Chapter 33

The Devil Besides Me

RL has become unbearable so I rarely have time with my fic. But I'm trying my best to push through the final stretch so thank you all for your kind words an encouragement! Its what kept me going and so thankful that all of you are still along this ride. The plan is to have an ending chapter after this chapter, an epilogue, and a 2 part author's note. I plan to have the ending chapter and epilogue typed and posted before the year ends but who knows.

I also did a little sketch of Key as a stress relief, posted on my twitter account. He's my muse in drawing and experimenting on different styles. I'm kind of happy with this sketch as I haven't drawn for so long but it still turned out passable. Please like, retweet, follow my twitter if you have the chance.

CW: Taecyeon's dark inner thought, mostly implied and borderline the forbidden. His true intentions will never be explicitly stated since this fic is rated for general audience. Some of you will say "Oh this is so tame, why are you putting up a warning?" which I will say, "Better safe then sorry, you never know what these people online will think." It's not considered 'Dead Dove Do Not Eat' so don't worry about it. You can rest easy as AFF is a vanilla site that censor even the most innocent words even with context, such as or , etc.

If you want reassurance, this is Taecyeon's thoughts/modus operandi simplified. Spoiler (Visible on through Reading mode): Taecyeon would do anything for Taemin. He is willing to make sacrifices and protect Taemin at all cost. Even if it means making a deal with the devil, to throw away his humanity, to hide Taemin away from the rest of the world.

Just to be on the safe side in case you want to skip it, his flashbacks and inner thoughts are in the italicized break section, similar to Kai having his flashback moments. If you skip it, you might miss out on some things but I rather you do what you need to keep yourself safe and not be triggered.



Taecyeon impassively stares at the unconcious Taemin lying on the ground in the ritual circle. His emotionless face doesn't matching the dark thoughts turning in his head. Earlier when Kai had brought Taemin, Taecyeon had wanted to go down and snatch Taemin out of his arms.

He didn't like the way Kai had looked at Taemin. Hated how Kai holds Taemin so close and carefully to him. Hated how gently he handles Taemin like he's precious.


“You have any last minute thoughts?” Nickhun says, after putting the last minute details on the ritual circle. “There's no going back for either of you.”

Taecyeon took a second to ponder. Everything that he has done, all had been for Taemin.



Taemin was born on a stormy day. That's what the ahjummas like to gossip about as Taemin's birth was the talk of the town. It would have been seen as an omen if not for what happens after.

When their mother held Taemin in her arms, clean and healthy, Taemin had giggled. At the same time the storm miraculously ended and the sun shined through the window of their room, basking Taemin in an ethereal glow. The nurses and the people who saw thought it was a sign that Taemin is blessed.

What a load of nonsense, Taecyeon had thought at the time. But his parents swore up and down that this actually happened. Taecyeon wasn't there to see for himself because he was too young but he wasn't going to take their word for it.

At five years old, Taecyeon doesn't hold that much affection for baby Taemin. All the attention and care from his parents are focused on Taemin. Even other adults and his peers would focus on Taemin. Just what is it about Taemin that would cause everyone to fawn over him? The discontent feeling is common among older siblings as the parents fawn over the newest child and would eventually grow out of it.

But for him, how long will that be? It was annoying how Taemin followed and clinged to him when he wanted nothing to do with him. He doesn't know what Taemin sees in a brother who is the only one in the world who wouldn't give him the attention he deserves. As he got older, he's become dismissive and cruel that would leave Taemin in tears. His parents scolded his behavior but it just made him act out more.

But Taemin still follows after him. His voice so annoying, calling out for him.

His cruelty ended at age twelve when they went camping. Taecyeon took seven year old Taemin to go exploring and decided to play hide and seek. He intended to abandon his brother and return to the campsite alone with none of the adults knowing any better. A sudden storm caused everyone to take shelter. Realizing Taemin was out there missing, all of the adults left to search for the missing child. As more time pass, Taecyeon started to worry. He slipped out and goes back to where they played hide and seek. It was dark and the rain fell heavily, battering his small frame. He tried to call for Taemin but the wind and rain drowned out his voice.

Eventually he came to the clearing and saw Taemin in front of him sitting on a huge rock. His small frame soaked and shivering, just how long has he been out here in the rain. He slipped a few times running, finally falling to his knees in front of Taemin, scraped and muddy. He yelled and cursed at Taemin, why didn't he return to the campsite.

But it had been their parents who drilled them to stay put where they are in case they get lost. And Taemin had been a good boy to the very end.

Taemin's eyes had glazed over to him and weakly smiled. He brought up both his small arms above Taecyeon's head, attempted to shield him from the rain.

My hyung, you're getting wet. Taeminnie will protect you.

And then Taemin fell into his arms.

Taecyeon had stared in shock of what his little brother had said and started to cry. The rain masked and mixed with the tears running down his face. He yelled and screamed at Taemin, shaking him for being such a fool. Taemin's little body felt so cold and wet, he wouldn't open his eyes. With shaking hands he presses two fingers to Taemin's pulse on his neck.

At that moment he forgot to breathe.

Taecyeon clutches Taemin's limp body tightly, shaking with emotions running wild in his head. It's his fault, he can't return with him like this. What can he do?!

What do you want to do?” A mysterious voice had asked.

What does Taecyeon want to do? What does anyone do in his situation? What can he do to get Taemin's eyes to open and smile at him again?

Taecyeon didn't care about anything else around; not even when the rain had stopped battering him, nor when the wind stopped blowing in his face. He didn't notice that the elements didn't affect him or Taemin but affected everything else, like they were in a little pocket out of time and space. Not even noticing a wisp-like entity surrounding him and Taemin.

"What would you give?" The mysterious voice asked.

Taecyeon would give anything to bring Taemin back to him. Would do anything to turn back the clock on the way he had treated him badly. No matter how much Taemin annoys him or how his parents would ignore him, he still wants Taemin back. He would give the world to him if only Taemin would look at him.

Because there was no one else in the world who would look at Taecyeon the way Taemin does.

He doesn't know what happened after that but he wakes up in a hospital bed with Taemin in his arms, both of them warm and dried. He was shocked and relieved that he could see Taemin fine and breathing, his little chest softly moving up and down, sleeping with a peaceful expression. The adults were amazed that even unconsciously Taecyeon hadn't let go of Taemin no matter what they tried.

Taecyeon hadn't left Taemin's side, not even when Taemin finally opened his eyes and smiled brightly at him, calling his name. Taecyeon almost burst out crying on the spot as he hugged Taemin tightly, afraid he would disappear. Their parents were overjoyed on not only Taemin's recovery but Taecyeon's change in behavior.

It took a lot of coaxing for Taecyeon to finally leave Taemin's side to recover. It felt like a part of him had been left behind at the hospital with Taemin. He wanted to go back to the hospital, to Taemin, even if he has to walk a thousand miles.

Time to collect.

An ominous voice whispered to his ears, immediately bringing him back to that fateful day at the clearing. At that time, nothing had mattered to him. His body battered by the thunderstorm as he holds Taemin close, trying to share his warmth. To absorb Taemin into him.

With false bravado for someone young, he replied. “I don't know what you are talking about.

There was a pause before feeling a cold hand creeped on his shoulder.

The boy.

Taecyeon had stiffened at the action and the answer, not daring to look behind him. He tries not to react, biting his tongue, pointedly staring at his shoes so he wouldn't look at anything else.

How stubborn. But I sense potential from you.

The words startled Taecyeon to look up, finally face to face with his debt collector.

A cherub like face greets him with a smile. “Let's get along, boss.

There had been no sacrifice or rituals when Nickhun appeared, drawn to his turmoil and despair from someone so young. His soul hadn't been taken right away but the debt is still there.

Nickhun had accompanied him throughout his life; from moving to a new place, going to a new school, and starting his career. He doesn't know if all of his success had been attributed by the demon or by his own effort, even when Nickhun had joked about it in an uncaring matter. But he doesn't waste time on what if's and delusions, all he had achieved is his own.

Because Nickhun had accompanied him through a good part of his life, there is no one else that knows him better than the demon. Not even his parents or brother. Not even his classmates or his coworkers.

Because of this, Nickhun is the only one who understands of his feelings about Taemin. There's no judgment from the demon.

Don't you want to protect him and keep him by your side forever?

That's what he's already doing. He takes care of Taemin when their parents couldn't. Helps and encourages Taemin in his studies and interests. Protects and provides for Taemin with all that he needs. He even made arrangements for Taemin to live on his own for a good part of his life.

If only to have Taemin to rely only on him.

Even living isolated, Taemin unconsciously draws in annoyances. There is just so much Taecyeon can do to protect Taemin's wellbeing from those with ill intentions. The moment when Taemin get's even slightly upset, it caused an ugly feeling to turn within his guts. He got rid of Taemin's bullies and annoyances easily like swatting flies, but they just keep popping up. It felt a little more personal getting rid of things that caused his precious person to go through such pain. They were nobody, not even worth the spec of dirt on Taemin's shoes.

Because he was jealous they would have such an effect on Taemin when the only thing that matters is Taemin should only be thinking about him.

He doesn't remember who hurt Taemin's feelings or what happened but he allowed Nickhun to deal with the problem.

They were nobody.

And because of how much he cares for Taemin, Nickhun offers him a proposal.

Luckily this could work out for the both of us to get what we want. Do we have a deal, boss?



Even though only a few seconds passed when Nickhun had asked him, it felt like a lifetime had turned over in his head. And even after all that he had done, after all that he sacrificed, there is nothing to take back. No where to go back to.

Taecyeon turns to Nickhun with determined gaze. “My conscious is clear.”

Nickhun's calm facade turns mischievous, his facial features sharpens subtly towards demonic yet not outright. His eyes excited, his grin shows his sharp teeth. “Of course, boss.”

Nickhun suddenly pauses and turns his head to the door, eerily like a guard dog with ears raised.

“What's wrong?” Taecyeon asks.

Nickhun frowns. “Wooyoung. Chansung. Greet our guest.”

At the mention of those names, twin dark mists sped from behind him going through the bottom gap of the door.

It doesn't answer Taecyeon's question with how Nickhun is holding himself but it gives him a good idea of what's going on. “Will that hold him off?”

“No, which is why we need to get started,” Nickhun replies. “Or else there will be no other chances.”

Nickhun approaches the sigil, his eyes start to glow. The entire sigil is lit, surrounding the unconscious Taemin in an eerie dark light. The energy from the sigil swirls around the room, levitating Taemin inside it.

The ritual barely started when the heavy doors are blown apart. Heavy protective doors that had prevented Kai from opening and teleporting inside lied on the ground, useless and broken.

Minho stalks in with a murderous expression. Wisps of the darkness flames flickered around him and on his person. His eyes locked on Taemin whose in the ritual circle. Minho brings up his hand to shoot dark flames at it to disrupt the ritual. He didn't even take a breath when Wooyoung tries to pounce him from behind, his other hand shots up to grab Wooyoung from midair and slams him to the ground, dissipating him into his mist like state.

Chansung had rushed at Minho from the side, disrupting his attack on the ritual. His dark flames encases his body, causing Chansung to let go instinctively. Minho slams Chansung head first into the wall, dissipating him like Wooyoung.

Not wanting to waste any time Minho opts to attack not the summoning sigil but at Nickhun. The flurry attacks aimed at Nickhun did nothing as a energy barrier protects him.

Seeing the dark substance like fluid coming out of the circle and slowly encasing Taemin, Minho gets anxious. Frustrated he decides to change his target to Taecyeon, intending to use the human as a hostage to get Nickhun to desist. But it didn't work as the barrier also extended to Taecyeon.

“Tales of your prowess has run through multiple circles of Hell,” Nickhun goads. “Hell's wielder of the darkness flames; powers and cruelty unmatched. And yet I'm disappointed.”

A low growl emits from the back of Minho's throat, angered at Nickhun's words. Residue of his flames flickered out of control, matching his mood.

Before Minho attacks, Jonghyun runs in with a sword glowing brightly. “Did you really have to go on without us?”

Minho, Jonghyun, and Onew had been fighting back at the cafe. When they realized it was a distraction, Minho had disappeared without a word, leaving them behind.

Minho doesn't reply, skipping the usual barb-like wire banter shared between a demon and the angel. Not when issues are pressing at hand.

Without needing words and with unusual synchronization, both Minho and Jonghyun attack the barrier with their combined powers. The calm look on Nickhun's face turns into a frown, worried his barrier breaking under their might. And all too quickly the barrier shatters into pieces.

Not stopping even as the barrier fell, Jonghyun and Minho aims to attack Nickhun. But before any of their attacks even touch a hair on him, they were blown away by a powerful force.

Taecyeon steps forward with his hand outstretched, the cause from having blown away Jonghyun and Minho. “Did you think I would let any of you stop me?”

“What the?!” Jonghyun was shocked. “I thought he was human!”

Minho's shocked reaction is more subtle with his eyes narrowing with rage.

Taecyeon lowers the hand he used to simultaneously throw back Jonghyun and Minho, looking down at it with wonder. “Not bad.”

The shock hasn't worn off when Taecyeon instantly appears before Minho and kicks him hard. Minho couldn't react in time as his body bounces from the floor and into the far away wall.

Jonghyun quickly snapped out of it to rush to Minho's aide, both of them trying to bring Taecyeon down. But Taecyeon is fast and slippery, able to dodge and deflect attacks that would have hurt him. Heavenly chains and swords, wild dark flames of hell; none would have been able to stop Taecyeon's unmatched potential. And with just a wave he was able to throw both angel and demon across the room again.

“You should go back to where you came from,” Taecyeon says while brushing off imaginary dust from his suit. His state of being still looks impeccable. “Heaven, Hell; you are not welcomed here.”

“Do you know what you done?” Jonghyun asks. “What you are doing to both yourself and Taemin?! You won't recover what you thrown away for something as menial as wealth and power.”

“I never sacrificed what I can't afford,” Taecyeon replies. “Nor have I done so for wealth and power as I have attained those all on my own.” He looks behind him where Taemin lies in the sigil, soft and peaceful. “All I have done is for him.” He turns his attention back with determined eyes. “And I won't let you take him from me.”

“And that's why we have come to save him.”

Everyone turns to the door and in walks Onew late to the party, disheveled but his state of being is not as bad as Jonghyun and Minho who had fought with Taecyeon.

“What you feel for Taemin,” Onew says with a display of refined calmness out of place, “What you have done for him, is not love.”

In an instant Taecyeon appears before Onew with barely a space between them. But Onew wasn't intimidated, didn't so much as blink at his sudden appearance.

“You know nothing of what I feel or what I have done for Taemin,” Taecyeon growls.

“But at the cost of your humanity?” Onew asks. “This isn't what Taemin wants.”

“I am giving Taemin what he needs. I will even bring the world to his knees if only to keep him safe.” Taecyeon turns his dark eyes to Minho with a grin that could rival a devil. “Isn't that what you promised him as well but in exchange for his soul? I am keeping him safe from the likes of you!”

This had caused Minho to waver, the flame in his hand diminishes into a small flame as his resolve. As Taemin's brother, Taecyeon has all rights to protect Taemin from evil. What makes both Taecyeon and Minho different is that Minho is a demon.

I don't think it's important if you're a demon or not,” Taemin answered smiling, his laughter subsides. “Whether you're a demon, angel, or a human. As long as you're you, Minho, that's what matters."

Demon, angel, or human, in the end it doesn't matter. Taemin's words rang in his mind, able to cast away any doubts he have so that he can step forward and go home together.

This whole time he hadn't thought about anything else about Taemin. He had been worried when he felt Taemin's fear through their bond. Afraid when he can't locate Taemin through their bond. Anger when Key came running to them, explaining what happened. Rage when he sees what is being done to Taemin.

“Well I can't imagine you as Taemin's brother,” Minho spats, wearily straightening up. “Taemin always goes on about you being an the best big brother he could ever ask for. If only he knew what dark thoughts swim in that head of yours.”

The insinuation causes Taecyeon to glare. “Do not presume what you don't know, demon. He is my brother and I love him with all my heart. The world only knows how to hurt him and I'm the only one who can protect him.”

“Taemin doesn't need protecting,” Minho replies with renewed resolve, his flames blazes stronger than before. “It's not love, that's the feeling of possession. To own something – and Taemin doesn't belong to you!”

Enraged by Minho's words, Onew who was the closest to Taecyeon was instantly thrown back by an invisible force. Taecyeon's mood fluctuates with his powers as debris around him started to float uncontrollably. Jonghyun and Minho attempt to rush at him simultaneously but found their movements sluggish before they get thrown in separate directions.

Within the midst of the chaos Chanyeol and Sehun peaked behind the rubble, watching the fight. When Minho arrived, they wisely didn't attempt to fight him and stepped aside to not get in his way. They had made their escape but curiosity won them over and had sneaked back.

“Glad I'm not involved,” Sehun breathes out. “We shouldn't stick around. Let's find the others and get out of here.”

But Chanyeol didn't move from his spot, pointing at Taecyeon who is now flying in the middle of the room. “Those powers... those were Kris, Luhan, and Tao's powers!”

Sehun could barely keep up the fight, everyone is moving at a pace faster than the eye could see. Slowly he was able to pinpoint what Chanyeol was talking about. Taecyeon uses telekinesis to throw Onew into a far wall without touching him. He managed to stay in midair, dodging Minho shooting flames at him. Jonghyun's sword movements became sluggish everytime he came within Taecyeon's vicinity.

All of which had been Kris, Luhan, and Tao's powers.

“What do we do?!” Chanyeol yells as the sound of the battle drowns out his voice.

Sehun looks around wildly until he spots Nickhun, alone and unprotected. Nickhun is concentrating on the ritual for Taemin, his body halfway covered by the dark entrail of the sigil. He didn't raise his hand to protect himself as he has Taecyeon to do so.

With Taecyeon distracted, Sehun's wind powers and Chanyeol's fire powers combine with each other and aimed for Nickhun creating a fire storm. But somehow Chanyeol's powers dissipated before reaching Nickhun, leaving Sehun's powers akin to a light breeze on Nickhun's skin.

Dread seeps into Sehun's back as he slowly turns his head. He gasps when he sees Chanyeol collapse to the ground as a mist like figure solidify behind him.

“Junho, get rid of him,” Nickhun orders.

Sehun immediately propels himself away from Junho, creating a swirling like vortex to protect himself from this unknown entity. Angered, Sehun uses the air pressure around him to rocket himself straight to Nickhun, intending to take him down. Junho, along with Wooyoung from earlier appeared suddenly to stop him. Without stopping his track Sehun uses the air to shred them into pieces, back into their mist-like state.

Nickhun could not move from his spot nor stop the ritual. He was forced to move one of his hands to defend himself. The barrier he made with just one arm was barely sufficient when he had put his all into the ritual. As Sehun barrels into him mach speed using wind manipulation, Nickhun grits his teeth bracing for impact, not realizing he left himself open.

Allowing Minho to strike him with a fist encased with dark flames.

Seeing Nickhun being attacked causes Taecyeon to stumble, allowing Jonghyun the chance to slash him across his chest. Taking advantage of the opportunity Onew rushes in, using all his unnatural strength to disarm and hold Taecyeon down. Bright glowing chains shoots out from the ground, binding Taecyeon down.

With the ritual interrupted; Taemin is dropped to the ground. The dark substance encasing Taemin receded. The sigil stopped glowing and the barrier protecting it dissipated.

“We did it...” Onew breathes out with a huge smile. “We beat him.”

Jonghyun drops to the ground with a tired sigh. “Great.”

Sehun gasps for breath, clutching his knees. He gave a slight nod at Minho before hurriedly goes to where Chanyeol is.

“No!” Taceyeon curses, struggling against the chains that were wrapped around him. “What have you done?!”

“We stopped you,” Jonghyun replies. “Whatever you have done to Taemin didn't work. We saved him from you.”

“Saved him?!” Taecyeon snarls, baring his teeth. “I'm trying to save him from all of you! I won't let any of you have him, especially that demon! I won't let you take Taemin away! Not his body or his soul!”

Nickhun lies on the ground, clutching his side. He tries to get up but Minho digged his foot on Nickhun's back, intending to keep him down. Nickhun could only bared his bloody teeth at Minho with a angry smile. "You're gonna regret this."

Minho glares down at Nickhun lying on the ground, making sure he is down for good before looking over at the sigil. Taemin is still unconscious but he is safe and sound. The sigil is unlit and passive.

Unconsciously he lets out a rare smile as he closes the distance to Taemin. The closer he gets to Taemin, the more his body feels lighter like something is unraveling in his chest.

Happy they managed to stop the ritual. Happy Taemin is safe and sound.

To return home together.

Suddenly dark substance shoots up from the ground and the wild energy from the sigil came back full renewal with vengeance. It was powerful enough to push Minho away from the circle, away from Taemin.


Minho's eyes widen when the dark substance creeps and encased Taemin's whole being at a faster rate than before. He struggles to get to him but the energy keeps him away. Jonghyun and Onew are also struggling against the dark forces preventing them from reaching him. Like battling a storm with Taemin in the eye of it.

Minho yells above the chaos, the noise nearly drowns out his voice. “Taemin!”

Within the circle Taemin finally opens his eyes, now awake. His eyes wide as he takes in his surroundings and on himself, encased in dark substance all over his body, from the soles of his feet to his face. His wide eyes look into the direction of Minho and Taecyeon, afraid.


That's all Taemin got to say before he was plunged into the dark abyss until not a hair is left in him. Minho lets out a rage-like scream, dark flames burst from his body wildly, anguish over the one he lost.



Thanks for reading! Upvotes, comments, share, and subscribe is much appreciated. Don't forget to check out the link of my Key doodle. One last chapter and then an epilogue, hopefully next month. See you next time!

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
747 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1378 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏