Chapter 2

Baby Maybe
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Being a businessman is not easy… but being the child of one of the most successful businessman in the country is definitely worse.


Joohyun or Irene Bae is just a typical kid. She wants simple things that a child wants. She wants a lot of friends to play with, the freedom to spend time outside of their home, but most of all she craves for the attention and love of her parents. Sadly, she never gets any of those things. Being the daughter of a rich and powerful company has its own sets of limitations imposed on her. She did not have a lot of friends because her parents are overprotective of her that she is not allowed to just make friends with everyone. She couldn’t go out of the house because of the dangers that her family status has levied upon her. And lastly, she rarely spends time with her parents because they are always out of town or on business trips, making sure to keep their business growing and more prosperous, always saying that they need to do so for the sake of the people working for their company. She knows that her parents love her, they always make sure that she feels it although she still longs for their presence in her life. Because of her parent’s absence and not having any friends or companion with her, she grew up being shy and isolated. Books became her company and she is often lost in a world of dragons and a boy wizard fighting He-who-must- not-be-named. Everything changed when she met someone who visited their house one day.


It was a usual business dinner that happens a lot of time in the past. Her parents invited their business friends to eat together and talk about “adult, business things”. It was a typical bring night where she is expected to be on her best behavior so her parents won’t be disappointed. Irene thought like that but she did not realize that time that she will meet someone who will change her life.


“Joohyun-ah come with Omma. Let’s meet our guest downstairs.” Her mom said before patting her head and her hair.  Jooohyun just grabbed the hem of her dress to prevent her from tripping and slowly walked to the stairs. She saw a man and a woman dressed elegantly looking all business-like. She put on a smile on her face and is ready to give pleasantries to the guests when a small voice beats her to it.


“Omma, their house is really big and they have a small park in their backyard. I also saw an aquarium with lots of fishes. Do you think I can ask them if I can feed those fishes? And oh Lala and Lulu will really love to roll around the grass in there. Can I bring them here? I think they feel lonely just roaming around our house. I feel very bad for them” The kid who Joohyun thinks is younger than her and have this very defined monolid eyes blabber nonstop.


“Princess you did not even greet the owners of the house and you’re already chattering.” She saw how the kid widen her eyes and put both hands on as if a child caught stealing sweets on the cookie jar.


“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Bae. I’m sorry for not greeting you properly. My name is Kang Seulgi. I am 6 years old now although I don’t really feel any difference from when I was five aside from the fact that I’m cuter and more attractive now. Hmm can I drop by your house sometimes to feed and play with your fishes? I think they are really in our aquarium right there. Oh and can I bring my cats with me, I’m sure they will love playing in your park there.”  The Bae couple just chuckled while Joohyun just stared at her with curiosity. She is quite amazed to see a kid behaving as such, considering the fact that her parents look like members of the elite society just like her own. Her mom must have sensed her frozen state and called out her name.


“Hyun-why don’t you come here so that I can introduce you to our guests.” She complied and soon she is standing beside her parents.


“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Kang. My name Bae Joohyun and I am 7 years old.” She bowed politely and looks up to see the couple smiling warmly at her. Before any of them can say anything, a small chirpy voice spoke.


“Omma who is that angel in front of you?” In an instant, little Seulgi is beside her and looking at her clearly mesmerized but with a hint of curiosity visible in her eyes. The girl tilted her head and looks at her back side making her cheeks feel hot.


“Omma angels have wings right? Why can’t I see hers? Did it disappear when she fell into our world? Did it hurt when it did? “And a rapid fire of questions is thrown at her making her head dizzy and disoriented for a moment. The little girl in front of her is like a ball of exploding firework. She grew very awkward because of it. Then the booming laugh of her father broke the atmosphere and gave it a lighter and joyful vibe.    


“Does she look like an angel huh?” And the girl just nods eagerly.  That made her father laugh even more.


“Is that so then I guess me and my wife have such good genes combined to be able to produce such an angel.” He wiggles his eyebrows and earned a playful slap from her wife. The adults threw a laughing fit at the adorable scene.


Mrs. Bae crouched down and patted the girl’s head affectionately.


“Seulgi, that girl is not an angel. She is my daughter Joohyun. She is 7 so she is your Unnie.” She said in a warm tone. Before she can say anything, Seulgi interrupted her.


“Can I be friends with her?” Mrs. Bae just smiled wider and answered.


“Why don’t you ask her if she wants to be friends with you then if she agree then I guess you can become friends.” And upon hearing that, Seulgi wasted no time and faced Joohyun.


“Good evening Angel Unnie. My name is Kang Seulgi I am 6 years old and can we be friends? “Seulgi said with so much enthusiasm. She looked at the girl who is smiling so wide and her eyes become two slits almost as if it was smiling too.


“Uhmmm I guess can be your friend.” And what Seulgi did surprised her. The girl, danced this little happy dance.


“We are friends now Unnie, then when I am older I can finally ask you to be my girlfriend and eventually we can get married and lots of little bears and bunnies.” The younger girl, keeps on blabbering her apparent life plans about the both of them.


“Are you aware that you are both girls, Princess” Her dad asked her.  


“It’s not a problem. As long as two people want to be married then it doesn’t matter. It’s okay to for girls to love boys but they can love girls too. As long as they are happy together. Princess Bubblegum and Marceline are like that but they love each other so it’s not a problem. And Mr. and Mrs. Bae would not object right?” Seulgi said with as much conviction as her tiny body could muster. The adults just chuckled at her apparent “innocence”


“Okay. When you both grow up we will talk again about that but now, let’

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
64 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
64 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1051 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
64 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.