. Now it all make sense. Why the two are so casual with each other.


“Why didn’t you tell us about this? So basically, you two are like what – childhood friends?”


“More like playmates.”


“Isn’t that the same?”


“Kind of.”


Irene stares at her for a moment. Judging from her body posture, there’s more to that.


“Is there something else you wanted share? More secrets that I – that we don’t know.”


“Her parents are loaded and owns several other Hospital across the country, including this Hospital. And her family made to the top 10 list of wealthiest family in the world this year?”


That wasn’t the answered she look for, but…


That did blow her mind.


How rich is Wendy anyway? And how come she never heard of the name Shon before?


She cast the younger girl another long look. Maybe it was just her being overly suspicious, she had a feeling Joy left an important detail. Another secret.


“And what else?”


Or maybe she was not wrong. She notice those quivering eyeballs and before she could ask, Joy had speedily move to the door where Wendy currently in, chuckling as she open the door. Instantly, they heard sniffling noises from inside the room.


“Joy –“


“Sorry unnie. We’ll talk later after I take Seulgi unnie to see urm… my brother.” Then she disappeared into the room, not forgetting to close the door right in front of her face.


Yup! She’s hiding something.






Jessica made a sudden brake at the door. Inside another VIP room in this Hospital, she sees ghosts floating around the room and stood in the middle of these ghosts was a spook Kim Taeyeon.


Stunned, Jessica took a step back and made sure she was in the right room. After making sure she was indeed in the right room, Jessica step back inside and her hazy mind still sees them.


Taeyeon’s freaking out.


Taeyeon’s attack by ghosts.


She doesn’t know should she feel happy about this situation, where the usually cocky girl losing her cool or should she go in and help her captain. But then her conscious mind told her –


-‘you’re afraid of ghosts.’


Right! Maybe she should stay quiet and just enjoy watching Taeyeon get eaten by a bunch of ghosts.


“Sica unnie.”


A pair of hands belongs to Eunbi grasps her arm and the engine in her fogy brain restarted.



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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1702 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1702 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh