Chapter sixty

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Christmas is here and Siwon went crazy. He spent so much money on gifts and decorations that a lady from his bank called him and asked if his credit card hasn’t been stolen.


 Siwon can’t help himself. Christmas before, when he didn’t have Yesung, were boring and annoying with the Christmas carols playing everywhere. Now he sees Christmas as another opportunity to spoil his cute baby. On the other hand, Yesung isn’t very bothering with the fact that his daddy is slaving in the kitchen and bakes and cooks. Siwon is trying to create a gingerbread house while little Yesung is trying to eat their puppy’s dry food. Siwon sighed and grabs Yesung’s hand for the fifth time this morning. He gently forced him to drop the dog food back in the puppy’s bowl and grabs a wet wipe to clean his hand. Boxes of wet wipes are all around the house because the combination of a little and a puppy is so unhygienic. Choco loves the smaller human and always his hands and face which is always followed by Siwon’s disgusted groan and soon a wet wipe is frantically rubbing Yesung’s skin. 


Siwon thought that Yesung will help him with baking but the little one is only whining and asks him when will Santa come. It is hard to explain that Santa will come at night while they sleep. Their Christmas tree is standing in the living room and looks very pretty with white ornaments and fake snow hanging from the branches. But it would look prettier with presents underneath it. Unfortunately, the daddy is strict and says that they need to wait. Yesung is bored and looks at the kitchen counter where are many packages with ingredients they need for baking. Siwon is busy and doesn’t see Yesung reaching for the bag with flour. After a few minutes he finally realized that the baby is too silent and Siwon looked around. 


Yesung is sitting next to the kitchen counter and he is pouring the floor on his head and on Choco who is sitting next to him. Siwon only groaned while Yesung giggles and throws more flour around.


“Look, daddy! It is snowing!”


Siwon closed his eyes and takes a few deep breaths before turning off the oven and grabbing Yesung’s hand. It is early, they had lunch a few minutes ago but Yesung really needs a quick bath. Siwon bathed the baby and decided that he will put him down to have a nap and he could finish some of his work downstairs. Yesung keeps squirming and wriggling while his daddy laid him down in his crib but then Siwon closed the curtains and the crib mobile. Soft lullaby fills the bedroom and Yesung pouts while his eyelids are getting too heavy to stay open. Siwon goes back in the kitchen and finished baking Christmas treats while also filling the dishwasher and cleaning the flour. Heechul and Leeteuk are going to visit them soon so he hurries to collect Yesung’s toys which are around the house and also let Choco out to run around the garden for a while. This year winter hasn’t brought snow yet, not in Seoul so Choco can run around the dry garden and then also takes a nap. 


Heechul and Leeteuk arrived in a while and they have presents for Yesung and Siwon but mostly for Yesung. Siwon has no idea where they are going to store so many toys, maybe he will give Yesung’s unused toys to an orphanage. They drink eggnog and wait for the little one to wake up. After one hour the baby sat up in his crib and rubs his eyes. Yesung looked around the empty bedroom and whines. Luckily for him, Heechul was eavesdropping behind the bedroom door and quickly picked up the cute boy. Heechul is hugging him and keeps kissing his face because he missed him so much. They aren’t living in the same building as before and Heechul misses being able to just walk in their apartment. He carried Yesung downstairs and sat him on the couch next to him. Heechul can’t wait to see his happy face so he immediately handed him his presents. There are some cute clothes, pacifiers, coloring books and soft stuffed animals. Yesung kissed his uncles chest and snuggles to his daddy while on a new pacifier and cuddling with new stuffed duck.


Heechul and Leeteuk have to admit that they look happier than ever before. It is sad that the baby isn’t living so close to them as before but their house is fantastic and they are also thinking about buying a house. Yesung is nibbling on a cookie with chocolate and his daddy hands him a sippy cup with milk. Yesung knows nothing better than having a warm milk and something yummy right after a nap. Moreover he got few gifts now and it distracted his mind from the fact that there are hidden dozens of more presents in their house. Yesung has to show to his uncles how he decorated the Christmas tree. It is getting dark outside and Siwon decided to go out to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere which is outside everywhere around the city. An ice skating rink isn’t far from their neighborhood and they head there. Yesung has never tried ice skates but his daddy is supporting him and slowly pushes him. Yesung is happily laughing until his first fall right on his bum. Siwon pulled his baby up and made sure that he is okay. Yesung is struggling to stand on his legs because the ice skates keep moving in opposite directions. He isn’t good at this but it doesn’t matter when his daddy patiently teaches him. After a long while they took off the ice skates and buy hot cocoa. Heechul and Leeteuk have to go and Siwon with Yesung also head home. Yesung wanted to eat fried chicken from KFC for dinner and Siwon doesn’t mind it, after all Christmas in South Korea isn’t so popular to have a special dinner menu. Siwon doesn’t let him to eat in front of the TV and they eat in the dining room. Yesung is munching the delicious chicken and Siwon also drinks while sipping on beer. Only after dinner they can go in the living room and watch Grinch. Yesung climbed into his daddy’s lap and watches the TV while on his white pacifier with a silver snowflake. He likes the movie but something crossed his mind.


“Daddy, I was Grinch before.”


Siwon looked on his baby who looks really serious and smiled.


“How so?”


Yesung thinks for a while and then snuggled closer to his daddy.


“I didn’t like Christmas because I got no pretty presents. No one baked cookies with me.”


Yesung pouted and Siwon kissed his chubby cheeks. He knows that Yesung’s mother isn’t the best mother but now the adorable boy has his daddy who will take care of him and do everything to make him happy. Siwon tightly hugs him and the soft hair which has its black color again. 


“Now you are like Cindy Lou Who and love Christmas.”


Yesung wraps his arms around Siwon’s neck and doesn’t want to watch the TV anymore. Siwon turned the movie off and rubs his baby’s back. Yesung buries his nose in crook of his daddy’s neck and breathes in the nice scent. They are cuddling in the silent living room and after few minutes Siwon feels that Yesung is falling asleep so he slowly got up and goes upstairs. The baby whined because he has to say goodnight to their puppy but after patting Choco’s head, he let his daddy to take him upstairs. Yesung is almost in his dreamland and feels that his daddy is changing his diaper and clothes. Siwon tucked him in the crib and smiles when Yesung snuggles clothes to his stuffed friends. Now it is the right time for Siwon to carry all the presents downstairs and put them under their Christmas tree. Siwon looks on the piles of presents and thinks that maybe he bought too much but after all Yesung said that he didn’t get many presents before and someone needs to pamper him. After a while he managed to put the presents under the tree and goes to take a shower. It is still quite early so Siwon goes to watch a movie for grown up people and not for kids. Movie A Taxi driver won’t be entertaining for little Yesung so the daddy is watching it alone while petting Choco’s fur. The dog is soon asleep and Siwon finished his second beer before turning off the TV and Christmas lights. He checked the dark and silent house, a bit of paranoia is still present in his head after the incident with Ryeowook, and then he goes upstairs. He peeked in the crib to check his baby and then he lay down. 


Yesung wakes up in the crib and looks on their bed where is lying sleeping Siwon. Yesung rolled around his warm crib and let his pacifier to slip out of his mouth. He isn’t feeling little but he still likes to cuddle with his warm stuffed animals. Yesung looks out of the big window and sees the sun shining a bit from behind grey clouds. This weather is perfect for not leaving your bed but it isn’t possible when so many presents are waiting for him. Yesung sat up and grips bars of his crib. He doesn’t want to wake Siwon up so he is only staring at him and hopes that he will wake up soon. After few more minutes, Siwon finally stirred around and woke up. He immediately smiled on his baby who is watching him and goes to pick him up. Yesung wants to be put down on the floor and Siwon realized that his baby isn’t feeling like a baby today. Big Yesung is excited to see his presents but first he needs to get the hidden presents which he has for his daddy. Little Yesungie got help from Heechul with decorating a mug for his daddy and big Yesung bought him a pretty tie. He knows that it isn’t much but he doesn’t know what he should buy. 


Siwon really likes the tie and the cute mug with glitters and a small drawing of himself, Yesung, and their puppy. He carefully put the mug aside because he can’t use this piece of adorable art. Siwon encouraged Yesung to open his presents and Yesung is struggling to stay big while unwrapping toys and clothes. He is done and there are many pieces of colorful wrapping paper. Yesung wants to explore the new toys but his daddy cleared his throat. 


“Nothing is left?”


Yesung turned around to his daddy and shakes his head no. Siwon only smiled and looked under the tree again.




Yesung peeked under the green branches and sees that there is really one gift left. It is a small baby blue box with a silver bow and he reached his small hand toward it. He holds the small box in his hand and suddenly Siwon kneeled down next to him. Siwon takes the small box and opened it to reveal a silver ring with a diamond.


“I know that we can’t get legally married in South Korea but that doesn’t mean we can’t stay together forever.”


Yesung realized that this is an engagement ring and gasped. He stares on the ring before shakily extending his hand. Siwon gently holds the petite hand and easily placed the ring on Yesung’s ring finger.


“Merry Christmas, baby.”



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399 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
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Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
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Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
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