Chapter 35

Baby Maybe
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Seulgi and Irene both feel renewed and invigorated after that impromptu two-day vacation that they had. The couple rediscovers their love and affection for one another at Seulgi’s remote cabin. It’s not that they had huge problems of sorts but in the last talk that they had, they reached an even deeper understanding of one another and Krystal. Once they are back, they continued their lives like how they used to before. However, specks of changes started showing mainly within the younger. Seulgi, despite her efforts to shove it aside, is slowly starting to realize that spending time with her ex-girlfriend is not as bad as it initially seems. She is now seeing the Krystal she knew as her buyer, Ms. Soojung, and not just the girl in her past that wants to steal her away from her wife. She is gradually rediscovering the past they shared together and it’s much more decent than what she initially thought.




It has been a few weeks since then and day by day, she is rediscovering something new about herself and Krystal. And to be honest it is such a breath of fresh air for her- to remember the times she is truly happy and content at some point in her life, far cry from the depressing memories she had of Suho and Irene before. Against her better judgment and her logical self, she is starting to enjoy the times that she is spending with her. The previous dread that filled her system whenever the thought of spending time with Krystal crosses her mind, is slowly




 A fact that did not escape the keen eyes of her wife Irene.



For the latter, she is slowly learning that Krystal is not as bad as she seems. If anything, she is quite jealous of the girl and a little thankful too. Jealous because she has been Seulgi’s rock when she was at her lowest moment when Irene ed her up by her selfish decisions.  And thankful because she managed to bring the real Seulgi back. However, at the back of her mind, there is still this tiny bit of doubt that the tables might turn and her wife would actually pick Krystal over her. Despite countless reassurances that the younger is in love with her, Irene cannot help but assume or think that her wife’s feelings can be persuaded. Jung Soojung did it before, so there is a chance that she can do it again now. And she is not blind to the change of demeanor that Seulgi is showing. She knows that Seulgi goes home happier these past few days and it pinches her heart that the cause of it is Krystal. Sure Seulgi tells her she loves her every day and would always show it in her own little ways. But then again she knows that Krystal is slowly forcing her way into her wife’s heart. And no matter how hard to try to shove that fact aside, it is like a stench that never goes away no matter how much you hide it.



Their days continued as usual. Irene working as the CEO of their company and Seulgi spending time with Krystal in-between days that she is not relearning her Arts Degree. But then changes are slowly invading their peaceful lives. Seulgi is now looking forward to their meetings. The previous cold and uninterested attitude towards her ex are slowly transforming to that of friendly warmth. The conversation that she had with Irene after each session also started to change. If the first ones were filled with tears and a string of apologies and reassurances, the next ones are much more inclined towards fun times. Memories that made Seulgi smile a lot and talk animatedly with her wife who tried to reciprocate the high spirit of the younger.



I remembered how Byul and Jisoo got so drunk and embarrassed themselves on the stage of the bar we went to that time. I remembered laughing my off the whole time.



Wendy has a crazy stalker back then. She got so desperate to get rid of her that she even blurted out that she is previously a man and a member of a gang. Can you believe that the girl did stop following her after that?



A few of the fun times and stories that Seulgi shared and Irene smile seeing how her wife is talking animatedly about the incident. It is such great progress but the CEO cannot help but feel a spark of jealousy ignited within her. Because she can now feel how absent she is in Seulgi’s life. How despite being her wife for years, she has never heard of such stories before. How jealous she is that Krystal is the one who was with her that time. But Irene shoved it at the back of her mind. She swallowed that green poison called envy down and forced her lips to produce a smile while she listens attentively to her wife’s stories. But she tried to mask it with a smile whenever Seulgi would tell her about the memories she is starting to regain. Little did they know that it will be the start of something.







It was another ordinary day, well for Seulgi that is. It’s the day wherein she will be revisiting her past with Krystal. And as much as she tried to deny it, she has this little bubble of anticipation brewing inside her chest.  They are inside their car with Krystal giving instructions to her driver about the place they will be visiting for today. It did not take long before the two arrived at their destination and the bear-like girl cannot help but feel a sense of déjà vu in it.



By now they are sitting side by side on a park bench while a few men are standing not far from where they are.  Seulgi paid no mind to them as they have been doing such wherever she goes these days. Wendy is also sitting not far from them keenly observing their interaction like a hawk looking for the perfect opportunity to attack her prey.



“You are the one who introduced me to this place. When we went to visit Korea back then. So it’s such a memorable place for me and I’m glad to be back here with you. This is where you promised me that you will do everything in your power to make me happy.” Seulgi saw how Krystal smiled at the thought but her eyes did not miss how a few drops of tears fell on the ground. To say that what she saw did not give a painful thug in her heart.  Against her conscious mind, she found herself gingerly wiping the track of wetness that stained the girl’s face as her thumb linger a few seconds more, gently caressing the latter. But as she did, the image of her wife’s face flashed into her mind. This causes Seulgi to snap out of her reverie and immediately retracted her hand. The action was met by a curious stare from Krystal but the bear-like girl acts like it is nothing and speaks to try to alleviate the awkwardness that is hanging in the atmosphere.



“Hey… uhm do you want to get some ice cream? I saw a convenience store just a few blocks from here.” This action snaps something out of Krystal. As Seulgi attempted to walk away but Krystal is faster as she suddenly grabs her arm and spins her around so the bear-like girl is now facing the latter.



“Don’t try to avoid it Kang Seulgi. I know you. Why are you trying to restrict yourself?” Krystal can’t help but raise her voice making Seulgi flinch.



“I don’t know what you are talking about… “But before she can finish her denial, Seulgi was quick to place hold her hand and placed it against her cheeks.



“This Seulgi. Why are you resisting this? Can’t you see? You did it on your own unconsciously. Just admit it. You feel something for me. No matter how hard you deny it, I sparked something inside of you. Something that I haven’t seen in a long time. Something which I haven’t seen during the years that you are married to her. You are starting to treat me differently. Because deep inside, you knew that I hold a special place in your heart.  A piece that neither Irene nor your lack of memories of me did not manage to completely erase. You are doing everything to recover your memories because something is missing in your life that even Irene cannot fulfill. There is a void inside you that you know, only I can fill.” Krystal shouted with conviction tears are now freely gushing out of her eyes.



“You are wrong. I am doing this because of Irene and no one else. Let’s say, during the past few weeks that we are sending time together, I felt happy and fulfilled. It’s such a breath of fresh air to remember such beautiful memories of my past but that’s it. It doesn’t mean that I have a feeling for you. The sooner you accept that the better it is.” Seulgi said but there is a gnawing feeling deep inside her. That seeing Krystal in tears is like squeezing her heart out. As much as she hates it, she badly wanted to wipe the tears off of Krystal’s face, hug her tightly, and whisper sweet notings to her.



“This conversation is over. I’ll let one of my bodyguards bring you home.”  She said before turning around and sprinting away from the scene. Meanwhile Krystal, upon hearing the words did not waver even a tiny bit. If so, she is much more determined to show that she is right. 



“I know you Seulgi and I will prove to you that I am right. I will prove to you that in the depths of your heart, you still love me. It might have been buried along with your forgotten memories but it is there and I will prove it to you.”



After that confrontation with Krystal, Seulgi found herself in her gallery slumped in a chair with tears in her eyes. She felt another figure sit down and occupy the seat beside hers.



“Here… Have a drink first” She looks up and is met with an extended hand and a can of chilled soda against her face. Seulgi grabbed the drink and faced her friend slash secretary.



“Thanks, Wan.” She said sincerely then proceeded to open the drink and have a go at it.



“You know it’s been a long time since I heard you call me using that nickname. It’s nostalgic to hear you call me that again.” Wendy said sincerely and somehow Seulgi felt sorry because of it. But before she can speak the apologies pooling at the tip of her tongue, her friend was quicker to speak



“Are you sure you don’t want to be with Ms. Irene now instead of me?” Seulgi just shakes her head a little.



“She is busy and I felt like I’m already taking most of her time.” She said but knowing her friend Wendy knows that there is something else within her reason yet she did not

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.