Chapter thirty one

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

In the morning right after breakfast Siwon bathed his baby and then dressed him in black overalls and T-shirt with colorful stripes. Yesung doesn’t understand why is he getting dressed so early but he is too tired to ask. Siwon grabbed his diaper bag and they get in their car. Yesung is watching the busy city around them and finally asked where they are going.


“Daddy has few really good friends so maybe that little Yesung could find a friends too.”


Yesung is silent and thinks about it. He has never had a friend and it sounds scary to get one so he shakes his head no. Siwon pouted.


“Why not?”


Yesung shrugs but doesn’t speak because he is simply feeling too small to voice his worries. Siwon is watching him and thanks to God that he put Yesung in a diaper. He has learned to see a special signals that Yesung is becoming smaller in his headspace. They arrived and Siwon better picked up Yesung to prevent more injuries than his broken fingers. He rings on the door bell and in few seconds Yunho opened the door and let them inside. In the living room are already sitting few people. There is Changmin and Yunho, then there are Woozi with his daddy dom Mingyu, and the last couple are Sungjae and his daddy Eunkwang.


Siwon has become part of this community few years ago with his ex boyfriend Ryeowook but it wasn’t the same like now, Yesung isn’t only acting like a kid, he becomes a kid in his little space. Changmin, Woozi and Sungjae only act like a kids while still being adults and they only act like a kids when they are teasing their daddies. Their relationship is ual all the time and the nicknames baby boy and daddy are used during their ual activities. On the other hand Yesung is a little kid when he slips into little space and there is no when he is in his headspace, Siwon would never have a with Yesung when he is in his most vulnerable state. 


His friends have never met a real little who is able to slip in little space so they are quite curious about this treasure which is now hiding in strong arms of his daddy. Yunho and Changmin already know him but Yesung is new for Woozi, Mingyu, Sungjae and Eunkwang who are staring on the small bundle. Siwon shifted a bit and Yesung’s back.


“Look on all this delicious food. Will we need to eat it on ourself?”


Yesung got a bit curious after hearing the word food. It is true that there is many food, after all they are going to spend the whole day together. There is a tray of different kinds of muffins, cheesecake with strawberries, cinnamon French toast sticks, hot dog pretzel bites, bowls with popcorn and potato chips, garlic parmesan clam stuffed mushrooms and more. Later they will cook lunch together but for now they need to meet the special small guest. Yesung feels everyone’s eyes on him so he keeps his face hidden in crook of his daddy’s neck. They decided to give him some space and started to chat. Woozi is a song writer and composer so he knows many gossips about artists and cursed a boy group who keeps rejecting his songs. Sungjae is a professor of English Language & Literature on Seoul National University so he has no gossips but at least he can recommend them new books. Sungjae started to purposely speak about The Tale of Peter Rabbit to get the little’s attention and it works pretty quickly. Yesung slowly lifted his head and listens to the story. Sungjae stopped speaking and Yesung is amazed by the story about cute rabbit in a blue jacket and he wants to clap his hands but forgot about his broken fingers. Yesung cried out in pain and his daddy quickly kissed his injured hand. The little one is busy with snuggling his cheek close to his daddy for some more kisses and doesn’t see that everyone in the room is staring on him. They find the boy so adorable and small, the evident bulge where is his diaper and pacifier in his mouth makes him look even smaller. Woozi and Sungjae are loudly cooing over the cute creature and they are so loud that Yesung looked at them. He blushes and wants to hide behind daddy but Siwon grabbed him under armpits and put him on his feet. Yesung is nervously playing with straps of his overalls and avoids eye contact with so many new people. Siwon grabs Yesung’s delicate hand and smiled on him.


“These people are my really good friends. This is Woozi, Sungjae, Mingyu and Eunkwang. You know Changmin and this is his daddy Yunho.”


Yesung on his pacifier and shyly waved to them before hiding in Siwon’s arms. Siwon chuckled and tickled Yesung’s tummy.


“You need to look at them if you want to make some friends.”


Woozi is extremely curious because of this boy and sat down on couch next to Siwon to inspect Yesung. Woozi has heard about little space but he doesn’t know how it works. 




Woozi gently touches Yesung’s delicate hand and smiles on him. Yesung’s big innocent eyes turned to Woozi and smiled a bit. Suddenly Sungjae and Mingyu pushed them self closer the cute little. Mingyu wanted to Yesung’s hair but that was a mistake. 




The boy shrieked and hided his face in crook of his daddy’s neck. Minguy quickly pulled his hands away and apologized. Siwon is patting Yesung’s back until his baby calmed down and then sat him on the couch next to him. Yunho handed a muffin with pink frosting to Yesung who started to eat. He is looking around with wide eyes and the frosting is all over his lips, chin and nose. Siwon is cleaning his face with a napkin and Changmin also wants to take one of the delicious looking muffins but his daddy takes it away.


“These are only for Yesung, eat the other ones.”


Changmin pouted and takes the different kind of muffin. Yesung finished the muffin and now decided to explore the house. Changmin and Yunho have a house with nice garden so this is completely different for Yesung who is used to living in an apartment. Siwon is keeping an eye on Yesung while he chats with his friends and only stopped the little one from entering the main bedroom. Who knows what he should find there.


Siwon pulled Yesung in his lap and gently holds the petite hand and injured fingers while Yesung on his pacifier. He laid his head on Siwon’s shoulder and his good hand is clutching his stuffed turtle. 


“Yesung, do you want to see something really cool?”


The little nodded and Yunho grabs his hand. He has an aquarium in his office upstairs and leaded Yesung to look on the colorful fishes. In the aquarium are swimming ten fishes in total. There is one Purple Tang, two Male Black Orchid Bettas, one Female Elephant Ear Betta, one Black Volitan Lionfishes, two Male White Opal Bettas, one Assorted Platies and two Juvenile Imperator Angel. Few Margarita Snails are sticking to the glass walls of their home and on bottom of the tank is a starfish. Yesung is staring on the fishes in awe and pressed his little hand on the cold glass. Yunho is speaking about them and feels relaxed after the stressful days. He is a doctor, he is saving lives but sometimes he fails and this week two of his patients died. And now Yunho feels happy while watching Yesung who is curiously watching the fishes and pays attention if he isn’t putting his hands inside the aquarium. 


Rest of his friends are having fun but Yunho feels good only with the little one. Yunho loves kids, he has a niece and he adores her. 


“Why you don’t have turtles?”


Yunho chuckled and pats Yesung’s back.


“A turtle can’t live with the fishes.”


Yesung pouted and then frowned.




Yunho knows this very well - his niece also has thousands questions about the smallest things.


“This aquarium is big enough for little fishes but not for a turtle.”


Yesung nodded and then decided to explore all the books about medicine which is boring so he put them back. Yunho grabs his hand because he doesn’t know why but he wants to cuddle with this cute creature.


“I can show you our garden.”


Yunho leaded Yesung outside and shows him different kinds of roses which Changmin grows. This is also boring for the little so he runs back to his daddy. Siwon picked him up and they all started to choose their lunch. They are arguing a bit before agreeing on Panda Express. When their lunch arrived everyone gather around the dining table and they eat while Minguy is saying some funny story about one of his coworkers. Everyone is laughing only Yesung is focusing on the pair of chopsticks in his daddy’s hand. Siwon is feeding him while listening and doesn’t even realize that his baby is full and now he needs a nap. Woozi alerted him that Yesung is going to bang his head against the table if he doesn’t lay down so Siwon got up.


“Is there a place where he can take a nap?”


Yunho nodded and leaded him upstairs in their bedroom. Siwon laid Yesung down and changed his wet diaper before tucking him under a blanket with pacifier in his mouth. They left the door opened a bit and go downstairs to have some adult chat. Yesung sleeps for almost two hours and then woke up with messy hair and lots of energy. He wriggled out of the bed and heads downstairs where he hears voice of his daddy and his friends. 


They are speaking about their adventures and Sungjae is describing how they had in a bathroom in an airplane on their way to New York when suddenly Woozi chokes on his white and pointed toward the door. Yesung is standing there with messy hair and wet diaper and they only chuckled and stopped speaking about inappropriate things. Siwon changed Yesung’s diaper and then the little one started to run around the living room because he wants to play. Changmin is clapped his hands together to get Yesung’s attention and then smiled on him.


“What about frisbee?”


Yesung nodded, excited because of the idea and runs outside while Changmin takes the frisbee. They are standing in a big circle and throw with the frisbee. Siwon knows that usually they played this game a bit different - the one who dropped the frisbee had to drink shot off some alcohol. They always ended wasted but now they are going to stay sober, no more hangover for Siwon. Yesung is catching the frisbee with his good hand but it still falls out of his hands very often thanks to his natural clumsiness. 


When they stopped playing Yesung is still running around the garden and Mingyu and Eunkwang are playing tag with him. Yesung is shrieking whenever they are close to getting him and Mingyu with Eunkwang love it. Their little boys are never acting like this. They still know that they are adults and therefore they still have some limits. Yesung is getting tired and slowed down which was everything what Mingyu needed to catch him around his small waist. Mingyu easily picked him up and carried the boy inside because it is getting dark and cold outside. Yesung is sat down on the couch and rubs his eyes because he is exhausted. Siwon is chatting with his friends and slowly say goodbye with them before going to the couch where is his baby dozing off. Siwon picked him up and shakes with him a bit to wake him up.


“Say bye bye to your friends.”


Yesung struggles to lift his head off his daddy’s shoulder and weakly waved to them. Everyone is cooing over the cute little one and Woozi even kissed top of his head. Siwon walked out of the house and Eunkwang opened door of his car for him so he can carefully sit Yesung inside.


“Man, you should bring him more often.”


Eunkwang chuckled and then patted Siwon’s back before going back inside. Siwon sighed and started to drive while thinking about the party which is beginning in Yunho’s house right now. He sighed again and then glanced on Yesung. Never mind that he doesn’t drink and party with his friends like before, it is much more better to enjoy calm days with his baby boy.

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400 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
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Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
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Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?