Chapter 7

The Devil Besides Me

Writing ain't easy. It's not a straight line from start to finish. Writing is squiggly jibbly where the author sometimes had to take a long water break that somehow landed them in an airport to another fandom with no return ticket. And when/if the author comes back they wrote chapter 12 instead of where they left off like chapter 7 just because they forgot where the trash can is.

Sorry about the rant. Couple of good news; I finally finished my series in another fandom. Took me almost 4 years (3 years, 8 months, 15 days) with 10 stories totaled 134,880 words, not including the spin-off series. That means I'll be taking a long break from that fandom to focus on my wips, particularly this fic. Another good news I got 10 upvotes for this fic and that means I get a badge so hurray! I will do my best to make this fic meet your expectations and beyond. Lastly Onew is discharged from the military and it was Taemin's belated birthday. Happy birthday baby boy!



“You have to eat something.”

Kai and Lay are in a sitting area across a busy intersection. It's a crowded area filled with shops, stores, cafes, and people.

Kai looks uninterested, leaning back against the bench. “I rather not.”

“Just pick one and get it over with,” Lay complained. “Do you have a preference?”


“Then just pick! What's so hard to choose?!”

Kai pursed his lips, stopping himself from blowing up where everyone can see them.

“Maybe it's the scenery,” Lay suggested, standing up. “How about we go somewhere else? Sehun usually goes to cafes for his meals, D.O. goes to supermarkets for his. We can try one of those places and it'll be easier to choose since it has food and all.”

“It's still the same,” Kai looks up at Lay. “I just don't feeling hungry.”

Lay sighs. “Look, I know this is hard for you but we have no choice. The last time you didn't eat you went berserk, ate 10 times the amount you were supposed to and got real sick.”

Kai closes his eyes. “Doesn't mean that it gets any easier.”

“Of course not,” Lay scoffs. “Xiumin practically made a game of his meals, Baekhyun sticks to either clubs or PC Bang so he doesn't get caught. Man, I don't know how you managed to survive this long without anyone making sure you actually eat. Because of Suho-hyung I'm stuck babysitting you.”

It was a decision Suho made for their group. Whenever someone needs to go somewhere outside of the compound, they need to be paired up with an available member. Now Kai can't go anywhere without someone following him.

It doesn't make things easier because of what they are. Everytime Kai feeds he feels a bit of humanity slips away. To fill a bottomless hole where their heart should have been just to stay alive. In return they were gifted of these limitless abilities humans could only dream of. But he would've given it all up in a heart beat just to return to a life he doesn't remember. Cursed is what they truly are.



“If you become endangered,” Minho carefully said. “You won't even have the ability to put up a fight.”

Taemin frowned. “Well I don't plan to put myself in danger anytime soon. We're living in a relatively safe area.”

Minho shrugged. “Who knows. Humans don't need a cause or reason to hurt or kill. If you have power you can easily defend yourself. You can become more confident and fearless because no one will beat you. You can easily exact vengeance on your foes.”

“But I don't have any foes...”

They were on their way to the hotel Taecyeon is staying at for brunch. The opulent décor of the lobby has Taemin looking around wide eyed with appraisal.

“I can give you comfortable luxury such as this and much more,” Minho persuades, trailing after Taemin like a wisp. No one can see the demon except for Taemin. “Gold, silver, wealth just spilling to the floor. To be catered to like a king on a throne. Treasures lying by your feet and everything that you could ever wanted is given to you on a silver platter.”

Taemin does his best to keep his annoyance down. He almost snapped at a hotel employee who stopped him in the lobby, asking about his business. He must have looked out of place with his oversized hoodie, scruffy jeans, and messy hair but luckily they let him go when they confirm about his brother.

Getting on the elevator Taemin gives Minho a side glare, luckily they are the only ones in the elevator. “Are you going to bother me like this every time?” Taemin puts his hands on his hips. “You're either scaring me or waving a pen at me to sign my life away.”

“Is it working?”

“No! In fact you are bothering me. I don't want you appearing when I meet my hyung so go off and wait wherever demons do in their free time. Go drink coffee or something.”

The demon bends forward to Taemin's eye level, smiling toothily with gleaming eyes. “And what are you willing to give so I won't appear when you meet your brother? He won't see me but you will.”

“And that is the problem,” Taemin said, giving the demon a shaky confident smile. “Taecyeon is smarter than me. If he knows something is up he will find a way to fix the problem.” He glares at the demon. “Even if you are supernatural you are no match for Taecyeon hyung. When he wants something done he will get it done no matter what.”

“It sounds like a challenge, little one,” The smile on Minho's face is not kind, his voice dark and husky. “Makes me want to meet him in person even more. To see if he is all that you say he is.”

Taemin snarls back at him. He really doesn't want to use his brother for this and who knows if Taecyeon can actually send Minho away. His brother is dependable and he blurted out his name without a thought. Like offering a lamb to a sacrifice.

Taemin steels himself, facing Minho head on. He can't show weakness in front of the overconfident demon. “How do you think I even found your summoning circle in the first place? I might not know how to send you back but I'm pretty sure Taecyeon does. All I have to do is ask.”

It's all a bluff to try and keep Minho under control. And if Minho actually shows himself to Taecyeon, then his brother will be in danger. All because of his big, fat mouth.

The smile on Minho's face turns into a thin line. Taemin could feel his skin crawl being subjected to Minho's gaze. Most of the time Minho looks at him as though he's a snack or a toy. The way Minho looks at him now is something he doesn't feel at ease about, stopping himself from rubbing away the goosebumps appearing on his arm.

“Threatening me is not a good look for you,” Minho grazes his finger across Taemin's cheek, soft but firmly. His claws are sheathed in his human-like form. “Nor does lying. You will only get burned.”

Taemin has to bite down the inside of his cheek to stop his shiver, forcing himself to stay still and meet the demon's eyes. If Minho tries to push him... if Minho...

It was probably the demon's power that allowed him have a smooth ride going straight to his floor without any interruptions. The elevator door opens to his designated floor and Taemin steps out. Looking around he doesn't see Minho.

He goes to the hotel room number Taecyeon is staying at and knocks on the door. The door opens to reveal a handsome tall man wearing glasses who is not his brother.

“Ahhh... sorry I was looking for...” petered out from Taemin's lips. He got nervous having the sole attention of the stranger who gives the boy a strange smile. “I must of have the wrong room-”

“You're very cute.” Taemin's cheeks colored and the stranger shakes his head. “No, you are in the right place. Taecyeon is taking a shower, please come in.”

Taemin shuffles inside as the man closes the door behind him. He knows Taecyeon would be staying at the hotel but he didn't know that he would be staying in a place like this. A sitting room along with two bedrooms and a kitchen in the luxurious hotel suite. The tall floor to ceiling windows overlooks the business district down below. This is something he would see in TV dramas about chaebols.

“My name is Jun K. but you may call me Junsu,” the man introduced. “I'm your hyung's assistant. You must be Taemin, Taecyeon's little brother. He mentioned that you would be stopping by for brunch but he didn't mention that you would be such a cute little thing.”

Taemin's cheeks turned redder even more. “I didn't know he has an assistant,” comes out of his mouth, before he thinks about it.

“Well your hyung has a lot of responsibilities what with managing a new project here and coordinating his team,” Junsu said. “He's the youngest among the executives so everybody has high expectations for him to succeed. I was assigned to him to help ease his workload like running his errands and taking care of him in anyway possible.”

Taemin stares down at his shoes. “Then I must be bothering him to come here.”

Junsu shakes his head and has a fond look. “Nonsense. Your presence helps bring up Taecyeon's mood, like a stress reliever. He's proud of you and talks about you a lot.”

“I never knew that.”

“Think of your presence here as Taecyeon's break from work.” Junsu takes his bag from the sofa. “I have errands to run. It's nice to meet you Taemin-ssi, I hope we can talk again soon.”

“Nice to meet you, Junsu hyung.”

Junsu left the hotel suite leaving Taemin alone. He wanders into the bedroom where a giant bed greets him. He lays down on the bed and spreads his arms out wide, feeling the softness and bounce that is unlike his own bed back at home. And it smells like Taecyeon, leaving him comfortable enough to close his eyes for just a second.

“What a nice surprise.”

Taemin opens his eyes just in time for a heavy weight dropping on top of him. He halfheartedly struggles at the hold and squeaks when fingers dig into his side, tickling him.


Taecyeon chuckles, nipping at the back of Taemin's neck. “That's not how you're supposed to address your hyung.”

“Quit it!”

“You know what to say to make me stop~”

Taemin heaves in between laughs, giving into Taecyeon's ministration until finally, “Taecyeon-hyung stop~”

“Good boy.”

Taecyeon still has him in his embrace but finally stops tickling him. Taemin catches his breath, his face leaning on the cool sheets of the bed exhausted. It feels nice staying like this with his hyung until a thought floated into his head.



“Where are your clothes?”

“...I have a towel?”

A sharp elbow to the rib is all Taemin needs to be free. When everyone is dressed the two went downstairs to the hotel's dining lounge. But a gentle tug at Taemin's elbow has him turn to the opposite direction towards the VIP lounge. Taecyeon only needed to nod at the concierge and was allowed in along with Taemin. There were mostly women both young and old talking to each other over tea. But their high end clothes and jewelry screams that they are wealthy and powerful.

It makes Taemin feel out of place as they seemed to be the only male occupants of the room sans the servers and concierge. They were led to a sitting area on the side of a room that gives them some sense of privacy. But Taemin can still feel the muttering and side glances directed at them.

“Quit fidgeting, Taemin-ah. There's no need to be nervous.”

Taemin swallows, looking up at Taecyeon. “Hyung, are we in the right place?”

Taecyeon chuckles. “Of course we are. My company has good relations with the hotel so they set me up with all the perks,” he gives a teasing smile. “And don't worry, none of those biddies bite. It might give them something new to talk about.”

“Like what?”

“Like how they are going to set up their daughters and granddaughters up to date you.”


The room's female attention and his hyung's teasing has made his face even redder causing Taecyeon to laugh out loud. This causes more attention to be directed at them but Taecyeon doesn't mind. “I'm just kidding. Don't worry, none of them can treat my dongsaeng right like I do.”

The food came without Taemin or Taecyeon ordering or reading from the menu. A testament to first class services offered by the hotel. The food has all of Taemin's favorites, causing his mouth to water.

They talk while eating brunch. As time goes by Taemin would relax, ignoring the other occupants in the room. Not even a gaggle of giggles and squealing from the female occupants of the room could ruin his mood when Taecyeon wipes the cream off his cheek.

And then the mood went a little bit downwards when the topic goes to Taemin's future.

“Have you started on your applications yet?” Taecyeon asked. “Even it is just for formality sake.”

Taemin bites his lips, dragging his pancake piece around the plate with his fork. “I'm sorry hyung. I've just been so busy lately with school and stuff. I don't even know what I'm going to do when I graduate. There's just so much – I don't know where to begin.”

“Don't forget your military enlistment,” Taecyeon pointed out. “You only have 2 or 3 years left before you graduate and it's best to apply now to get ahead in the game. You can apply for my company's internship so I can keep an eye on you. I think the company offers tours for college students so I'll keep an out for those for you.”

“I'm not sure it works that way, hyung.”

“Taemin, I am your hyung. It is my job to keep you safe.”

There was a slight hiccup when a group of tenacious women cornered Taemin when he goes to the bathroom. They were talking many things at once like complimenting his features, asking about his education, or about his brother. Taecyeon must have had a sixth sense when he appeared not a moment too soon to save Taemin. In his mind he thanks to any high being who is altruist enough to give him a brother like Taecyeon, who stands guard in front of the bathroom while fielding questions from the female population.

“I'm feeling stuffed,” Taecyeon said, his arm secured around Taemin's shoulder, leaving the VIP lounge. “Is my dongsaeng feeling well? I'm sure you got just as much attention when you're in school.”

Taemin absentmindedly toys with Taecyeon's fingers. “Not really,” he pouted. “And thank goodness because I don't know if I can handle something like this everyday.”

This only causes Taecyeon to laugh as he leads them out of the hotel. “I find that hard to believe.”

The timing was perfect when a car pulls up in front of them. The window rolls down revealing Junsu in the driver's seat. “Hey boss, have a good brunch?”

“It was filling,” Taecyeon answered, turning to Taemin. “Do you have a place you need to go? I can drop you off there.”

“I'm good, hyung. I'm gonna take a walk to digest,” Taemin rubs his belly as emphasis. “It's for my exercise.”

Taecyeon gives an exasperated shake. “I feel better if I can drop you off, my dongsaeng. You can save money if you come with me.”

Taemin pouted, lips wobbly his eyes huge and blinking. “But I don't want to save my fatness.” An aegyo that his brother can never resist. “Hyung please? I don't want to keep you from your work because of me.”

He made sure to keep up the facade until Taecyeon gives in with a sigh. “Just be careful on your way home. It's dangerous these days.”

“I'll be fine hyung. It's the middle of the day.”

“I still worry for you my dongsaeng.”

“And I you my hyung.”

After one last hug the car drives away with Taecyeon and Taemin walks away in the other direction. He's relaxed and full, stomach sated, and his mind easily drifting and chilled.

“I think I finally know why you don't want anything from me. It's because of your brother.”

And there goes his mood. Minho has been absent since brunch and has immediately appear when Taemin is all alone. He is determined to ignore the demon's presence in public, putting on his earphones as he walks.

His efforts did not stop the demon from demanding the human's attention. “Your hyung provides you with all that you could ever want,” the tone of Minho's voice feels like it's dripping on the back of his neck. “If I didn't know that he is your brother I would've thought that he is your lover.”

The words irked him so bad that he wants to yell right in front of the demon's face. His fingernails digged into the palm of his hand painfully, his expression murderous that people in front of him gave him the wide berth. His voice screaming random things in his mind to drown the demon out but failed. No matter how fast he walks, the demon is right next to him keeping up with a leisure pace.

“And what a attentive lover he would be.” Minho murmurs in his ear, teeth close against the shell of it. “Gives you anything you could ever ask for; money, food – he even dresses you. It looks like he even has your future all set out for you.” His words drop into a whisper. “Like a little pet.”

“Shut up!” Taemin couldn't take it anymore and rounds up on the demon, glaring into those eyes and pointing right between them. Doesn't care if he's in public and no one can see the demon. “I am sick and tired of your nonsense! I never meant to summon you in the first place! So go away!”

Taemin heavily breathes, able to get it off his chest. There were people walking past him, whispering to each other and pointing at him like he's a crazy loon. He just doesn't care.

“Oh?” Minho coos, the corners of his sharp teeth gleaming. He's straightens up at full height towering over Taemin. “What makes you think you can tell me to leave? It's so cute when you try to turn your anger at me.”

Taemin seethes. “Why are you so irritating?!” He runs away to a clear space in front of a park and sits down on the bench. He could have run much longer but he just ate and the demon can appear wherever he goes. He puts his face into his hands, doesn't have to see Minho materializes besides him. “Why can't you leave me alone?!”

“Is it so bad?” Minho asked, his legs crossed sitting next to him patiently. “To have me around when all I want is to give you what you desire?”

“I kept telling you that I don't want anything,” Taemin mumbled into his hands. “Summoning you is all just a misunderstanding and that you should go back to wherever you came from.”

“Summoning me is no easy task,” Minho explained. “Not just making the summoning circle but the power behind it. Intent and will is what brought me to you. You must have want something so strongly to have the power to bring me to you. But it is a problem that you don't remember what it is that you desire.”

“Because there is nothing to remember when there is nothing that I desire.”

Minho reaches out, his hand tucking some strands of hair behind Taemin's ear. A kind gesture out of character for the demon. He had looked surprised at his own action, shaking the thought out of his mind before it gets any deeper. He closed his expression when Taemin picks his head up and sighs, leaning back on the bench. Luckily for the demon, Taemin doesn't notice at all.

“Isn't there anything people want in life?” Taemin mumbled, eyes unseeing as he stares out at the park. “Some of them want money or food but it's something that can be acquired. Others want love or a job that can also be acquired but with difficulty. And then there are things people want but don't know the answer to. I guess I'm one of them so this is going to make your job much harder.”

Minho turns to Taemin sitting next to him. He should have known this human is not like the ones who summoned him in the past.

“Why are you not scared of me anymore?” Minho asked. His form briefly flickers between human and demon, to remind Taemin of what he really his. It only earns him a bored glance.

“Should I be?” Taemin shrugs. “I got tired of being scared all the time.”



When Taemin is sound asleep and safely tucked in bed, Minho teleports to a certain bookstore across the city. The store is closed at such a late hour but it doesn't stop Minho from entering. He only took five steps into the store when a long staff crossed his view, blocking him from going another step further.

“Do you not see the sign?”

Minho raises his hands up in a mocking, placating manner. “I'm not here for business. Just wanted to talk with you, hyung.”

The long staff retracted as a man appears out from the shadows. The man's eyes held an unearthly glow as he steps up to Minho. “Didn't think I'd see you on the top side so soon, dongsaeng.”

Minho grins, his eyes flashed to match the man's glow. “Hey Changmin. Got a minute for me?”

They sit by the large window overlooking the streets below. Hot tea in front of the two but none of them have drank from it as Minho recounts events since he was summoned by Taemin. He intentionally left the name of the summoner out.

“The child doesn't even know why he summoned me in the first place,” Minho finishes. “He doesn't even know what he wants.”

Changmin makes an thoughtful sound. “And this boy said he didn't even know how he summoned you either?”

Minho clenches his teeth at the thought. “My summoning sigil is not simple to make with only using a piece of paper and markers. And he did it with the intentions of using it as a wall decoration!” This causes Changmin to laugh out loud as Minho snaps at him. “It's not funny!”

He should have known coming here wouldn't be any help. He had hoped he could get some advice from his former mentor on a way to deal with Taemin. The human has defied many of his expectations and he couldn't get him to make a deal to claim the human as his. A human whose not scared of him anymore, only sees him as an annoyance.

And there was something wrong with him lately concerning the human. He catches himself looking after the human to make sure he's safe. This can be chalked up to making sure the human stays alive long enough to be claimed by him. But tucking the boy in bed and brushing his hair out of the way? It goes against his nature to them without malevolent feelings. He doesn't say these worries out loud. Changmin may have been his mentor but he can't be trusted. They are demons after all.

“I'm sorry but that's just hilarious,” Changmin calmed down, even wiped a tear from his eye causing Minho to seethe. “If the boy summoned you but doesn't make a contract with you then why don't you just go back down? You're wasting both his and your time just staying up here.”

“Because,” Minho clenches his hand into a fist. “I always get my prey and complete the contract. The moment he summoned me, his soul is good as mine.”

Changmin snorts. “If that's how you feel then why have you not done so?” he drawled. “Unless... you can't? The boy is an amateur and you would have easily killed him when he summoned you with no purpose. And you didn't.” He raises an eyebrow, amused. “The boy seems to have a hold on you, interesting... Perhaps I should see this boy myself.”

Minho glares, his eyes flaring with power behind the glow. A small dent had formed on the table underneath his fist. The windows next to them shook and the tea on the table ripples, nearly spilling from their cups. But Changmin doesn't react, still looking amused.

“The boy belongs to me,” Minho snarls, the energy he had emitted twists wildly around him. “Take him if you dare but you will see yourself in hell no sooner than you laid a finger on him.”

Changmin had released some of his energy out in response, matching with Minho's rage but more controlled. “You dare challenge me? Your mentor?” his smile dangerous. “How disrespectful have you been over the last century just begging for me to remind you of your place!”

The thought of Changmin taking Taemin makes him want to burn the demon right where he's sitting. He doesn't care if Changmin is his mentor. Just the thought of that demon's hands dirtying Taemin would get his blood boiling.

The two demonic energies raged within the proximity of their user, dancing out of reach from the other by only a hair's away. One flares with power while the other with precision. It was finally until Minho calms down a little, his energy recedes back to the glow in his eyes. The windows stopped shaking and the ripples in the tea have ceased.

“I came to tell you of my claim and sought for advice,” Minho calmly said with barely concealed anger in his tone. “Should any demon try to take him, they will only regret it.”

“Your impudence still hasn't change.” Changmin's energy didn't flared as wildly as Minho's, it recedes back to the owner with not even a glow. “I'll forgive that on grounds we haven't seen each other for a while. I won't claim your boy but you should do it soon. Demons and other beings could sense your presence around him. Your power deters them but they will get curious. If they sense the boy is not yet claimed, they'll see it as a challenge. A worthy prize for the taking.”

Minho growls at the thought. “I've been trying to get him to make a contract but he doesn't want to,” he spats. “I even look into his mind and he has nothing he strongly desires.”

“Then make him want something.”


“You call yourself a demon?” Changmin scoffs. “We can make humans want things they don't know they want. I suggest that you get to know your human and get yourself under control. The boy sees you now as nothing more than an annoyance rather than someone to fear or desire.” He levels Minho with a serious gaze. “Change his perception of you so that he will let down his guard and he will come to you in his own free will. That's when you can claim him as yours.”



Changmin from TVXQ and Jun K. aka Junsu from 2pm. And I heard both Taecyeon and Changmin revealed they got a special lady. Congrats to the both of them and wished them happiness.

And I know some readers are wondering why did I pick Taecyeon to be Taemin's brother in this fic? Let me leave these pics to do the talking for me (I honestly want to strangle aff bc of how difficult it is to paste these pics here); Look at fetus Taemin!

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏