Chapter 34 (Ending)

The Devil Besides Me

Sorry for the delay. I'm never good with deadlines and unfortunately it doesn't look like I made it to post before 2023. Maybe at least some part of the world is still in 2022 so there's hope in that lol.



“But Kai...”

“Please! I need your help on this.”

Kai searched all over the building until he finds Baekhyun. But Baekhyun doesn't want to help, trying to ignore his pleads.

“Suho told us to stay here and wait while he deals with the demon and his friend,” Baekhyun says, avoids meeting Kai's eyes. “Something happened and Lay has to go see if they're alright. I'm on standby if anything happens so I can't help you on this.”

“But I can't do this alone,” Kai clenches his hand. “Whatever Nickhun did, I can't get in. That's why I need your help.”

“You shouldn't be interfering with whatever Nickhun has planned,” Baekhyun replies. “That guy... I don't know what is it about him but he gives me the creeps. You did what they ask of you so that should be the end of that so I don't know what got you so worried over.”

“I messed up,” Kai admits, his head down. “I messed up really bad. I need to save him. I need to save Taemin.”

Seeing how Kai looks regretful and desperate, Baekhyun couldn't help but sigh. “OK, I'll help.”

Not wasting time Kai grabs Baekhyun and teleports to the hall. But the doors that had barred him from entering the room were gone as if they had been blown away.

Confused, Kai moves to see what was going on only to quickly backtrack as a barrage of dark flames shoots in his direction.

Peeking from the safety of the huge debris he see Minho raging in the middle of the room, his dark flames emitting out uncontrollably from his rage, his control on his demonic features are itching to pop out. He sees Jonghyun standing guard over Taecyeon while Onew is next to Nickhun whose cackling on the ground. He sees Sehun at the edge of the room, tending to someone on the ground.

But he doesn't see Taemin.

“What happened here?” Kai looks around wildly. “Where is Taemin?”

Baekhyun looks over Kai's shoulder but he's not concentrating on the same thing. “Is that Sehun? Wait... Chanyeol?!”

Kai doesn't move from his spot even as Baekhyun moves past him, stuck at the thought Taemin is gone.

He did this.

He's too late.

Taemin is gone.

It's all his fault.

Eventually Minho's rage simmered down, dropping to his knees in despair at the exact spot Taemin disappears. The dark abyss that had swallowed Taemin didn't leave any cracks or openings for Minho to follow. Taemin literally fell off the face of the Earth.

Onew grabs Nickhun by the lapels of his shirt, hauling him upright. Nickhun's body flops in his grip, like a rag doll. “What did you do?! Where is he? Where is Taemin?!”

“Are you upset?” Nickhun grins, his head tilts in an awkward angle. “We got to the boy before you. And there's nothing you can do about it.”

Onew glares as he brings Nickhun close to him, his expression is fierce for the normally mild man. “Bring him back!”

“I'm just following boss's orders,” Nickhun grips Onew's wrist to level himself. “He sought to improve upon what he considered to be a great injustice. To do what it takes to protect his beloved person from this cruel, unforgiving world.”

Onew was suddenly forced to let go of Nickhun when a dagger aims for his face. Nickhun wields a dagger laced with holy, similar to Jonghyun's sword. Nickhun attacks with less grace as expected, having suffered a grievous injury from Minho. Onew can only dodge out of the way to avoid Nickhun's weapon, considering too volatile to even get in close proximity.

“Stop!” Jonghyun yells at Nickhun. “We have Taecyeon in our custody. Do you want anything happen to him?”

Taecyeon scoffs and moves to get on his knees so he wouldn't be lying on the ground. The air around him spoke arrogance even while he's chained. “Its not like your type has the guts to do what you claim. You're just bluffing.”

Jonghyun glares down. “And you do?”

“I have succeeded for what I sought to achieve,” Taecyeon gloats. “I think I finally understand – none of you know anything. Especially you who has been under his thumb for too long as a servant, or worse – a pet. He alone has had the power to determine your self-worth and he has abused that power in ways I can barely even guess at!”

Taecyeon chokes as the chains unexpectedly tightens around him. Jonghyun looms over him menacingly, glaring as he subtly controls the length of those chains. “For Taemin's sake I will pretend not to hear that.”

“Even when he's no longer with us?” Taecyeon mockingly replies, not taking the hint of Jonghyun's ire. “God has given humans intelligence and self-awareness, even emotions, but not the ability to decide their own fate.”

“That doesn't give you the right to interfere in Taemin's fate,” Jonghyun growls. “Does that make you Taemin's god?”

“Taemin is perfect the way he is,” Taecyeon gives a nasty smile. “Too perfect for this world.”

Suddenly Taecyeon's chest started to glow before it shines brightly, blinding anyone looking in his direction. And before he knows it, Jonghyun was sent flying away. Onew barely have time to react and defend himself as he was also thrown across the room, away from Nickhun.

Jonghyun struggles to stand, shocked. “That's impossible. No one has been able to break the heavenly chains like that.”

But Taecyeon did as he stands tall and unchained. His body encased with the same dark energy as the ritual Nickhun used on Taemin.

Nickhun sidles up beside him. “How does it feel?”

Taecyeon flexes his hand, opening and closing, a gleeful smile stretches across his face. “Not bad.”

Taecyeon outstretches his hand and fire shoots out to attack Jonghyun who dodges out of the way. Jonghyun sees Minho still hasn't moved from his spot, despaired over the loss of Taemin. “Don't just stand there! Do something, demon!”

But Minho didn't move, lost in his detrimental thoughts. He had been so close. If he had taken another step. If he had been stronger or faster. He couldn't even feel Taemin through their bond anymore and now he feels hollowed inside.

He wasn't able to react to protect himself when Taecyeon kicks him down, standing over him gleefully. “Not so tough now, huh?”

Minho summons his darkness flames but was too slow as Taecyeon didn't stop beating a man when he's down. With Minho's lack of motivation and will, the fight is one-sided turning into a beating.

“So this is what the merciless demon has to offer?” Nickhun goads, stalking over. “Pathetic.”

Jonghyun and Onew couldn't stand by to watch Minho get beaten and moves to intervene. But Taecyeon's powers and Nickhun's tricks are not easily able to overcome.

On the far side of the room Sehun clutches a motionless Chanyeol in his arms while watching the fight. He turns to Baekhyun urgently. “We need to get out of here.”

Baekhyun bites the bottom of his lips, eyes shifting between where Taecyeon and Nickhun are and Kai's position. One false move or sound and they would be next. “I don't think it's possible.”

“Then call Kai to come get us,” Sehun urges, his grip on Chanyeol tightens. “What is he doing there just standing around?” Sehun pauses as realization dawns to him. “Don't tell me he's still hung up on that human. I saw him get swallowed up until there's literally nothing left of him. There's no way to get him back. And he's moping just like that demon.”

“He was regretful of what he did,” Baekhyun explains. “He came looking for me and – I don't know what I'm supposed to do.”

Sehun narrows his eyes as he assess the situation, watching how Minho and his friends are getting beaten while Kai is standing there unmoving. After contemplating his choices Sehun wordlessly has his hand out, palm up. Baekhyun looks at him with shock. “Sehun!”

“We're all sitting ducks if we don't do something.” Sehun growls, not meeting Baekhyun's eye. “I have to do everything around here.”

Seeing Sehun has made his choice, Baekhyun sighs and gives him his hand. “Good luck.”

Taecyeon breathes in deeply, savoring the moment. “So this is what it feels like? To have this type of power in my hands.”

“That's not even half the power you can access,” Nickhun says, looks down at Minho on the ground. “You might be even more powerful than him.”

“Oh really?” Taecyeon looks interested. “But maybe later. Let's finish this so that we can go.”

As Taecyeon raises his hand to finish Minho off, a strong gust of wind stops him, blinding and keeping him immobile. Sehun's face is grim as he binds Taecyeon and Nickhun in a vortex to keep them from moving. Both inside a tornado, unable to move or get out. His powers are stronger than before, able to hold in a powerhouse immobile.

But Taecyeon doesn't take this lying down. He has an awful grin that causes shivers to run down Sehun's spine. “Do you think that little gust of wind can hold me? Let me demonstrate.”

A small flame conjures in Taecyeon's hand has Sehun confused before turning into panic. But it was too late to stop or dissipate his tornado. The fire jumps into the vortex, encasing the tornado in flames. Taecyeon can now control it, turning Sehun's tornado into a firestorm.

“I seem to recall that you have attempted this earlier with that friend of yours.” Taecyeon idly says, subtly manipulating the storm with a flick of his fingers. “Allow me to properly demonstrate.”

The firestorm is coming for him but its too strong with two elements working together. Sehun uses his wind abilities to try and protect himself but it wasn't enough even with Baekhyun's boost. He couldn't run and his wind powers couldn't protect him, ultimately swallowing him in the firestorm with a scream.

The firestorm intends to swallow everyone else in the room. Baekhyun tries to run with Chanyeol on his back but he's not quick enough as the firestorm approaches him, intending to swallow him up like Sehun. He clenches his eyes for the inevitable when he felt himself being picked up and thrown over a shoulder. He opens his eyes and sees Onew carrying him and Chanyeol under his arm.

“What?!” Baekhyun is flabbergasted.

“That thing is homed in on us,” Onew says, his face looks serious, running fast to where Jonghyun is with Kai standing next to him. “And I don't think we can outrun it.”

They reached Jonghyun just in time for him to put a barrier up. The firestorm crashes into the shields, the air becomes sweltering. Jonghyun struggles keeping the barrier up.

Suddenly two white wings emerged from Jonghyun's back. Wings with a length span of almost five feet long to cover a human. It boosts Jonghyun's powers and the shields strengthens from the onslaught. For a second all of them would be in awe if not for the predicament they are in.

“You better think of something quick,” Jonghyun grunts, his arms threatening to buckle. “This thing won't be able to hold it off for long.”

“I can't teleport this many people out of here,” Kai says. “I can only take two at a time and it would drain me before I can teleport anymore.”

“Then take your friends,” Onew replies, doesn't even face Kai, his eyes only on Jonghyun and his shields. “Leave us.”

Kai turns to Baekhyun, “Is it possible if you can -”

“No,” Baekhyun shuts him down. “I can't. I took a gamble on Sehun, to be able to get out of here. I'm drained and now Sehun is gone because you didn't do anything!”

Kai flinches at Baekhyun's words. “I can't... I-I'm sorry.”

“Whatever,” Baekhyun scoffs, turning away from Kai. “What's the use of your sorry.”

“Where is that demon?” Jonghyun growls, perspiration drips down his head from the exertion. “I could use some help here.”

“Probably burnt away,” Baekhyun says. “I didn't see him.”

But Minho wasn't burnt away, lying on the ground beaten where Taecyeon had left him. His eyes hazy as though all the fight has left him, numb to the sight of Jonghyun and Onew in danger.

He doesn't get up. He doesn't do anything to save them. Because what is the point, Taemin is gone.

In the back of his mind, a voice tells him to get up. To stop lying on the ground and save them. Idly that voice sounded like Taemin, giving him words of encouragement and cheering him on.

I don't care if you're a demon or human... as long as you're you...

A part of me was scared... but at least I know that you'll come to save me...

It took a lot of effort to stand. Exhausted and weak, he exerted all that he can not to fall and take a step forward. His demonic features slowly emerge, showing his true self to the world. From the off-colored skin, to the whites of his eyes turning black. His energy runs wilder and out of control, consuming him to be the demon that he really is.

Without hesitation he shoots a blast of his fire at Taecyeon point blank. But Taecyeon reacted quickly, the firestorm shifts around acting as a shield before attacking Minho. It soon becomes a standoff between Minho and Taecyeon, fire with fire as none of them cease their attacks.

The attack from both sides was intense, none of them relenting. But both Minho and Taecyeon are struggling to hold off the other. If one of them relents, then it would be over for them. Its not only the fight for the survival, but also the fight of their beliefs.

The fight for Taemin.

That resolve was able to push Minho on. He yells and with all his strength a burst from him actually gain an advantage ultimately decided the outcome. His power and his will is what kept him from being consumed.

Unknowingly his demonic features melts away from his skin. His horns falling over and his off-colored skin disintegrates. His flames flickering from black to white, blinding everyone and consumes anyone who opposes him.

Nickhun sighs and embraces Taecyeon from behind, accepting his fate. “I will be with you till the end.”

And then they're gone.

When the blinding light recedes, Jonghyun finally lowers his shields. Minho drops on his knees and collapse on the ground. Concerned, everyone rushes towards him.

Onew got to him first, holding Minho up in his embrace. “You okay?”

“What do you think?” Minho grunts but he doesn't have the energy to get up and move. Not even to lift up a finger. “Just let me rest.”

“You did good,” Jonghyun admits. “But we're not done yet.”

Minho gives Jonghyun a tired glare before it lessens at the sight of Jonghyun's wings. “I forgot how much of an eyesore those were.”

“I see that you're not tired enough to insult me,” Jonghyun snarks, retracting his wings back into his body. “But Taemin is still missing. The longer he's gone, the harder it will be to retrieve him. If only that other demon is still here, maybe we would know where he is.”

Minho curses as he gets up with Onew's assistance. “I doubt he will help us even if I spare him.”

Onew sighs and turns away, feeling the situation is hopeless. Coincidentally his eyes landed on Kai's ring on his hand. “That ring...”

Feeling self-conscious, Kai hides the ring away from Onew's critical gaze. “What about it?”

“I'm not sure how to explain it but doesn't it belong to Taemin?” Onew frown. “Unless its a couple set...”

Kai's eyes widened. “It belongs to me but how did you know it was a couple set?”

“It was a wild guess but I can see that ring with Taemin's essence,” Onew explains. “It doesn't match the energy you emit. But the ring... it's getting dimmer.”

Kai looks at the ring curiously before he sharply looks up. “Then is it possible to be able to find Taemin with this?”

“It would take more than a measly ring to find Taemin,” Minho huffs, his body swaying to keep himself upright if not for Onew steadying him. “But my connection with Taemin was snapped. It's going to take more than a ring to be able to track him.”

Kai moves to take off his ring but pauses. He goes to his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. “Will this help?”

Minho gives a dubious glance at the paper in Kai's hand before taking it and unfolding it. His eyes widened at what he unfurled.

“I found it in Taemin's room while I was waiting for him,” Kai explains, scratching the back of his head nervously. The guilt of what has transpired gnaws at the back of his head. “I was going to give it to Nickhun but I had second thoughts.”

Minho grins. “It's perfect.”

Jonghyun blanches at the paper. “A demon summoning circle?! And is that blood on there?!”

“It's my summoning circle,” Minho traces the sigil with his finger, mostly at the blood. “I can do a reversal summoning but its going to take a lot of power when the one on the other side doesn't have the will or intent to build a connection. It's a gamble and possibly a one-way trip.”

Jonghyun shakes his head. “Then why are you doing this? Why risk all this for him? Even if you're a demon, you might not survive.”

“Afraid for little ol' me?” Minho coos, yet his eyes holds a determined resolve, maybe a little bit of fear. “Because I have to deal with him. With my feelings for him. I think it's best that I do that directly.”

“Um...” Baekhyun raises his hand hesitantly. “Is someone going to explain what's going on here?

Onew only shakes his head, “Just go along with it, it'll be easier.”

Minho moves to where Nickhun's sigil is located and spreads the paper with his summoning sigil out at the center. He stands on the paper and looks at his hand. Not a minute passed before he becomes frustrated and looks up and his eyes lands on Jonghyun's sword.

He stalks over to Jonghyun and grabs his sword. “Give it here.”

Jonghyun was surprised at the action, allowing the sword to slip through his grip by Minho. “Hey wait -”

Using the sword he slashes the palm of his hand and unceremoniously shoves the sword back to Jonghyun. “Thanks.”

He makes his way back to the summoning sigil, letting his blood drop on the circle. At once the summoning circle lits a low glow around Minho.

“It's not enough,” Minho growls, dropping to his hands and knees on the circle. “What am I missing?”

Kai looks down on the ring in hand and then at Minho on the ground. After a while he approaches Minho and takes off the ring, placing it beside him. “I don't know if this will help but please, bring him back.”

Kai doesn't wait for Minho's response as he turns and walks away. He doesn't stop by Onew or Jonghyun, not even stopping at Baekhyun who turns and follows him. He doesn't stick around, the regret for being the cause of accidentally dragging Taemin into this mess. The helplessness for not being of any help in this situation.

The hope he won't acknowledge that Minho will be able to save Taemin and bring him back.

Onew looks at Minho carefully before approaching him. He kneels down until he's at eye level with Minho. He only gets to see the top of Minho's head, the ring left by Kai glows along with the circle. “Do you still remember the story of the blue star? There is something that I had left out.”

Suddenly a bright blue glow emerges from Onew, condenses until it fits in the palm of his hands. “Not only will it give you the boost, it has a homing feature. It will bring you back to where you belong.”

Minho looks up, his eyes squinting at the brightness. “So it'll bring me back to Hell?”

Onew didn't answer, only offering the bright blue star to Minho with a calm smile. Minho looks uncertain at the offering, it was akin to Onew extracting his heart from his chest and offering it to Minho.

“You hardly know me,” Minho meets Onew's eyes. “Why would you trust me with this?”

Onew shrugs, his hands didn't waver at the thought. “Who knows? Perhaps you remind me just a bit of -”

“Someone you used to know?” Minho interrupts with a sneer.

But Onew sighs, giving him a tired smile. “Someone I used to be.”

Minho gives Onew a contemplative look. He looks down at Kai's ring and puts it on his hand, doesn't care about his blood staining the ring. And with two hands he reverently holds out his hands for Onew who carefully puts the blue star into the palm of his hands. He nearly became blind from the brightness, overwhelmed by the power pulsing in his hands and warmth from the blue star.

Minho looks up at Onew with grateful eyes. “It's beautiful, thank you.”

Onew gives Minho an eye smile and staggers to where Jonghyun is. He drops to where the huge debris is to lean his back on. “I'm surprised you're not trying to stop him.”

“I want to see if Minho's plan would actually work,” Jonghyun replies. “It's probably stupid of you to give him that. He might not return it to you.”

Onew chuckles. “Possibly. If that's the case, I can probably have a good rest.”

This causes Jonghyun to frown. “Why are you so nonchalant about this?”

Onew huffs. “I think what Minho has is a solid plan. A way to go to where Taemin is, a way to find him, and a way to return. Although its risky, its the only plan he's got. And to have such devotion to Taemin to even attempt it, it just says enough.”

Jonghyun wants to retort that it wasn't enough. It was his nature to distrust anything demonic with lives on the line. But with his time spent on Earth with them gives him a whole new perspective than what his affiliation allows.

Jonghyun watches Minho carefully on what he's planning. The blue star has been absorbed into Minho's chest, causing his whole being to emit an unearthly glow. The sigil and the ring glows in their unique colors until everything turns to white. Minho's eyes widened and a smile breaks out at his success.

From where he's standing it almost looks as though Minho wasn't a demon at all. Absurdly like a human.

It reminds him of a conversation he had with Taemin about Minho's trustworthiness.

And Taemin had answered with a smile, “He's not cruel-hearted. He just doesn't have a heart for others. He treats everyone in this world equally heartlessly – he's not particularly kind to anyone. I didn't understand this at first and thought I could melt even the hardest heart. I am the one who sees him as a friend and it is also my own wishful thinking that he should treat me the same.”

He had wanted to scold at Taemin for his naïve thinking. But now looking at Minho with clear eyes, he couldn't help but agree with Taemin. There was hope that Minho would possibly start to have room to care for others as well.

Maybe they could actually be friends someday.



He doesn't know how long he has been wandering in this place. He doesn't even remember how he got here. He doesn't even know what this place is. Doesn't know how long he's here.

A place where the ground and the sky are unable to be distinguish. A place where no sound or other living beings anywhere. No discerning features in a barren landscape. The sky and land so dark and desolate with nothing to be found.

He walks. Walks with hope that he will finally come across something, anything. He tries to recall how he came here, what he was doing before this. There were snippets in his mind as he tries to recall, but as he tries harder it becomes difficult to recall even the simplest detail. Of where he was before. Who he was hanging out with before. He couldn't recall the place nor the faces of people he was with earlier.

Who is he looking for?

Why is he still walking?

Who is Minho?

Who is he?

Who is he?

...What is his name?

Who is Minho?

He drops to the ground, drained and exhausted. His mind disarray and his body weakened. Where is he? Why had he been walking?

When is Minho going to save him?

He couldn't keep his eyes open for long, heavy and threatening to close to sleep forever. A sound echoes in the large desolate landscape.

Clear clacks of shoes are coming towards him but he doesn't have the energy to look and sit up. Doesn't have the energy to speak and call for the sound. The sound of shoes gets louder until it finally stops right beside him.

He felt himself being pulled up into an embrace but his senses were numbed. He couldn't hear this person, sounds were muffled in his ears. He couldn't look at the person's face, like a veil covering the entire face as thought removed from his mind.

He felt himself shifted in the embrace, felt the person's head on top of his own. The person's arms wrapped around him tightly yet gentle and mindful of their strength. For some reason he wants to reach out and pat this person on the head as though to comfort them.

A low emitting glow caught his attention, looking down he sees a set of rings. One on his finger and the other in the person's grasp.


With some effort he moves his hand to where the person's hand with the ring is. His hand is so much smaller than that person's hand, like it would fit well together if they hold hands.


He tilts his head to look up, his vision is still hazy but he can still see the person's shape. With that kind of bone structure, he would look devastatingly handsome.


He intends to close his eyes to rest but was jostle in this person's embrace. He reluctantly opens his eyes and sees the person looking at him with concern. He was right, this person looks very handsome. Such a shame with that expression on his face. Why are they crying? They would look more handsome if they smile.


Is that what the person is calling him? Is that his name? It sounds like a nice name to have, especially from a person who has a nice voice. He tries to move his mouth, tries to will sounds to come out of him. Something, anything.


The sad person started to smile. He was right, this person looks better when they smile. Is it because of him? He doesn't know if its working or not but he tries to move his move again, tries to say something so that person can hear him.


Inside of him he feels as though a bubble is waiting to burst out, stuck in his chest. It takes a lot of him, gripping onto the person's hand and stares up at them with intensity. Until finally -


A burst of blue emerges out of the person's chest, surrounding both him and that person, bursting into little tiny lights like stars in a night sky. The light encompasses him with warmth and energy, allowing him to move properly. He smiles and laughs in delight at how he feels and the sight. He turns to the person next to him, whose giving him the warmest smile he never thought to have receive.


The glowing blue lights shines brightly until it blinds all around, and yet he doesn't feel scared because he isn't alone. He holds his hand and in his embrace, closes his eyes as everything fades to white.



Thank you everyone for reading and staying on this journey! Please know that there is one more chapter (Epilogue) and a two part Author's note. Epilogue should be coming out in 1 to 2 weeks so stick around. Thank you all for your comments and support, and I hope everyone has a happy new year!

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1379 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏