Chapter thirty three

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

It is just a regular Thursday like hundreds times before. Siwon is dealing with few emails and annoying lunch with few important people and then comes back in his office because of a meeting with his employes. They got a case right from a government officers because this is huge. One of South Korean minister was accused of taking bribes and Siwon knows that this is the chance to become number one is Korea. He called everyone in their meeting room and started to give tasks to them. 


On the other hand this isn’t such a great Thursday for Yesung. He is sleepy because he kept waking up last night and now he feels that he is going to fall asleep when he doesn’t move. Also everyone in the office is anxious and on top of that Yesung heard an ugly rumor about him and Siwon.


He went in the small kitchen to get bottle of water for himself and cup of coffee for Changmin. He almost went inside when voices coming from outside stopped him.


“He isn’t even working properly. Boss hides him in an office with Changmin because he wants to keep his close to him.”


Other voices agree and added few more harming things. Yesung wants to leave but suddenly the door opened and the mean coworkers are staring on him.


“Excuse me.”


Yesung walks past them to a fridge and takes bottle of water. His hands are shaking and he feels their eyes stabbing him in his back but he cant break down. Not in front of them.


Yesung tries to act cool while he is pouring coffee in a paper cup and bites on his tongue so he can keep his tears back. Yesung shakily left the small kitchen and goes in their office. He handed the coffee to Changmin and sat down.


“Are you okay?”


Changmin sees that Yesung looks different than before but he only shakes his head no and stays silent. They are working for few more hours before they need to attend the meeting about a minister who was accused of taking bribes. Everyone gathered in the meeting room and Siwon started to speak about their new case. Yesung is taking notes and tries not to jump and hide behind his strong daddy. 


Siwon is a professional so he doesn’t pay much attention to Yesung but spotted that he looks sad. After almost two hours the meeting ended and Siwon is collecting papers with his notes. Everyone left and only Yesung is sitting there. Siwon put his warm hands on top of Yesung’s tiny shoulders.


“Are you okay?”


Yesung lifted his head up and Siwon immediately recognized that he is in little space. Yesung’s eyes are so sad, like eyes of a puppy who stayed abandoned by everyone. But then Siwon spotted something different. Yesung’s pants have a wet spot on the crotch of his pants and now when he is so close, Siwon can also smell the scent of urine. 


“Lets go in my office. Daddy has your clothes there, remember?”


Siwon leaded Yesung in his office and pulled out clean pants. The color is different than color of his suit jacket but it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately being dry again doesn’t make Yesung slip out of his little space.


“Yesung, I need you to be big for a while, please.”


Yesung stares on him and the only thing he hears is being big again. But why? He loves being in little space where are no worries and daddy takes care of him. In little space his only job is to play and eat delicious snacks and food which his daddy prepares for him. While being big means boring and hard work. Yesung’s eyes are trimmed with tears and he makes grabby hands toward his daddy. Siwon sighed and rubs his face.


“Yesung just a bit more, okay? I can’t hold you right now.”


Siwon knows that Yesung is tired, he is also exhausted from working hard for the third week without a proper break. Yesung hasn’t been in his little space for these three whole weeks, he realizes that they must work hard on this huge case but today little Yesung inside him started to stomp his feet and throws a tantrum. He is in middle of nowhere, lost between being big and little. Siwon doesn't realize that Yesung can’t help it so he does the worst possible thing.


“If you don’t calm down then daddy is going to spank you!”


Yesung lost it and started to sob while Siwon thinks that he is a brat and slipped in little space on purpose to make everything even harder. 


“Stop right now!”


Siwon didn’t mean to yell at him but now he can’t take it back. Yesung takes a step back and silently hurries back in his shared office with Changmin. Changmin can see that Yesung was crying but when the little doesn’t want to say the reason then there is nothing what he can do to help him. Yesung started to work again even if he doesn’t want to. He wants to be back home with his stuffed friends. He wants to wear one of his fluffy diapers and on his baby bottle. He is forcing himself to read the papers covered with words and tries to ignore everyone.


Yesung doesn’t want to be here anymore. He is tired, his eyes and head hurt and no one likes him. The other coworkers are mean and now even his daddy hates him. Yesung is almost falling asleep in his chair when Siwon came to get him. The man finished the last piece of work few seconds ago and now wants to go home to have a long shower, can of beer and then he wants to burry himself in their bed and sleep for at least twenty hours. It is already pretty late and the city is now immersed in dark night. Changmin stretched his back and got up after his boss entered the office.


“Yesung, it is time to go home.”


Yesung angrily pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.


“No, you big meanie.”


Changmin nervously cleared his throat because now he is involuntarily trapped in middle of fight off his boss and his boyfriend. Siwon closed his eyes for mere a second and sighed. He really doesn’t have energy or patience for this. Siwon takes few long steps to the chair and roughly grabs Yesung’s petite wrist.


“I said go!”


Siwon harshly pulled on Yesung’s arm and doesn’t realize that he is still much stronger than Yesung even in this tired state. The chair toppled over and Yesung’s lovely face collided with the desk and then he fell down on the floor. Changmin is frozen in shock, he saw how is the chair falling but his reflexes aren’t so fast. On the other hand Siwon took a step back. He doesn’t know why he used so much force, something inside him was roaring in anger and wanted to go home. Anger blinded him and now he is staring on the consequences. 


After brief silence Yesung started to wail in pain while still laying on the floor. Changmin hurries to him and grabbed him under armpits. He picked him up and hissed. Yesung’s lower lip is busted and blood is rapidly dripping from the deep wound. The little one looks dazed and his blood is soaking in the white shirt. 


“We need to see a doctor.”


Changmin pulled Yesung on his feet and supports him while slowly walking toward the elevators. Siwon is staring on the bloody trail which is on floor and feels like a robot when his body started to move and run behind them. He jumped in the elevator in the last second and then hurries in front of them to open door of his car. Changmin loaded Yesung inside and then sat next to him. He is holding a napkin on Yesung’s lip and Siwon is driving. Luckily for them Yunho has killer duty as the emergency doctor so he is immediately focusing on his friends and boyfriend. He leaded them in a closed room and Changmin is explaining what happened while Siwon is only staring on the blood on Yesung’s shirt and more blood drying on his small chin. He can’t lift his eyes higher because then he could meet eyes of his little baby and he isn’t strong enough for the pain in them. Yunho put on pair of latex gloves because it is clear that Yesung needs few stitches. Unfortunately for them the little one decided to be stubborn. No matter how Yunho and Changmin try he keeps moving his head away and even went so far to try kicking them. Yunho groaned in frustration and turned to Siwon who hided himself in the farest corner of the small room packed with every possible medicine and instruments. 


“Are you only going to watch or are you going to help us a bit?”


The gaping wound on Yesung’s lip is taunting him but his baby is crying. He is crying for him. Siwon slowly takes few steps to the stretcher where is sitting Yesung and sat down next to him. Yunho prepared everything what he is going to need and turned to them. He smiled and Yesung flinched away from the hands in white gloves. Siwon gently pulled Yesung in his lap and grabs his small chin. Siwon is careful around the wound and keeps Yesung’s head still while Yunho brings his hands closer again. He sterilized the wound and grabs a needle and thread. Yesung is whining and still cries a bit. His daddy is holding him still and Yesung can’t feel content in his arms because he knows that daddy is angry because of him. Yunho is sewing the wound and Changmin tries to not faint because of the blood. Yunho finished his work quickly and then Yesung’s cheek.


“Don’t give him pacifier or other things on which he can . Also no spicy food.”

Siwon picked up his little one and then started to walk toward their car. He is exhausted but his brain is on fire and doesn’t let him rest. Siwon’s mind is creating dozens of scenarios about everything what could have happened. What if Yesung hit his head against the table? What if he hurt his eyes or nose? Siwon is holding Yesung’s hand and leads him to their car. He is walking as slow as Yesung so it takes some time before he can buckle Yesung in his car seat. He is driving home and Yesung keeps whispering on the back seat. Siwon parked his car and they get in the elevator.


Heechul and Leeteuk are coming back from a club and met their friends in the elevator. Heechul sadly cooed after seeing Yesung’s lip and then they see that Siwon is silently crying. Leeteuk wrapped his arm around Siwon’s shoulders and asked him what is wrong but Siwon can’t speak because of the tears. Heechul and Leeteuk take them in their apartment and sat down on a couch. Siwon is calming down a bit and put his head on Leeteuk’s shoulder. 


“I did that to him.”


Siwon is sobbing and hugs his friend while Heechul goes away with the little one so he won’t be distressed anymore. Heechul carried him in the bathroom and started to run a bath for him.


“Look what I have!”


Heechul smiled and showed a bath bomb to the little. Yesung is staring on it in awe and Heechul dropped it in the warm water. The bath bomb started to dissolve and the water turned black. Silver glitters and golden stars are floating inside and Yesung is amazed by it and doesn’t care that Heechul is undressing him. Heechul grabbed him under armpits and sat him in the bathtub. Yesung splashes the water around and giggled. Heechul is washing him with a wash cloth and he is paying attention if Yesung isn’t touching his lips. Meanwhile Siwon is crying in the living room.


“I got so angry and lost control.”


Leeteuk is patting his back and keeps telling him that everything is okay now. His heart hurts because of his friend’s cry and Leeteuk hopes that soon he is going to stop.


“It wasn’t your fault, you were tired and snapped. It can happen to everyone.”


Leeteuk rubs his back and after few more minutes Siwon calmed down.


“You are exhausted, what if you stay here with me and Heechul takes care of Yesung?”


Siwon doesn’t want to leave his baby but he is a useless daddy if he can’t control his anger. Heechul came back in the living room with Yesung in his arms - the little one is wearing a white diaper and cute hooded towel which turned him into a tiny mouse.


“We are back!”


Heechul bounces Yesung on his hip and sat down on the couch next to Siwon.


“We were thinking about taking a small break, do you mind if you take care of Yesung?”


Heechul is beaming but then realized why they need to do this. Heechul packed some of his things and then carried Yesung in Siwon’s flat. He sat Yesung down in his crib and rubs his back.


“Lets put on some clothes.”


Heechul dressed him in a frilly night gown and tucked him under a blanket. Yesung can’t have his pacifier or bottle and Heechul put a pair of mittens on his small hands so he won’t on his fingers. At least he can turn on the crib mobile and then he laid down too. Siwon really scared him but this isn’t the first time when he snapped. Siwon’s previous boyfriend Ryeowook was a little and they were breaking up and coming back for many years before Ryeowook left South Korea. They were fighting all the time between the occasional periods full of love. 


Heechul sighed and closed his eyes. He is hoping that Siwon is going to pull himself together before ruining his relationship. Heechul knows that he would immediately steal Yesung from him because it isn’t easy to let go of something so cute and vulnerable.






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399 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
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Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
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Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
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