Ddeulgi's Vlog # 1 : Q and A Part 1

Baby Maybe
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Yeri: Testing 1… 2… 3


A girl resembling a turtle steadies the camera and sat on the couch while pulling another girl resembling a bear with her.


Yeri: You should say your line when I count to three








Both: Hi we are…


Yeri: Yeri


Seulgi: and Ddeulgi


Both: and Welcome to our Christmas Special Vlog.


Yeri: So we are doing this because some Ugly Author forced us to (while glaring at that particular author who is arranging the table for the other cast members).


Seulgi: (still smiling and does not even blame the poor author) Today all of the cast members of Baby Maybe will be sitting down and answer all of the questions that you guys sent in the comment section.


Raine (Author): (mumbling how Seulgi is such an angel and cursing Yeri in her mind while thinking of ways to punish her in the coming chapters only to gulp and widen her eyes once she saw Yeri with a murderous expression on her face while looking at her direction)


Seulgi: Now let us all welcome our guest…

Starting off from the most beautiful woman on Earth. The Goddess of Beauty herself and the love of my life, Bae Joohyun.


Then we have Wendy Unnie and Joy Unnie.


And to complete the casts, we have Solar and errr… (whispers something to the author)


I’ve never met her Author Unnie. Who is she?


Raine (Author): Oh and we have Tzuyu.


The author led the casts to their designated seats but she felt goosebumps forming at the back of her neck. She glanced behind her and seeing Irene having this murderous look on her face.


Raine (Author): (shivering and small voice) Do you need anything Ms. Irene?


Irene: Why the heck are you making me sit with Wendy and Joy and not beside Seulgi? Do you want me to murder your entire family right at this moment?


Raine (Author): (gulps nervously) Oh I am still finding the right spot for everyone Ms. Irene. Since it’s a little crowded near Wendy and Joy, here. You can sit here beside Seulgi in the special love seat.


Irene pulled Seulgi with her and the two sit in the love seat in the middle of the room. Once everyone is in their proper seats. The author went to her designated area to start the Special Vlog.


Raine (Author): Welcome Everyone. First of all why don’t we greet all of the readers of Baby Maybe and thank them for the support they have been giving us.

All of the casts gave a deep bow first before yelling.


All: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone. Thank you for supporting our story.


Raine (Author): So now let us start the Special Christmas Vlog.


Question number 1 is for our youngest member Yeri.


~Do you think Ddeulgi and Joohyun will live happily ever after?~


Yeri: Hmm let’s see. Since I am the official adviser and dating coach of Ddeulgi then I assure you that they will definitely have their happily ever after.


That is if a certain author will not make things difficult for them.


(Author looks constipated on her seat)


Raine (Author): Uhmm I am an angst loving author and writing angst really makes me feel like my stories are good. Like it gives me satisfaction if the readers will cry and be carried away by the scenes I write like how I cry when I am writing them. So Seulrene may have a decent amount of angst in the future of this story (accidentally saw Irene giving a murderous glare and while motioning her thumb across her neck- a gesture saying that the author will be dead soon).


Raine (Author): (wipes the sweat on her forehead) But of course all of my stories have a happy endings and the angst really makes the couple’s love stronger than ever. (Sigh inaudibly when Irene seems to have calmed down and just cuddles with Seulgi who is nodding her head in agreement.)


 ~ Yeri, how do you know about third base (or any bases really)?~


Yeri: Hmmm I got my knowledge mainly from my Aunt Taeyeon. I usually go and stay with her during summer. She and her wife Tiffany thought me a lot of things.



I always hear them scream at night so I asked them why that is. They said that they are playing a game. It is like an adventure dating game where you need to do tasks to claim a base.  First base is achieved by holding hands and kissing. Cuddling can also be part of it. Second base is kissing and a lot of touching involved. While third base is the most difficult one. My aunt says it involves petting a cat with your fingers until it can be tamed then you should let the cat eat. Then once the cat is satisfied with the petting and eating it should purr and moan. Once you do it you will scream as a sign of your victory. So yeah third base involves lots and lots of screams. Although I don’t really get why a cat is involved in dating.


Joy and Wendy almost choke on the water that they are drinking. Seulgi is clapping her hands while looking proudly at her dating coach. Irene’s eyes are as wide as saucers and the rest of the casts are just petrified on their seats.


Raine (Author):  (facepalming herself while rethinking and re-evaluating her decision of including Yeri in this story)


~Joohyun, did you ever fantasized about Seulgi?~


Irene:  Well I’m just a fragile human being so it’s an obvious yes. I mean who wouldn’t right? Seulgi is God’s gift to all of us.  Her beautiful monolid eyes, cute button nose, squishy cheeks, her luscious and kissable lips, milky white neck, sturdy arms and muscular biceps, her muscular back and oh her rock hard abs. (stares dreamily at Seulgi and her lips before  frowning and staring at the camera with a serious expression)


But I must warn all of you that Seulgi is mine and only mine. Fantasizing about any parts of her body or just thinking about her will be the death of all of you. I never joke with this kinds of things so you should all know your place and not think about her that way. Do you all understand?


She glanced back at all the people present in the room who all gulps nervously while nodding profusely



~(Adult) Seulgi, do you still have a soft spot for Joohyun, even after everything that went down?~


Ddeulgi: As much as I want to answer that but Sluggy is not present right now so why don’t we just ask the author about that.


Raine (Author):  Joohyun will always have that spot in Seulgi’s heart. Imagine loving someone for more than twenty years. You cannot just unlove a person like that. Even if they have some misunderstandings, she is still silently hoping that she and Joohyun will be together someday.



~Author, if you could choose anyone of the cast, who would you court and why?~


Raine (Author): I always liked Seulgi. She is my ultimate bias and girl crush. I mean who wouldn’t right? She is a total package. Outstanding singer, dancer, artist and is very cute and lovable. Plus her body is to die for. I mean I am planning on making another story with me and her as the protagonists. (The author is fangirling so hard that she forgot about a certain Bunny who is now fuming in anger)


Then a familiar ringtone can be heard. The author picks up her phone and beads of sweat started forming on her forehead when she saw a photo that has been sent to her. A photo of a sniper posing in a selfie but you can clearly saw the author’s family in the background. Turns out the picture has been taken near the author’s house. The photo also has a caption.


Just one shot each and they’re done.


Raine (Author): Err I’m just kidding. I am perfectly happy with my boyfriend and I don’t have a crush on any of the cast members. So please don’t ask any of those questions to me anymore.



~Yeri: so what's your next plan, cupid? ♡♡♡~

Yeri: It depends upon what base did Ddeulgi conquered last night. If she gets past the first base then we need to clear out the second and the third. But if she is such a good student and managed to accomplish until the third base then I guess we need to go to the hardest which is the fourth base. Aunt Taeyeon told me that only Masters can do that fourth base so she hasn’t taught me that yet. Don’t worry I will bring Seulgi with me so she can learn directly from my aunt.


(Irene blushed profusely while Seulgi have this twinkling gleam in her eyes. She is excited to learn how to get to the fourth base.)


~To author, are you going to write a Wenjoy loveline in this story?~


Raine (Author): I already thought about adding a Wenjoy loveline in the story but I never really imagined about how I would do it or if I would just make it happen without that much elaboration. Like “poof” and Wenjoy happened.


Joy: So I am just a minor character in this story? I even endured being a mere assistant even though I am a celebrity, an heiress, a singer and a socialite in some of the fanfics here. Like what kind of cheap manipulation is this.

(points her finger at the poor author.)


You. I agreed to be in this story because I am hoping that I can get a decent scenes with Wendy but if I will be treated like this then I quit. There are a lot of stories there that will give the scenes me and Wendy deserves. Not like this crappy story written by an ugly author.


Raine: Oh I forgot to mention how I already planned how Wenjoy will happen. Like it is such a romantic scene and the script is phenomenal. Like some award-worthy acting is needed to execute the scenes which I know that our Joy here can fulfill flawlessly. (Tried to smile while mentally beating herself for casting such scary girls but all of her doubts got washed away when she saw Wendy and Seulgi looking so innocent and cute.)


~Yeri, How do you know a lot of things in courting?~


Yeri: I should really ask for a raise and my own love line in this story. Like almost 90% of the questions are directed at me. But since I am the most important character in this story, I will answer the question.  Like I said most of what I know, I learned from my aunt and her wife. She always told me how she courted Aunt Tiffany back when they were still in college. The lunch, the notes, the dates and most importantly all the bases that needs to be covered and accomplished. Oh and I remembered how my Aunt promised to show me how to properly master and how to achieve all the bases soon so maybe then I can ask her to teach Ddeulgi with me and give an actual demonstration how it is done


Seulgi (shouting at her seat): Please teach me soon Aunt Taeyeon.


Irene nose started bleeding while everyone are blushing like hell.


Raine (Author): (in a small voice) Gosh what have I done wrong in my life? I only wanted to write stories but I never imagined this. Forgive me God for I have sinned.



~Ddeulgi, why are you so cute? Luv u~


Irene: Can you just repeat what she said? LUV U???? L-U-V- U????? LUV U????? DDEULGI????



Seulgi: Uhmm Thank you but I think I should really pray for your soul now. You lived your life well. I wish you a safe journey to the other side.


Raine (Author): May your soul rest in peace… Amen.


Joy and Wendy are busy eating popcorns while Solar and Tzuyu are getting acquainted with each other.


Yeri: (silently asking the author): What is the name of that reader so I can properly prepare the tombstone.



~Joohyun, When will your heart open for Seulgi to come thru?~

Irene: Well with the events that happened last time, I can say that I am ready to give our love a second try. I am blessed to have someone like Seulgi in my life who accepted me despite my shortcomings and faults. So I don’t need to open up my heart for Seulgi because she owns it. She is the one and only one who can have my heart.


(loud claps and cheers can be heard from the background while Seulgi kissed Irene on the cheeks.)


~Author, what was your inspiration in writing this story?~

Raine (Author): I actually read an unfinished story in wattpad which has an amnesia and only having childhood memories as a plot.  I just thought that Seulgi is well-suited for the role. But I only get the idea of that main plot but all of the storylines and even the characters (aside from the name) are all from my imagination.




~To Seulgi: what's your next step in making Hyun fall for you?~


Ddeulgi: Well I’m gonna consult first with Yeri and since I decided to truly learn from the master, I will employ Aunt Taeyeon to be my official dating coach. So my next step will be based on their suggestions.


Irene:  (Contacting her men to get Taeyeon’s number so she can pay her a hefty amount of money to accept Seulgi’s offer of being her wife’s dating coach.)


Raine (Author): (trying hard to prevent her nose from bleeding at the thoughts of all the scenes she needed to write when Taeyeon accepted Seulgi’s requests)


~ Joohyun, if for instance you were given a chance to kiss Seulgi wherever parts of her, where would it be?~


Irene: I’ll love to kiss every part of her. But accomplishing that third and fourth bases really sound tempting right now.


 Joy: wooohoooo I want a third and fourth base too Author-niim

Wendy: ( blushes profusely)

Ddeulgi: ( cheering so loud completely unaware on what the topic really is)

Raine (Author): (nose bleeding

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
72 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
72 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1059 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
72 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.