Chapter 52

Baby Maybe
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“Out of my favorite places to stay, I would always choose your arms.


Out of the things to get lost in, I would always choose your smile


Out of the things to drown, I would always choose your eyes


Out of everything, I would choose you”








It’s such a pleasant feeling waking up that faithful morning, for Irene at least. It has been one of the best sleep she had in the past weeks, and she perfectly knows the reason why.



Not because the truth has come to light


Not because the person threatening her is now out of their lives


Not because she was betrayed by the people she trusted the most




But because of her







Her Seulgi



Her Seulgi who is sleeping deeply while having her sturdy arms protectively wrapped around Irene’s frame. Seulgi who looks at ease despite the evident signs of stress and fatigue on her face. The dark circles under her eyes, the way her cheeks have sunk a bit, her chapped and dry lips, and even her pale complexion. Yet despite that, this Seulgi looks content and peaceful. And Irene would like to believe that it’s because of her.



Seulgi never fails to assure her that it is.




Irene’s hand unconsciously started tracing the younger’s features. The way her fingertips slowly started dancing against Seulgi’s face. From her forehead to her eyebrows, the expanse of her nose up until to her soft lips finally steeling in her cheeks. Letting it linger there for a while before she found a hand encasing it.



Instead of taking it back, She just lets their hand be. Maybe because she has missed the feeling of the younger’s hands against hers. She missed the feeling of being safe and secured just because of the simple gesture. Her gaze shifted from their intertwined hands, and into the younger’s face once again and found a set of clear brown orbs staring at her. A pair of eyes that seems to have been looking into the deepest part of her soul, and she found herself getting lost. Because as much as she feels like Seulgi is seeing everything inside of her, she feels the same. In those clear brown orbs, Irene sees a reflection of her face but beyond her outer appearance, Irene saw how her face mirrors the younger’s












full of love





“Hey, good morning” It’s a bit husky and hoarse yet Irene can feel the overflowing emotions lacing the younger’s voice. She has been waiting for so long just to experience the again. And now that she finally gets to taste this feeling again, it feels overwhelming. Like her heart would burst any minute with how much it is pounding inside her. The overbearing weight in her chest manifests itself in her eyes that Irene found herself tearing.





“Hey, why are you crying? Is something wrong?”





And just as expected Seulgi was quick to hover over her like a hawk. She eagerly shook her head but by then her tears started flowing more aggressively. So much to the point that she is gasping air to regulate her breathing. This throws Seulgi into a state of panic. A hand suddenly went to Irene’s back rubbing soft circles to try to calm her down as another hand on her cheeks, trying to dry her tears away. Irene unconsciously leans into the younger’s body, feeling comforted by her warmth. They stayed like that until the older visibly calms down. That is when Seulgi opened to say her sentiments.




“I’m sorry that I’m making you cry again. I promised myself that I won’t ever do that to you again. But here I am. Not even a day since you let me back and I am hurting you with my actions once more.” Hearing how Seulgi’s voice is full of remorse, made Irene’s heart clench. She is quick to shake her head, placing her hands against her beloved’s face forcing the younger to face her.





“No don’t think like that. I’m crying because I’m overwhelmed. Because I cannot believe that you are finally here now. After everything that we’ve been through, you still found your way back to me. And I... I wouldn’t want it any other way. So thank you and sorry for taking so much time to accept you back. I just need to sort out my feelings...” Seulgi immediately wiped her tears that are beginning to fall once again. This time it’s her turn to cup Irene’s cheeks and make the older face her.




“Like what I promised you, I’ll give you all the time that you need for yourself. I promised you that I will wait until you are ready. And I did try to fulfill it as much as I can. It’s painful but I’m sure I’m not the only one hurting during that time. And I guess that time apart made us stronger, wiser, and even more mature at handling such things. So in the end all that pain is totally worth it. Because look at where we are right now... in each other’s arms once again reconfirming our love for one another.



Seulgi smiled a bit and Irene swore that it was the most beautiful thing that she’s ever witnessed.

This is what she is living for.


This is what she is fighting for.



She inhaled a lungful of breath before leaning in and capturing the younger’s lips in a passionate kiss.







Day by day, the “couple” continued their domesticated way of living.



Irene living the usual housewife who would prepare her husband’s food, clothes, and even the papers that Seulgi would bring to the office.



While the bear is fulfilling the caring husband role. Always making sure that even though she is busy with her work, she always makes time to greet Irene, kiss her whenever she can, calls her to ask how was her day, give her simple gifts and even bring her to places for dates.



Yet at the end of the day, Seulgi and Irene’s relationship is as vague as can be.



They never really talked about what they are.



Not married as their divorce has been finalized



Not as girlfriends because they never really clarified it yet



Friends maybe



They are embodying that famous saying “More than friends but less than lovers”




And truthfully it’s something that is bothering Seulgi to the core. She wanted to put a label on whatever they have so she can have a claim over Irene. Heck, she would even marry Irene right at that instant to shout to the world that they still belong to each other. But she did not want to act rashly. Besides Irene just accepted her back so she did not want to overstep her boundaries. What she plans to do is make an effort to show her love to Irene through consistent actions. She is waiting for Irene to open up about the topic before she officially asks.




Unknown to her Irene was also thinking and wondering the same. She is getting confused by Seulgi’s actions. The bear is making all kinds of efforts to show her love but at the same time, she never officially asks Irene to be his girlfriend or insinuates anything about putting a proper label on their relationship. It makes Irene frustrated but she did not want to make a move. She wanted Seulgi to be the one to do it. If the younger is sure about her then she should be the one to ask the questions. Because she is sure as hell that she has already shown how much the younger means to her. She trusted her despite everything.




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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.