Chapter 13

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It’s a new day. It was peaceful at G.A.T high school. The students went to class, having lunch, attending their club activities and basically, following their daily schedules for the day. Everything was going smoothly. That is until…


“W-wait, what? Hang on.” Jessica pull the young junior back.


“Yes, sunbaenim?” The young girl looks at her quizzically.


“I think I misheard you. Did you say Miss Kwon want me to what now?”


"S-she wants all contestants for the summer showcase to gather at the music room tomorrow… -after class.” The young girl repeats timidly. Jessica icy demeanor frighten her.


Jessica splutter incredulously. “There’s got be a mistake. I didn’t sign up for that summery show- whatever.”


The girl squirm. “B-but…your name is on the list sunbaenim. You wrote your name-“


“Obviously you made a terrible mistake. There is no way I would sign up for that-“


A sudden giggled caught Jessica ears as she whipped her head towards the source.


Her blood instantly shot up, getting a hint behind this puzzling riddle of terrible mistakes.


“Kim Midget! You sign me up! You wrote down my name?”


Taeyeon titter amusingly. “Good luck ice princess. Sing well.” And she ran off before Jessica could pounce on her.









“That stupid midget. I’m gonna rip every single doll she have and burn it till the last bit of dust.” Jessica muttered between bared teeth.


Jessica rubbed her temple. She can’t believe Taeyeon play a stupid prank on her by signing her up for their school big summer showcase. The showcase has become a tradition for how long…she didn’t care. The event will be held every year before the summer break and unfortunately this year, she’s gonna be in it. Singing and dancing is too much for her lazy body to handle.


“I know why I’m here. But…why are you here?” Jessica asks, looking at the fuming girl beside her.


“Some idiot put my name on that list.” Irene grumbled.


“You got prank too? Do you know who did it?”


Irene crossed her arms, there are smokes coming out her nose as her eyes landed on the short blonde sitting beside Jessica.


“Apparently, that idiot think it would be fantastic watching me and that annoying brat compete before summer break. How thoughtful of her. So wonderful.” Irene beamed sarcastically.


Jessica lift an eyebrow and turn to the girl next to her. “Did someone wrote your name Wendy?”


“Nope. I sign up for myself. I want to experience everything in our last school year. It’s gonna be fun. Right, Joohyun?”


“I told you not to call me Joohyun.” Irene spat fiercely.


“Hehe, sorry. On the other hand, I think this is going to be the best summer showcase this school will ever have. Hey, don’t you think…” Wendy begin talking to the other girls behind them.


Irene groans and slump against the chair. “This is not happening. Tell me this is another horrible nightmare.”


“Sorry to break it to you. As much as I wish this were a nightmare too… It’s not. It’s the reality.” Jessica says, sighing.


“Arghhh…stress!” She grunt.


“Should we back out? It’s not too late to back out now. I mean, no one’s gonna stop us.” Irene suggest.


“Maybe we should leave.”


“Yes, we should.”


As the two princesses gather up their things ready to take off from the scene, the strict teacher step inside the classroom making both of them to halt their movement. The noisy classroom suddenly become quiet as the teacher roamed her sharp piercing gaze around the room.


“I must say I am impressed. I didn’t expect some of you will participate in this showcase.” Miss Kwon says, scanning her students and when her eyes landed on the two princesses, she smirk.


“If you have any intention to drop out from my show, come meet me at my office later.”


The tone in her voice was terrifying, sending chills to everybody inside the room. Jessica and Irene could sense the warning behind her soft voice and they unconsciously gulp.


“Maybe, we should stick around a little- lot longer. Summer showcase sounds like fun.” Irene whispered, trembling.


Jessica nods. “Y-yeah. I mean it’s our last year in high school. There’s nothing wrong with singing and dancing… performing in front of many students.”


Both of them sighed silently. Yup, there’s no way they’re getting out from this one.







The Alpha and The Princess are inside the cafeteria having lunch, sitting on the same table. Other students are still baffle by the two groups’ puzzling friendship. Early this year, they can’t stand to be in the same room but now, they’re actually talking and laughing together. It’s freakishly cute in a good way.


“I can’t believe Taeyeon unnie sign up Sica unnie for the summer showcase. She must hate you more after this unnie.” Joy commented.


“I know and I don’t care.” Taeyeon replied smugly.


Sakura lips curled upward into a smirk. “Or she actually wants to hear the ice princess sing again.”


Taeyeon scoffed. “And make my ears suffer? Definitely, hundred percent - not!”


“Uh-hu. Cause I remember how you look so smitten after that special duet you guys did.” Sakura reminded. “Got knock down by her charm I bet.”


Taeyeon tense up. “I…I was not.”


“Now, that I remember correctly…you sure like you were star struck by Sica unnie, Taeyeon unnie.” Joy added.


Taeyeon sputter. “That is the most craziest thing you guys has ever said to me.”


“Taeyeon said she saw the devil.” Seulgi chimed in. “Maybe she was the reason Taeyeon transport to another world.”


“Do you mean Miss Hwang unnie?” Joy asked amusingly which the bear nodded.


“Miss Hwang terrified me…so very badly. She made me lost my appetite.” The way Seulgi says it was too cute and Joy can’t help but squeal and pull Seulgi into a bear hug.


“Unnie, why are you so cute?”


“Hehe…I guess it’s my natural teddy bear habit.” Seulgi grins and make the younger girl squeal again.


Taeyeon and Sakura faces scrunches up in disgust, revolt by the cute interaction between the two tall girls while Eunbi smile with their adorable antics.


Stealing a brief glance at the cold girl beside her, Eunbi fell into a deep black hole with no light to shine her way out. Sakura is so mysterious and impenetrable for Eunbi to simply get her head’s around. Yes, Sakura did say she likes her as a friend but the quote ‘friends’ doesn’t satisfied her and she felt like there’s something hidden behind that word.


She vividly recalls her date with Yena three weeks ago. When they accidentally bump into Sakura and Hyewon before they went out; how pale Yena turn when her eyes met with her captain fierce cat eyes and how swiftly she put a distance between them left Eunbi wondering. When she asked Yena about it, Yena simply replied by saying ‘I don’t wanna die’. Did Sakura threaten the poor duck? If she did…why?


Prior two weeks after that, Eunbi is even more convince that there is an opposite meaning behind the ‘friend’ word. It all started when she came to watch Sakura hockey practice. It was no surprise that her fans were also there wishing Sakura would acknowledge their presence. Eunbi almost snorted at Sakura fans reaction as Sakura smile and wave at her. Eyes fill with bitterness and envious of Sakura attention.


After the practice finished, Eunbi was already up on her feet when she spotted Sakura walking towards her direction. Her fans were squealing in excitement as Sakura slowly approach them and because of that, one of them unintentionally push her onto the ground. The girl quickly apologize and wants to help her get up but unable to do so as Sakura knee drop beside her and her concern face came into Eunbi line of vision.


“Are you okay? Did you hurt anywhere?” Sakura asks, checking every inch of her body. And when she found a small scratch on Eunbi right knee and it bleed a little, her head snap to her fans.


Eunbi could see the terrified looks on those girls’ faces as Sakura breathing become heavy. Even though Sakura was not facing her, she know the hot volcano will erupt any second now.


“Kkura yaa.” Eunbi quickly grab her attention. “Don’t get angry. I’m fine. It’s just a little scratch. No big deal.”


“No big deal? You’re bleeding.” Sakura exclaimed.


Eunbi blinks, slightly startled by the outburst as Sakura let out a loud huffed.


“W-wait, wait! What are you doing?” Her eyes widen in shocked with Sakura action as she place her arm under Eunbi legs and the other one circle around Eunbi waist.


“Taking you to the nurse office.” She stated firmly.


“It’s only a scratch-kyaa~!” She shriek when Sakura lift her up without warning.


“K-kkura ya, I- I can walk.” Her face burning up as the unpredictable girl started walking towards the school building. “Kkura, put me down.”


“You’re hurt. Stop moving! You’re not light.”


“YAAHH!” She punch the latter.


Sakura was being overdramatic and worries about her tiny scratch more than her sister. As a friend and only as a friend…who acts like that? She remember Seulgi whining about her scratch elbow and Sakura didn’t do like what she did to her and she even dissed Seulgi. Because all of these reasons, Eunbi begin to doubt Sakura as a friend quote.


“Why are you so quiet?” She snap out from her trance and see Sakura looking at her curiously.


“The ice cream doesn’t taste good?” Sakura added.


“Ah, no. I was just wondering urmm… what’s taking them so long? Lunch is almost over.” She come up with an excuse, which the girl believe.


“Probably still deciding which genre they should sing or maybe this time, Miss Kwon have something fresh in mind.” Sakura says.


“Sakura.” Taeyeon called.




“Who’s the pretty girl walking with you just now?”


Eunbi shoulder muscle tense up while Sakura looks confused.




“The pretty girl that came here with you.”


“Oh. That’s Mina. She’s new here. I’m just showing her around.” Sakura simply says.


Taeyeon smirk. “How thoughtful of you showing the new girl around.”


“She’s Japanese and as a Japanese person myself, I’m just helping her out considering her Korean is still a bit…urmm.” Sakura explained. (barely)


“You’re Japanese?” Seulgi blurt out in surprised.


The two Alpha tutted at their bear friend and thought how dense can this bear be.


“Even her name tells you she’s not Korean.” Taeyeon upbraid.


“Well… I thought her parents love cherry blossom. Hehe sorry. Now, I know.” Seulgi grinned.


The two shakes their head. “Anyway…” Taeyeon continued. “…she’s gorgeous.”


“Mina?” Taeyeon nods. “Yeah, she is pretty no doubt about that and also cute.” Sakura chuckles unaware the girl sitting next to her flaming up, gripping her spoon tightly.


“Oooo…Miyawaki Sakura. You never call a girl cute before. Are you interested in her?” Taeyeon smile slyly, wiggling her brows.


Sakura rolls her eyes. “I’m not. She’s shy and I think it’s kinda cute.”


“Ahhh…a shy one. Introduce me to her.” Taeyeon keen.




“Why not?”


“I’m not gonna introduce a nice girl like her to you and I thought you like the ice princess.”


“I like her angel sister not the devil.”




As the two alpha continued with their little bickering, Eunbi keep shut; only her lips jutted out, stabbing the ice cream with her spoon.


‘Pretty and also cute.’ Eunbi hissed bitterly, her stabbing fasten.


Seconds later, she jerk up in shocked. Startled by Wendy appearance, plopping her  beside the younger girl.


“Hello people.” Wendy greeted brightly.


“Wendy! Here, I save this delicious sandwich for you. Eat!” Seulgi says, giving Wendy her precious sandwich, which the hamster gladly take.


“Thank you bearbear.”


“Wahhh…This is absurd. I ask you for the same sandwich but you didn’t give it to me. You like Wendy more than me?” Taeyeon complaint.


“Of course.”




Joy shakes her head as Taeyeon proceed with her protest. “Where’s Sica unnie and Irene unnie?”


“Oh. They’re not satisfied with what Miss Kwon assign to them. So…probably still discussing about it.”


Joy nods. “What about you unnie? What kind of song did Miss Kwon assign you?”


“Not going to tell yaa~~” Wendy stick out her tongue.


They all laughed at Joy annoyed expression. “Haishhh, this unnie. Fine! Don’t tell me.” Joy crossed her arms.


“Don’t get upset. I can’t tell you cause it’s a secret. But… Seul, I need your help with something.”




“We’ll talk later.”


"You gonna keep a secret from us too?” Taeyeon discontented.


“Let it go Tae. Probably it’s an animal secret. Just let them be.” Sakura says.


“Thank you Sakura.” Wendy smile, unaware of those mocking remarks.


Wendy eyes shifted towards the quiet girl, sensing the gloomy aura encircle the younger girl.


“Hey. Are you okay?”


Eunbi carve a weak smile. “I’m okay unnie.”


“Are you sure? You know if you have problems, you can talk to me. I’m a good listener. My ears and my shoulders are ready for you. I have ice cream, soda, snacks in my fridge if a certain hungry bear didn’t already vacuum all of it.”


“I didn’t. I left some for you. I think.” Seulgi says, unsure.


“Beside my foods and my beverage, which I think doesn’t exist anymore..” She squinted at her bear friend one more time.


“…I have your sister in my room. Her melodious yelling can lighten up the atmosphere which is a double blessing for my ears.”


Eunbi giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind unnie. Seriously though, I’m fine unnie.”


“Okay.” Her gaze stir down. “Urmmm…. Is that mango ice cream?”


“Yes.” Seeing the older girl drooling over her ice cream Eunbi crack an amuse smile. “You want?”


Wendy nodded. “Big scoop.” She request.


Granting Wendy wish, Eunbi scoop a large amount of her mango ice cream. And when she turn to look at the older girl, Wendy already had open.


Eunbi can’t help but giggled at the older girl anticipating mouth as she fulfilled Wendy sweet desire.


“Ark! Brain freeze.” Wendy whimpered holding her head.


“Aigoo.” Eunbi drop her spoon as she quickly massage Wendy freezing head. “Is it better now?”


Wendy beamed a toothy grinned. “Yeah. Too much ice cream. No more ice cream for me today.” Eunbi guffawed at the older girl cute way to cheer her up.


“Wendy unnie. Did anyone ever told you, you’re cute?”


“All the time. I don’t get it why people said I’m cute.”


While Eunbi was busy being entertain by the older girl, someone was watching them, jealous with their interaction.







Irene laid down on her bed, groaning for the million times that day. It has been almost two weeks after the meeting and almost two weeks after Miss Kwon gave her a mission. A simple mission she does not yet to succeed.


‘Irene. You can pick any genre you like or whatever song you like but, you have to find a teacher to perform with you.’


At first, she thought it would be easy. This school has many talented teachers. However, convincing them to participate is quite hard because of their busy schedule. Turns out, the simple mission was difficult than she thought it would be.


“Joohyun ah.”


Hearing her Korean name roll out from her enemy tongue instantly flares her up as she shoot a sharp glare towards the latter.


“Stop calling me that already.”


Wendy grins. “Why do you look so down?”


“None of your business.” She spat coldly.


“Is it about the showcase?”


“I said it’s none of your-“


“Can’t find a free teacher, right?”


Irene sighs, sitting up. “No. No one is available.” She finally admit.


“I know someone is available but I don’t think she would do it.”


“Then, you shouldn’t bring that up.” Irene rolls her eyes.


“But…I can convince her for you.”


Irene stares at her suspiciously. “If this one of your little scheme so you can kiss me again. No, thank you.”


“Dang it. It didn’t work.” She dramatically made a devastated expression which Irene respond with boring stares.


Wendy chuckles. “I’m gonna talk to her anyway. And FYI, I can kiss you anytime I want.”


“Y-yah. What makes you think I would let you?”


Wendy smirk. “I’ll wait until you fall asleep.” Wendy winks at her.


She instantly burning up. “YAH!”





“Stupid Son Wendy.” Irene muttered grumpily, shoving her books into her locker.


She didn’t get enough sleep last night. Thanks to Wendy for making her heart frenzied all through the night.


“Miss Bae.” Irene made a little jump, nearly dropping her book.


“Careful.” Miss Hwang warn.


Irene quickly bow to her teacher. “G-good afternoon Miss Hwang.” Then, her mind wandered. Is she in trouble? Did she do something wrong? Is Miss Hwang planning to punish her again? But for what? And with Miss Hwang holding her enemy collar and that defeated expression on her face, screams trouble.


“Miss Bae.”


“Y-yes, yes?”


“Miss Son here told me you need a partner for the summer showcase, correct?”


Irene narrow her eyes at her enemy. Wendy didn’t mention the teacher she was talking about was Miss Hwang.


She can kick her later Irene told herself and flash a polite smile at the teacher.




“I will perform with you…”




“…On one condition.”


Irene quirk an eyebrow. “Urmm…what is it?”


Wendy suddenly whined, wriggling herself from Miss Hwang tight grip trying to break free. And how Miss Hwang scolding, pulling Wendy ear so she would shut , confused Irene even more.


“Can someone else do it?”


“No! She’s the perfect candidate for a troublemaker like you.”


“Am I missing something? Don’t tell me, she’s involve in this.” Irene chuckles nervously, hoping her gut isn’t true.


To her despair, the way Wendy sulked and Miss Hwang infamous devilish smirk corroborate her inkling.


“I’ll become your partner if you tutor this little monster.” The tone she was using sound like an authoritative order. If you declined my command, a terrible curse will be cast upon you.


“Tutor her?” Irene blurt out perplexed by the request.






“Turns out, this little rascal is failing math. And since you are one of my best student, I want you tutor until her brain can’t take numbers anymore.” Miss Hwang snarl, slashing Wendy with her sharp eyes.


Irene stagger, eyes fixated at her pouting enemy. “She’s failing math?”


“Yes, Miss Bae.”


“But…” Irene pause for a moment. “…she’s Wendy.”


She instantly regret blurting out those words as her rival cocky grin ap

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1702 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1702 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh