Chapter two

Boss in office, daddy in bedroom

Yesung is trying to hard to fit in well but it isn’t easy. He is new and always scared so no one pays him attention. Yesung is used for being alone but has weird feeling like his boss is watching him. Of course that the mean voice in his head told him that someone like big Choi Siwon wont focus on someone so ugly as him but it is weird. Siwon got in elevator where is Yesung almost every lunch break this week. They haven’t spoken or had lunch together but Yesung feels so special next to Siwon.


Today after lunch, which was only a sandwich eaten in park for Yesung, he went into the room where is standing big photocopier to print few documents for his coworker. Few mean older coworkers decided to torment the new boy and prepared a trap for him. So when Yesung pushed a button to print the documents the color inside exploded. Yesung is standing there scared and shocked until he heard their laughter. Yesung’s white shirt is ruined and his tie probably too. Some of the color got on his face and they are laughing even more. Well until door of Siwon’s office opened with a loud bang.


“Are we working here or doing pranks!?”


He yelled and everyone turned their head to him. Actually almost everyone. Yesung doesn’t wait for anything and ran in bathroom. He locked in one of the cabins and sat down on closed toilet lid.   Why is always someone bullying him?! Moreover he doesn’t have money for new shirt. Siwon is yelling on the workers who pranked Yesung and then went in the bathroom. He opened the door very silently and hears Yesung’s soft crying. He faked coughing and then knocked on door of one cabin.


“Are you okay?”


Siwon was scared that maybe the color got in his eyes too so he is relieved when a silent no can be heard from the cabin.


“Then come out, I am not paying you for crying in bathroom.”


After a while the door opened and Yesung walked out. He is keeping his head down because of his red eyes but Siwon leaned down and peeked behind Yesung’s black fringe. 


“Wash your face and then come in my office.”


He left and Yesung quickly washed his face and hands. Then he went in Siwon’s office where are already waiting the pranksters.


“Say sorry to him and give him money for new shirt.”


They don’t argue with boss and apologized to him. Yesung hided the money from them in pocket of his trousers and want to leave but Siwon stopped him.


“You cant work like that, here is my spare shirt.”


Yesung carefully took the shirt from him and blushed because his coworkers are looking at them with opened mouths. Boss is giving him his own shirt? Why is he so kind to him?!


Yesung changed his shirt and has to fold the sleeves because they are too long. The shirt is baggy on Yesung because he is really petite. He bowed to his boss and then went back to his desk. He lifted his head and sees that everyone is staring on him. They quickly turned away and start to work again and Yesung makes himself smaller behind his desk. He cant truly focus because the shirt is smelling so good that it is making him dazed. After end of today’s workday Yesung is still sitting there and works while others are leaving. Yesung is tired too but wants to finish this. Suddenly his boss called his name and told him to come in his office.


“Why are you still working?”


Yesung doesn’t know what his boss wants. Is it bad to work overtime?


“I have a case so I am preparing for court hearing.”


Siwon nodded and then told Yesung to show him his notes. Yesung quickly got them and showed them to his boss. Siwon silently reads them and frowned.


“This isn’t something what can win this case. Some parts of this are bulls.”


Yesung’s cheeks went red in shame and he looked down. 


“I am sorry, I worked hard on them.”


Yesung bowed to him and wants to leave to do it again when Siwon got up from his chair.


“You think that saying sorry can fix it? Come here, I have to punish you.”


Yesung’s knees are shaking and he goes closer to him. Now is Siwon’s scent so much stronger and the man is also taller than Yesung whose top of head can reach only to Siwon’s sharp chin.


“Take of your clothes”


Yesung is bulging his eyes and Siwon is staring on him.


“Do it fast or your punishment is going to be worse.”


Yesung ed his pants with shaking fingers and pulled them down. Then he clumsily took off his shoes and socks. He is standing in office of his boss half . Just what the is happening?!



Siwon took off leather belt from his pants and few time cracks the belt through the air.



“Press your palms on desk of my table.”


Yesung is shaking in fear and does what Siwon told. Siwon smirked because this bunny is now in wolf’s den and doesn’t even fight. Yesung isn’t tied down, he can run away or simply say no but he is only obediently standing there. Siwon pulled down Yesung’s briefs and gripped the milky white soft flesh. Suddenly he feels something weird. There are many thin scars on inner side of Yesung’s thighs. Siwon squats down and gasped. 


There are many small already healed scars on his thighs. One next to another, covering his smooth skin. They aren’t very visible but Siwon can clearly feel them.


“How did you get these cuts?”


Siwon already knows the answer but wants to hear it from him. Self harming.


“Are you still doing this?”


Yesung shakes his head no but come on, Simon is a great lawyer and he can tell that Yesung is lying.


“Fine, then take off your clothes.”


Yesung is only standing there and tugs on hem of the shirt.


“Look at me when I am speaking with you.”


Yesung lifted his head and looks on Siwon who is standing above him with a stern glare.


“Did I speak Chinese or what? Take off ALL clothes.”


Yesung shakily ed the shirt and took it off. He is now standing there completely and Siwon can see everything. His , his flat stomach and more scars which are covering his hips. These are fresh. Thin red lines which were done by sharp razor.


“Why …”


Yesung doesn’t know what to say. Why? He doesn’t know why is he cutting himself. His life was never easy. He had almost no friend and his mother always forced him to study harder than other kids. He was often target of bullying because everyone saw him as a nerd. Yesung was lonely and started to see himself as unwanted and useless. His mother often said to him that he is the reason why his father left her. Yesung has never seen him, he ran away before he was born. The pressure was too much on his fragile mind and then he started to cut himself because everything feels better after few cuts.


Yesung is crying and fell down on his knees. He is collecting his clothes while his body shakes in sobs. Siwon is standing above him and doesn’t know what to say. This was supposed to be a little game. He wanted to spank Yesung a bit but now he is lost. Yesung got in his pants and shirt and took rest of his clothes and ran out of the office. Siwon is only watching him running away while almost tripping few times. This wolf now doesn’t want to bite the small bunny but he wants to save him from his demons.

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399 streak #1
Chapter 65: Rereading ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 1: Interesting start
LongBanana #3
Chapter 65: Wow! I don't believe it's ends here :') this is a very interesting storyline :) I get all the emotions in this story :"")))
I'll wait for your another amazing story └( ^ω^)」
Chapter 65: I love happy endings ❤❤❤❤
Oh I'm sad it's the end already.... Off to read
Chapter 65: So cute happy ending
CamiiAusterlitz #7
Chapter 65: ?
Chapter 65: so cuteee<3
Chapter 64: Omg two cute puppies love them <3
Chapter 63: So the next plan is proposing?