Chapter 30

Baby Maybe
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The moon is in a direct contrast with the dark night as it illuminated the almost deserted streets of Seoul that Irene and Seulgi’s car is travelling on.  The older girl is a huge fan of the sky especially cones like this where there are no visible clouds in sight so the perfect spherical shape of the moon can be seen and appreciated by most mortal beings on earth. But as a huge contrast to the serene and calming effect that this scene normally has on her, Irene’s heart has been beating wildly in her chest as she is having an emotional turmoil deep inside of her. She felt a sudden shift on her side as her shoulders get a little heavier. It turns out, Seulgi, who is already knocked out cold placed her head against the crook of her neck while mumbling Hyunnie is a cute bunny over and over again.



Despite her wife’s cute ramblings, Irene cannot bring herself to smile. Especially when her mind starting drifting back to the events earlier and how it rattles her to the core.






 “Hi, I’m Jung Soojung. It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Irene Kang.”



As soon as the girl turned around and Irene saw her face, the color drained from her own as her knees turned to jelly in shock. She would’ve stayed frozen if she did not felt the warm hands of her wife on her back and Seulgi’s giggling face in front of her.



“Come sit here and join us Hyun Bun. Ms Soojung is telling a lot of funny stories hehe.” Irene is a little wary of how Seulgi is behaving but she shrug it off for the meantime. Not when Krystal Jung is sitting in front of them with a smug expression on her face. Deciding not to indulge in the obvious attempt to make her lose her cool, Irene wore her poker face on and reciprocated the smile that the woman is wearing. She glanced down at Seulgi and saw her wife with her head swaying a bit. Irene also noted how Seulgi is slightly slurring her words earlier. This causes her attention to be solely focused on her wife. Seulgi has eyes are a little droopy and her cheeks looks like that of a ripe tomato. Plus, she seems to be out of focus while giggling every now and then. As Irene take notice of these little things in her head, a sudden realization dawned upon her that she cannot help but exclaimed a little loudly.



“Are you drunk Seul?” Good thing most of the people are out of their tables and busy mingling with others.



“Nooo I’m not. You need to drink a lot to be drunk right? I did not drink anything aside from that soda with lots of leaves.” Seulgi then looked directly at her. She then started leaning in while squinting her feline eyes then smiling foolishly at her.


“I’m sleepy Hyun Bun.” Irene glares at Krystal who is feigning innocence right across the table. She wanted to slap the woman hard for making Seulgi drink but her senses started being on alert and noted that even though a lot of the guests are minding their own business, there are still a few watchful eye that will see if she make a scene or if Seulgi is to act out. So she held Seulgi’s head and placed it on her shoulder while a hand wraps around her wife’s back so she won’t fall off.



“Just sleep Pooh Bear.” Once she is sure that Seulgi is secured in her place, she fished out her phone and texted the bodyguards to pick her and Seulgi up in about half an hour, so she could have ample time to give the woman in front a piece of her mind. Once she did the task, she turned her attention to her wife’s ex-girlfriend smiling smugly in front of her. 



“It’s nice to meet you Ms. Jung. My Pooh Bear here had told me about you.” She said sweetly. So sickeningly sweet that any other ordinary person would not notice the venom mixed with honey dripping in her voice.


Yet Krystal knows better. She is such a herself that she knows what Irene is trying to do making her stand firm and fight with the same intensity while maintaining a calm and composed demeanor outside.  



“Oh is that so? Then she might’ve told you how we are such good friends now despite the fact that we’ve just met a few weeks ago. You know, we got quite close while trying to seal our purchase deal.”  Krystal answered back.



“Hmmm. Good friends??? My wife did not say anything about being friends though much more on being good friends. She just introduced you to me as a buyer that’s all.” Irene wanted to pat herself in the back for such a strong comeback.



“Oh did she not though? I wonder why your wife will say it like that. We even go to a lot of friendly dates to talk about a lot of things. She even shared a lot of things about you to me. I mean sharing those private pieces of information to me must’ve meant something right?” Krystal fought back.



“I don’t know, you tell me? From what I know Seulgi is not shy to share a lot of things about our relationship. Heck she can even shout to the whole nation how much she loves me so I don’t think it meant something special. My wife loves me a lot and she isn’t shy to show the whole world just how much.” Krystal almost wants to scoff but held herself in.



“Well it’s the same old Seulgi that I know. Amnesia or not. Always making sure that the person she loves would always feel it. Did that to me a lot of times in the past so trust me I know the feeling. It’s just unfortunate though. Because it seems like it is just her who is doing something while her wife don’t even lift a finger to do the same for her. Sigh, if it was me, I will do everything I can to make sure that she knows as well as the whole world knows how important she is to me. I would never do anything that would hurt her and would treat her like a queen. I will never ever make her cry.” Irene is itching to roll her eyes yet her competitive spirit is not letting her back down.



“Hmm I don’t need to shout to world how much I love her because I don’t need all those billions of people. Only one person matters to me and that is Seulgi so instead of showing it to all those useless people, I would just show it to Seulgi. Besides she bears much more importance that every person living on this planet combined.  Instead of wasting my time and energy displaying the intensity of my feelings for her to other unimportant people, I would just exert it in making sure Seulgi knows. And I think I am doing a good job of loving and caring about her because amnesia or not she is still choosing to be with me. I don’t pay mind to any other people outside our relationship. They are just bystanders and should not hold any power over the two of us. In fact I did not pay mind to what you are saying earlier. Oh wait, I think the only word I hear from what you said earlier is the word past. It’s not nice to live in the past when the world and everything in it is clearly moving forward.  Don’t you think it’s about time you move on Honey? Going after someone who is happily married is such a sin looked down by God and society. So if I were you, I would just go back to wherever I came from and stop being so hung up on someone who is in a committed relationship” Irene saw how hard Krystal is her hands in anger. This made her smi

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.