Chapter thirty seven

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Siwon keeps the playdate as a secret surprise so Yesung can look forward to something. On Saturday, right in the morning, Siwon packed the diaper bag and smiled on his baby who is still asleep in his crib. Siwon is so happy that he can give a friend to his baby. Yesung woke up after some time and his daddy immediately picked him up and dressed him in a pair of denim overalls and white sweater. He quickly fed his baby because soon the playdate is going to start. Yesung still has no idea where are they going until they stopped in front of Chanyeol’s house. Baekhyun is already jumping up and down behind the gate. Yesung stares on the happy boy and then looked on his daddy.


“He is a little, like you.”


Siwon opened door of their car for Yesung and grabs his hand while also taking their diaper bag. Chanyeol put his hands on top of Baekhyun’s shoulders to calm down his excited puppy. Yesung is shocked by the loud boy and clings to his daddy.


“Baekhyun, you know our rules.”


Baekhyun quickly nodded and clapped his hands. His daddy had to create rules for the too loud and excited boy. Baekhyun can’t run or yell in the house, he can’t be too rough with his friends and can’t force them into playing. Baekhyun slowly takes Yesung’s hand and looked on his daddy if he is doing everything right. Chanyeol nodded and Baekhyun is leading Yesung in his playroom. Saying that Baekhyun is spoiled isn’t strong enough. The boy has everything. Chanyeol writes a book from time to time and his every word is a bestseller so he has lots of money to spoil his baby. 


The room has baby blue walls with golden stars on them. The floor is covered with white carpet so Baekhyun can play on the floor. The furniture is white and there are lots of colorful boxes with toys. Huge stuffed animals are standing in a line near to one wall, in a corner is a huge dollhouse and on wall is hanging a flat TV. Yesung is looking around in awe and then spotted that Baekhyun even has a playground in the garden. Baekhyun has everything but why? Yesung frowned and looked on his daddy. Maybe that he isn’t so cute or good like Baekhyun. Baekhyun is happily babbling while speaking about his toys and what games he likes and doesn’t realize that sad Yesung left the room in silence. 


The little one goes downstairs where is his daddy and Chanyeol sitting in the living room. Siwon is surprised that Yesung isn’t playing with his new friend and his baby climbed in his lap.


“What is wrong? Was Baekhyun too harsh?”


Chanyeol knows that sometimes his baby gets too excited and acts like a little dictator. He would hate if Yesung wants to leave because of his baby. Luckily for him Yesung shakes his head no. Siwon rubs his back and peeked in his face because he is scared that maybe he is crying. The truth is that Yesung is close to crying but for now he is only pouting.


“Then what is wrong?”


Yesung sticked out his bottom lip and frowned on his daddy.


“Baekhyun has so much toys, is he better than me?”


Siwon and Chanyeol are surprised by his question because how they should answer?


“It is my fault, he isn’t better but I just spoiled him so much. But you have a good daddy who knows what is the best for you.”


Yesung thinks about it and then shakes his head no.


“He has so many toys and a playground.”


Siwon sighed sadly and grabs Yesung under armpits to pull him closer.


“We can’t have a playground because we don’t live in a house.”


Baekhyun finally realized that he is alone and ran downstairs to find his friend. He jumped on the couch next to his daddy, even if he knows that he can’t jump on the furniture. He sat down in Chanyeol’s lap and pointed on Yesung. Chanyeol grabs his small hand and frowned because this isn’t something what well behaved boys do. 


“Yesung is sad that he has no playground like you.”


Baekhyun gasped dramatically and immediately hugs Yesung. 


“You are my friend and you can come to play with me whenever you want to.”


Yesung glanced on Baekhyun and sniffled a bit. 


“Can we go there now?”


Baekhyun nodded excitedly and grabs Yesung’s hand. He forgot about his broken fingers so Yesung shortly cried out in pain before Baekhyun released him. Siwon picked up Yesung to gently bounce him on his hip and then follows Baekhyun who is running to put on his shoes and then runs outside. Siwon really likes this playground but it makes him feel ashamed that he can’t give him this, he loves his apartment and doesn’t want to let go of it.


Yesung and Baekhyun start to play in the sandbox and they have tons of sand shapers. Siwon and Chanyeol don’t want to disturb their fragile friendship so they sit down and only watch them. After a while it is clear that the ice is broken and the littles are getting louder. Siwon would die just to make Yesung so happy, his little one is laughing and playing with Baekhyun who is trying to be the best host and brings more toys from inside. There is also a short slide and Yesung got interested in it. Siwon knows his clumsy baby so he went over to the slide and stands next to it, just in case that Yesung or Baekhyun fall down. Luckily Yesung isn’t so clumsy to fall down but his broken fingers are getting in his way and he is looking forward to getting rid of the cast. After few hours it is time for lunch and the daddies carry their tired littles inside the house and in the kitchen. Chanyeol is cooking quick pasta with meatball and tomato sauce while Siwon changed Yesung’s diaper and washed hands off the both boys. The lunch is soon done and pasta + two littles = one big mess and lots of cuteness.


Yesung and Baekhyun are eating the pasta with their hands and the sauce is all over their faces and even got in their hair. Chanyeol and Siwon are widely smiling and cooing because this scene is melting their hearts. It doesn’t mean that the littles escaped from thoroughly bath and then the daddies carry them in Baekhyun’s bedroom. In a corner is standing a crib big enough for two littles, at least for two littles as small as Yesung and Baekhyun. Siwon helps with cleaning the dining table and dishes but soon they have nothing to do. It is weird to sit on a couch in silence so they start to speak about everything possible. About their job, about their littles and more. The time is flying when they speak and soon they hear crying from upstairs. It is Baekhyun and Chanyeol is hurrying in his room. Yesung is also awake and looks dazed. He can’t keep his head upward so Siwon put him on his hip and laid Yesung’s head on his shoulder. The daddies sat down in the living room and the littles got a sippy cups with orange juice. Yesung and Baekhyun are drinking and slowly wake up. Siwon changed Yesung’s diaper and they go to play outside again. 


The weather is getting colder and the sky is growing dark when Siwon and Chanyeol finally get the littles inside the house. There is a dinner waiting for them-broccoli cheese soup and croutons-and the daddies feel better when they can feed them. Yesung is more obedient than Baekhyun who is refusing to eat and demands fries and chicken nuggets. Chanyeol doesn’t want to show that his little one isn’t very behaved but Baekhyun just wants to be a brat. Chanyeol forced him to eat few spoons and then let him to watch cartoons. Meanwhile Siwon packed their diaper bag and then put on Yesung’s shoes and jacket. Baekhyun makes a scene after seeing his friend leaving but the boy and his daddy need to go home. Chanyeol holds Baekhyun on his hip and they wave to their friends. Siwon and Yesung wave to them too and then Siwon drove off.

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399 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
Chapter 65: I love happy endings ❤❤❤❤
Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
CamiiAusterlitz #7
Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?