Chapter 6

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One week has past, and in for the past one week Sakura and Eunbi relationship grew more closer. After helping her crush with the cleaning duties for one week, Sakura was happy that Eunbi felt comfortable around her now. They are not awkward with each other anymore, they can talk, exchange jokes with each other, laughed together and walking back to the dorm together, has become a routine for them. And Sakura was thankful that Wendy injured her back because if it wasn’t for Wendy injury, she will never had a courage to approach her crush.


Spending time with Sakura was not something Eunbi had imagine before. Even though they are classmate, but they never talk and if they do, it always ended up with an argument. Eunbi learn that behind Sakura cold exterior, she was actually kind, caring and funny. But she also learn that Sakura has a short temper, easily gets irritated and Eunbi doesn’t know what she did that made the girl mad at her, but Sakura anger doesn’t last long and promptly apologize to her. Sakura has a hot and cold personalities.


Just like any other day for the past one week, the two same age girls walked side by side while bumping each other shoulder in playful manner, exchanging teases and sharing a laughed.


“Kkura yaa~~can I please…watch you guys practice? I wanna see you play your guitar.” Eunbi said cutely.


“Not a chance. It was supposed to be a secret practice, no one should know about it. Our performance was supposed to be a surprise.” Sakura declined, even though she almost gave in because of Eunbi cute pleading.


“But Wendy unnie let me watched before.”


“Well, Wendy was just being nice because you barge inside our room without warning, disturbing our secret practice and it will be rude to ask you to leave, don’t you think?”


Eunbi pouted. “Okay, fine! Wendy unnie is nice and you’re mean.”


Sakura laughed. “Come on, don’t be a baby. You can watch us play at the festival.”


“Okay, but you promise I will get the front row seat?”


“It’s our school festival, not The Alpha concert. I can’t save you a seat. You have to come early so you can sit at the front row.”


“Then ask Miss Hwang to reserved three seat for us. She can at least do that after forcing the Alpha to perform.”


“Fine! I’ll see what I can do.”


“Yay!!” Eunbi cheer, clapping her hand. “Will Wendy unnie sing too?”


“I don’t know…I guess you have to find out at the festival.”


“Right…it was supposed to be a surprise.”


“Yes, so…you have to wait, okay?”


“Fine!” Sakura smile looking at her crush sulking and pouting cutely.


They continue to chat on random topics, and Eunbi suddenly ask something that made Sakura suspicious.


“Here’s a random question…urmmm… Is Wendy unnie…urm you know…dating anyone right now?”


Sakura brows knitted. “Why do you want to know?”


“Oh, just a little bit curious because Wendy unnie is nice and pretty and you know…she’s got a lot of admirers..” Eunbi trailed, fingers fidgeting nervously on her bag strap.


“Oh! Well, she’s not dating anyone and as far as I know…she never even mention having a crush on somebody.” Does her eyes play a trick on her, because she swore the expression on Eunbi face suddenly became bright?


“Hmmm…is Wendy unnie straight?”


Feeling something was definitely fishy, Sakura shoved it away and answer her crush question about her best friend. “Oh, Wendy is definitely bend the other way, like the rest of us.”


“Oh, the four of you…are gay?” Eunbi asked, slightly surprised because she didn’t think Sakura roll the other way.


“Obviously! Why do you think we click?”


“I don’t know…maybe you guys share something in common, but I think I know why now.”


“Why? Are you perhaps…have problems with people like us?”


Eunbi shook her head frantically. “No, no! I don’t have any problem because… I’m biual. Jessica unnie is a confident gay, Joy well…I think she’s also bi but Joohyun unnie have a boyfriend, so I think she is straight. But…but I’m definitely okay with it.” Eunbi explained.


“Oh, that’s good then.” Sakura replied, glad by the small information Eunbi gave to her, a tug of confident risen up to pursue her crush.


Few steps away from reaching their dorm, the two of them spotted Wendy outside the gate, one hand on the wall, supporting her body, and she appeared to look exhausted. Seeing her best friend, Sakura immediately call her name, catching Wendy attention as she smile, waving her hand to the two of them.


As the two walked closer towards Wendy, both of them were shocked at the girl state. There’s a bruise on Wendy cheek, her lips cut and there’s a blood underneath her lips, blood stained on her white gym shirt, and her knuckled also bruised, covered in dry blood.


“What happen to you?” Sakura straight away asked in complete concerned.


But her question was left unanswered when Eunbi grab Wendy forearm and pulled the injured girl inside the dorm with her. “Let’s go treat your wound first.”


Having no other choice, Sakura silently followed the two girls into the dorm and she can see curious eyes were on them when they step inside as Eunbi continue dragging Wendy towards her room. Along the way, Sakura heard some of the students start gossiping about her crush and her best friend relationship, presuming the two are secretly dating and for sure Sakura did not like what she had heard.


Sakura grew restless sitting on the single couch watching Eunbi carefully treating Wendy wound. She bit her inner cheeks when Eunbi apply ointment on Wendy busted lips and even blow on it. Their face are close, too close for Sakura liking and as her jealousy taken control of her body, Sakura almost lose her cool if Eunbi didn’t pull away, finally finishes treating Wendy wound.


“Thank you!” Wendy said.


“You’re welcome!” Eunbi smiled, stands up on her feet, putting the aid kit back to its original place.


“Okay, now that you’re done…can you tell me what happen? Did you get into a fight?” Sakura asked.


Wendy grinned sheepishly. “Sort of!”


“Why? I mean…what is it about? Why did you fought?”


“Nothing! Just some girlfriend problems.” Wendy replied simply. At the corner of Sakura eyes, she can see Eunbi became tense.


“Girl-girlfriend?” Eunbi asked.


“Yeah! They kind of pissed at me because apparently their girlfriends broke up with them because of me. They think I stole their girlfriends.” Wendy chuckled, amused as Eunbi let out a relief sighed.


“Dude, you just healed from your back injury and now you’re going around looking for another one?”


“For my defense, they came to me asking for trouble. I just know what I do best, fight back.”


“Wait a minute, they? How many are they?”


“Just three weak guys!” Wendy grinned like it was nothing.


“Three? You fought with three guys? Are you crazy? What if you get beaten up and have a serious damage?” Sakura exclaimed, feeling her temper leaping.


“It wasn’t bad alright? They don’t know how to fight. It was actually funny watching them trying so hard to beat me up.” Wendy laughed but for Sakura, she doesn’t like her best friend just carelessly putting herself in danger, smiling and laughing like it was not a big of deal, being carefree about it. As her anger risen, Sakura stood up from the couch and stormed out from the room, slamming the bedroom door loudly behind her.


Wendy heaved out a soft sighed knowing well that she just made her friend angry. She felt guilty of course, she knew Sakura care and worried for her but she can’t redo her action, and fighting was not her first choice. She tried talking nicely to the three guys, but they’re the one who made the first move, landing several punched on her face, resulting her cuts lips and bruise on her cheek.


“You know…Sakura wasn’t really mad at you. She just concerned.” Eunbi spoke, settling herself beside Wendy.


“I know she’s worried and I know that’s how she will react when she feel frustrated. And I know she will cool down when I came back to our room.”


Eunbi smiled. “Sakura…is really mysterious. I can’t understand her sometimes. But I know she have a soft heart.”


“Sakura…she’s really doesn’t know how to express herself. She may be appeared to not care but…when she’s mad at you, you will know that you are one of the important person in her life. And she also a huge coward when it comes to the person she likes.” Wendy said, eyes looking meaningful at the younger girl. “She can’t even make a move or talk to her crush. It’s actually quite amusing.”


“Really? But she looks like someone who have a high confident and will straight forward telling a girl she likes her.”


“Oh how I wish she’s brave but unfortunately she is a chicken. Don’t tell her I said that.”


Eunbi giggled. “I won’t.”


“But you know… if I was her, I will tell the girl I like confidently, even though she will reject me. But at least, I tried right?” Wendy smiled.


“You’re right.” Eunbi muttered softly, suddenly having a small confident bubbling inside of her, looking at Wendy warm smiled.


“Wendy unnie? I…have to tell you something.”


“Hm? What is it?”


“I…errmmm…I…” Sensing the trouble look on the younger girl face, Wendy scoot herself more closer towards Eunbi.


“Eunbi? Are you okay? What is it you want to tell me?”


Taking a deep breath, Eunbi locked her eyes with Wendy. “Wendy unnie, I like you!” Eunbi said, her heart beating fast as she can’t believe that she was brave enough to confess to her crush.


Being her oblivious self to Eunbi confession, Wendy grinned, ruffling Eunbi hair, cooing. “Aww…I like you too! I’m glad we are friends now.”


“No, no…I don’t think you understand unnie.”


“Hm? I don’t understand…what do you mean?” Wendy brows arched in confusion.


“I…I really really like you. Not as a friend but more than that. I think… I’m in love with you.” Eunbi said, more clear this time Wendy clueless brain.


Okay, Wendy was utterly shocked and also can’t believe by Eunbi honest confession. Her mind went blank for a few seconds, doesn’t know what to say or how to reply the younger girl. After gaining back her inner thought, Wendy carved an apologetic smiled.


“Eunbi ya~~ I’m sorry! I really do like you…but only as a friend or a younger sister. I’m sorry?”


Getting rejected by the first person that she ever confessed, Eunbi wasn’t going to lie, it hurt so much. Bending her head towards the floor, Eunbi pressed her lips, tears b underneath her eyes.


“It’s…okay!” Eunbi said, voice croaked trying so hard to hold in her tears. Unfortunately, her effort was a waste when a single tear escape from her eyes, followed by another one and many more.


Watching the younger girl wiping her tears from flowing down on her cheeks, Wendy wrapped her arm around Eunbi shoulder, pulling the sobbing girl in her embrace, feeling bad for making Eunbi cry.


“I’m so sorry! Don’t cry. I’m really really sorry!” Wendy said softly, caressing Eunbi arm.


“Don’t say that. I’m the one who was sorry. Don’t feel bad for me unnie.”


“Still, I’m sorry!”


“Stop apologizing unnie. It’s not your fault.”


Wendy didn’t say anything, pressing her lips on Eunbi crown as a sign asking for forgiveness, hoping everything will be back to normal, not wanting Eunbi feeling awkward around her and distance herself from Wendy and The Alpha.


The kiss Wendy gave to her felt familiar for Eunbi. It felt like Irene kisses, a sisterly kiss and Eunbi instantly feels calm after that. True, experiencing her first heart broken it’s not a good feeling, but at least she gets to know the real Wendy because of it. The kind and sweet Wendy, and not the troublemakers and an annoying prat that always pissing off her older sister.


They stayed like that for a moment in silence, until Eunbi decide to ask something that had been bothering her mind for quite sometimes.


“Wendy unnie?” Eunbi called, lifting her head up.




“Hurmm...Are you the one who sent me those Macaron’s the other day?”


“Oh, it wasn’t me.”


“Do you know who sent me those?”


“I do but I can’t tell you.”




Wendy smiled. “Because…that’s her job, not mine. But I can tell you this…that person really likes you and adore you so much.”


“You really won’t tell me?”


“You’re going to find out later.”


Eunbi wanted to ask more but not being able too, when Irene came inside their shared room, eyes widen in surprised looking at Eunbi and Wendy. But her shocked expression didn’t last long, seeing Eunbi red and puffy eyes, Irene brows knitted and marched angrily towards the two girls.


Gripping on Wendy collar, Irene pulled her rival up on her feet, spatting her words out fiercely. “What did you do Son?”




Being the calm one in that situation, Wendy smiled and answered the fuming girl. “I didn’t do anything.”


“Don’t lie to me! If you didn’t do anything, why is she crying?”


“Joohyun ah, calm down!”


“Don’t call me that!”




“Unnie! Wendy unnie done nothing wrong. She was only comforting me.” Eunbi quickly explained, afraid her sister will murdered the innocent hamster.


Hearing Eunbi explanation, Irene grip on Wendy collars loosen and her hands drop down to her side while Wendy smiles in relieve, fixing her shirt.


“Why is she comforting you? What happen? Are you okay?” Irene expression immediately change into concerned.


“I guess…that’s my cue to leave. Bye Eunbi! Bye Irene!” Wendy quickly left the two sisters.


After the door close shut, Irene move closer towards her sister. “Are you okay? What happen? Why did you cried?” Irene asked again, placing her palm gently on Eunbi cheek.


“It was nothing unnie. I was just stress out by something.”


“Do you want to talk about it?”


“It’s okay! I’m fine now.” Eunbi carved an assuring smiled, taking her sister hand on her cheek and held it between her palms.


“Are you sure?”


“Yes unnie.”


Irene let out a small sighed. “If there’s anything bothering your mind or you’re stressing over something, please talk to me okay? I’m here! Always be here for you.”


“Yes unnie! I know you will always be there for me. You love me so much.”


“Yes I love you so much that it hurts me you didn’t came to me when you have a problem and goes to that annoying hamster.”


Eunbi giggled and hugged her pouting sister. “Okay, sorry? But Wendy unnie just happen to have a great timing to make an appearance.” Eunbi heard Irene scoffed. “Love you unnie.”


“Love you too!” Irene pulled away from the hug. “I’m gonna take a shower.” Irene says, walking towards her closet whilst Eunbi sat back down on the couch. Taking a nice pair of clothes and her towel, Irene meekly spoke.




“Yes unnie?”


Irene turn her body around towards Eunbi direction. “Not that I care…but why is Wendy face covered in bruises?”


“Oh, you notice?”


“It is visible to everyone that have eyes.”


“She got into a fight with three boys from another school.”


“She’s what?” Irene exclaimed loudly, startling her sister.


“She…got into a fight?” Eunbi repeat again, unsure.


“Why? Why is she fighting again? She just came back to school yesterday because of her back injury and now she’s looking for another trouble? What if she got herself injured again? That stupid annoying hamster really like to get herself in trouble.” Irene burst out grumpily.


Slightly surprised by her older sister outburst, eyes squinting suspiciously at Irene, Eunbi spoke.


“Why are you mad at Wendy unnie for getting into a fight?”


“I’m not angry.” Irene denied but Eunbi did not convinced, eyeing her sister skeptically.


“Really? I know you said you don’t care…but why do I have feeling that you saying the otherwise…??”


“Why, why, why…should I care about that bratty Son Wendy? I’m not okay!”


“Okay…whatever you say unnie.”


“I’m not okay. She’s just….so annoying!!” Irene spat before disappeared into the bathroom.


“Okay…that was weird.” Eunbi murmured.




After escaping from an enraged Irene Bae, Wendy exhales loudly. Irene was hella-scary when it comes to her younger sister and for sure Wendy thought she was going to die just now, if it wasn’t for Eunbi help. Making her way towards her room, Wendy thought about Eunbi and her confession. She still can’t believe Eunbi likes her, the one girl that her best friend like, likes her. Yes, she felt bad for rejecting the younger girl, but most of all she felt guilty for Sakura.


“Damn you Son for being too charming.” Wendy chuckled after cursing and self-praising herself.


Wendy saunter across the corridors towards her room, she sees Jessica burst out from her room, striding her way towards Taeyeon and Seulgi shared room with murderous aura surrounding her. Wendy immediately followed the irritated girl from behind. The students that sees Jessica, scramble away or make way for the ice princess, doesn’t want to trigger Jessica into killing them instead.


Stopping in front her destination, Jessica kicked Taeyeon and

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This is the second author of reowesome acc. I added a trailer for this fic. Feel free to check it out!


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1702 streak #1
Chapter 25: Wait, the cover had changed! At least I knew this story won't be thrown away,
Chapter 25: I'm back re-reading this story for god knows how many times
I'm still waiting for the update tho, they haven't made babies :(

Jk, they haven't had their happy ending
1702 streak #3
Chapter 25: Please comeback authornim
Chapter 25: Not much to say but I enjoyed this story 💙❤️
Chapter 17: woah i think in chapter 15 they are already dating. after reading it from chapter one to this chapter I really like it 💙💖
Chapter 25: Pls update
Chapter 25: had to reread the whole book cuz i miss me some fluff, hope u update this story authornim.
Chapter 1: their rivalry is very funny especially wendy and irene are just the first chapter they are already playing the game😂
maybe it's interesting that the teaser video alone makes you curious
sapphicjoy #10
Chapter 25: cant blame wendy tho tbh