Chapter 19

The Devil Besides Me

Taemin at the military TT_TT I hope he has fun and eats well there.

I'm half glad he's there just so he can get away from the "fans" and paparazzis. I mean have you seen the pictures and videos when he was dropped off? I was furious for Taemin's sake. The sheer nerve of those people endangering Taemin, the bodyguards, and manager Euisoo, are these people even human?! And I heard that a recruit at the same base got tested positive for covid, the incident might be unrelated but just the thought makes me worried. The whole situation just makes me angry and worried ಠ益ಠ

Sorry about the rant. Anyway this is a short filler chapter so enjoy!



“I can't believe of all the luck in the world we are actually going to meet Boa!!”

Taemin absently nodded, watching Key being so excited to meet his idol as they wait in line. Out of all the emails they actually picked Taemin's as the grand prize winner. Two concert tickets and backstage passes to meet Boa. The chances of Taemin getting picked was one out of a million. It made him want to ask if Minho had anything to do with this.

He never thought he'd be this tired attending a concert. Standing in a large crowd with giant speakers blasting that got his heart beating so loud. All of the attendees had their cellphones out recording and chanting, Key had been cheering nonstop. He doesn't know how long it has been but after meeting Boa he is going to curl up in his bed and sleep forever.

This is the most he has ever saw Key smiled, casting a disgruntle look at Key who is still just as energetic as ever. An idea popped into his head. He gives Key a frog like smile, making Key wary. “What is it, Taemin?”

Taemin doesn't say anything, letting Key come to his own conclusions. “Fine! I won't say anything about your banana milk consumption. I'll just silently judge you for your horrible life choices.”

Not satisfied Taemin raises an eyebrow, eliciting a groan from Key. “What? Not enough?”

“Nope!” Taemin leans on Key. “This is a once in a lifetime chance to meet your idol all because fate smiles down on little ole me. What can you do to make it up to me?”

Key groan, leaning back against Taemin. “What do you want from me, Taemin-ah?”

Taemin gives an innocent smile that belies his intentions. He takes Key's hand, pressing his knuckles against his lips. “I want you to take me clubbing.”

“No.” Key flat out rejects.

“Come on!” Taemin whines, swinging Key's arm back and forth. “I never gone before and I don't want to go by myself. You should take me!”

“A good boy like you shouldn't even be going to clubs,” Key scolds, letting his arm still swinging by the force called Lee Taemin. “You shouldn't copy what those people in the drama do because it is not like that at all. But what is true is almost all of them end up being wasted and making bad decisions they'll regret in the morning.”

“But that's what I want!” Taemin lets go of Key's arm and pouts on Key's shoulder. “I never got the chance to do it and once should be enough. And with you there you can stop me from making those bad decisions and being wasted.”

Taemin kept his innocent eyes and pout solely on Key to wear him down but Key is not impressed. “Try something else, Taemin.”

The plan didn't work. “Then can you help me pick a present for my brother? His birthday is coming up and I don't know what to get him.”

“Taecyeon hyung?” Key has a thoughtful look. “That's something easier. When is his birthday?”

“At the end of the month.”

“That's enough time. I'll take you out shopping for his gift when we're both free.”

“Thank you Key!”

He hugs Key tightly around his middle who looks resigned to his fate. The line hasn't moved much so they still have a while to go before it's their turn.

“Taemin, what does your brother like?”

“I don't know. Nothing comes to mind.”

“Then how will you know what to get him?”

“That's the problem I need help on,” Taemin is still hugging Key, tucking his head on his shoulder. “Taecyeon hyung is rich and successful. What do I give someone who already has everything?”

“I'm sure he will like anything you give him,” Key suggests. “Have you thought about asking him?”

“I know but I don't want to get him something that he hates or will throw away,” Taemin pouts, looks up wistfully. “And it's a present for him so it's supposed to be a surprise. He does so much for me already. Our parents travel for work so it's usually just me and hyung. Taecyeon has always took care of me up until high school when I start to live alone and Taecyeon living on school campus, and even then he always checks to make sure I'm okay. He knows my likes and dislikes just because he raised me but I don't have a clue what he likes at all. He's been a constant presence in my life and I don't want to disappoint him.”

“He sounds like a good brother.”

“The very best.”

“I'm sure we can think of something to get him,” Key pats the top of Taemin's fluffy hair. “This is why I rather tell people what I want so that they can get it for me. Same goes for them telling me what they want. It saves them the trouble and I get my present.”

Taemin snorts. “Yeah I remember. For your last birthday I got you that hoodie you wanted all down to the brand, size, and the color. You even acted surprised even though you told me to get it.”

“Hey, my reaction is genuine! I don't see you complaining when it was your birthday.”

“The one time I told you not to get me anything for my birthday, you literally didn't get me anything. Even Onew hyung got me something! Key hyung is so shameless!”

“And now you know better, little brat!”

When it was close to their turn to meet Boa, Key shakes himself out of Taemin's embrace and straightens his appearance.

“Taemin, fix your hair. It looks like a bird's nest – and are you still biting your lips?! Where's my lip gloss...”

“Wahhh! Key hyung no!”

In a rush they were ushered by Boa's manager into the room to meet the idol. All of the sudden it felt like they were entering an unknown chapter to the great unknown.

Boa, the venus queen of kpop, kindly smiles at the two boys. Her grace and beauty unaffected even with the fatigue and sweat leftover from her performance. It only enhances her features even more and greets them with all the grace of a queen. “Hello.”

Only one word had Taemin stiffened for only a moment to be in the presence of an idol even if he's not a big fan like Key. He could feel Key going ramrod stiff next to him, clutching his arm tightly threatening to cut off blood circulation. It took some effort to be free, slapping Key's hands away to give a quick bow of introduction. “Hello, my name is Lee Taemin. The person next to me is my friend, Kim Kibum.”

He glance over at Key and held off a cringe. Key hadn't said anything, smile frozen causing his face to look constipated. Guess being in the presence of his favorite idol can do that to a person.

Boa doesn't mind, looking at them with interest. “I hope you both enjoyed my concert.”

Taemin nods. “It was really fun. This is actually my first time attending and my friend here is a big fan of yours since forever. You sing very well and dance really good.”

“I'm really glad to hear that,” she said with a kind smile. “Shall we take some photos and sign some autographs?”

“That would be great, thank you.”

By the time photos were taken and autographs were signed, Key was able to talk. But Key is still in a stupor, only able to get out short syllables; please, thank you, or I love you. It only made Boa more amused so Taemin does most of the talking.

“My manager who was out in the hall had mentioned the two of you waiting in line,” Boa comments offhandedly, signing the last of her autographs. “Out of everybody waiting in line to meet me, he said the two of you were the most interesting characters. Just meeting the two of you, I think he's correct.”

This finally got Key out of his worship stupor as he manages out, “Did your manager hear our conversation?”

“Snippets of it,” Boa answers with an amused gleam matching Key's horrified look. “Taemin is it? You should not go clubbing. As a student you should study hard for your education and try not to make your friend Kibum's life difficult. Both of you are students right? Make sure to study hard, eat plenty of vegetables, and have a good night sleep. I'll be cheering the both of you to work hard. Fighting!”

The two have varying reactions of receiving an out of the blue pep talk from a kpop idol. Taemin huffs, blowing his bangs from his forehead. Key's complexion has gone white sheet with horror, causing Boa to giggle. They left the dressing room, letting the next person in line to meet their idol.

“You think with how much we talked all the manager remembers is me asking you to take me clubbing.”

Finally out in the hall, Key stops walking only to sit on the balls of his feet and groan into his knees. Concerned for his friend, Taemin gets into the same position and gently pats Key's back. “Are you okay, hyung?”

Only another muffled groan is heard, unintelligible like the first. They were in an awkward position in the hall as other people passing are giving them strange looks.

“I can't believe it,” Key's words muffled in his arms.

“Can't believe what?” Taemin rubbing Key's back reassuringly. “That you finally met your idol? She's better than what you expect?”

“It's not that!” Key finally lifts his head with a constipated look. Taemin nearly snicker if it were not make the situation even more dramatically worse. “I can't believe my idol thinks of me as an interesting character! My reputation is ruined and that's all she'll remember me by!”

“I'm sure she doesn't think like that...”

“You mean she wouldn't think of me at all?! That's even worse!”

And then Key proceeds to bawl into Taemin's shoulder. The poor boy had to stay in an awkward position to support his own weight and Key's. He lets Key blubber his demise and prospects of becoming a nun. It doesn't matter if they still in public, their shame is all but forgotten. All he can do is give awkward but reassuring pats to the back for his over dramatic friend until he finally calms down.



Chen is leaning against the wall as he watches Suho practice. The water twists and turns around the leader in a slow flowing motion. He hears footsteps coming for him, turning and sees Baekhyun walking up to him. “You not going to join him? There's plenty of room to practice.”

Chen levels a flat look at him before Baekhyun makes a realization. “Oh I get it... with your powers and his, my bad.”

Chen huffs as he turns back to watch Suho practice. His volatile powers doesn't allow him to practice as often and with Suho's powers in the equation would spell disaster.

“Kai has been really moody lately,” Baekhyun starts, wanting to make a conversation. “Ever since he came back... I'm glad he's not dead and all but he wouldn't tell us what happened to him.”

“Not our business,” Chen's hand twitches, itching to incorporate Suho's moves.

“Yeah but he doesn't even want to tell me about it,” Baekhyun sulks, takes to leaning against the wall next to Chen. “And I think something happened to him and Sehun when they came back together. Do you think they had a fight?”

“Don't care.”

“If you're going to stay there then be silent,” Suho drops his arms, the floating water around him drops with a splash. “I can't concentrate with you talking.”

Baekhyun looks sheepish, scratching the back of his head. “Sorry about that.”

Chen doesn't deign to apologize, crosses his arms over his chest. “You're movements are smoother, hyung.”

Suho shakes his head. “It's still not enough,” he said, shifting his weight. “Even if my powers are the opposite to that... monster, I have a feeling he will still be able to over power me.”

They all grimace at that. Two of their comrades are gone and those who returned barely survived. Even now D.O., now Kyungsoo, is still recovering. Xiumin didn't take the loss very well, isolating himself to a wing and froze his room.

“Then why bother?”

They sharply turn at the unfamiliar voice. An unfamiliar man is right across from them, amusement graces his cherub like face. Nobody heard him walk in and not even seen him until he had spoken.

This causes everyone to be tense. Baekhyun and Chen shifts, ready to act. The water around Suho instantly floats, ready to strike. “Who are you? How did you get here?”

“Just passing by,” the man answers, still smiling at the frosty reception. “I heard you're having an issue with a certain demon?”

“A demon?” Baekhyun repeats. “That guy who killed Kris and Luhan is a demon?”

Chen steps forward, energy crackles in the palm of his hand as a warning. “Tell us why we shouldn't kill you for trespassing.”

The man clicks his tongue. “So hostile.” He reaches inside his jacket to reach for something, causing everyone to stiffen. Seeing their reaction the man chuckles. “You can relax, I'm not going to hurt you. In fact I'm here to give you a gift.”

The man finds what he is looking for, taking out a vial and holds it up clearly for all to see. Anxiety turns into confusion when they clearly see the vial in his gloved hand. “What is that?”

The man smiles, revealing sharp glistening teeth. “The only thing that can cause him to falter. It all depends on how you use it.”



So thanks for this fic reaching the milestone of 100+ subscribers it's time to reveal a treat!

I was trying to customize the poll but some people already found it and voted which is fine. AFF functions are too limited

Readers get to decide on my next project! The project is not limited to only fics but also fanart! I have ideas for the choices below and I hope to bring them to life one day. The ideas are oneshot size but if i like the idea enough it will expand in a multichaptered fic. I do wish to make them all but my motivation and time has been lacking. The choice with the most votes will be the priority I will create and publish.

I don't know how to control the polls that well so i can only hope you all can vote fairly. I will announce the new project next chapter and close the polls.

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1379 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏