Chapter 48

Baby Maybe
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To love is to leap into the void of uncertainty

A.J. Garces



Solar knows that something has happened. She knows Irene well enough to know that a life-altering moment happened to her friend. If the CEO is determined to gain the investors' approval a few days ago, the fire in Irene’s eyes is somewhat similar to the fire present when she was just a newbie company head. When she wanted to prove to everyone that she is fit for her position. And this Irene would not just emerge from her hiding if there wasn’t a trigger to it. Before, this Irene came out because of the pressure and the doubts that the world threw at her when she was just handed the company. So, at the back of her mind, she is wondering what caused this reaction from her.


Being the ever-caring bestfriend and resident gossip spreader slash receiver, she waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. And once she did, she eagerly pulled Irene into the bathroom of the latter’s office.


“Irene Joohyun Bae. Spill now.” She commanded making Irene roll her eyes because of how many times her friend used the line over and over again during the past days.


“I don’t know what you are talking about this time Yongsun.” She said in the most nonchalant tone she could muster. Clearly indicating that she has no idea nor care about what her friend is insinuating.


“Oh, I’ve been your bestfriend for years now so I know if something is up just by your actions. I know you like the back of my hand.  You marched into this very building, all smiley and peachy this morning. It’s so not like the Irene which I saw yesterday. I mean you had a different aura when we parted yesterday and now, you are obviously glowing. Tell me did you get laid last night? What you are projecting is a post- s*x afterglow. Tell me did you have a one-night stand or something.” Irene widens her eyes at the statement as her hand automatically flies to slap Solar on the arm.


 “What the hell are talking about Yongsun? I’m not insane to engage in such activities.” She denied strongly yet Solar is still eyeing her like a hawk.


“If not then what? I’m sure something big happened for you to act like this today.”   The taller girl said in a matter-of-fact tone.


As Solar mentioned something big that happened, Irene’s mind flashed to that particular night, she spent with Seulgi or rather the morning after.




Irene scrunched up her face as the lights from the cracks of her curtain is hitting her. She then opened her left eye only halfway. She tried to stretch her arms and legs only to be assaulted by a dull ache in the middle of her legs. It made her wince once again but also it brought back what happened the previous night. A night she passionately shared with Seulgi. A night when one of them repeatedly became united. As her mind drifted back, her hand automatically touches her lips, somehow still remembering the soft ones that claimed them. A smile curved itself into her face. However, as her hand stretched to her side, it was wiped away in an instant.


Because as her palms drag over the other side of her bed, the one she is sure was occupied by Seulgi last night, is now empty and cold. Too cold for her liking. Somehow indicating that it was vacant for quite a while now. This created a hollow feeling inside her heart. Her other hand, the one that is holding the comforter against her still- form, fisted the fabric tightly. Trying to relieve that immense amount of agony filling up her chest.




Why Seulgi?


How could you do this to me?



She could just shout at her mind, somehow cursing the woman for making her feel worthless. Because just as how Seulgi made her feel on top of the world the previous night, the latter also made her sunk low like she is buried in the deepest part of hell the morning after. Like a e that would be tossed around after a night of . Yes, because Irene realized that Seulgi used her to fulfill her lust. The woman whom she would trade anything in the world for,  discarded her without any remorse after using her body.



As the reality of what happened, sinks into her whole being, Irene can only weep in silence. That morning she cried her heart out for maybe the millionth time.



End of flashback



“I’ll not dwell into the details. Let’s just say that I finally woke up and realize what I want and deserve. And that I will not settle for anything less.” Irene said with finality. Solar can just shut and leave it at that.


Once the two were out of the bathroom, they discovered that the team has already gone to have lunch and the only ones remaining are Joy and Bogum who are waiting for them.


Irene quickly pulled Bogum out with her leaving perplexed Joy and Solar. Once the two are near the door, Irene turned her head back and smiled sweetly at the two.


“You two go have lunch on your own. I and Bogum would go out to have ours. Ciao”


And just like that, the two are left on their own. Joy with a bored look on her face while Solar a knowing one.


The CEO led the guy to the basement parking with her car already waiting downstairs, she signaled for him to get in as she instructed the driver on where they would go.


Irene brought Bogum to one of her favorite restaurants. One where she and Seulgi frequented going to before. And it’s something that the guy knows like the back of his hand, especially when it reaches entertainment portals and gossip sites across the whole country.


Once the two are seated and orders were already given to the waiters, Bogum started asking the questions on his mind.


“So, any particular reason why you brought me to this place. it holds a lot of memories of you and Ms. Seulgi.”  The guy saw how Irene took a deep breath and forced herself to smile.


“I just realized that what I have with Seulgi would remain in my past and that I should not dwell on it any longer. So yeah, this is me creating new memories in places that hold a lot of our previous ones. And besides, you’re a good company so I might as well do this with you than anyone else. If it’s okay with you I mean. I don’t want to drag you into something you are not comfortable with.”  She said sincerely, something that Bogum reciprocated with a smile. He then grabbed Irene’s hand on the table which the latter did not refuse nor retracted. Lunch went by rather fun and pleasurable for the two. In fact, they even decided to have some ice cream before coming back. Something that Irene genuinely enjoyed.


Something that she craved to do again with Seulgi.


As her mind is now starting to reminisce, to go back to those unpleasant memories attached to that person, she felt a squeeze on her hand. She lifted her gaze and sees Bogum, Bogum who is now smiling widely and reassuringly at her. And Irene’s mind brought her back to the present.


It also made her remember what she needed to do and what her goals are.


As the two are going back into the building, waiting for the elevator to be precise, they are approached by a pair of women. A very familiar pair in fact.


Seulgi a

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
72 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
72 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
72 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.