Chapter 2

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“Gahh…” Wendy jumps onto the bed, back flat against the surface of the mattress while her arms has spreads out to each side of the bed. “You know, I could've die tonight from overheating. That tteobokki sure was spicy. For sure I am camping inside the toilet tonight.” 


The three stares at the girl on the bed rubbing her stomach in amusement, chuckling.  


“You already know you can’t eat spicy food, then why did you accept her challenge?” Seulgi asks. 


“Because I never back down from a challenge. Especially coming from the princess.” 


“So you would rather suffer than back down from a challenge? You would rather die?” Taeyeon probes in teasing manners. 


“Yup, that’s right!”


The three sport the same disbelief smiles as they'd already predicted that answer. As friends and bystanders, they had seen so many silly challenges and fights between two most known rivals in school. A few times it was tie but most of times, Wendy would comes out at the top. However tonight was the first Wendy claim, she almost throws in the white flag. To say that the spicy battle was Irene's idea. Possibly, she finally figure out Wendy weakness?


But that's impossible. No one knew except them. There's no way Irene could've known Wendy can't handle spice. 


Coincidence? Maybe. 


“Well, it’s getting late. My bed is waiting for me." she turns to look at her friend with a look of sympathy. "Good luck tonight Wendy.” Seulgi give a consoling pats on Wendy stomach and left the room with Taeyeon following three seconds late. 


“My friend, as much as I cherish you and your bunghole -"




"If you need help just knock on our door. We will be happy donating some of our toilet paper.” the door was shut before Wendy could throw a pillow at her. 


“Someday I will burn her dookongs.” Wendy grumbles as Taeyeon's laughter echoes across the hall. 


“Hey Wen?"  




Sakura open and then she pauses, seemingly sceptical that causes Wendy brows raising up.




“You and Irene, have you thought about stopping? This rivalry things that's going on between you two. I mean, aren’t you getting tired fighting and competing against her every single day?”


Wendy let out a long thoughtful hummed while Sakura waits.


Not even pass a minute, Sakura patience has reach its limits. 


“Well, do you?”


“Actually…" another thoughful hummed. "...I don’t know." she eventually say. "I couldn't imagine a day wihout it. It's almost become a routine for us. It will be weird if we suddenly stop, don’t you think? Plus - "


That huge grin on Wendy's face threw her off. 


" - she looks so damn cute when she’s angry.”


Sakura couldn't help but think there's something wrong going on inside her friend's head and keep her gaze fixed at the girl laid giggling on the bed. 


“Okay?? You’re the one who's weird, saying your enemy is cute.”


Wendy turns to look at her, her grins grew wider. 


“But don’t you think she looks so cute when she’s angry? The way her eyebrows met, forming those tiny wrinkles, and the way she puffs out her cheeks. And - and the way she yells at me. I tell you, it’s like a beautiful music in my ears.”  Wendy squeals in delight. 


Sakura snorts. Yup, there's definitely some wires damage going on in that brain of hers.


“You have a very unique thoughts about your number one rival." An idea suddenly come into her mind. The idea was so funny to her, it made her laughs. "I bet if you use your flirting skill with her, it would drives her crazy.” 


Wendy bounce up, feet landing onto the floor. “Is that a challenge I hear?” Sakura merely shrugs and that was enough for Wendy to jump up to her feet, face warp in determination. 


Sakura didn't think Wendy would take her joke seriously because obviously she was only joking. 




"W-wait, hold on. I wasn't -" 


"- I'll take that bet.”


"Dude, it wasn't - " 


"- Challenge acce - uffpphh..."


Doe eyes follows those hasten footsteps as Wendy made a sudden dash into the toilet. 


Sakura softly sighs after the toilet door closes with one loud slam. "She's not going to remember it tomorrow." 


"Oh no. Hoo lord, here it comes!" 


Sakura chuckles. Wendy is going to suffer for sure. “It's going to be a long sleepless night.” 



“I can’t believe I lost to her again.” Irene chunter, flopping down on the couch.


Irene tries to simmers down the frustration she felt over losing by breathing in and out, but it was useless. The fact that she had lost once again to Wendy, the fact that she could win, only down by the last piece of tteokbokki and failed, because she couldn't chew faster.  She's allowed to feel angry at herself. 


“Just so you wait Son Wendy. One day I will beat you and wipe that cocky smile off of your face.” 




Irene jerks up and a small yelp slip out of . Her head snap towards the voice and finds Joy standing by the door.




The youngest princess winced at the piercing volume. “Sorry unnie. Did I scare you?" Joy quickly put her palm up before Irene could speak. "Before you say anything, I did knocked. You're so busy talking to yourself, you can't hear me." 


Irene closes and heave out a long breath. "What are you doing here?" 


"Can I come in first?" 


“Yeah, sure. You can come in.” 


“Where’s Eunbi unnie?” Joy asks as she take a seat on the single chair. 


“She's staying with her friends tonight. Sleepover or whatever.” Joy nods. “Are you looking for her?” 

“Actually, it’s the opposite."


"Oh. So what's up?" 


 "If you don't mind, can I ask you a question?” 


“Okay?? Shoot. What is it?”


Joy hesitate, contemplating whether she should voice out her thought. To be honest, it had been bothering her for quite a while. So...


“This has been in mind for so long, since the day I enrolled in school. Urmm.. Why do you hate Wendy unnie? What happen?”


Irene immediately flares up. Only by the name, that specific name made her blood boils.   


“Do you want to know why I hate her? Do you know why?!”  


“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you unnie.”


Joy can see fires ignite from those eyes the instance Wendy's name was mentioned. It made her curiosity about their past history doubled.


Irene sighs. She can't pour out her anger at Joy just because of her ill-feelings towards the cocky alpha. Joy just attend high school this year. She couldn't possibly know. It's fair to say, she deserve an explanation. As for Joy, she has nothing against Wendy and the rest of Alphas. To be completely honest, she and the alphas are in a good terms. 


“Wendy and Seulgi used to go to the same middle school as me. Even back then she was popular as she is now. Everyone wants to befriends with her. Pretty much everyone in school adores her, even the teachers. Just because she's good at everything. Good at sports, music. She can play different kind of musical instruments and she's also happens to be the top student in school.” 


“So…why do you hate her? Wendy unnie is actually very nice.” 


Irene scoffed. “If she’s nice, she won’t humiliated me when I said I wanted to be friends with her."


“Hi! I'm Irene. Irene Bae Joohyun. I just want to say, I admired you as a person. I - I mean, your contribution to our school, I think it's great. You're amazing. No I mean, what I'm trying say is urmm... can I get to know you better? As a - friend?”  She bravely (shyly) says.

However Wendy doesn't respond and kept staring at her with a blank face. 

“You..." she pauses for a brief seconds. "... You have a weird accent.” Wendy blurts out and walked away from a very confounded and red-faced Irene.      


“Do you know how embarrasing it was? Everyone was laughing at me. I didn’t talk for a month because of her. Just because of my satoori dialect.” She huffed.


Joy have to give herself a pat on her back for not bursting out laughing. It's really hard not to laugh because she remember her first meeting with the alpha, the girl had bluntly told her that she resembled a pet chicken she used to had. 


“Was that the beginning of a rival rel

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1702 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1702 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh