Chapter 29

Baby Maybe
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Krystal Jung was just as normal elite child. She was groomed by her parents to be the perfect daughter. A daughter with the proper breeding and would not be a disgrace to them as well as to the Jung family name. Her parents also made her chose her friends wisely and would always make sure that her kins would also be of the same status as hers. This made the bright and cheerful girl turn into a loner, an antisocial girl who always has a cold exterior.



Growing up, Krystal gave up on the idea of finding true love. For her, it is such a waste of time because she knows that her parents would just ignore what she feels and will marry her off to someone they deemed fit and would alleviate their business and societal status. She accepted early on that she will never attain happiness in her life.



That is until Kang Seulgi came into her life...



As soon as she saw Seulgi smiling and waving at her, Krystal immediately hid her face. Her mind went into a complete panic. She debated whether to ditch the party and avoid Seulgi and Irene as well as foiling her plan. Or she could just face them head-on. Just scrap her previous plan and start taunting Irene by showing her how close she is with Seulgi. That way she can still accomplish what she aims to do. But upon ding that, Krystal would risk becoming closer to Seulgi to the point where her absence would cause a huge impact on Seulgi’s life. Almost the same intensity if one of her friends would leave her.  Before she can make up her mind, however, her phone beeped. She looks at it and saw that she received a message from one of her spies who attended the party and is sitting a few tables from Irene and Seulgi.



She saw you. Are you staying and continue with the plan or are you leaving?



Krystal started thinking and weighing the pros and cons of pushing through with it. She has another motive in going to this party and that is to talk to one of the potential clients that her father has been eyeing for their business. If she managed to make the said client agree to do business with them, her father will allow her to stay in Korea longer and with lesser intervention because by then, she already proved what she can do so there is a huge possibility that they will let her manage the company in Korea. It will be the perfect opportunity to stay for a while and in turn, execute her plan to snatch Seulgi from Irene.



Continue with the plan. But distract Irene for a couple of minutes or so. Just make sure to leave Seulgi alone so she will feel alienated. I’ll handle her then. Instruct your press people to get the camera ready but don’t let any scandal of gossip gets out. Store the pictures for future use.



In the end, Krystal decided to let Irene see her and show her how close she has been with Seulgi in just two weeks that they interacted. She decided to hasten her plan of taunting Irene and making her insecure with Seulgi. It also crossed her mind that since Seulgi cannot remember her as of now, Irene might persuade her wife to stop seeing her. She anticipated that move and would use Seulgi’s memories as leverage. Besides she and Seulgi has a lot of memories together and she is confident that she knows the bear much more than Irene ever did.



On the other hand, Seulgi was just texting Wendy to turn off the camera and just rest for the night. She thinks that since Irene is with her now and they already greeted most of the guests, she does not need Wendy to monitor what she is doing anymore. She does not want Wendy to stay up too late given that she wanted her friend’s nights to be spent with her wife like how she wanted her nights to be spent with hers. Once she was done, she removed her earpiece and placed the small device in her pocket. Then as she scanned the venue, a very familiar person caught her attention. At first, she is not sure if it was really the buyer of her paintings turned friend who she is seeing, so she squints her eyes as hard as she can. As soon as she is sure that it is Krystal, her lips automatically curve up. As soon as their eyes lock, she waved her hand at the girl. Irene saw this and she tried to look at the person that her wife is waiving. Krystal saw this and immediately leaned back so that her face can be hidden by the huge built of the man in front of her. This action proved successful as Irene only saw the back of someone she recognized as Mr. Kim of Kim Industries which is one of the leading manufacturers of car parts in the country.



“Who are you waving at, Seul?”



“That was just Ms. Soojung. I was just excited to see someone familiar in this party.” Then a sudden thought crossed her mind.


“You know what, why don’t I introduce you to her later.  Seulgi lips curve into a smile at the thought of introducing Soojung to her wife. She widens that smile even more before shifting her attention back to her wife who is looking or somewhat gawking at her. She decided to wife because of it.



“Do I have something on my face, Mrs. Kang, for you to stare at me like that? Or are you perhaps falling in love with me all over again?” This earned a playful slap on the shoulder and Irene’s cute whine while pouting her lips.



“Please don’t pout. I’m just a weak human being prone to temptations. I might not control myself and just kiss that pout away.” This made Irene’s fly away to cover as well as her blood to rise and paint her face. Her other hand started a barrage of slaps on her wife’s shoulder causing the bear to laugh out loud. But then a sudden thought crosses her mind and the previous smile now turns into a pout. Irene was flabbergasted at the sudden change in her wife’s expression.



“Seul is there something wrong baby?” She tried asking or more like coaxing her wife to tell worrying that her wife might be hurt or there is something serious that is bothering her.



“I heard that you are not even considering to bring me to this party. You would rather bring someone else with you. “Her previous pout turns into a full-blown frown. Irene would’ve dismissed the expression as something that is shallow or rather she would have thought that her wife was just having a playful jealousy but she saw a look of hurt flashed before the brown orbs that she loves so much making her heart churn in agony.



“Don’t you think I will not find out? Or perhaps you hoped that I will not. Did you not consider my feelings at all? I’m your wife but you would rather bring someone else. Not only that but I’m also worried that other people would think that we are not okay because you are bringing someone else here. I honestly felt hurt and disappointed. I thought we agreed not to hide anything from each other. But what is this?” Seulgi stopped for a while to compose herself before she felt warm hands cupping her cheeks and Irene’s face slowly inching on her own. As soon as their faces are almost touching, Irene closed the gap by placing her forehead against hers.



“Yes, I would’ve hoped that you won’t find out. But on the contrary, I did not intend to hurt you or anything. I know that we agreed not to keep secrets however I did this all for you baby. I don’t want to bring you here because I am sure that this party will be attended by a lot of important people in society. Important people who like to find faults and gossip about others thinking that they are superior to everybody else. I am aware that you are excelling well in your lessons but this… this party, associating with those kinds of people, talking about business and other issues are something that your studies alone couldn’t teach you. I cannot risk having those people knowing about your condition not because I was ashamed of it but I don’t want their words hurting you and worse, make fun of your condition because I swear to hell that I will not sit still if that happens. I would cut all ties to and make anyone who ridicules or talk something bad about you pay a hundredfold. So I am just trying to avoid such catastrophe to happen. As for bringing Bogum, please don’t misunderstand my intention. It was purely business. He is the one in charge of our US branch and it would be convenient to bring him here to help me persuade the Charltons’ to hear our proposal. He is the one who knows the ins and outs of our US operations. If it was any other person then I would also bring that person here with me today. Don’t be jealous of him because I only love one person. Besides Bogum has a girlfriend and I have my wife so it’s not possible for something to happen between both of us.  I’m sorry for breaking my promise but I only did to protect you Seul. Please remember that in each and every decision that I will make from now on, it will always be done with your best interest in mind.” Irene caresses Seulgi’s cheeks with her thumb before her lips curve into a mysterious smile.



“But seeing you here today made me realize that I am also on the wrong side. It would’ve been a much better choice to just tell you honestly what is happening. We would’ve both reach a mutual decision while placing consideration on each of our thoughts and feelings. Sorry for breaking my promise. I assure you that from now on, I will always tell you what I think, feel, or whatever is happening that concerns both of us. I will not leave you in the dark again. I love you Seulgi please don’t ever doubt that…”  And Irene did not even finish what she has to say when Seulgi closed the gap on their faces their lips specifica

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.