Chapter 16

The Devil Besides Me

Writer's block is a pain and new ideas popping up like daisies. So please check out my Witcher!Taemin fanart and my vampire au fic please do so! Who knows what new ideas will come up next!

February has been a busy month for SHINee. Please support their new MV Don't Call Me on Youtube (song embodies the response for all the spam calls i receive on a daily basis LOL). 

Last tidbit Minho guest starred in The Return of Superman with my favorite family the Parks! The Parks family has been my favorite in this show and you know the feeling when your biases share the same space >u< And I agree with the children, when they see Minho all they could think about is feed him XD Sorry for my rambling, here's the chapter you been waiting for


Onew hadn't let Taemin go home after spending the night, insisting he stays until he determines he's much better. He didn't want to overstay his welcome but he could never win an argument against Onew.

Luckily Onew's cafe is closed and Taemin doesn't have any classes so they spent the day enjoying each other's company. They played games, watch some movies, and even attempt to make dalgona. It was actually frustrating making dalgona, almost all of Taemin's attempts made the sugar burnt inedible.

“It's actually not as hard as it looks,” Onew said while chewing on the dalgona. “It's all about finding the sweet spot.”

Taemin pouted chewing on it. They made plenty of shaped dalgona, mostly by Onew. Despite his mishaps, Taemin is in a much better mood. He doesn't know whether if it's because Onew's calming presence or the fact he never brought up the subject again. He's feeling much better but not at 100%.

Onew looks over at Taemin curiously. “You alright there?”

Taemin nodded, picking up another spare dalgona piece to chew on. But Onew stops him, his hand pausing over his. “I think you had enough and it's almost bed time.”

Taemin pouts. “But I'm not tired yet.”

“Yeah but you have school tomorrow,” Onew points out, getting up to clean the table. “And I have to open the cafe tomorrow. We both have an early morning to catch up on what we miss.”

Guilt reared back its ugly head at Taemin knowing full well he's been imposing on Onew. Despite Onew's reassurance he knows he interrupted Onew's daily life through his unannounced presence. Just because he had been scared of Minho.

He doesn't even know what he's going to do when he goes home tomorrow. Will Minho be waiting for him?

“Don't forget to brush your teeth thoroughly,” Onew chides as he puts the dalgona away. “I'll put these to the side for you to take home tomorrow.”

More than guilt nagging at the back of Taemin's head as he voices it out. “How come you didn't ask me what's been bothering me?”

He could see Onew paused what he was doing from the question before resuming his work. He then shakes his head and he closes the fridge door, turning around to face Taemin. “I thought you would've been happy that I didn't bring it up.”

Taemin bites the inside of his bottom lip, staring at the table. It's true but what can he say at this point?

“I didn't want to ruin the mood to our relaxing day,” Onew crosses his arms over his chest. “I'm not a mind reader and there's a limit to what I can do. And quite frankly getting you to talk is like pulling teeth. I could have save the trouble by calling in Key but let's face it; when Key sets his mind to it there's no telling what he'll do.”

Taemin inwardly shudders at the fate he narrowly avoided. Key would've get him to talk in a matter of minutes and later go after Minho or those kidnappers. He rather not imagine the possibility.

He looks back up at Onew who is still standing there staring at him. After a while he sighs. “I don't know what to say and I'm still trying to straighten out how I feel about it.”

Onew has a thoughtful look. “I always find talking would help,” he pulls out a chair to sit across from him. “Like a process it doesn't have to make sense and that's fine. Keeping all of that inside is just going to distract you and make it confusing. Just focus on one thing and go from there. It doesn't have to be perfect; what matters is if the other person understands how you feel, you can work together and go from there.”

Taemin stares at the patterns on the table, his finger idly circles it as his mind brews a storm.

“I'm sure you and Minho can get through this,” Onew continues. “After all, you both are very similar.”

Taemin sharply lifts his head. “H-how – what makes you think that it's because of him?!”

“Well yesterday when I mentioned his name you were bothered by it,” Onew shrugs nonchalant. “And he's not such a bad guy so when the time is right and your feelings align, everything will work out. I'm sure he will understand.”

Taemin is close to bugged eye staring at Onew for thinking so carelessly. Onew doesn't know Minho is an actual demon from hell so he's always thinking the best of people. But the possibility of Minho being “not bad” or “understanding” is nearly impossible.

And yet he hasn't actually been “bad”.

Thinking too much Taemin sighs, his head bowed to the table. “Onew hyung, why are you always so kind?”

Onew raises his eyebrow. “It's what anyone deserves.”



Taemin had been apprehensive returning to the apartment after staying at Onew's but to his surprise the demon is no where in sight. Not even when he woke up from a restless night. He still couldn't relax, felt like he is tiptoeing around eggshells, waiting for the demon to pop out with fire and brimstone.

But Minho never showed his face.

He still dreams about Minho saving him. But those dreams are distorted the more he thought about it. Sometimes the flames surrounded him, burning everything except him. Minho's demonic features appear, making him monstrous and scary. Once his nightmare have him as the kidnapper ready to be burned by Minho who showed no recollection or mercy.

But there was one dream that stands out from the rest; Minho standing alone surrounded by fire, turns around with the saddest eyes he never thought was possible for a demon.

He wasn't able to properly sleep after that.

Close to a week has passed without the demon's presence that he starts to become antsy. He had time to reflect and thought back how it happen when Minho saved him in a different light. Initially he could chalk it up to his dreams, his mind constantly at war for what he should feel for Minho. What he saw still scares him but for an entirely different reason he still doesn't understand. And soon those fears subsided as a new feeling emerged its ugly head.


His apartment felt quieter no matter what he did either playing music or slamming doors louder than necessary. He never even realized he had developed the habit of carrying extra snacks on him to give only to realize Minho isn't there. There was no one to eat his snacks with, no one to watch drama with, no one to play games with, no one to accompany him on his errands. He doesn't know how long Minho had stayed with him but suddenly his missing presence has become so glaring.

Has it always been this lonely before he met Minho?

“I'm glad you can make it, Taemin.”

Taemin fidgets the suit jacket he has to wear. He had taken Taeyong's suggestion to attend the company office visits as a way to distract himself. He got a list of offices and doesn't know which to pick so he chose the one that sounds most familiar.

Taemin tugs on his suit jacket sleeve. All the other students in the group are wearing a suit to look presentable to the company's representatives. He couldn't help but feel inadequate; sleeves are a little too short, pants wrinkled in the wrong places, a stray lint he couldn't get rid of. Minho looks good in a suit, always wearing them even at home. He never got a chance to ask why or if there's any other clothes Minho would wear. Maybe he should buy some.

Even here, he still thinks of Minho.

“You nervous?” Taeyong asks next to him. Unlike Taemin Taeyong looks like a professional; suit impeccable and carrying a black portfolio folder with his resume. He feels under prepared with his $1 folder.

Taemin gives a shaky smile. “I guess so. This is my first time doing something like this.”

“What really?” Taeyong looks at him with disbelief. “I thought you would've done these events but don't worry, it's not that bad. They mostly talk about the company and career opportunities. Then there's team building exercise, snacks, and then opportunity to network. Easy peasy.”

It was Taemin's turn to look disbelief but was cut short as their group was ushered into the room to their seats. Just like what Taeyong said they learn about a variety of topics such as the company, career growth. There were team building exercise until finally they are allowed to get up and stretch their legs. From there they are allowed to interact with the staffs to network.

Taemin doesn't know what he's doing and none of the students in his group are familiar so he sticks to Taeyong. He lets Taeyong and the staff do the talking, occasionally offer his piece when necessary. Most of the time he doesn't pay attention to what they're talking about and couldn't help but wish Minho is here to take him away.

A tall familiar figure by the door caught his attention as he quietly excuses himself. And maybe – is that -


Taemin couldn't help but deflate a little when it's not who he was expecting. But he felt confused a second later trying to place a name on a familiar face and why he's here in the first place. “Junsu hyung?”

Junsu, Taecyeon's assistant, no wonder he looks familiar. “I'm really glad you remember me,” he said, pushing his glasses up on his nose bridge. “And surprised you are here.”

Taemin blinks, tilting his head. “You work here?”

“Why of course,” Junsu smiles. “This is the company your brother works at. Didn't you know?”

Taemin blushes feeling embarrassed. This is the company his brother is working at and he doesn't know. No wonder the company name sounds familiar.

Junsu stifles his chuckles. “Anyway do you want to see where your brother works? I think your event thing should be finishing up.”

Taemin looks back at the room, can see Taeyong looking at his direction curiously. He turns back to Junsu. “Wouldn't Taecyeon hyung be busy?”

“Nonsense. Taecyeon would be happy to see you.”

Taemin found himself following Junsu to see Taecyeon. The office place feels fancy and spacious, it must be a big company. Taemin couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, the place looks like it came from one of the dramas he watched.

They came across what looks to be a receptionist desk, a man with a cherub-like face is behind it reading a book. Junsu walks up to him, taps on the table to get his attention. “Nichkhun, is Taecyeon in yet?”

“I'm sorry sir but Manager Lee is unavailable at the moment,” the man answers in a bored tone, not looking up from his book. “Please leave a message at the beep.”

Junsu rolls his eyes. “Cheeky but I'm sure you can make an exception for a special visitor.”

Nichkhun's bored eyes glance from behind his book, landing on Taemin. “An intern?”

“Don't you recognize him?” Junsu goes behind Taemin, placing both hands on his shoulders. “Taecyeon practically sees him everyday.”

Taemin turns his head up confused at Junsu's smug look. Nichkhun makes an understanding sound, moving around the desk to stand before him. “Ahh... Taecyeon's precious little brother. What is he doing here?”

“His school has a networking event thing going on downstairs.”

Taemin isn't that good with receiving such undivided attention. With Nichkhun's mischievous eyes roaming his face and Junsu's warm hands on his shoulders, he couldn't help but fidget. “N-nice to meet you, sir.”

“Oh, and so polite too,” Nichkhun all but purred, leaning forward to take Taemin's nervous sweaty hand in his. He never once broke eye contact, bringing Taemin's hand up to his lip. “The pleasure is all mine, my dear.”

Taemin is sure his face is turning red by now, his hand probably slippery with sweat. His breath hitch in his chest for the whole interaction, staring at Nichkhun wide eyed intimidated.

“Taecyeon should be back from his meeting soon,” Nichkhun straightens up, letting go of Taemin's hand. “You may wait in his office, I'm sure your brother would be very happy to see you.”

Nichkhun led the way with Junsu bringing up the rear. They come across a set of heavy fancy doors that opens up to a spacious office, Taemin couldn't help but feel his jaw drop.

“Impressive isn't it?” Junsu comments, stepping around. “Your brother is the youngest executive of the company's board members. This office used to belong to the COO, a position your brother is nominated for the next meeting.”

“You don't need to keep telling people that,” Nichkhun puts a bottled water on the glass coffee table for Taemin to drink. “I'm sure Taemin already knows that.”

But Taemin doesn't know that. Doesn't even know what his brother does or the company he works for.

“It's close to lunch time,” Junsu checks his watch, looking over at Taemin's direction. “Taemin do you want anything in particular to eat? I'll order some food.”

“I'm not hungry, thanks,” Taemin declines.

“It's no trouble at all-”

“Taecyeon might take him out to eat so just leave it to him,” Nichkhun interrupts. “In the mean time, I'm hungry; you wanna treat me?”

Junsu scoffs, making his way to the door. “Buy your own food.”

Nichkhun pouts, following him. “Junnie!”

Junsu makes a face at the name before turning his attention to Taemin. “Taecyeon will be back soon so you don't need to wait for long. It's nice to see you again, Taemin.”

Taemin nods likewise as both Junsu and Nichkhun leave. Alone Taemin takes the chance to look around. The office looks pristine and sleek as it represents high power and wealth. He wonders how much Taecyeon makes as the amounts he sends to Taemin weekly is nothing to laugh at.

Taemin walks over to Taecyeon's office desk, documents littered with numbers and jargon that would make his head spin. A small picture frame by the computer stands out, as Taemin bends down to look at it closer. It was a picture of both Taemin and Taecyeon when Taecyeon is still in college while Taemin is starting high school. They both had huge smiles, their arms making a big heart shape connecting over their heads. Taemin couldn't help but smile at it and realize that is how Taecyeon sees him everyday.

The sound of a door opening has Taemin quickly shuffling away from the desk. Taecyeon walks in looking exhausted, loosening up his tie. Taecyeon pauses when he realizes he's not alone. “Taemin?”

Taemin gives a sheepish smile. “Hello, hyung.”

A big smile breaks out of Taecyeon's face, closing the distance to gather Taemin in his arms. “What a nice surprise to see you here.”

Taemin reaches to return the hug but his arms are too short to connect each other from Taecyeon huge frame. “I'm glad to see you too, hyung.”

Taecyeon straightens up, giving Taemin a once over. “What are you wearing?” he scolds, tugging on the lapels of Taemin's suit jacket. “It's wrinkled and a bit small on you.”

Taemin looks down at his clothes. “It's what I wore for my high school graduation. It's the only suit I have.”

“And you grew since then,” Taecyeon, brushing over the top of Taemin's hair smoothing it out. “Have you eaten yet?” Taemin shakes his head. “Let's get something to eat.”

Rather then eating at a fancy restaurant like Nichkhun had said, they went to the office cafeteria downstairs. There wasn't as much employees as expected as lunch time is almost over. Some of the employees lounging around had taken to staring and whispering their way in which Taecyeon doesn't pay any attention. Instead all his focus is on Taemin, ever so patient to help him choose and pay for his food.

“Normally I don't eat here when I couldn't help it,” Taecyeon said as he sets down his food. “But this is a nice change of pace.”

“Sorry to trouble you, hyung,” Taemin murmured, sitting across from him.

Taecyeon wave away his apology. “No worries. Junsu filled me in and it's been a while since we've seen each other so it's perfect.”

Taemin nodded as they ate. With the imprompto meeting he used the opportunity to get to know his brother better. He felt a little embarrassed when he asks because isn't he supposed to know these things, after all they are brothers. But Taecyeon didn't mind answering all of them smoothly. And with each passing answers, Taemin slowly but feel inadequate compared to Taecyeon.

“It's not a big deal Junsu is making,” Taecyeon said. “But I guess it would be if I actually became the COO.”

Taemin frowned, he still doesn't get it but wouldn't want Taecyeon to know his confusion. “So that means you won't have free time?”

“I'm busier than your average employee,” Taecyeon explains. “As an executive I have more responsibilities of the projects and people I oversee but that means I have more control over my hours and more compensation.”

“Not to be ungrateful but you didn't really have to,” Taemin mutters, drinking a glass of water. “The money you gave me - it's more than enough to cover my rent and buy groceries with a lot leftover.”

“If its not for you then what should I spend it on?” Taecyeon's eyes glittered with fondness.

“I don't know,” Taemin shrugs. “Yourself? You can go on trips, buy a car, take your girlfriend on dates?”

“I don't have a girlfriend.”

Taemin looks up surprised. “Really? I would've thought you would...”

Taecyeon shakes his head. “And I don't have a boyfriend either because none of them would be as precious as you.”

Taemin scoffs, blush creeps over his nose. “You intend to be single for the rest of your life?”

“Who knows?” Taecyeon replies. “Speaking of which, I'm going to be looking for places to stay in the city for the both of us to move in to. I can't stay at the hotel forever so I might as well look for a more permanent stay. I'm intending to look for something bigger for the both of us.”

“You want to me to move in with you?” Taemin asks.

“Of course,” Taecyeon answers. “I'm always worried about you living by yourself whether if you are taking care of yourself or eating right. This way I'll be able to keep a better eye on you and you don't have to be alone anymore.”

Alone. It's a feeling that Taemin is intimately familiar with and a stranger to. He has been living alone way before going to university, always returning to an empty apartment more times than he could count. His parents travel for work while his brother is too busy to take care of him so he's forced to be independent long ago. He's not bothered about it but from time to time it does feel lonely. But that feeling has lessen with the appearance of the demon in his bedroom.

Minho. I miss you. Where are you? It's lonely without you. Come home.

Taemin frowned, putting his chopsticks down. The abrupt action caused Taecyeon to look at him with worry. “Are you alright, Taemin?”

Taemin blinks, startled. “I'm fine, hyung,” he reassures. “Just thinking...”

Taecyeon smiles. “It has been a long time since we've lived together, hasn't it? Don't worry, your hyung will take care of all of it.”

Despite what Taecyeon said about living together, it left Taemin feeling unsettled. It felt constricting, instinctively rubbing his throat. But that's not it at all.

Taemin left the building feeling unsettled. The event finished long ago and he's the only one from his school still there. He twists the straps of his backpack anxiously when he notices object of his anxiety over the past few days.

It's not something he notices right away, it's just the feeling and presence had him instinctively see him. Minho can blend in the crowd, looking like a typical office worker. But to Taemin he can pick him out from the crowd. He doesn't know whether if its through whatever mumble jumble bond they share or demon magic, but the fact is Minho is here.

Clenching the backpack's straps, taking a deep breath, Taemin makes his way toward the demon. Minho hadn't moved from his spot under the shade, watching Taemin calmly without looking away. And Taemin meets his eyes head on and stops until he is two feet away.

Neither of them moved any further nor speak. What is there to say after missing each other's presence for so long? What is there to say when the last meeting they had was less than ideal? Why appear now? Time apart has given them opportunity to settle their conflicting emotions of how they feel for each other. What is there to say and how will they go from here?

Until finally Minho asks, “Are you alright?”

Taemin blinks. “I'm fine, I guess.”

The way Minho looks at him, his eyes dulled without that malicious glint he's used to. Minho's face is blank without emotion but Taemin could tell there's something more.

“Are you not afraid?” Minho continues. “Of me? Of what happened?”

Taemin purses his lips. “A little I guess.”

He could see the way Minho frown just barely. He doesn't like it, whatever this feels that suddenly he finally spills.

“Of course I was afraid,” Taemin confess. “Who wouldn't be in my situation. But as much as I was afraid, there was at least a part of me that wasn't?” he trails off that had both him and Minho look confuse.

“I'm not doing this right.” Taemin shakes his head at his own messed up explanation, his hand rubbing his temple. “It's so much clearer in my head... I was supposed to be scared because I was kidnapped and who knows what those guys were gonna do to me-” his shoulders slumps - “but I wasn't because for some reason I know that you'll save me and everything would be alright.”

Minho gazes back at him somberly, he's not interrupting as he takes in everything Taemin has to say word for word. It gives Taemin the push he needs to finish it.

“It was ungrateful of me to treat you like that,” Taemin continues, his voice becomes even with the new confidence. “After all this time we've spent together. But the way you were going to fry that guy scares me because it looks like you were gone. Like you were replaced by some scary evil guy – like you weren't you. That... scares me even more. And yeah... that's it.”

Taemin breathes out, feeling a bit lighter. His hands gripping the straps of his backpack tight, anxiously waiting for Minho's response. He doesn't know what Minho would do or how he would take it. Doesn't know if Minho understands the mess of his confession.

Minho hadn't turned his eyes away from Taemin this entire time lowers his eyes. “Your fear is justified,” he quietly said. “I am a demon; I am much scarier and dangerous than you would ever know.”

Taemin tilts his head slightly, biting the inside of his lip. “I know. But you did it to save me.”

“I wish I can say yes,” Minho's lips twist in consideration. “But it's for my selfish desires. A part of me craves for violence and death.-” a dry huff escapes his lips- “It comes as second nature to me and it's all I ever known.”

Taemin looks up to study Minho closely. It has been awhile since he last saw the demon but it must have been too long because he's seeing him in a new light. It was the way he looked; the self-hate in his eyes that shouldn't be present and the frustration that comes with it. The experience must have been hard for Minho as well. It was so uncharacteristic of the demon that it had Taemin wanting to reach out to him.

“I'm sorry for scaring you, little one,” Minho said, the words heavy on his lips as he looks back to Taemin. “For putting you in that situation.”

Taemin gives a shaky smile. “Still, thank you – for saving me.”

They both stare at each other for what feels like an eternity until Minho takes a step forward. Taemin instinctively took a step back and a second later feels guilty. He sees Minho stopped, even taking a step back to his original position. He feels stupid for acting like this and doesn't know how to go from here.

But it cuts the tension with what was next spoken.

“Did you eat yet?”

Taemin blinks at the question, surprised before answering. “I ate...”

It was a common question in Korean society but to be used by the demon is odd. It might be his imagination but it looks like Minho is disappointed at his answer. It's not something that can be easily identify but after spending weeks with the demon has helped him see through the mask. It's the little downturn of the eyebrows, the lips thinned so close to a pout, the picking of his pants fabric.

But it's an opening that Minho has given for Taemin to take a step forward.

“I ate lunch with my hyung,” Taemin continues, staring at Minho expectantly. “But I am in the mood for something sweet.”

If he could notice the barely there disappointment on Minho's face, then he would be able to notice the surprise/hopeful expression as well. The upturn of the eyebrows, the little quirk of his lips, his hand stilled and resting against his side.

But most of all it was the way Minho held himself back. The way he stands now and what was a few seconds ago was the most startling. Like all of the tension he held himself just melts away and Taemin couldn't help but feel the same.

“What do you have in mind?” Minho casually asks.

Taemin has a thoughtful look. “The ahjumma at sajik street makes some good tteokbokki,” he suggests, approaching Minho with sure steps until they are just an arm away close to reaching out. “I don't think you've had tteokbokki before.”

“Can't say that I have,” Minho affirms, his gaze softens.

“She makes all kinds so you can try and find your favorite,” Taemin smiles. “It's right by the marketplace where there's all types of food. We can buy dinner there and bring it home.”

Minho gives a returning smile. “That sounds good.”



“Your brother is very cute.”

Taecyeon frowned as he kept his eyes on his computer, ignoring Nichkhun who is supposed to be outside doing his job. Nichkhun is standing by the large window in Taecyeon's office, looking down at the streets below.

“He's so adorable when he's nervous,” Nichkhun leaves the window and saunters over to where Taecyeon is working, standing in front of his desk. “Those soft eyes and that plump, bitable lips, the way he squirms – I wonder what kind of expressions I can get him to make.”

The typing cease as Taecyeon levels Nichkhun a stern look. “Nichkhun.”

“You know I love messing with the shy ones,” Nichkhun gives an amused huff and smirks. “I can see why you're so protective of him – no, there's something else.”

Taecyeon glares as Nichkhun rounds the desk in a smooth, easy steps. His fingers brushing the table as he stops by Taecyeon's side.

“You've been holding out on me, Taecyeon,” Nichkhun props himself on Taecyeon's desk, meeting his glare with heated eyes. “I can see your influence on him and I must say that I'm impressed. Though I wonder if the boy is even aware of it himself.”

Taecyeon stands up, towering over Nichkhun. “Don't presume what you don't know,” he said in a low voice. “Taemin is my brother.”

“Oh?” Nichkhun glance up with a smirks. “Doesn't seem that way to me.”

Nichkhun gets off the table smoothly, closing in Taecyeon's personal space just shy of a touch. “I see the way you look at him, the way you treated him,” He glance up at Taecyeon with a mischievous look. “Have you always been this way?”

No sooner the words left his mouth, Taecyeon has his hand on the juncture between Nickhun's neck and shoulder, gripping the skin as a warning. “You're crossing the line, Nichkhun,” Taecyeon growls. “Do you really want to test me?”

“So sensitive,” Nichkhun goads, his head nuzzles against Taecyeon's head, keeping eye contact while doing so. “So... exciting...”

This causes Taecyeon to tighten his grip only to have Nichkhun giggle as a response. He escapes from Taecyeon's hold with hands clasped behind his back. “Don't worry, I won't touch a hair on your precious brother's head. Ignorance is bliss.”

Taecyeon gives on last look at Nichkhun before sitting down and resume working. He's not in a good mood, typing harder on the keyboard than necessary.

A thoughtful look crosses Nichkhun's face, glancing back at the window. “I wonder if he remembers me...”

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏