Chapter fifty six

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Siwon is taking the best care about his baby who is finally happy and more lively. Yesung woke up in little space and keeps squirming while his daddy is changing the bandages. Yesung wants to play with the new toys he got from their friends. Siwon is finally done and Yesung runs in the living room. His daddy goes to cook breakfast while the little one is exploring his new Lego. In a few minutes Siwon comes with their breakfast and started to feed his baby. Yesung is playing with the castle from Disney movie Frozen and doesn’t even feel the urge to scratch his injured tummy. Siwon is trying to play with him but he doesn’t have such a huge imagination. Luckily Heechul came and he is the best playmate for the little one. They are playing and Siwon can rest for a while before going to prepare a snack. He came back with yogurt and fruit cut into cubes.


Yesung climbs in Siwon’s lap and let his daddy feed him. It is good to see that he is eating so well after many weeks when his stomach tortured him and he suffered from vomiting. Yesung is stuffing his cheeks with the fruit and then got tired. Siwon is rubbing his back to help him with falling asleep and after few minutes Yesung is fast asleep with his head resting on Siwon’s shoulder. Heechul silently cooed on the cute baby and Siwon carefully laid him down in his crib. They are thinking about what to do for the rest of the day and Heechul proposed going in COEX Aquarium. They wait for the baby to wake up and then Siwon dressed him. Yesung is excited that they are going out and then even Leeteuk joined them which makes him happier. They walked inside the huge aquarium and Yesung immediately heads to otters. The cute animals are playing in the water and Yesung pressed his nose to the glass walls. The otters are swimming and others are waiting for Yesung to have enough of the cute animals. The little one is standing there for more than thirty minutes before they finally coax him to go to see other animals. They need to avoid sharks because they are terrifying so they go to see penguins. Yesung immediately remembers his stuffed penguin who is waiting for him at home. 


They spend a few hours in the aquarium and then go to have lunch. Yesung wants a pizza and the three adults can’t say no to him. The little one is enjoying his favorite chicken pizza and drinks lemonade while the adults are watching him. Yesung is full of energy after lunch so they head in a close park which is luckily empty because kids are in school and kindergartens. Yesung can slide on a slide and swing on a swing while Siwon, Leeteuk and Heechul are sitting on a bench and watch him. They need to admire that Yesung is the most cutest thing on this planet. He is wearing a white T-shirt with long sleeve, red denim overalls, and white sneakers and the outfit makes him look like a real child together with the wide smile on his face. They let him play almost for one hour but then some people started to come so they decided to head home because they don’t need people to be mean to him. Yesung is tired so he is ready to take another nap and Heechul with Leeteuk left. Siwon looks around the empty apartment and then silently lay down next to him. He sniffles to his blond hair and smiled. Siwon is watching his baby and then sees that his nails are getting long. Siwon gets a nail cutter and starts to cut his nails. He is gently holding Yesung’s short chubby fingers and slowly trims his nails until they are perfect. Siwon has to smile because the tiny fingers look so funny next to his long and strong fingers. Yesung flinched out of nowhere and feels strong cramps in his stomach. Yesung feels bile rising up in his throat and then vomits everywhere. On his clothes, Siwon’s lap, carpet, and on the bed. Yesung gags a bit and Siwon pats his back. He started to cry and turns to his daddy.


“Sorry daddy …”


Siwon should have seen this coming, after so many weeks when he didn’t eat properly Yesung suddenly ate too much. It was too much for his stomach so now Siwon has to quickly clean the mess and then leads Yesung in the bathroom. Siwon smiles on his baby to show that he isn’t mad and stripped him out of his dirty clothes. Yesung can’t take a bath yet so Siwon dipped a washcloth in Luke warm water and washes him while the little one sits on top of the bathroom counter. Siwon washed him and then checked the diaper. It is still dry so now Yesung only needs fresh clothes. Siwon dressed him in an oversized hoodie with colorful stripes and a pair of black sweatpants. Yesung is now warm and clean so Siwon brushed his teeth and then carried him in the bedroom. Yesung is sitting in his crib while Siwon finished cleaning the vomits and then opened a window to get rid of the terrible smell. Then Siwon picked him up and carried him in the living room. 


“What about we try some formula?”


Siwon goes to make a bottle of the formula and then brings it to Yesung. The daddy pulled him across his lap and put Yesung’s head in the crook of his arm. The little one is staring in his daddy’s eyes while his lips wrapped around the teat of his bottle. Yesung is slowly drinking his formula and feels much better. His tummy doesn’t hurt and he loves being so close to his daddy. He feels so good in his daddy’s big and strong arms. 


Siwon is watching his little one who is falling asleep and soon hears soft snores coming from him. Siwon sighed and kissed the top of his baby’s head. 


“Sweet dreams kitten.”

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399 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
Chapter 65: I love happy endings ❤❤❤❤
Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
CamiiAusterlitz #7
Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?