Chapter 19

Baby Maybe
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“Byul Unnie. The boyfriend you are talking about, it is Suho isn’t it?” She saw how Seulgi’s face now has a crestfallen expression.


Once she realized what these words meant, Irene felt her world crashing down once again.


The others are also alarmed by what Seulgi said. Irene felt really uncomfortable and has been eyeing Seulgi, trying to read what is in her wife’s mind. Before anyone can say anything to brush off or divert the topic, Moonbyul answered.


“Yeah you are right. Suho is the name of that person.” She said nonchalantly although Irene can sense venom dripping in her voice. Her gaze shifted to her wife and saw how Seulgi is now sporting a gloom expression on her face. She immediately felt a thug in her heart. Especially since she knows that it is her damn fault why. Her hand automatically grabbed Seulgi’s and she noticed how her wife’s hand has been sweaty and slightly trembling.


“Seulgi, I…” She tried to speak but Seulgi beats her to it.


“But that is the past. He is not here now so I don’t care about him.” She saw how her wife’s tried to smile but she knows how fake it is as it did not even reach her eyes. Irene made a mental note to talk to her wife once they were alone because a lot of questions have been raised in her brain.


How did Seulgi know about Suho?

I never mentioned him to her before right?

Can Seulgi remember the past?

Does she know that we are married?

Why didn’t she tell me about it?



These thoughts are starting to mess with her mind as her inner insecurities are acting up again.


“Enough with the drama guys. It’s my turn now.” Jisoo spoke and Irene threw her a thankful glance. The latter also saw how Solar held Moonbyul’s hand and squeeze it softly. The other’s also throw some words of encouragement for Jisoo.” 


“Okay so Seulgi has been my saving grace back then. You all are aware of how our hospital has been caught in some controversy back then right. Like some illegal activities were done under the previous director which has been my Uncle. I was in college at that time. Because of the scandal, we got into deep and all of our money and properties have been used to settle the debts caused by the lawsuit. We almost filed for bankruptcy. The truth is, I was almost forced to stop studying so I can find a job and help out with our finances. I was ready to give up back then and accepted the fact that I can never reach my dream of becoming a doctor. But Seulgi here thought otherwise. She urged me to continue studying. She saved her allowance to help pay for my tuition fees. I can still remember how this bear here would do part-time jobs to help me out. She even asked her parents to let her use her trust fund to invest it in our hospital then. We started from scratch. We did close the hospital, but we managed to open a small clinic that my parents managed. Thanks to her, I graduated and our family’s business slowly climbed back. The clinic grew and is the huge hospital that everyone knew now. And I owe it all to Seulgi.” She wiped the tear the managed to fall from her eyes.  The other members of the squad are also tearing up and being comforted by their partners


“You might not remember us all but to everyone here, you are such a dear friend and sister to each of us. Just remember that we are always here for you.” One by one they all stand up and engulfed Seulgi inside a group hug. Irene just scooted a little to her right, beside Solar to give them space.


After the tearful moment, the talk shifted into a much lighter topic. Like their mishaps and unforgettable experiences together. All of the other girls are just silently watching the gang with smiles on their faces.





It was around 11 pm when the group decided to call it a night. All of them went to their respective rooms. In one particular room, a couple is lying in their bed quietly staring at the ceiling. A silence as thick as the fog is enveloping the whole room creating a suffocating atmosphere. Feeling uncomfortable, Byul suddenly spoke.


“I am never gonna be sorry for what I did and what I said. Irene might be your bestfriend but Seulgi is not just a friend for me. She is my sister, my little sister.” She said in a soft tone earning a deep sigh from the woman beside her.


“I know that she is. I know how you are protective of her. But I already told you, I already tormented Irene. I already taught her a lesson and I’m sure as hell that she will never hurt Seulgi again. You don’t need to rub in her face how she hurt Seulgi before because it’s already in the past.” Solar sternly said but Byul just shakes her head.


“I’m not rubbing in her face what she did before. I am just telling her what I saw. Because I’ve been with Seulgi during those times that she was hurt. I have been there during those times that she was far cry from that jolly and playful kid we are now seeing. I was there when she was just a hollow shell of the person she was. I saw her when she was struggling to conjure a sincere smile. I was there. I just don’t want to see that Seulgi again. She is such a pure soul who doesn’t deserve what your friend did. I’m just giving her an insight into how miserable I saw Seulgi years ago.  I want her to see and understand how much damage she caused my sister. I swore before that I will not let anyone hurt my sister. I needed to protect Seulgi from anything and anyone that might harm and hurt her and it doesn’t exempt Irene just because Seulgi loves her. She hurt Seulgi before so she can do it again and again. If she can’t accept and deal with what she did in the past then she does not deserve Seulgi at all.” Byul said with conviction in her voice.


“So what do you want to do now? Are you gonna torment Irene every chance you get? Do you think that is the right way to deal with this? I know how much you wanted to protect Seulgi. But they are happy now? What more do you want from them by bringing the past? Are you trying to break them up? Because I’m sure as heck that will hurt Seulgi more than before.” Solar gave an exasperated sigh at her wife’s logic but Byul is quite the stubborn one.


“Baby. I don’t want them to break up or get hurt. I just want to make Irene realize that she hurt Seulgi before. They are married for three years but in those three years, she never did anything for Seulgi. My sister is the one who is always looking out for her. That girl is always the one having the short end of the stick. Never once did Irene did anything for Seulgi even after she betrayed her. But now that Seulgi lost her memories and is back to being that girl who always professed her love and woos her, she suddenly realized that she loves her? I don’t want to destroy what they have. I just want to make her realize that her action created such huge consequences and sadly these Seulgi received the full effect of these consequences. I wanted her to see the impact of what she did. I want her to prove to me that what she feels for Seulgi is true and will not waver no matter what. Please just let me do this. I promise not to do anything that will harm both of them physically.  I know Seulgi is gaining some of her memories back and tough luck because she is gaining the bad ones. And I think she has no intention of telling it to Irene to protect her. But at what expense? Her own heart, breaking once again. I just wanted Irene to realize that what she did to Seulgi will not go away just because my sister cannot remember them now. I want her to properly apologize for it. I want her to show me that Seulgi will never be hurt and betrayed again. I want to be sure that this time, she will protect Seulgi at all costs. I already planted the seed so it is up to her, how she will handle it.” Byul stresses out the last part. Solar was just mum knowing that her wife is up t

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
64 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
64 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1051 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
64 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.